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Mistyped TypeCentral Members


Aug 28, 2008
- I work for a system I don't like as well, but that doesn't mean I don't critique it and offer suggestions. I guess the difference is, I view myself as cooperating with the system rather than being in the system.

So you're saying you feel like you're visiting the jail rather than being inside of it. Whereas, it is more pragmatic to say 'You are technically inside of the jail even if you are only a visitor. You're not a prisoner, you can leave if you want, but to say you aren't in jail at all isn't practical.' This is the way I see it. I do NOT cooperate with the system all the time.. I work within it. I don't follow all of the rules to a T, I just need to know what they are so that I know where the weaknesses are. This is just part of being an adult. You have to know what you have to work with.. You cannot cooperate with a system without playing a role in it. You ARE in the system, even if you don't want to be. You still have to realize that the entire fucked up system of healthcare in America is STILL affecting you even if you don't get sick and need the doctors much. You are in that system whether you choose to be or not. (Though, theoretically, you 'choose' to be in it since you're living here.)

while I have no qualms about contributing my fair share of the work load agreed upon for my wages, it doesn't mean I feel responsible the results of the system as a whole unless it has to do with my position specifically (say, if I am the store manager rather than the cashier). I don't believe anyone has a moral responsibility to anything until they agree to it (for instance, deciding to have kids, agreeing to do a certain job or paying taxes because you have chosen to take advantage of government funded services)

This is false though.. You ARE contributing to the system. You don't just 'get a pay check and do your job'. You are also contributing to taxes, the tax system, the corporate system, OSHA regulations, etc. So, unless you say, "Hey, citizens, I am suddenly interested in the environment and will not litter." you don't think anyone is obligated to clean up after themselves? Which, is honestly at least a little understandable.. But to say you only acknowledge things that immediately affect you and that you actively participate in is a bit childish. I think people have obligations that they don't even agree to. We have laws, and even if you don't like those laws, you're under their umbrella. There are litter laws in place even if you didn't start to care about the environment.

It's really, really hard as an adult to just 'opt out' of things and still function in society. I don't at all like the gender bias of society, but it is hard to opt out of it in my job. I didn't join the army just to be told I can't get any cool jobs... but I didn't just rebel and say "Your system sucks! Go home Army, you're drunk!" and throw away my shot at an education just because of that.

- in other words, you are a soldier; I am a mercenary. objectively, I can see the benefit of social unity (it makes things go smoother and alliances last longer), I can even understand how, on an emotional/spiritual level such unity can be deeply fulfilling for some people, but it's not for me. my contributions to society are going to be more indirect as the system itself is, in my mind, a means rather than an ends. while I believe both of our worldviews relating to society are mature, yours are mature in a more supergo STJ-ish fashion while mine are mature in more an Id NFP/NTJ-ish fashion

Unity affects us all because we live in society. You could certainly opt to get rid of your internet, electricity, and get REALLY fulfilled by being alone and outside of this pathetic excuse for a working society. But that isn't really convenient for people. And that is what I mean. It's cool to say you're a mercenary, just opting into the jobs 'you want', but that's not REALLY how mercenary work goes. Desert Punk is a more accurate description of it. You do EVERY job that comes your way, whether it's glamorous or not. Whether it's what you saw yourself doing with your life, or not.

The world is STJ-based. Coming at it from an NFP mentality may spice things up sometimes, but overall it just doesn't really work. Getting idealistic on people doesn't make them move. Throwing their own rules in their face does. I think idealistically of things all the time... How much I wish this, how much better if that.. but I'm not going to get the land I need by wishing and dreaming and telling the banks, "Sure, you can trust me banks, I'm a good citizen." I didn't work in their system, and because I didn't I got denied. None of my dreams, and all of my service and odd-ball jobs that I took matter to them. Only their rules and parameters.

Those are NOT the only things, though, that matter to me. I will get my land regardless of their stupid system. I just won't get it right now.


