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How can we as individuals make this a better world?


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
I. “My religion is I take personal responsibility for my own thoughts, feelings, speech, writing and actions despite external situations or people.”

II. “I will not repay negativity for negativity. Their speech, writing and actions are a reflection of them. If negative, it is their own thought distortions that they are unknowingly projecting unto me.

I will remain true to myself. I will be positive yet too realistic. I will be a voice for social Justice but I will stick to objective fact, reason, and rational thought.

I will not lose my head to emotional reasoning and pollute reality with my own unfinished business, unresolved conflicts, emotional baggage and unhealed psychic wound.

III. I acknowledge the truth that we are a projective species. I will take responsibility for my own state of mind.

IV. I acknowledge that if I have a negative emotion, then I am triggered. I will acknowledge that if I have a negative emotion, whatever the situation may be, that I am under the influence of thought distortions.

I will acknowledge the fact that in every negative emotion there are distortions of thought. The only amendment is if I am in a flight or flight scenario or if I am in extreme physical pain.

V.I will not succumb to triggers and react. Rather I will be mindful, correct my thought distortions and deal with the situation rationally.” LightSun

P.S. “I will not repay negativity for negativity. Another persons response is their reality. If they are negative then they are triggers and are projecting unconsciously unto me unfairly.

They are unknowingly projecting their own subjective opinions and it’s veiled with cognitive thought distortions

that hide their own unfinished business, unresolved conflict, emotional baggage and unhealed psychic wound. If they are cogent and express objective fact then I will dialogue with them.” LightSun


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
Buddha said, “No one can save us but we ourselves. He said no one can walk the path but us.”

“I’m with Buddha, we are the ones to save us. As long as we wait for something/someone outside ourselves, we will not grow.

As long as we seek someone or something external than ourselves the world will continue its destructive pattern.

It is opinion. Bottom line I will continue my life path seeking to grow wiser and more insightful by keeping an open mind, having tolerance for those who believe dissimilarly to me.

That is all right. We can choose to agreeably disagree. Whatever you believe in or don’t a
thats your right, let’s work together focusing on commonality and not what is dissimilar.

Let’s focus on humanity and the world we live in with people of all kinds of faiths and dissimilarities as well the planet as we are the stewards for nature.” LightSun


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
“Projections change the world into the replica of one’s own unknown face.” Carl Jung

“Exactly there are many truths. Two simple ones if they could be assimilated by society could propel society forward. Only though if they take personal responsibility for their internal universe.

One universal truism is that we Homo Sapiens are a projective species. We project our unconscious beliefs unto other people and situations.

This is the dilemma. All of us are molded by societal, peer and parental expectations, values, norms, mores, ideals and values since birth.

It gets incorporated into our underlying unconscious cognitive schema which makes up our ‘autopilot’ or our underlying belief system.

This is for the wise. To change another would be tantamount to changing their hard drive or rather their genes and genetic predisposition.

In addition it would be to rewire the software of another completely different and unique individual of their parenting, schooling and indeed their entire life experiential lessons while walking the path of life.

We are as in the Hubble Telescope. We each have a different lens to view reality based on our hard wire and soft ware.

These are merely only our perceptions and not ultimate reality. Most of what we know is mere subjective opinion.

The second truth and this comes from the cognitive based psychological fields of CBT: Cognitive Behavior Therapy and REBT: Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.

Every negative felt experienced reality has an underpinning with cognitive distortions and or irrational beliefs.

It manifests as a trigger. I have an analogy. Our emotions are like the check engine light of our car.

1. If we have a negative emotion we are triggered. 2. Their are distortions in the thought process.

3. These hidden unconscious triggers are a blind spot of awareness.

4. Underneath is your own unfinished business, unresolved conflicts, emotional baggage and an unhealed aspect of a psychic wound.

This is universal. The amendments would be these three parameters. 1. A person experiencing extreme physical pain.

2. A person is in a fight or flight situation. The third is if we are confronted with something so anti-ethical to our moral sensibility.

