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Illusion: What are the Illusions of the World?


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
"Illusion: What are the Illusions of the World?"

"I believe that man must get rid of illusions that enslave and paralyze him; that he must become aware of the reality inside and outside of him in order to create a world which needs no illusions. Freedom and independence can be achieved only when the chains of illusion are broken." Erich Fromm

"Enslavement by illusion is comfortable; it is the liberation by truth that people fear" David R Hawkins

The major religions all preach to look within for deliverance and that the kingdom of heaven lays therein. Other religions pronounce 'Maya' or the illusions of the world and yet we consistently like gerbils on a treadmill go after fame, fortune, beauty and power. In the meantime we neglect the poor and needy. We move away from humanitarian ideals such as education, health care, reducing the wage gap between rich and poor and increasing the national happiness quota. We constantly proclaim our country as the greatest nation on earth but the proof is that we lag far behind many other nations in key areas. It is as if we are blind men chasing shadows in Plato's allegory of the cave.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Instinctual Variant
The Internet and Smart Phones came to mind reading the quotes...enslavement by illusion.


Mar 20, 2008
Science has shown we are all subject to illusion, even illlusions of perception.

To counter illusion we use the scientific method.

Illusion provides us with comfort and consolation while the scientific method gives us cognitive dissonance.

Illusion is made for those of us who lack personal integrity.


Sep 29, 2016
Anything which claims to be any one "Truth" or reality. It's all a matter of perspective.
May 19, 2017
If we could truly understand where we are, what we are then maybe we’d know what to do. Look at the cosmic web- the true immensity of it. If you look at it you’re gazing upon a part of reality but even then it’s but a piece of a larger ‘reality’ including multiple dimensions. It’s really kind of a cruel joke if you think of it. We’re so ill equipped for anything. We exist (at least in this form) for but a moment and interpret this infinitesimal point of reality with sensory organs that often misinterpret incoming data or simply fill in missing sections with approximations of what our brains think should be there. We are looking at shadows on a cave wall quite often.

So we create things we can grasp, social systems to comfort ourselves and inflate our sense of value. We weave illusions to stave off thoughts of our mortality and our ultimate insignificance, and we cling to them with desperation until the universe inevitably snuffs out our candles one by one.

It’s scary to look out beyond our little stage, beyond the curtain. I think I’d like my illusions back now thank you!



New member
Oct 14, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Seeing the posted cartoon; reminded me of "social media".... Best to turn this thing "off" and go outside... :D


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
“We all have within our root system a bunch of convoluted fantasies or beliefs of that which is called reality. We have a belief system riddled with at most half-truths. We need to undertake a journey called self-discovery is assessing these fallacies and be willing to change, thus to grow. He or she who are rooted in the past beliefs are a hindrance with social progress. One needs be open to discuss anything. Without challenge to one’s belief system there is no growth. If at least one is of the party is open, that person can learn from the experience.

The mightiest enemy to conquer is self. For since, birth we have been deceived with at best half-truths. It takes a lifetime to disentangle oneself from the net of lies and illusions. In addition, it takes a willing heart and the battle still may not be won. Nevertheless we must try, that or continue being caught, ensnared, and entangled by the net. For myself I wish to be a free man. Free of illusion, distortion and false belief. Indoctrination into dogma and false beliefs comes from multiple sources. Dogma conceivably can occur in a family's system of beliefs as well mores. It also comes from another from another direction like patriotism and religious beliefs. All of this before the person possesses or can be taught critical thinking.

There is an inner light in all of us. We must find it to be free, peaceful and fulfilled in this lifetime. It is a worthy journey of self-discovery as well inner discovery. Treasure the friend who can help you in this most miraculous of journeys.
The major religions all preach to look within for deliverance and that the kingdom of heaven lays therein. Other religions pronounce 'Maya' or the illusions of the world and yet we consistently like gerbils on a treadmill go after fame, fortune, beauty and power. In the meantime we neglect the poor and needy.

We move away from humanitarian ideals such as education, health care, reducing the wage gap between rich and poor and increasing the national happiness quota. We constantly proclaim our country as the greatest nation on earth but the proof is that we lag far behind many other nations in key areas. It is as if we are blind men chasing shadows in Plato's allegory of the cave. Idols from the dawn of time are power, wealth, fame and beauty. These are externals that in moderation help facilitate life and higher goals. But to focus on them exclusively is a detriment to your emotional, psychological and spiritual growth. The former are labeled as the illusions of the world that keep us from finding our true authentic self, our gift and becoming a self actualization person.

