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Why so much ESxx hate?


Injustice Needs To stoP
Feb 19, 2015
Instinctual Variant
What is it with you and ESxx hate, anyway--have you even met people of each ESxx type in the first place?
I have a lifelong history of being bullied by ES types, and even when they're not bullying me, I'm still surrounded by them! They laugh all of the time, and they yell all of the time, and I'm the quiet guy with sensitive ears that has to take their shit everyday, if I want to or not. Even worse, they do it for NO REASON!!! If they have no reason to commit, I have no reason to tolerate.

You will probably never hear me be this forward again, but I implore you to take your crap stereotypes off this site.
Well "I'm sorry" for treating dogs like, umm... dogs?! I'm a cat. Now let's see how far you get throwing a stick for me to fetch. I won't move an inch, unless I roll my eyes, wondering how you could possibly be so naïve. Stereotypes exist for a reason. Because they're relatively true. Let alone the fact that MBTI sorts everyone out into 16 different stereotypes!

It's sick and not right.
You want to cure it? Yes, go on. I'll shut up and you can hide reality from everyone you want. Accept it. The world isn't a beautiful place, and not everybody can get along. There are cliques in every class. There are teams in every sport. There are clans in every realm, and they exist because they get along with each other, but not with the others.

And HOW is it not right? Right = justice, and justice =/= morals. Rational revenge* is the purest form of justice. I believe, if someone killed another person, he deserves to die. If one gives another a gift, he deserves to recieve one himself.

*Rational revenge, is taking revenge on someone for the sake of them experiencing the same pain you, or someone else has experienced, irrelevant of if you personally like or hate the person.

By the way, stereotyping is deliberate stupidity. Just saying.
Yeess, MBTI is bullshit, and Carl Jung is an idiot. Riiight...


May 15, 2014
Why do people hate ESxx? Because ESxx hate us. Doesn't get simpler than that...

I agree with this.

The personality differences between an INxx and a ESxx are often so great that we simply cannot comprehend each other. This can lead to a great deal of miscontent. My mother and brother just can't understand me, my way of perceiving the world, habits and lifestyle. This would be fine if they didn't judge me all the time for my decisions, but they do. I have never understood the relationship pairing aspect to typology: from what I've observed, most people tend to gravitate towards somebody like themselves, not unlike.

INxx types probably feel misunderstood by their families and peers a good deal of the time, because we just are different. Depending on the circumstance, it can be a blessing or a curse.


New member
Mar 22, 2015
I have a lifelong history of being bullied by ES types, and even when they're not bullying me, I'm still surrounded by them! They laugh all of the time, and they yell all of the time, and I'm the quiet guy with sensitive ears that has to take their shit everyday, if I want to or not. Even worse, they do it for NO REASON!!! If they have no reason to commit, I have no reason to tolerate.

Well "I'm sorry" for treating dogs like, umm... dogs?! I'm a cat. Now let's see how far you get throwing a stick for me to fetch. I won't move an inch, unless I roll my eyes, wondering how you could possibly be so naïve. Stereotypes exist for a reason. Because they're relatively true. Let alone the fact that MBTI sorts everyone out into 16 different stereotypes!

You want to cure it? Yes, go on. I'll shut up and you can hide reality from everyone you want. Accept it. The world isn't a beautiful place, and not everybody can get along. There are cliques in every class. There are teams in every sport. There are clans in every realm, and they exist because they get along with each other, but not with the others.

And HOW is it not right? Right = justice, and justice =/= morals. Rational revenge* is the purest form of justice. I believe, if someone killed another person, he deserves to die. If one gives another a gift, he deserves to recieve one himself.

*Rational revenge, is taking revenge on someone for the sake of them experiencing the same pain you, or someone else has experienced, irrelevant of if you personally like or hate the person.

Yeess, MBTI is bullshit, and Carl Jung is an idiot. Riiight...

I'm very sorry you've had some bad experiences with some ESxxs. You seem quite upset about it, and I sympathize with your pain. However, you cannot judge a type by some of your own personal experiences. I was bullied ruthlessly by guys with flippy hair when I was in seventh grade. Was I a bit shy around flippy-haired guys years afterwards? Yes. Did I assume that all guys with flippy hair were cruel jerks? No. Again, I am deeply sorry for all that you've gone through with persons of that type. :(

I don't agree with your concept of rational revenge. I believe in the goodness of humans--that everyone deserves love and respect, regardless of any act they've committed in the past. Justice and consequences should ensue, yes, but love and mercy should always follow. I don't personally see that much good in the "eye for an eye" attitude. Sometimes, somebody has to extend the arm of kindness and bridge the gap. But then, we're probably at an impasse here, as your worldview is most likely completely different from mine.