Examples would be having a negative emotion over murderers, Hitler, Rapists, etc. The point is you do not allow your emotions to act emotionally and in an irrational sense. Hold those accountable but remain objective.

If people would acknowledge this truth and take action accordingly we could transform society from within.

This is my vow. I am responsible for my own thoughts, feelings, speech, writing and actions irregardless of the person or the external situation.

I will not repay negative energy with negative. In psychology this is negative reinforcement. For those coming from a completely blatant irrational stance, their is no useful reasoning with them.

The person pouring a type of a pollution on their fellow man and reality are those who blame others and reality for their own emotions.

They are in a philosophical sense projecting an illusion of their own unfinished business unto a real world situation or person.

These the blamers who don’t take responsibility will never heal from their psychic wound. They will continue to be triggered by this sore spot.

This will not change unless they take responsibility. Those that don’t will never grown emotionally, spiritually or psychologically.

All the sayings, “Take the High Road” would be prudent. I as every person alive has blind spots in my overall awareness.

I hope to continue to evolve by being cognitively mindful and responsible for my self in entirety, having an open mind, being tolerant and respectful of others with beliefs dissimilar from myself.

In my path following the tenets I continue to grow both in depth and breadth of my understanding of self, others and the world we live in.

I respectfully apologize if I have ever strayed to strive to be humble and have an open, inquisitive and curios mind.” LightSun


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
“Freedom is the will to be responsible for ourselves.” Fredrich Nietzsche

“ I take personal responsibility for my own thoughts, feelings, speech, writing and actions irregardless of the person or the situation.

I am cognizant that no one can make me feel a negative emotion. They can only trigger what’s within.

In that case it is my responsibility and I will not be as pollution by venting or lashing out at external situations or people. I will not blame. I will be self responsible.” LightSun


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
“If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself. If you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate the suffering all that is dark and negative in yourself. Truly the greatest gift to give is that of your own self-transformation.” Lao Tzu

Part I.

Bill you don’t believe in satan and neither do I. I see the fighting between theists and non-theists. Theists say the world is in such dire straights because of the immorality of society and point to atheists such as Hitler and Stalin to substantiate their case.

This is a correlation not causation. Non-theists blame religion for a great host of the worlds problems.

This generalizes and does not do justice to critical thought. Whether we had religion or religion did not exist, human beings still would do barbaric, soulless ‘evil’ things.

This is because all of the worlds religions scriptures were written by fallible human beings. They say the Bible is inspired and the direct message from God. Again I respect a persons personal beliefs even if I don’t share them.

I am respectful, tolerant and open minded with different belief systems across the world. That being said, I won’t hesitate to share my personal view and opinion.

Metaphorically one can say that the Bible and other religious texts are divinely inspired. This is mere metaphor. Every written and creative work is inspired, but inspired by human inspiration.

It is for this reason that every religious scripture must be reviewed under the lens of modern times and re-evaluated. Religion does not protect humanity from evil. I usually don’t like using subjective terms like evil.

I have read the Bible front to end at least once. I have read the entirety of the New Testament numerous times.

I also know the sayings of Buddha. Albert Einstein once said that if any religion could help modem man, it would be Buddhism.

I like Buddha, Confucius and Lao Tzu were never deified. Buddha was right on the money with three tenants.

Part II.

1. Buddha said to question everything even if he said unless it passed our judicious discernment.

This is why the Western religions of Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Sikhism and Baha’i, if one takes things in a literal sense are too dogmatic.

2. Buddha said that only we can walk our path and no one else. As human beings we can never be perfect.

We can’t reach ultimate enlightenment. But if we are mindful we can self actualize to the best of our abilities.

I. This is my philosophy. The purpose of life is to find one’s true self. This is a deeper self. Finding this deeper core self means one must outgrow an infantile preliminary ego state.

Since birth we have been conditioned by societal, peer and parental expectations, norms, mores, ideals and values.