The true riches are within. It is finding your gift and knowing who you are and being a transparent and open minded individual. Become a light for others but only after you find that inner light within you and not be dissuaded by the illusions of Mara in the world. Once one is in the process of self actualization they see all life as important and as one. They work for the common good and champion equality, health care, a lessening of the materialistic wealth gap between the super rich and poor, increasing the nations happiness ratio quota, environment, children and crucially education.

I: What are the illusions of this world?

“This happens (1) to be (finding) one's gift, (2) discovering about any illusion holding us back and ultimately find (3) a balance of doing what you are capable off. The entire time you will be juggling life and in danger of being swept to the vortex of falsehoods things which are not the true self. I believe we have a special gift. I believe if we followed it we would be more complete, and whole as well as more fully healed in all our areas of life. I feel that we get too many messages that conflict with our inner self that is in need of discovering. False desire then comes into play.

It is a false desire of expectations put on us. Somehow, we have to realize this inner voice and be true to it. Thus, we become fulfilled, happy, and content. I believe each of us has a gift. Doing this gift, one achieves a sense of happiness as well as utter timelessness. Finding one's gift will allow the spirit the freedom to soar. This is what life this life is. Find your gift and thus you find yourself. I happen to have a penchant for writing as well as an oratory skill when giving speeches. Doing your gift benefiting the world upon which we live on called earth.

Reaching a heightened state of consciousness called flow. For each of us are interrelated with every other life form. Combining our gifts can also produce the added benefit of a byproduct called synergy or the synergism of which the sum is greater than the parts. This experience is as rapture, which is beyond heavenly words to describe. Only for one moment do we feel like we have experienced a little slice of heaven on earth. It is confounding as it is in effect beyond description. Too many times we may ignore the inner universe, searching for peace, as well happiness when these lay within us.

If one are miserable inside, then all the money, & riches, all the members of the opposite sex (or whichever sex one is attracted to, fame, material possessions, food, and travel will not soothe the soul, most certainly not for long.
It is a search for inner peace that is a mantra of an INF/ENF. This inner universe is so crucial. This is why one needs to develop self-esteem and a healthy self-concept to truly know and acknowledge the beauty of the world. For an ISP/ESP, it may be different. This is why for greatest harmony to occur; both inner and outer realities need be balanced.

Listen to this inner voice. I call it the universal consciousness. It is there. It can help one perceive and pursue activity where one can enter into a state of "Flow." This is to discover one's inner gift. What one was made to do and to become? A person is not in a state of flow; one may resort to "distractions" & "Illusions" to fill a black hole in the human spirit! These people do these things, in an out of balance passion Sex, food, drugs, alcohol, a work addict, an approval addict, a love addict, shopping, video games, & anything out of balance! These people would do these activities constantly in order to feel good, for the moment, and get through life.

It brings no true lasting satisfaction! Generally there is no learning or growth in these activities. We as a human species seem to have a built in mechanism to "actualize “our self. That is to be the best that we can be at whatever our "gift" is, or special talent. The trick is to find that "hidden seed", that special uniqueness about our self. The next hurdle is get past lesser distractions that can impede our growth. These distractions are anything in life that occupies a lot of our time but is not an activity where one achieves "a state of FLOW". A state of flow is felt as "timelessness", and is a bit of "heaven" on earth!

New things scare people. This is why the young are more revolutionary. They see things don’t work and think they have all the plans to change things for the better, even resorting to violence. After all they can feel invulnerable, strong, and virtually impervious. Plus they happen not being enmeshed by illusion qualities as wealth, a house, multiple possessions, a spouse and family, responsibilities as bills, so forth. As a person grows stronger one finds oneself chained by invisible chains like the materialism in the world.


New member
Jul 6, 2018
Instinctual Variant
Relativism in all its shapes and forms.


Post Human Post
Jul 30, 2010
Instinctual Variant
The grand illusion in the world is that there's incontrovertible truth to be had.


Mar 20, 2008
Now is an illusion. More accurately universal now is an illusion, there is only a local now. about how far light travels in one tenth of a second. Now joins the God delusion. Refer to, “The Order of Time”, by Carlo Rovelli.


Active member
Jun 21, 2009
Now is an illusion. More accurately universal now is an illusion, there is only a local now. about how far light travels in one tenth of a second. Now joins the God delusion. Refer to, “The Order of Time”, by Carlo Rovelli.

What did you think of Rovelli? I thought his book was better on the second read.


Elegance of chaos
Jan 8, 2018
Instinctual Variant
that That the future exists. There is no proof of something that hasn’t happened yet. Most people say things like in ten years I will be a marketing manager or tomorrow I’m going to eat a sandwich. What if you get hit by a car and die first? This shows another illusion. That we are safe. That it always happens to others, until we lose an arm in a car accident.