A lot of your reply is very emotionally-charged ad hominem. In general, I really recommend avoiding it. And believe me, you still have much to learn and experience--as do I. I wouldn't write any impressions in stone, especially not at this point in life.


Suave y Fuerte
Oct 9, 2014
Instinctual Variant
I'm pretty sure Klinger from M*A*S*H is an ESFP. And I adore that weirdo. So there.

Also, for the record, just because INs and ESs don't always understand each other, that doesn't mean they have to hate each other. That's just absurd.
Jul 24, 2008
Instinctual Variant
[MENTION=24238]RandomINTP[/MENTION], how do you know they were ES types? Pretty much any type can be a bully, not just ES' s.


Poking the poodle
Apr 6, 2015
Instinctual Variant
True ES types don't even know/like MBTI.

So you think you know better than every single self typed ES type on this site what their type truly is? Because that seems to be the only explanation for this statement, considering there are several ES types on this site. Doesn't make much sense, does it? But I would be very interested to hear your highly logical explanation, which I am assuming will include reasoning for mistypes if that is your theory. I suppose you could always go with, ya know, what actually seems to make sense-that while there is more correlation with interest in MBTI types amonst INXX's there are reasons for ESXX's to leave their shells of normality and develop an interest beyond their noses. You know, because they have free will and are not competely devised of just one singular blanket overgeneralization. Or maybe it's beyond me, teach me oh wise 'self typed' INTP.

ESFJs are so concerned with their social life, they wouldn't bother with MBTI.
"I can't waste time on this, I gotta hang out with my friends!"

Oh yeah you must be talking about [MENTION=19948]Showbread[/MENTION], what a vapid ignorant ESFJ. Doesn't have to thoughts to rub together, has to rely on taking those from friends. Don't know HOW she got to be a moderator or why she would even want to be one, I mean it isn't like she could ever have any interests of her own, or ever do as good of a job as she is doing if she was something as lowly as an ESFJ.

ESTJs would see it as pointless, time consuming, and ridiculous.
"How is this useless garbage gonna help me in life?"

Oh even worse, the ESTJ. The big bully who just sets out to destroy everything that they touch, and wreck havoc on the world. Obviously there is nothing more to them besides being a meaner version of the ESFJ, hell they aren't even people, they are robots who when shown MBTI or any other theory! They can't generate their own thoughts, right [MENTION=4945]EJCC[/MENTION]? You just run along working hard all day, editing, organizing, and moving along the ranks so fast that you get whiplash with how fast you past the world by. Who cares about any achievement you might have, how good of a job you might be doing, it is obviously only because you have pushed down some lowly INXX type to get to the top-you definately didn't earn it by any real merit of your own individual person.

ESTPs enjoy mainstream sports. Unknown psychology would bore them.
"What the hell is this? This is so abnormal..."

Hm I don't actually know any ESTPs on this site well enough to name. Must be because they are all to busy shooting themselves out of cannons 24/7, and beating up all the nerdy and abnormal INXX's. You know, because they have no TOLERANCE. No ability to see past anything that does not fit their own understanding, to accept individual differences, or to explore what they all mean, so they obviously resort to stereotypes... *Huh*?

ESFPs would get bored of the lack of stimulation and get impatient.
"This is boring... I wanna party. OMG, are we done yet?"

I'm gunna go with [MENTION=17131]Chanaynay[/MENTION], ya know encourage his shifts in typing, give him a bit of a pat on the back... (Yay yay, Chanaynay!) Well after I satirically kick his newly and supposedly/possibly temporary 'ESFP' ass. Though he probably will lose the patience to finish reading this halfway through, and instead will grab a microphone out of his obsessive collection of stage memorabilia-(ya know after he chucks his singular cobweb overridden book about the MBTI accross the room), and sing a song about how absolutely stupid the MBTI is and how he cannot afford to think about anything beyond his next night out.

How I hate the MBTI
I cannot think deep enough to question why
I might be different from that nerdy guy
He must be dumb, I must be high
That is easier than understanding the MBTI

That's what I hate most about ES types. Deliberate stupidity.

Really? Well, you still seem young...


Injustice Needs To stoP
Feb 19, 2015
Instinctual Variant
You can't speak for an entire type.
I certainly can, and I certainly will.