In the process of self discovery one outgrows what we initially learned and develops a more humanitarian and Agape appreciation for all life and all beings.

II. We learn what is our latent, innate gift.

III. Finally we share this gift with the rest of humanity for the good, and welfare of all humanity.

We live in a Christian nation yet I perceive America as the rest of the world following ‘Maya.’ These are false values. Inclusive are the idolatry,and a pursuit of sex, beauty, wealth, fame, power and violence out of a balanced proportion.

Part III.

3. Buddha’s tenet is that no one can save us be we ourselves.

This again goes again the Western religions who are looking for a savior and someone to save them.

It is my opinion we shall never evolve psychologically, emotionally or spiritually until we learn to take responsibility for ourselves and create our own destiny.

Do you know how to create world peace?

Do you wish knowing how to make this a more perfect world?

It’s simple really. I take personal responsibility for my thoughts, feelings, speech, writing and actions irregardless of other people or the situation.

The Bible says that are body is a temple. I would add so is our mouth and the form of communication we share with others.

Why do I see all across Facebook and in reality at large negative, nasty, foul, abrasive, derogatory, Insulting language?

Don’t you know that everything that comes out of your mouth is a total reflection of your inner soul, self, person and being.

A. If you are negative you are triggered.

B. This comes from psychology, under every negative emotion are thought distortions.

C. The negative person unawares, unconsciously is projecting the pollution from their own souls. They do this unto others and reality.

D. They are blamers. Know this people no one can make you feel a negative emotion. They can only trigger what is already hidden as a blind spot from the persons own conscious awareness.

E. The persons negativity at the core root is made up of their own unconscious conflicts, unresolved issues, emotional baggage and unhealed aspects of a psychic wound.

F. A famous quote is if you want to awaken all of humanity start with yourself.

Another quote is true change can only come from within. You don’t have the right to try and change another person. That is their journey, not yours.

Folks what is the reason that people learn, and memorize by rote memorization religious scripture and verse along with all of these wonderful, inspiring, positive quotations from secular philosophy?

G. True wisdom must come and can only from within. Learn all the scriptures and secular wisdoms of the ancients you want.

It the final analysis it won’t do you any good. When a person is triggered, push comes to shove and all the wisdom goes out the window. One reverts to their base emotion.

This is why I have issue with new age thought that we are at the dawn of a new awakening. We must increase our frequency and vibration.

Just as learning all the wisdom of both religion and the secular giants, these well intentioned and positive message, have no merit.

Part IV.

H. Carl Jung said that it is only by making the unconscious, conscious that we can ever grow and evolve spiritually, psychologically and emotionally.

We must be mindful if we are ever to awaken.
This is the reason why I don’t look to an outward source to come and save me.

Finally continue to believe whatever religion you hold. But still let’s learn to use cognitive discipline of mindfulness.

In order to change and grow we must be cognizant of our own thought process. Until if and when this is done, we shall not awaken.

Until we take responsibility for our own lives, our own thoughts and take personal ownership of one’s emotions, we will continue to be in an infantile state of being.” LightSun


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
“Since the dawn of humanity. People can never get wiser each generation because they must relive the mistakes of their forebears.

Unfortunately we can’t transcribe lessons we learned unto those who follow. Each generation is born as a blank slate. We can transcribe knowledge. Thus technology increases. Human wisdom does not.

Each generation and every culture throughout the world gain wisdom from certain enlightened individuals. We have not however grown emotionally, spiritually or psychologically since the dawn of time.

Again, not since the dawn of time. Carl Jung said that until we make the unconscious, conscious we will never evolve.

Plato said that until we have leaders who are the lovers of wisdom, we will not evolve. This was said 2,500 years ago.

Dysfunction breeds dysfunction. Until we put in the time, money, resources and effort into these humanitarian efforts we will not evolve. Moreover we can’t until these areas to begin with deserve out time and focus.