Certified Sausage Smoker
Nov 26, 2008
Instinctual Variant
the fact that you say the world is STJ based is an indicator that that's a likely type for you. like I said, I'm aware of the fact that I'm in a system. I'm not some rebellious teenager trying to "sick it to the man", what I'm saying is, the system is not personally significant to me (it's economically significant to me, just as I am economically significant to it, but my ties are strictly business which can be broken and tied to a different system), which is why I made the analogy to a mercenary, who, contrary to your point, also take whatever jobs are thrown at them to survive (being a college student who went back to school after finding nothing but soliciting sales jobs, I'm well aware of what it is like to do jobs I might have initially thought "below me" because I was the only one around to do them)
as this relates to ENFP vs ESTJ, yes, ENFPs can make peace with and work within a system, but rarely if ever will we do so out of preference. whether you're talking social systems, technical systems, etc, the ENFP is just not a naturally precise or systematic type and will instead prefer to dwell on more individualistic, creative topics. hierarchical structures, duty and group politics wear us out faster than a rice paper condom. I really cannot picture an ENFP being as dutiful and unity driven as you are.

PS: the more I think about it. your posting style has consistently reminded me of [MENTION=4945]EJCC[/MENTION]


Active member
Jun 21, 2009
the fact that you say the world is STJ based is an indicator that that's a likely type for you. like I said, I'm aware of the fact that I'm in a system. I'm not some rebellious teenager trying to "sick it to the man", what I'm saying is, the system is not personally significant to me (it's economically significant to me, just as I am economically significant to it, but my ties are strictly business which can be broken and tied to a different system), which is why I made the analogy to a mercenary, who, contrary to your point, also take whatever jobs are thrown at them to survive (being a college student who went back to school after finding nothing but soliciting sales jobs, I'm well aware of what it is like to do jobs I might have initially thought "below me" because I was the only one around to do them)
as this relates to ENFP vs ESTJ, yes, ENFPs can make peace with and work within a system, but rarely if ever will we do so out of preference. whether you're talking social systems, technical systems, etc, the ENFP is just not a naturally precise or systematic type and will instead prefer to dwell on more individualistic, creative topics. hierarchical structures, duty and group politics wear us out faster than a rice paper condom. I really cannot picture an ENFP being as dutiful and unity driven as you are.

PS: the more I think about it. your posting style has consistently reminded me of [MENTION=4945]EJCC[/MENTION]

I think you imagine and pretend to a far greater sovereignty that is actually the case.

In its original forms conservatism was more sociology than politics and it was right to make simple, succinct and critical analysis of that sort of individualistic thinking, sure its indulged collectively for its appeal but ultimately it would be dispensed with if it no longer served, there's lots of proofs of this point too.

Take a very simple example like language, no one is inventing their own private language these days, if they do they are thought crazy and if they do there is no point unless the hope is to share it with another and have them adopt it, at which point it is no longer a private language anymore at all. That's just one example of society and social relatedness being onotological to individualism.

That's society too, nots not even economic relations which are more unacknowledged and intractable even than social relations, Thatcher could say "There's no such thing as society" and people still debate what was meant but if anyone said "There's no such thing as the economy", well, no one would, you know?


The Devil of TypoC
Aug 29, 2008
Instinctual Variant
[MENTION=5684]Elfboy[/MENTION], I agree that [MENTION=4939]kyuuei[/MENTION] uses lots of Te, but at the same time, the way she uses it seems more Te-tertiary than Te-dominant. The way she tackles projects with such intensity and passion is almost completely unlike how I operate, and I think some of that has to do with the Dominant-function-as-a-lifestyle thing that I've talked about before. I see her using Te very intensely, but always as a tool, whereas I can't imagine NOT using it at any given point; by contrast, I use Ne as a tool, a lot of the time.

You may also be reading some of her 8-ness as STJ-ness.

Edit: I take it as quite the compliment that she and I vibe similarly. :) Thanks, Elfboy.


Aug 28, 2008
the fact that you say the world is STJ based is an indicator that that's a likely type for you.

Would you argue that it is more for the ENFP? I've frequently found myself 'strange' in society.. I feel a part of this world, as a whole, but for the purposes of society I don't at all feel like I am a harmonious addition to it. The army has been considered on this forum as, for the most part not argued, STJ.. and I had to find my niche in it as well. I definitely stand out, despite my efforts to blend in. I am far 'too happy and cheery' for my co-workers, and far too passionate and idealistic than my superiors would prefer. I like my job, and the army does need other perspectives than the majority, but it is definitely not one I blend well into.

as this relates to ENFP vs ESTJ, yes, ENFPs can make peace with and work within a system, but rarely if ever will we do so out of preference.