You're not the INxx spokesperson, nor are you the psychic who can enter the brain of all ESxx types who have ever lived.
In math, physics and in chemistry, everything makes sense. It can be understood. I can only understand what makes sense. ESxx types are irrational, and that's why I don't understand them.

You can't generalize a group like that.
You can't individualize a group like that. If it wasn't generalized, it wouldn't be a group, but rather a lot of individual people. No. They work together and function as if they were one. What's a lead singer without a guitarist and a drummer? Just a lead singer. But as a band, they are whole, and they are one.

To be honest, I don't know why you're barging into this thread just to make it all about you.
That is baseless conjecture. It's about ESxx types, and I just comment alot because there is alot to say. Also, what do you expect when you ask me personal questions about myself?


New member
Mar 22, 2015
I agree with this.

The personality differences between an INxx and a ESxx are often so great that we simply cannot comprehend each other. This can lead to a great deal of miscontent. My mother and brother just can't understand me, my way of perceiving the world, habits and lifestyle. This would be fine if they didn't judge me all the time for my decisions, but they do. I have never understood the relationship pairing aspect to typology: from what I've observed, most people tend to gravitate towards somebody like themselves, not unlike.

INxx types probably feel misunderstood by their families and peers a good deal of the time, because we just are different. Depending on the circumstance, it can be a blessing or a curse.

I agree with you in that there are a lot of misunderstandings out there. However, I would avoid using vast generalizations or strong words like "hate." Because I don't think the hating thing is necessarily true. Misunderstanding? Yes, I can say so. Hatred? That seems a little extreme. Additionally, there are some ESxxs who really understand INxxs, and vice versa. I would say, "Some ESxxs misunderstand INxxs, and therefore that can create a rift."

Just sayin'. :shrug:


New member
Mar 22, 2015
I certainly can, and I certainly will.

In math, physics and in chemistry, everything makes sense. It can be understood. I can only understand what makes sense. ESxx types are irrational, and that's why I don't understand them.

You can't individualize a group like that. If it wasn't generalized, it wouldn't be a group, but rather a lot of individual people. No. They work together and function as if they were one. What's a lead singer without a guitarist and a drummer? Just a lead singer. But as a band, they are whole, and they are one.

That is baseless conjecture. It's about ESxx types, and I just comment alot because there is alot to say. Also, what do you expect when you ask me personal questions about myself?

I'm not going to address all the fallacies in here. It would only lead to an endless debate. A lot of your posts have had the same theme: stereotypes. There's nothing more I can really say here, because I don't expect that we'll find any common ground anyway. You seem like a very smart individual with a great capacity for knowledge; I urge you to take advantage of that.


Suave y Fuerte
Oct 9, 2014
Instinctual Variant
True ES types don't even know/like MBTI.
I'm curious as to how you explain the ESxxs on this forum.

Also, I know you don't want to hear this, but your prejudice against ES types is not based on logic. It stems from a very emotional bias based on a few personal experiences. But you're young, so I'm hoping you'll grow out of it in time.


Injustice Needs To stoP
Feb 19, 2015
Instinctual Variant
So you think you know better than every single self typed ES type on this site what their types truly are? Because that seems to be the only explanation for this statement, considering there are several ES types on this site.

Oh yeah you must be talking about [MENTION=19948]Showbread[/MENTION], what a vapid ignorant ESFJ. Doesn't have to thoughts to rub together, has to rely on taking those from friends. Don't know HOW she got to be a moderator or why she would even want to be one, I mean it isn't like she could ever have any interests of her own, or ever do as good of a job as she is doing if she was something as lowly as an ESFJ.

Oh even worse, the ESTJ. The big bully who just sets out to destroy everything that they touch, and wreck havoc on the world. Obviously there is nothing more to them besides being a meaner version of the ESFJ, hell they aren't even people, they are robots who when shown MBTI or any other theory! They can't generate their own thoughts, right [MENTION=4945]EJCC[/MENTION]? You just run along working hard all day, editing, organizing, and moving along the ranks so fast that you get whiplash with how fast you past the world by. Who cares about any achievement you might have, how good of a job you might be doing, it is obviously only because you have pushed down some lowly INXX type to get to the top-you definately didn't earn it by any real merit of your own individual person.

Hm I don't actually know any ESTPs on this site well enough to name. Must be because they are all to busy shooting themselves out of cannons 24/7, and beating up all the nerdy and abnormal INXX's. You know, because they have no TOLERANCE. No ability to see past anything that does not fit their own understanding, to accept individual differences, or to explore what they all mean, so they obviously resort to stereotypes... *Huh*?