This includes the list of the following:
1. Children
2. Education
3. Health Care
4: Decreasing the gap between the super rich and poor
5. Increasing the Human Happiness Ratio of our citizens in this country.

We have had Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Krishna, Mahavira, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Confucius, Moses, Muhammad, and Jesus. We also have the wisdom of the giants in philosophy.

All of the great religions and the greatest of secular philosophers say that the kingdom of heaven is within and that true worth comes from inside.

Yet we live like Socrates said in his famous Allegory of the Cave in shadows and follow these shadows. None will awaken as long as these false values are pursued out of proportion and balance and and then glorified.

1. Sex
2. Beauty
3. Violence
4. Power
5. Wealth
6 Fame

One can not transmit wisdom. Learn all the religious verses you want, go to a church, synagogue or temple regularly.

When one is triggered the person will revert to their base primitive emotions. React out of instinct and guided by their own unconscious thought process.

We have not been taught to think for ourselves in a critical thought manner and learn to be wise on their own. Until you learn to think for yourself, we will not evolve as a society. Moreover to usher in any new beginning has a simple equation.

1. I take total responsibility for my thoughts, feelings, speech, actions and behaviors despite the person or the situation.

Moreover as a species we are projective. We project our own internal reality. This is made up of in the unconscious our cognitive schemas based on our own values, norms, mores.

These stem from parental, peer and societal expectations we received as a child. We then project all this unfairly unto others and all in an unconscious manner.

2. Secondly I will not repay negative energy with negative energy. How another person reacts is a reflection of them. How you react is a reflection of you.

3. This applies to adults. Nobody can make us feel bad. They can only trigger what is already inside. It is a mad cycle. We are a projective species. We become triggered.

Now either one can take responsibility for themselves or else blame others and reality for how we feel. At all times a person who has achieved peace of the mind and has a good healthy internal locus of control and self concept, they will not react outwardly with negativity against others and reality.

These individuals who take personal responsibility will grown emotionally, spiritually and psychologically.

Those who blame others and are negative are as pollution to the human species. They are holding society back with their unknown ignorance.

They get triggered and out comes their own emotional baggage, unresolved issues, unconscious conflicts and they react from an unhealed psychic wound on their part.

Until we break this cycle there will be no Awakening. You can have people waiting for someone outside ourselves to come and bring salvation.

As long as we do not learn to think for ourselves, take responsibility for ourselves and learn to develop wisdom from within, we will never evolve.

To begin with society must put in the time, money, resources, and manpower in certain areas. This should begin in early childhood.

1. Mindfulness of our own subconscious dynamics in the thought process. Being aware of what are cognitive distortions that are in our unconscious. We need to develop our mental discipline and have the tools to eradicate these thought distortions and for us to react more rationally.

2. Empathy skills training.

3. Active Listening Skills.

These are just the basics. Until if and when I see the time and resources put in these areas, I believe it is a Pollyanna belief that we can usher in a new awakening.” LightSun


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
You can start by making less fewer paragraphs and using more concise wording.


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
‘Extremely Important and Timely Message for All Humanity’

“Of the entirety of my work, this post encapsulates my thought process to make this a better world. It all starts with us ladies and gentlemen. Make no mistake about it. As long as we have finger pointers, society will not evolve.

Of you want to make this a better world, you don’t have to do something monumental. Just focus on making yourself a better person. Take the high road , and don’t be a hypocrite.

Of you really want to travel the path less traveled, you will awaken within you the Light. You will be a light for humanity to follow.

My question is are you aware of the important dynamics of these terms?

1. The role of the Unconscious in determining our day to day thoughts and actions.

2. Do you know that all of us are a Projective species. We project outwardly our own limited in scope understanding of our world. When a person projects they are unconsciously judging that which they don’t find agreeable. We are all different.

3. Do you realize the truth of this statement?Every peron has a right to think and act not in accordance to our liking, understanding or wishes. That is irrelevant, each of us have an independent path. One based on our genetic predispositions and life experiences. All of us have different life lessons to master.

