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Mistyped TypeCentral Members

Peter Deadpan

phallus impudicus
Dec 14, 2016
2 over 4 in my tritype? whhhaaaaaaaat? :wubbie:

Why? Seems to me that a significant portion of your identity is derived from being unlike everyone else. I also see more withdrawn heart energy than prideful or compliant, although I will say I've never seen you be reactive.


New member
Jul 26, 2014
[MENTION=34448]Sacrophagus[/MENTION] - ENFJ (tryhard)
[MENTION=34350]Norexan[/MENTION] - ESFP (tryhard)


Mastermind Fieldmarshal
Jul 11, 2017
[MENTION=34448]Sacrophagus[/MENTION] - ENFJ (tryhard)
[MENTION=34350]Norexan[/MENTION] - ESFP (tryhard)

Hum. Your wording. I'm not sure if I should laugh at you or pity you.

Come back when you're all grown up and can back up the important without looking like a buffoon, and then we'll talk.


New member
Jul 26, 2014
Hum. Your wording. I'm not sure if I should laugh at you or pity you.

Come back when you're all grown up and can back up the important without looking like a buffoon, and then we'll talk.

Sacrophagus, you are an ENFJ because you live in a world of personal implications. For example, in your response to me, you focus on how you "should" express yourself to me on a level, and you fixate on the personal optics of my behavior. Rather than trying to adhere to a social script of how they "should" respond, ENTJs simply respond in the way they find most reasonable. You are not one of them.

You're no dear to me, fool.

Do not fucking forget. I am stronger and more powerful than I am your charming and witty friend. I take no prisoners when it comes to justice. Your asking for mercy will not save you from me. Do your best, I stand proud and I will gladly bleed and die standing. But until it is necessary for me to fight back, here I am, watching, waiting, and hoping you will redeem yourself before I come to play.

Old friend, you have despised yourself by wounding, robbing, and disowning the very hands of those who promoted you. You've become too greedy, too ambitious for your own good, and that will mark your fall from grace. I see your bane right in front of me. This is not the path we promised ourselves to take. For mere months in my absence you have let wretchedness reap your heart, superficial grievances consume your mind. You have failed yourself. You are one of them now.
Good riddance after what you've done.

The whispers of people who disliked you when you were something are now strident waves of voracious noises that carry your scandals. You gained the favors of insidious, petty , and frivolous men, and you've lost the support of your allies. I vowed to be your ally when you have none, but if the voice of reason cannot reach you, I will be the one to take you down in court. You know you cannot stop that from happening. I will bury you with my own hands.

May God be with your family. I pity them for loving you. I pity myself for having faith in you.

Fate played its cards, and I have no room for regrets.

I am silent and mentally ready. Calm I seem, but wrath is consuming me. I will dissolve it somehow. I will.

Until then,

See you when I see you, friend.

Pure interpersonal drama.


Mastermind Fieldmarshal
Jul 11, 2017
Sacrophagus, you are an ENFJ because you live in a world of personal implications. For example, in your response to me, you focus on how you "should" express yourself to me on a level, and you fixate on the personal optics of my behavior. Rather than trying to adhere to a social script of how they "should" respond, ENTJs simply respond in the way they find most reasonable.You are not one of them.

You're wrong.

State your case in congruity no matter what your style or language is, make a point -something you did not- and I will honor its content. The additional inanities, I can do without them.

I also don't adhere to any "Them" nor do I care.

Pure interpersonal drama.

Concerning the interpersonal drama, I am one who has his own moral code, and my moral code is absolute. I will express betrayal and other things when I see fit, the way I see fit. The illusion that caring about such things is within the realm of SF or NF is laughable.

I know myself best, but you remain entitled to your own opinion. Though, matters of the self that have no concrete relevance or immediate significance should not be up for debate. A fruitless endeavor, really.

Thank you for the input.


New member
Jul 26, 2014
You're wrong.

State your case in congruity no matter what your style or language is, make a point -something you did not- and I will honor its content. The additional inanities, I can do without them.

I also don't adhere to any "Them" nor do I care.

Concerning the interpersonal drama, I am one who has his own moral code, and my moral code is absolute. I will express betrayal and other things when I see fit, the way I see fit. The illusion that caring about such things is within the realm of SF or NF is laughable.

I know myself best, but you remain entitled to your own opinion. Though, matters of the self that have no concrete relevance or immediate significance should not be up for debate. A fruitless endeavor, really.

Thank you for the input.

Fair enough. :) :heart:


Jul 2, 2017
Instinctual Variant
[MENTION=34448]Sacrophagus[/MENTION] - ENFJ (tryhard)
[MENTION=34350]Norexan[/MENTION] - ESFP (tryhard)

Ме? Sensation? Buahahahahaha.... :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2014
[MENTION=34448]Sacrophagus[/MENTION] - ENFJ (tryhard)
[MENTION=34350]Norexan[/MENTION] - ESFP (tryhard)

You know, it wouldn't surprise me much if you were right on both counts. :p

(though I haven't done the analysis myself and can't right now, but each read "vibes" as reasonable)

Shadow Play

New member
Oct 28, 2018
[MENTION=6723]phobik[/MENTION] I doubt you're an ESTJ. For starters, 5w4 is a highly unusual Enneatype for an ESTJ - not impossible, but improbable to the point of rarity. In addition, your signature doesn't seem like the sort of attitude towards music I'd expect from an ESTJ, because you're emphasising an abstract link between its effects and mental state, as opposed to fixating on form, style, and presentation. That, and it points to a sort of internalisation of mental state I consider characteristic of introversion.