:/ I like how you're using 'we' as a way to subtly imply that I am no longer ENFP somehow. I work in the system because it is what I have to do, as I have said. I don't 'prefer' learning the rules of a system I hate just to play a game I don't like to play. If I had it my way, I'd tear the whole thing to shreds. As it stands, I pick and choose my battles.

whether you're talking social systems, technical systems, etc, the ENFP is just not a naturally precise or systematic type and will instead prefer to dwell on more individualistic, creative topics.

I would agree with that. *We* are not Naturally precise personalities. We are not very systematic on our own. And we Prefer to dwell on more individualistic, creative topics. But what we prefer as adults, and what we do, are two entirely different things. Being precise and systematic has its advantages, and learning to use those things to your advantage helps when trying to get to things you really want to do without frustrations.

I still feel what you are seeing in me is adaptations I've learned from adulthood. I've had a lot of situations to force me into a very structured mindset from a very early age--caring for my sisters, overcoming my depression, joining the military, going to war, and caring for my parents. I was not this structured when I was younger. I was a dreamer, in my own head, just discovering what paganism was, and thinking that being an artist was a viable career for me even though I had none of the drive to make that happen. I was just as passionate, though. I can't say all ENFPs haven't had the troubles I have, but I'll bet they're also much more in tune with the tactics I use to get by in life if they have had these sort of situations and issues.

hierarchical structures, duty and group politics wear us out faster than a rice paper condom. I really cannot picture an ENFP being as dutiful and unity driven as you are.

Acknowledging something does not mean it is what drives me. I take care of my parents because I have no choice otherwise in the matter--that doesn't mean it inspires me somehow. I work in the system because I need to get something done, but that doesn't mean I subscribe to liking the system's inner mechanisms.

I am driven. But my ambitions are not unity and duty. My dreams are aiming much higher on the charts than that.
If you don't think I'm an ENFP, I can't stop you from thinking that way. But the people who know me IRL from this forum have agreed with my typing, I agree with it, and I have not had much evidence thrown my way to consider changing the notion for long. I did consider being a different type briefly on this forum, but it was rejected faster than moldy food.

Elfboy, I agree that Kyu uses lots of Te, but at the same time, the way she uses it seems more Te-tertiary than Te-dominant. The way she tackles projects with such intensity and passion is almost completely unlike how I operate, and I think some of that has to do with the Dominant-function-as-a-lifestyle thing that I've talked about before. I see her using Te very intensely, but always as a tool, whereas I can't imagine NOT using it at any given point; by contrast, I use Ne as a tool, a lot of the time.

You may also be reading some of her 8-ness as STJ-ness.

Edit: I take it as quite the compliment that she and I vibe similarly. :) Thanks, Elfboy.

:hifive: I think we do tend to have a lot in common, since I find you to be very sharp, level-headed, and introspective, things that I strive to be...


Certified Sausage Smoker
Nov 26, 2008
Instinctual Variant
fair enough


Fair and Square
Mar 19, 2012
Instinctual Variant
[MENTION=5684]Elfboy[/MENTION], I agree that [MENTION=4939]kyuuei[/MENTION] uses lots of Te, but at the same time, the way she uses it seems more Te-tertiary than Te-dominant. The way she tackles projects with such intensity and passion is almost completely unlike how I operate, and I think some of that has to do with the Dominant-function-as-a-lifestyle thing that I've talked about before.

With that kind of intensity, you gotta figure there's some Feeling with it -

- so how about Fe?


