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[INFJ] INFJ personality type descritpion


Jan 14, 2008
I don't mind what's written or even that they're both mostly written word for word or some sections are written exactly word for word or with a slight alteration (although, it's not being creative but whatever), it's that he later said he'd made "some modifications" for Section I when he did not make "some" and then "radically re-arranged" Section II when it's not radical- etc

And then, why did he only comment to ME as I'd written something that could 'expose him' (if he felt that was what I was doing) or at least cast a negative light on him instead of responding to you or to others who'd actually commented about his writing? I find that suspect- He didn't comment on a few others who complained in his other ENP Ne thread recently and he certaintly could've as he's posted this thread and I think the ENFP profile is new today too or yesterday. However, I didn't put down his writing, I just showcased how they were the same (or most of it is) for his INTJ/INFJ profiles. Why jump to comment on that and not attempt to defend yourself against others who'd just complained about you for writing things they disagreed with in another Thread?

Why not even mention that he'd posted his INTJ profile (or any other, I don't know yet) elsewhere instead of making it appear as though it's new? Not that he'd have to, but it makes me wonder as well.Or not comment on it after I had?

Oh crap, Deja Vu !_!

Anyhoo, I'm waiting patiently BW. Please enlighten me.
I love you!!!!!

I don't believe in a "god" but I do believe in DeleriousDisposition!!!

*humbly bows and kisses your feet*


New member
Oct 7, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Why not even mention that he'd posted his INTJ profile (or any other, I don't know yet) elsewhere instead of making it appear as though it's new? Not that he'd have to, but it makes me wonder as well.Or not comment on it after I had?

Actually I'd seen the INTJ one earlier, and already knew he tended to copy/paste things that were relevant or the same between types, but I guess it didn't bother me. After all, if he's already gone through the writing/analysis for Ni with INTJ, why re-hash all of it for INFJ when it's the same cognitive process?

It's just mixing and matching the cognitive processes he's already written about and making them relevant to the specific type.

But anyway, I do like and appreciate what he put together, even if a fair amount of it might involve copying/borrowing from his other writings. Much of it did resonate with me.


Tenured roisterer
Apr 23, 2007
Instinctual Variant
I don't mind what's written or even that they're both mostly written word for word or some sections are written exactly word for word or with a slight alteration (although, it's not being creative but whatever), it's that he later said he'd made "some modifications" for Section I when he did not make "some" and then "radically re-arranged" Section II when it's not radical- etc

And then, why did he only comment to ME as I'd written something that could 'expose him' (if he felt that was what I was doing) or at least cast a negative light on him instead of responding to you or to others who'd actually commented about his writing? I find that suspect- He didn't comment on a few others who complained in his other ENP Ne thread recently and he certaintly could've as he's posted this thread and I think the ENFP profile is new today too or yesterday. However, I didn't put down his writing, I just showcased how they were the same (or most of it is) for his INTJ/INFJ profiles. Why jump to comment on that and not attempt to defend yourself against others who'd just complained about you for writing things they disagreed with in another Thread?

Why not even mention that he'd posted his INTJ profile (or any other, I don't know yet) elsewhere instead of making it appear as though it's new? Not that he'd have to, but it makes me wonder as well.Or not comment on it after I had?

Oh crap, Deja Vu !_!

Anyhoo, I'm waiting patiently BW. Please enlighten me.

Section I: Some modifications have been made.

Some: 2 or more.

You will see a sentence in section I stating that the INFJ is the most intuitive type of all, more intuitive than the INTJ because the Feeling is less of a weight on Intuition.

In the INTJ profile I have described how the nature of Introverted Intuition makes this type susceptible to errors in recollection of the external environment due to the biases of perceptions which are quite natural for this type. In the INFJ profile I specify how the INFJ is even more vulnerable to this than the INTJ because of the higher factor of subjectivity.

Because the alterations were 2 or more in number, the claim that some modifications have been made is warranted.