I'm gunna go with [MENTION=17131]Chanaynay[/MENTION], ya know encourage his shifts in typing, give him a bit of a pat on the back... (Yay yay, Chanaynay!) Well after I satirically kick his newly and supposedly/possibly temporary 'ESFP' ass. Though he probably will lose the patience to finish reading this halfway through, and instead will grab a microphone out of his obsessive collection of stage memorabilia-(ya know after he chucks his singular cobweb overridden book about the MBTI accross the room), and sing a song about how absolutely stupid the MBTI is and how he cannot afford to think about anything beyond his next night out.

How I hate the MBTI
I cannot think deep enough to question why
I might be different from that nerdy guy
He must be dumb, I must be high
That is easier than understanding the MBTI

That's what I hate most about ES types. Deliberate stupidity.


Woah, that sounds like a declaration of war!

If they ban you for this, you better see it coming. You're on thin ice. Don't you think if everything you have said was true, they would infract or ban you in an instant?! You have to understand, that they wield authority like a sword and it's a power to be reckoned with.

On the other hand, I'm essentially saying, if he gets infracted, banned, or the message gets deleted, you prove him right. I propose that the message should rather be edited in an order that only the personal insults could be taken out, if at all, and the rest of it is really just his personal opinion, which doesn't actually break the rules. Please don't ban him, or similar. He has a point and I'd like for everyone interested in this topic to be able to read it.
Thank you for reading.


Suave y Fuerte
Oct 9, 2014
Instinctual Variant
Woah, that sounds like a declaration of war!

If they ban you for this, you better see it coming. You're on thin ice. Don't you think if everything you have said was true, they would infract or ban you in an instant?! You have to understand, that they wield authority like a sword and it's a power to be reckoned with.

On the other hand, I'm essentially saying, if he gets infracted, banned, or the message gets deleted, you prove him right. I propose that the message should rather be edited in an order that only the personal insults could be taken out, if at all, and the rest of it is really just his personal opinion, which doesn't actually break the rules. Please don't ban him, or similar. He has a point and I'd like for everyone interested in this topic to be able to read it.
Thank you for reading.
Sarcasm isn't your strong suit, is it?

Frosty was being deliberately facetious. She doesn't think Showbread or EJCC or Chanaynay are stupid at all. She was demonstrating the inanity of assuming all ES types are stupid.


Poking the poodle
Apr 6, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Yeah, I'm really not that concerned, but I am *touched* by your worry, if a bit disappointed in what you took away from what I said.


Nov 23, 2012
Instinctual Variant
ESxx vs INxx war - LET'S GO!

PUT EM UP [MENTION=23115]BadOctopus[/MENTION] (ง'̀-'́)ง


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2007
to all ESxx types do you want to get married?

I'm sorry i don't want to marry you i just felt you being hated, its not you. its marriage.


Injustice Needs To stoP
Feb 19, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Sarcasm isn't your strong suit, is it?

Frosty was being deliberately facetious. She doesn't think Showbread or EJCC or Chanaynay are stupid at all. She was demonstrating the inanity of assuming all ES types are stupid.

Too bad... I would have loved to see a war break out between [MENTION=24643]Frosty6226[/MENTION] and the mods. I thought he finally did what others didn't have the guts to do. Just as bad as when your least favorite Game of Thrones character almost dies but then still survives... You guys are no fun. :(


Jul 3, 2014
Instinctual Variant
Extraverted Sensing is godliness.

Almost every major religion since its establishment has recognized such.

Its cultural perception is a sad caricature of what the function represents.

Newton said that space is the sensorium of God.


The Devil of TypoC
Aug 29, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Yeah, not going to rehash all my previous discussions with RandomINTP, because my prior comments still stand. I, Showbread, and many other extroverted sensors, remain excellent forum counterexamples to his points here.

It's worth noting, though, that there is no perfect personality theory, and there are exceptions to every rule. Reading any MBTI description as infallible would be completely missing the point.


Poking the poodle
Apr 6, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Type wars! Oh god no... This is why I do not identify with a type. Cuz I gots da foresite tah sea thes crap coming. But I'm prepared. I can just sit by, read a book, and watch half the population destroy themselves. Live amongst the ISXX's and the ENXX's. Hide myself away, be Switzerland.

And ES vs IN's... Well let's just say that while both sides have some pretty strong fighters if we are going to revert to stereotypes... one side (ESXX's hint hint), have a pretty significant numbers advantage. Seems a bit of a suicide mission.

Though I suppose if both sides started gathering recruits from the other types, maybe it wouldn't be a total massacre. This could be interesting...but yeah no interest in being the general.