Then there's the content of what you post. Now, don't take any of this as judgement of what you say, because it's not; it's only observation. Disregarding the improbability of an ESTJ even posting on a typology forum in the first place, I'd expect an ESTJ would have some sort of objective or 'mission' when communicating with others through such a medium. For instance, if they were posting on a political forum, they would actively seek to proselytise their views and think of those who thought otherwise as either misguided or wrong, if not 'evil' (although that might be a stronger term than is necessary). "But this isn't a political forum", you might say, but that would miss the point of seeking to make one's interactions serve some wider purpose. I don't see that in the content of what you post. You don't take yourself seriously, and you don't actively seek to convert others or actively promote any particular viewpoint. You have an irreverent, laid-back approach.

I suspect that if you were to take an MBTI test in unbiased "shoes off" mode, you would test as an INTP. However, I'm not telling you you're wrong to type yourself as an ESTJ even though I doubt you are one. I don't believe there is such a thing as a "one true type" which everyone should be shoehorned into, and nor do I believe that types should be applied prescriptively in such a way where you mould your actions in accordance with your assigned type. Besides, you know yourself better than anyone. I mostly wrote this post as a way of getting my thoughts out there, and maybe they might be of use, somehow.


Active member
Oct 4, 2016
Disregarding the improbability of an ESTJ even posting on a typology forum in the first place, I'd expect an ESTJ would have some sort of objective or 'mission' when communicating with others through such a medium. For instance, if they were posting on a political forum, they would actively seek to proselytise their views and think of those who thought otherwise as either misguided or wrong, if not 'evil' (although that might be a stronger term than is necessary). "But this isn't a political forum", you might say, but that would miss the point of seeking to make one's interactions serve some wider purpose. I don't see that in the content of what you post. You don't take yourself seriously, and you don't actively seek to convert others or actively promote any particular viewpoint. You have an irreverent, laid-back approach.
Interesting. Why is it uncommon for sensors to be on typology forums? I always hear this but never understand why people hold this view. I've seen many sensors out there discussing their types and the types of others. And yes, there's probably a part to this argument I'm missing. Go ahead and correct me.


Active member
May 5, 2007
[MENTION=6723]phobik[/MENTION] I doubt you're an ESTJ. For starters, 5w4 is a highly unusual Enneatype for an ESTJ - not impossible, but improbable to the point of rarity. In addition, your signature doesn't seem like the sort of attitude towards music I'd expect from an ESTJ, because you're emphasising an abstract link between its effects and mental state, as opposed to fixating on form, style, and presentation. That, and it points to a sort of internalisation of mental state I consider characteristic of introversion.

Then there's the content of what you post. Now, don't take any of this as judgement of what you say, because it's not; it's only observation. Disregarding the improbability of an ESTJ even posting on a typology forum in the first place, I'd expect an ESTJ would have some sort of objective or 'mission' when communicating with others through such a medium. For instance, if they were posting on a political forum, they would actively seek to proselytise their views and think of those who thought otherwise as either misguided or wrong, if not 'evil' (although that might be a stronger term than is necessary). "But this isn't a political forum", you might say, but that would miss the point of seeking to make one's interactions serve some wider purpose. I don't see that in the content of what you post. You don't take yourself seriously, and you don't actively seek to convert others or actively promote any particular viewpoint. You have an irreverent, laid-back approach.

I suspect that if you were to take an MBTI test in unbiased "shoes off" mode, you would test as an INTP. However, I'm not telling you you're wrong to type yourself as an ESTJ even though I doubt you are one. I don't believe there is such a thing as a "one true type" which everyone should be shoehorned into, and nor do I believe that types should be applied prescriptively in such a way where you mould your actions in accordance with your assigned type. Besides, you know yourself better than anyone. I mostly wrote this post as a way of getting my thoughts out there, and maybe they might be of use, somehow.

I thank you for making me laugh this hard so shortly after logging in.

Peter Deadpan

phallus impudicus
Dec 14, 2016
[MENTION=6723]phobik[/MENTION] I doubt you're an ESTJ. For starters, 5w4 is a highly unusual Enneatype for an ESTJ - not impossible, but improbable to the point of rarity. In addition, your signature doesn't seem like the sort of attitude towards music I'd expect from an ESTJ, because you're emphasising an abstract link between its effects and mental state, as opposed to fixating on form, style, and presentation. That, and it points to a sort of internalisation of mental state I consider characteristic of introversion.