Section 2:The last 600-1000 words on the nature of prophecy and application of visions (where the Ni is related to Nietzsche and Ne to Machiavelli) is missing from the INFJ profile. Moreover, the exposition of how the Extroverted Judgment element works for the INFJ does not go hand in hand with how it works for the INTJ as we must account for the Thinking/Feeling discrepancy. Doing this required radical alterations. The parts that were remained the same in the second section were concerning Introverted Intuition and not Extroverted Feeling.

You have cited two paragraphs which were very similar, this is insufficient. In order to prove that the alterations were minor as opposed to radical, you would need to cite all of the text and if in that case the discrepancy between the two objects compared was as low as in your case, your point would be well taken.


SectionIII:Re-read both profiles again.


Section IV:Required few if any alterations for similar reasons as the first.


Well-known member
Feb 1, 2008
Actually I'd seen the INTJ one earlier, and already knew he tended to copy/paste things that were relevant or the same between types, but I guess it didn't bother me. After all, if he's already gone through the writing/analysis for Ni with INTJ, why re-hash all of it for INFJ when it's the same cognitive process?

It's just mixing and matching the cognitive processes he's already written about and making them relevant to the specific type.

But anyway, I do like and appreciate what he put together, even if a fair amount of it might involve copying/borrowing from his other writings. Much of it did resonate with me.

That isn't my issue at all. I don't mind it either. It's that he claimed to make changes but he didn't (baring some). And that he hasn't commented on others who've posted thanking or commenting yet he's commented on my little post etc as I've mentioned in my last post.

Ah, BW, where are thou to respond yet again?! Edit: Nevermind, I've found you or you me!


Well-known member
Feb 1, 2008
You have cited two paragraphs which were very similar, this is insufficient. In order to prove that the alterations were minor as opposed to radical, you would need to cite all of the text and if in that case the discrepancy between the two objects compared was as low as in your case, your point would be well taken.

Actually, they were not "very similar", they were exactly the same. And that's not a problem, either. I find it uncreative, but not a problem at all-

However, stop EVADING my other questions-- Or at least deign to comment that you'd rather not answer them instead of citing this or that in your defense. I don't care that you've plagiarised your own writing as it's yours (assuming it's yours). CPs b/w INTJ/INFJ are the same except for T vs F, I know- These posts can be insightful for others etc. I just wonder why you've conveniently (yup, CC, very much so :D) commented on MY posts instead of commenting on others who've actually bothered to read through your work and contribute their own ideas of them or thank you for it? Have I threatened your honour or something? (not my intent, though-).

I've said that I will get around to comparing the rest "later"...though now, it's more if I feel up to it. I don't have as much free time as you might-- And you're very tiring. I don't even think it'd make much of a difference at this point as you don't seem to helpful at all.


Furry Critter with Claws
Sep 25, 2007
Gosh DD, I think you are almost as crazy as I am. :D

Tell him you think he is an INTJ. He hates that. ;)

I think he did a pretty good job. I had only that one disagreement.


Well-known member
Feb 1, 2008
Gosh DD, I think you are almost as crazy as I am. :D


Tell him you think he is an INTJ. He hates that. ;)

No way! That's mean! I don't think he's an INTJ, though. I don't think many would suffer to write so much. Haaa, JK. If he's an INTP, let him be an INTP. I'd find it rude to insult him by calling him an INTJ. :puppy_dog_eyes: And I love my INTJ cousins! I have an INTJ sis, I adore, I'll have you know!

I think he did a pretty good job. I had only that one disagreement.

Yup, he did. And so did I (well, okay, maybe two? err). ;)


New member
Apr 3, 2008
Without the support of Introverted Thinking, the INFJ will have a very strong hunch and a feeling in favor of their perceptions, but will not be able to certify that their ideas are sound as they’d lack the objective means to prove that. Once Introverted Thinking has been properly applied, the vision of the INFJ will not be an unintelligible flow of perceptions, but is an entity shaped in coherent and intelligible units of ideas. Introverted Thinking by and large is first and foremost used to support the vision of the Introverted Intuition and the Feeling oriented goals of the INFJ. The INFJ differs from the INTJ in the primary regard that establishment of objectivity of views is seen as more of means to the end of establishing sound values and less as an end in itself.

