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now! in shell form
Jun 6, 2008
No. You didn't strike me as anything other than an NF.


Apr 24, 2008
Your posts about your findings concerning cognitive psychology or MBTI are most of the time by a rather sincere nature. You seem to not easily be distracted in your opinions and most of the times, I recognized that you do not take new inputs into your theories from just anyone.

I would definitly rule out Ne for you.

When it comes to Fe and the use of Ti in an INFJ, I really do not think that you are one. From my experience INFJ are good at Ti, but get exhausted with it after some time. I only know one female INFJ for sure and she likes to analyze and abstract like I do but only until certain points.

Really hard to say, because I do not know you personally. This whole Ni thing pretty much requires you to have an own special view on the world and I remember you typing yourself as NiTi, where you changed MBTI type theory in a way that it can best describe yourself. That gives you the Ni tag in my opinion.

So I would conclude that you sometimes have stron opinions about things and need your time to think new ideas through to change your opinions. You seem to have a good knowledge of people and their personality but your knowledge always comes internalized and subjective and you wont change things easily without given them some time to be thought through. That gives you in my opinion a definite J tag. (I had problems sometimes when reading your posts, because I thought you to be very judgemental and not thinking every options carefully through. No heart feelings though :))

The question for Fe can be answered really easily in my opinion. I have not really figured out how it comes within someone's talking style but your personal environment can answer that question.

Is your room clean and do you like it to be clean ? Do you value an environment you feel comfortable at ?

Most Fe Users do that from my experience. My sister for example an ESFJ is pretty messy but she wont leave the house after 5 hours in the bathroom and her furniture is very steril. You sometimes feel like being in a hospital.

My room for example is a total chaos. Things lieing everywhere around in total disorderliness. But I like to have it clean. So I do all the basics to get rid of mud.

In my opinion you are INFJ. For an intp you lack that certain twitching eye, I feel in the presence of Ne users and I would never give you the p tag :D

Hope I didnt offended you, just wanted to give my opinion to support your quest


New member
Oct 7, 2007
Instinctual Variant
I use Fe too much, and I seem to be an Ni user over Ne.

I still believe I'm INFJ. All Ts in my immediate family, though, which made me develop Ti much more than most.

Two functions are never enough to explain behavior, anyway. When some people think INFJ, they think Ni+Fe+some bullshit. Many people want to believe that T and F is this huge distinction between people, but it really isn't, except in severe cases.

Yeah, I tend to agree w/ you on mbti stuff.

I don't know what you are, but I have no issue with your being INFJ or INTP (or really ANY type! Ha.). And I'm to the point where I don't particularly care what type I am. Hence changing mine to 'meh', and I see you did something similar.

Like you, I grew up in a family of all T's - ISTJ, INTJ, and INTP. No doubt in your case, as well as mine, that has influenced expression and development. I also think my prolonged time of living alone -- 4 years -- made me introvert much more than I 'should' have, so introverted functions that I'm not 'supposed' to access much I in fact DO access quite a lot, I think.

Agree with you on more of a blurred/spectrum view of T/F (or really, any of the dichotomies or even cog. functions) vs. a crisp either/or.


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2007
This MBTI "expert" is convinced I'm an INTP.

I think INFJ fits better...but I've been called an INTP so many times...

Can you guys see it? If I were to list the top 2 types I could fit, I'd definitely say INFJ and INTP.

I do think INFJ fits better, though...

I agree that you are one of those two, but I don't know you well enough to know which one, though you come across to me mostly like an INTP. Sorry I'm not more help.


New member
Aug 6, 2008
Really hard to say, because I do not know you personally. This whole Ni thing pretty much requires you to have an own special view on the world and I remember you typing yourself as NiTi, where you changed MBTI type theory in a way that it can best describe yourself. That gives you the Ni tag in my opinion.
My INFJ friend does the same. If he can´t see where he fits within a theory he will change the theory. He refuses to accept certain view points of the theory, because he sees them as limiting. Behind this seems to be a feeling of powerlessness. Ni is a perceiving function which can´t decide for itself which view point it can trust. Combined with Ti it becomes defensive „Why should I accept your point of view? - I won´t!“