3. Do you recognize The role of Triggers as being learning tools. It is an opportunity to take the path less trodden, and to take the high road.

4. I have realized the impact of Emotional Reasoning has had on our history. It is a blind spot of awareness. I’ve written, “Just because I think, feel and believe something, does not necessitate that it is the truth.

Not unless it is proven by hard research methodology in the here and now and the results replicated.

“Millions of people never analyze themselves. They don’t know what or why they are seeking, nor why they never realize complete happiness and lasting satisfaction.

By evading analysis, people go on being robots, conditioned by their environment. True self-analysis is the greatest art of progress.” Paramhansa Yoganada

“We need to wake up from autopilot mode. We have to live deeply and with more awareness so that we can be attentive to each moment.

Enlightenment, peace and joy will not be granted by someone else. The well is within us.” Thich Nhat Hanh

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” Carl Jung

“There is only one perpetrator of evil and that is human unconsciousness. If you were truly conscious of what your possible ill spirited actions does to another human being, to yourself and the collective unconscious, you would not do it.

So those who act with toxicity in any manner, we have to understand that it is almost as if they are asleep. If they truly understood, if they truly got what they were doing they wouldn’t have done it. You know this to be true.” Eckart Tolle

“If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself. If you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is dark and negative in yourself. Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation.” Lao Tzu

“Much of the evil in the world is due to the fact that man is hopelessly unconscious.” Carl Jung

If you do not have cognizant understanding of the above terms, then you are running blind in life. You are projecting your reality unto others and unto situations. You may have a problem accepting what I wrote down below.

Moreover you do not have expert experience to give a cogent response that is in direct opposition to mine.

I have tried to share the importance of being aware of our subconscious thoughts. It is imperative. We shall not grow as a species, not in any sense in the psychological, spiritual or emotional way.

I really do believe in the human potential. I believe that if most of humanity combined forces, we could accomplish so much. I realize I am introducing a foreign concept for many. That is unless they have a counseling background.

I realize the importance. The problem is that I am trying to introduce to the readers a field they may not be aware of.

I can not fault a person if they are negative or utilize judging negative subjective derogatory language on people who have an opinion other than the one they hold.

If they don’t have the knowledge and indeed the wisdom of a psychological background, they are out of their depth.

They in a dictionary sense and not meant as an insult, are blindly lashing out against what they don’t understand. As long as this continues humanity shall not grow.

It trips me out when a Republican bashes all the Democrats and vice versa. Do you realize how irrational you are? You are blasting half the population of approximately 150 million personages. It all starts with us as an individual.

As long as people engage those with poor behavior, their behavior will continue unabated. These negative people are pollution on Facebook and in our lives.

The only way to extinguish their behavior is simply to ignore them first. Second block them. Now this is important. By you seeking to correct or explain to a person your point of view, you are contributing to negativity.

I take the oath. I will never respond to a person clearly coming from a negative, antagonistic position. If you want to make this a better world, then follow me and simply ignore those who exist to be negative.

If you can keep this vow, we can make this a better world. How? If this vow was held by a majority of people, then those who are negative would have no power. We give them power by replying to them.

Those who think they are coming from a more enlightened position or the right position are statistically triggered and protecting their own ego, saving face, etc.

None of this matters to those who bait you. Be cognizant of triggers for they are a test. A test a person can overcome if it one chooses to not engage with those who are clearly coming from a negative position.

(1) I am responsible for my own thoughts, feelings, speech, writing and actions irregardless of the person or the situation.

(2) Do not repay negative energy with negative energy.

(3) What I do is a direct reflection of me. All the time. What the other person does is a reflection of them. Not at all me.” LightSun
#Psychological #spiritual #emotional #unconscious #projection #triggers #emotionalreasoning

PLEASE: If you don’t take my word then take a look at the giants who have gone before. All these names substantiate my words.

Carl Jung
Lao Tzu
Eckart Tolle
Thich Nhat Hanh
Paramhansa Yoganada
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