Before I learned of MBTI I had a conversation with a friend regarding objectivity. I told him that there was no such thing as complete objectivity. What makes us seize a topic of interest is not an objective process, but from there we can (arguably) study the subject objectively. I see now this could have been a reflection of my awareness of the use of my thinking to augment my intuition. The thinking function is a powerful, powerful tool in the selection and implementation of intuition.

I saw this manifest this weekend in a game of Mafia where I reigned in my faulty intuition and and allowed other avenues of interpretation to be open, which ultimately allowed me to win the game by a hair. Intuition that was correct was just as instrumental in winning the game.

The way I perceive myself in my organizational activities is having idealistic goals through pragmatic implementation. Once I have arrived at my decision, I am comfortable with setting that task aside and trusting my tertiary function to carry out the task. However, I still utilize my diplomatic intelligence, my heart still "bleeds."

Developing this function will also help the INFJ overcome the negative and self-sabboutaging tendencies we typically observe in types with a malfunctioning Thinking.

I used to have the problem of over extending myself to the advantage of other people. This is still a "tender" area for me, but I believe developement in the quoted area will allow INFJs to protect themselves through assertion. The function is invaluable and learned better sooner than later, at the risk of our ego combined with...

Moreover, the nature of Introverted Intuition tends to have a hostile approach to the external world, in a fashion much similar to how Introverted attitudes tend to see the external world in a negative light. Incidentally, the INFJ applies such an attitude to external perception, this often leads to conspiracy theories as such an attitude prompts one to believe that the external environment antagonizes the subject. The fearful and negative attitude stemming from the under-developed Thinking also contributes to this stern outlook on life.

And allowing:

Introverted Thinking is the only true path to bringing about order to the inner life of the INFJ, and is the primary source of confidence for this type. This will allow the INFJ to freely pursue his vision whilst relying less on the approval of the public. The tough-minded nature of Introverted Thinking will support the vision of the INFJ without a doubt.

This was all great, let me be an affirmation of your analysis.

FYI: I have tested as an INTJ in work environment.


New member
Nov 10, 2007
Wow, I had been waiting for the moment you would post this. Very interesting read. I couldn't stop reading it until the end and I wished there was more by the time I finished. I really can't comment on much because I'm still mentally digesting the information. :)

One thing that really caught my attention was how we despise the sensualist approach to life. I relate to that completely. It was almost scary to read that since I have so many prejudices I'm not proud of against sensually indulgent people. However, I can at least acknowledge that they probably despise my imaginative approach in the same manner.



New member
Nov 10, 2007
Now that I have digested it more, I would like to add something that came to my mind. Since the time I was in 5th grade I kind of felt out of place from everyone else, and I was somewhat of a borderline outcast. By Jr. High I escaped into books and kind of ran a life based on ideas. I let my grades drop severely because school was not challenging, etc. etc (bad excuses, but I didn't realize that at time, of course). As I grew out of that in High School, I noticed the books I read faded from fiction to non-fiction. Now I read complete non-fiction books; mostly psychology (or some kind of book having to do with people). I can't even remember the last fiction book I have read! I kind of feel more "self-actualized" since I made that transition.

If you haven't caught on to what I was getting at, I'm thinking that it could have been some kind of Ti activation in myself. I became much more intellectual. It made me more likely to seek out credible knowledge for the sake of knowledge, and it makes me more confident in my beliefs and values since I have logical reasons to hold them. Though I feel odd saying this: It made my life make more sense, lol.


New member
Aug 23, 2008
I found that very interesting, thank you.

I did have a strange idea of using Fi as a substitute for the Ti in a subtle manner, but that's just a thing that popped to my head. :devil:


The Memes Justify the End
Nov 21, 2008
so many words, such a short attention span.


Honeyed Water
May 20, 2013
I understood/pretty much relate to everything until I got to inferior Se ...and then I was all "wwwaaaahhhht???"
...and that was the shortest paragraph of them all haha.

But even so, I agree with the Se description too; I just can't recall any of my hedonistic moments. I don't really experience myself to be hedonistic???