Then there's the content of what you post. Now, don't take any of this as judgement of what you say, because it's not; it's only observation. Disregarding the improbability of an ESTJ even posting on a typology forum in the first place, I'd expect an ESTJ would have some sort of objective or 'mission' when communicating with others through such a medium. For instance, if they were posting on a political forum, they would actively seek to proselytise their views and think of those who thought otherwise as either misguided or wrong, if not 'evil' (although that might be a stronger term than is necessary). "But this isn't a political forum", you might say, but that would miss the point of seeking to make one's interactions serve some wider purpose. I don't see that in the content of what you post. You don't take yourself seriously, and you don't actively seek to convert others or actively promote any particular viewpoint. You have an irreverent, laid-back approach.

I suspect that if you were to take an MBTI test in unbiased "shoes off" mode, you would test as an INTP. However, I'm not telling you you're wrong to type yourself as an ESTJ even though I doubt you are one. I don't believe there is such a thing as a "one true type" which everyone should be shoehorned into, and nor do I believe that types should be applied prescriptively in such a way where you mould your actions in accordance with your assigned type. Besides, you know yourself better than anyone. I mostly wrote this post as a way of getting my thoughts out there, and maybe they might be of use, somehow.

Do me.


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2014
Interesting. Why is it uncommon for sensors to be on typology forums? I always hear this but never understand why people hold this view. I've seen many sensors out there discussing their types and the types of others. And yes, there's probably a part to this argument I'm missing. Go ahead and correct me.

Typology is a theoretical discipline that (currently?) appeals predominantly to intuitives.

I don't think Sensors are quite as rare on typology forums as I thought previously, but I still think they're an easy minority on this platform.


Also, I suspect that internet forums in general might appeal especially to certain types like INFJ, but on a forum with a more Sensor-oriented topic the numbers could very well be skewed in the opposite direction.


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2014
I still think that your typing method is HEAVILY biased in favour of N-doms.

Based on what? The method I use (post analysis) applies equally well to any type, except that I have more experience with certain types* and so can "pick it" more easily (e.g. if they happen to be INFJ).

The bias mostly comes into play if I don't have a clear read and go for a heuristic of "what's most likely?", which I admit is not an overly valid way to go about it, and I should just say "I don't have a clear read".

* in the case with you, I don't actually have experience doing reads** of ENTPs, and I don't think there was any/much bias with it

** post analysis reads that is; visually I could easily link you to my experiential impression of what an ENTP tends to look like


Super Moderator
Staff member
Feb 16, 2011
[MENTION=6723]phobik[/MENTION] I doubt you're an ESTJ. For starters, 5w4 is a highly unusual Enneatype for an ESTJ - not impossible, but improbable to the point of rarity. In addition, your signature doesn't seem like the sort of attitude towards music I'd expect from an ESTJ, because you're emphasising an abstract link between its effects and mental state, as opposed to fixating on form, style, and presentation. That, and it points to a sort of internalisation of mental state I consider characteristic of introversion.

Then there's the content of what you post. Now, don't take any of this as judgement of what you say, because it's not; it's only observation. Disregarding the improbability of an ESTJ even posting on a typology forum in the first place, I'd expect an ESTJ would have some sort of objective or 'mission' when communicating with others through such a medium. For instance, if they were posting on a political forum, they would actively seek to proselytise their views and think of those who thought otherwise as either misguided or wrong, if not 'evil' (although that might be a stronger term than is necessary). "But this isn't a political forum", you might say, but that would miss the point of seeking to make one's interactions serve some wider purpose. I don't see that in the content of what you post. You don't take yourself seriously, and you don't actively seek to convert others or actively promote any particular viewpoint. You have an irreverent, laid-back approach.

I suspect that if you were to take an MBTI test in unbiased "shoes off" mode, you would test as an INTP. However, I'm not telling you you're wrong to type yourself as an ESTJ even though I doubt you are one. I don't believe there is such a thing as a "one true type" which everyone should be shoehorned into, and nor do I believe that types should be applied prescriptively in such a way where you mould your actions in accordance with your assigned type. Besides, you know yourself better than anyone. I mostly wrote this post as a way of getting my thoughts out there, and maybe they might be of use, somehow.

In light of new typing information, as the majority leader for the INTP delegation, we'd like to formally request a trade with the INTJ delegation, in which we will trade the rights to [MENTION=6723]phobik[/MENTION] in exchange for [MENTION=4347]Virtual ghost[/MENTION] and two future first round type picks.


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2014
I'm not speaking about myself, but in general, when typing others, I've seen that you tend to read too many things as N. I've seen clear examples of sensors that you'd still read as N doms, neither auxiliary N, but exclusively N doms.

I'll provide you an example when I have the time.

If you're referring to when I try to base things off of descriptions, and not to my post-analysis method, then that's different, because that's not really my preferred way of reading, and I don't think I can accurately assess someone that way.


Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant
In light of new typing information, as the majority leader for the INTP delegation, we'd like to formally request a trade with the INTJ delegation, in which we will trade the rights to [MENTION=6723]phobik[/MENTION] in exchange for [MENTION=4347]Virtual ghost[/MENTION] and two future first round type picks.

Delegation? Are we playing against each other in the Olympics? Or like the UN or something? (If it's the former, can we make badminton an official sport?)