I don't see any evidence for Fi, or Ne dominance - what I see is structured thinking that explains how people relate in society, gives the idea that it is simply pragmatic to live within the relation of society, and portrays the world with an "It is what it is" or "people are what they are" mentality. It looks forceful like Te stereotypes because it's a Judging function that's wielded with hardness, and she's got an Enneagram type that's in the gut center. Which I'd tentatively say looks like 1.


i love
Jul 6, 2010
Instinctual Variant
[MENTION=4939]kyuuei[/MENTION] vibes ENFP enough to me that I've never questioned her type. Correct me if I'm wrong, kyuuei, but as far as I see it she's just particularly open, outgoing, and adventurous, and she emphasizes Te to facilitate her growth and progress. Te for an ENFP can act as a compartmentalization mechanism that distances Fi, so we're not overwhelmed with emotion and sentiment when we really want to take care of business. kyuuei pushes forwards and outwards more than many ENFPs, and towards objectives, so it follows that she would be particularly heavy in Je/Te usage.

Flatlander said:
I don't see any evidence for Fi, or Ne dominance
kyuuei said:
You cannot cooperate with a system without playing a role in it. You ARE in the system, even if you don't want to be. You still have to realize that the entire fucked up system of healthcare in America is STILL affecting you even if you don't get sick and need the doctors much. You are in that system whether you choose to be or not. (Though, theoretically, you 'choose' to be in it since you're living here.)

This demonstrates strong Ne. All outward things are linked.

kyuuei said:
If I had it my way, I'd tear the whole thing to shreds. As it stands, I pick and choose my battles.

This is Fi mediated by Te.

As an aside, I like to look at people's avatars because they often demonstrate a "spirit" that is telling of their type, even when they're being questioned or purposefully trying to cover it up. I figure most people don't really think about type presentation when they select their avatar - generally we just think about a picture that we like, and that we feel represents us in some way. kyuuei's avatar is noticeably wipsy and "soft", though with a touch of practicality/earthiness, despite her outward robustness. It would be relatively surprising for an ESTJ 8 to choose that sort of wispyness to represent themselves, as that's a very strong and grounded personality, and relatively surprising for a Fe 1 to choose something more muted/drab in color and still relatively sketch-like in nature, as strong Fe types tend to be hyperaware of their emotional message outwards and 1s tend to lean towards precise representation (EJCC's is an awesome example - warm and full of creativity, like her, but still quite "clean" in its lines, actually). This is to be taken with a grain of salt, of course, but it's still an interesting window into personality.


Fair and Square
Mar 19, 2012
Instinctual Variant
This demonstrates strong Ne. All outward things are linked.

Actually it's one place where I'd point out Fe over Ne. Fe is about judging what is the relation between elements of the external world, in an objective context that people agree on. Ne looks like it's about viewing all the possible endpoints of what is there, hence the objectivity of it would be in the neutrality between views, and Ji/Je are needed to choose between them.

This is Fi mediated by Te.

No, I'd just point to frustration for it - 1 is a frustration type, and the connection to 7 might lend it a secret desire for chaos.

Also a possible demonstration of inferior Thinking. Or Feeling, in a different context.


New member
Aug 20, 2012
Instinctual Variant
As an aside, I like to look at people's avatars because they often demonstrate a "spirit" that is telling of their type, even when they're being questioned or purposefully trying to cover it up. I figure most people don't really think about type presentation when they select their avatar - generally we just think about a picture that we like, and that we feel represents us in some way. kyuuei's avatar is noticeably wipsy and "soft", though with a touch of practicality/earthiness, despite her outward robustness. It would be relatively surprising for an ESTJ 8 to choose that sort of wispyness to represent themselves, as that's a very strong and grounded personality, and relatively surprising for a Fe 1 to choose something more muted/drab in color and still relatively sketch-like in nature, as strong Fe types tend to be hyperaware of their emotional message outwards and 1s tend to lean towards precise representation (EJCC's is an awesome example - warm and full of creativity, like her, but still quite "clean" in its lines, actually). This is to be taken with a grain of salt, of course, but it's still an interesting window into personality.

Just want to point out that this seems to be a really strong Si assessment with Ne through Si along with feeling judgement and I would generally not expect to see this kind of analysis/perspective in an Ne dominant type whose inferior is Si, as it is this very perspective they try to avoid.


i love
Jul 6, 2010
Instinctual Variant
Actually it's one place where I'd point out Fe over Ne. Fe is about judging what is the relation between elements of the external world, in an objective context that people agree on. Ne looks like it's about viewing all the possible endpoints of what is there, hence the objectivity of it would be in the neutrality between views, and Ji/Je are needed to choose between them.

But there's a very big difference in terms of Fe gauging relationships versus Ne observing connections, if you see what I mean. Ne points and says there are connections here, and here, and here, and here. Fe looks at the nature of relationships, which is a very different beast. kyuuei is talking about how everything is interrelated, but she's not talking about the nature of relationships in terms of personal significance and value weight; she has simply argued that everything is connected whether one chooses to acknowledge it or not. She's observing, not valuing, and that is Pe, not Je.

No, I'd just point to frustration for it - 1 is a frustration type, and the connection to 7 might lend it a secret desire for chaos.

I don't know how else to describe how I recognize it as potentially Fi besides to say that I empathize and understand her wording in terms of it being an inner welling-up of emotion. It's also accompanied by an indicator phrase ("if I had it my way") which acknowledges that those are intrapersonal feelings. I can additionally see why you would say frustration type, but it's also a symptom of strong N that we see how things ideally could be and lament that they are not so.

LeaT said:
Just want to point out that this seems to be a really strong Si assessment with Ne through Si along with feeling judgement and I would generally not expect to see this kind of analysis/perspective in an Ne dominant type whose inferior is Si, as it is this very perspective they try to avoid.

Interesting. Why do you see it as Si? I feel like it is a very NeFi-y loosey goosey overall impression of internal congruence.


New member
Aug 20, 2012
Instinctual Variant
Interesting. Why do you see it as Si? I feel like it is a very NeFi-y loosey goosey overall impression of internal congruence.

It's Si because you build your explanation on strong sense impressions. You don't use the sense impression as conceptual starting point but you are very much contained by the subject and you describe this subject in various ways pertaining to your previous sense experiences. You for instance describe her avatar as "practical" and "earthy". That's not Ne. Ne would look for conceptual representations of the avatar e.g. kyueei's avatar reminds me of an anime character from a JRPG such as Final Fantasy. Do you see the difference? What I described is more "bouncy" in that I use the impression of the avatar as a starting point to explore other ideas related to that concept e.g. anime characters, JRPGs and Final Fantasy. I'm not describing the avatar as much as I am describing what conceptual ideas it represents.

In fact I'd argue that the feeling judgement also seems to fall better in line with Fe too than Fi. It seems to be oriented towards the objective world. Did you ever consider ISFJ or ESFJ as potential types?


Fair and Square
Mar 19, 2012
Instinctual Variant
But there's a very big difference in terms of Fe gauging relationships versus Ne observing connections, if you see what I mean. Ne points and says there are connections here, and here, and here, and here. Fe looks at the nature of relationships, which is a very different beast. kyuuei is talking about how everything is interrelated, but she's not talking about the nature of relationships in terms of personal significance and value weight; she has simply argued that everything is connected whether one chooses to acknowledge it or not. She's observing, not valuing, and that is Pe, not Je.

Okay, Fe is still an extraverted type. The evaluation through Fe isn't personal at all - it views how the external world relates as an entity within itself and appeals to a common context. Saying that the world is all connected, especially in this context, is a viewpoint colored by F, and probably Fe, because then the speaker can go on to point out how it's related in a way that is designed to win an argument because the opponent(s) couldn't possibly fail to see it - so the viewpoint is there. She does go on to list specifics of the world's constructs, which only serves to confirm my idea, and the overall flavor has it backed by S(i) in terms of it being experience-based.

As for what Ne provides, it just isn't systemizing. Adjudicating relation is a form of systemizing. Ne projects its ideas of how something could change from what exists, what it could change into, and it can also do this with the internalized experience to recognize potential. Ne dominants in conversation often seem to ramble because they're seeing a lot of potential. Ne Fi in my experience produces tangents that are often more personal than Ne Ti, but they're still tangents.

I don't know how else to describe how I recognize it as potentially Fi besides to say that I empathize and understand her wording in terms of it being an inner welling-up of emotion. It's also accompanied by an indicator phrase ("if I had it my way") which acknowledges that those are intrapersonal feelings. I can additionally see why you would say frustration type, but it's also a symptom of strong N that we see how things ideally could be and lament that they are not so.

Intrapersonal feelings can exist in the Fe or Fi user. A FJ might feel quite personally even about the impersonal Fe constructs they wish to support or deny.

Also I don't attribute ideals, or more generally, imagination, to any specific function - anyone can have them based on any reasoning they can come up with.

The Great One

New member
Apr 27, 2012
I think that [MENTION=15773]greenfairy[/MENTION] is definitely mistyped. She just wreaks of NF. Plus, all of the conclusions that she comes to are so feeling based it's ridiculous. She never does the classic INTP move of questioning other's logic ever.


philosopher wood nymph
May 25, 2012
Instinctual Variant
I think that [MENTION=15773]greenfairy[/MENTION] is definitely mistyped. She just wreaks of NF. Plus, all of the conclusions that she comes to are so feeling based it's ridiculous. She never does the classic INTP move of questioning other's logic ever.

Because I never argue and ask for explanations? Right. Evidently you haven't been on many of my threads.

See, I'm questioning your logic right now.

The Great One

New member
Apr 27, 2012
Because I never argue and ask for explanations? Right. Evidently you haven't been on many of my threads.

See, I'm questioning your logic right now.

Please show me examples where you have done this. I have never seen you do this once.


philosopher wood nymph
May 25, 2012
Instinctual Variant
Please show me examples where you have done this. I have never seen you do this once.

I think the burden of proof is on you my friend. If it's not obvious you're not paying attention. Unless you have a different definition of "questioning others' logic" than I do.

The Great One

New member
Apr 27, 2012
I think the burden of proof is on you my friend. If it's not obvious you're not paying attention. Unless you have a different definition of "questioning others' logic" than I do.

Tell you what. I'm very busy with college classes right now, but I'm gonna look through your threads and give you examples of what I mean when I finally get the time. Give me a little bit, cuz this is gonna take a lot of time to compose.


Mar 19, 2012
Instinctual Variant
I'm going to have to go with The Great One on this; greenfairy is a clear case for INFx. She places much more emphasis on subjective values and human inspiration, but I don't see any constructive map of creation like an NT or a Ti-dom might do when studying cosmology. The odd magical beliefs thing could be Ti-dom and NT or NF, where the T would focus on analysis and accomplishment, whereas the F would focus on what feels right inside. There could be a mix of the 2, but it seems like one should be more strongly preferred.

Greenfairy strikes me as much more of a spiritualist (NF) than a metaphysician (NT).


philosopher wood nymph
May 25, 2012
Instinctual Variant
I'm going to have to go with The Great One on this; greenfairy is a clear case for INFx. She places much more emphasis on subjective values and human inspiration, but I don't see any constructive map of creation like an NT or a Ti-dom might do when studying cosmology. The odd magical beliefs thing could be Ti-dom and NT or NF, where the T would focus on analysis and accomplishment, whereas the F would focus on what feels right inside. There could be a mix of the 2, but it seems like one should be more strongly preferred.

Greenfairy strikes me as much more of a spiritualist (NF) than a metaphysician (NT).

Well that's interesting because I intend to be a metaphysician as a career. As in go to grad school, get a PhD in philosophy, and study metaphysics. I'm writing a paper on metaphysics right now in fact.

What makes you think such a "map of creation" would be visible to other people? Every place I've read about NTP's specifically says they have a hard time communicating their thoughts to other people.

Actually I think my internal framework is so heavily influenced by intuition it would be nearly impossible to do so without some sort of a doctoral thesis.

So what's wrong with me just being a combination of two (or three) types? Is that so unlikely? INFJ+XNTP would very easily merge into one I think. I still say there's very little difference between INFJ with high Ti and Ne and INTP with high Ni and Fe. I don't think I'm simply in a loop, as that is listed in conjunction with disorders. In fact I find I'm far more functional when I use my T functions with feeling as secondary. In the times where I have emotions and make feeling judgments I need to heavily moderate them with thinking or they tend to lead me to places which are disconnected with reality. So even if I'm not XNTP, behaving like one is in my best interest at least half the time.