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Help type me Ixxx


Feb 5, 2014
Instinctual Variant
I don't know my personality type and it's driving me mad because everybody else seems to know theirs and won't stop talking about it :beathorse:

So, the first time I took the test I got INTJ. Then I took the blogthings version and got ISTJ. After that I've gotten all sorts of weird types. I would have picked INTJ because it fits me decently, but I am not so stupidly cold to others and I am not self confident. I like to cuddle guinea pigs and bunny rabbits :shrug:

More info... um, so I took that house test and picked House #3

I checked the quick guide to determining your type. I know I'm introverted and usually directing, so according to Linda Berens I should be an INTJ, ISTJ, INFJ, or ISTP.
I couldn't determine my temperament because I don't know if I'm concrete or abstract or affiliative or pragmatic :shrug:

Anyone want to help?


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Feb 5, 2014
Instinctual Variant
never mind. I'm bad at life.


New member
Nov 1, 2012
never mind. I'm bad at life.

No, no, no. You are note bad at life. You're a 9w8, so your natural inclination, one would assume, is that you do not relish conflict but you have a certain expectations in life, high standards, if you will. My gut says INFJ. In reference to the 4 types you think you could be: INTJs and ISTJs are not playful in general and ISTPs are very cold and self confident. Again, having chosen house #3 (even the house test is a truly elementary test), one could assume you have a complex personality (like most people) that cannot be easily placed in any one personality type. Regardless, I would go with INFJ. You can teeter on the F/T aspect, but the differences between S and N tend to be more pronounced. INFJs, in my experience, do not enjoy confrontation and love peace and tranquility, but they are aggressive internally because they want/need things to be a certain way (you are right next to perfectionist 1's). What do you think? This is based on the little information you have given. Tell us more about yourself.


Feb 5, 2014
Instinctual Variant
No, no, no. You are note bad at life. You're a 9w8, so your natural inclination, one would assume, is that you do not relish conflict but you have a certain expectations in life, high standards, if you will. My gut says INFJ. In reference to the 4 types you think you could be: INTJs and ISTJs are not playful in general and ISTPs are very cold and self confident. Again, having chosen house #3 (even the house test is a truly elementary test), one could assume you have a complex personality (like most people) that cannot be easily placed in any one personality type. Regardless, I would go with INFJ. You can teeter on the F/T aspect, but the differences between S and N tend to be more pronounced. INFJs, in my experience, do not enjoy confrontation and love peace and tranquility, but they are aggressive internally because they want/need things to be a certain way (you are right next to perfectionist 1's). What do you think? This is based on the little information you have given. Tell us more about yourself.
wow... thank you for that :blink:

yeah, I feel like I am in the middle of everything, maybe I don't know myself well. what you said could fit me though, but I'm not sure about N/S. I only see the big picture, I hate details, I'm very creative... but I also like sensing things like rollercoasters, horror movies, and warm summer days. I used to be a heavy reader (before I found out about the internet), finishing all of the harry potter books (that were available) in 2nd grade, but now I don't think I like harry potter... also I researched all about space and astronomy when I was younger, until I figured it all out and now I'm not interested. also used to be creative and make a whole world with my toys and turn them into people, but I also follow instructions carefully. I like to figure things out on my own, but when it comes to school I need detailed instructions because then so many questions pop in my mind to fill the gaps :shrug: Maybe I have become a sensor... also, I'm not sure what this is, but when I start one thing I need to get it done before I can move on. Sort of like this personality thing, I have to figure it out. :dry: Or my teacher complained before that when I am stuck on a question while taking a test, I spend a lot of time on that question before moving on because I need to finish that question or I get nervous.

Teacher gave me the "math star" of my 2nd grade classroom. I love math and physics, specifically the toughest word problems, but I'm also great at art and doodle during class... so I'm unsure of thinker/feeler. I like to help people with their problems and have actually done that for hours but it drains me too. I am devoted though, and I help random people find their personality type even if it wastes my own time. As for thinker, I make logical decisions, and I don't think I consider other people.

People have called me INFP before, but I don't have strong values, at least that I'm aware of. If you want to make me change my mind, you need to use logic and evidence (for most things). Sometimes though I will not care, like I took that button test where you push the button that kills all of your family or the one that kills all of Asia, I won't kill my family no matter how much evidence is shown. I've also been labeled xSFP, which is what confuses me between sensor/intuitive.

Oh, and I definitely place too much value on outside evidence/sources/logic. Other's input confuses me, which is why I've read so many conflicting things online and now I can't decide; all of that evidence will haunt me, like getting INTJ the very first time I took the test, or reading that intuitive = looking for symbols in movies, or sensor = enjoying life :(


New member
Nov 1, 2012
wow... thank you for that :blink:

Of course.

yeah, I feel like I am in the middle of everything, maybe I don't know myself well. what you said could fit me though, but I'm not sure about N/S. I only see the big picture, I hate details, I'm very creative... but I also like sensing things like rollercoasters, horror movies, and warm summer days. I used to be a heavy reader (before I found out about the internet), finishing all of the harry potter books (that were available) in 2nd grade, but now I don't think I like harry potter... also I researched all about space and astronomy when I was younger, until I figured it all out and now I'm not interested. also used to be creative and make a whole world with my toys and turn them into people, but I also follow instructions carefully. I like to figure things out on my own, but when it comes to school I need detailed instructions because then so many questions pop in my mind to fill the gaps :shrug: Maybe I have become a sensor... also, I'm not sure what this is, but when I start one thing I need to get it done before I can move on. Sort of like this personality thing, I have to figure it out. :dry: Or my teacher complained before that when I am stuck on a question while taking a test, I spend a lot of time on that question before moving on because I need to finish that question or I get nervous.

Your orientation towards the world and your interests are not necessarily related. How you choose to relax and what you enjoy are not always reflections of how you perceive and act towards the world. All of those traits still fit inside the INFJ type (intuition). As a sort of anecdote, one of my roommates is an INFJ and whenever she cooks, she has to follow the instructions to the letter, whereas I, an ISTJ rely on my experience and estimate everything.

Teacher gave me the "math star" of my 2nd grade classroom. I love math and physics, specifically the toughest word problems, but I'm also great at art and doodle during class... so I'm unsure of thinker/feeler. I like to help people with their problems and have actually done that for hours but it drains me too. I am devoted though, and I help random people find their personality type even if it wastes my own time. As for thinker, I make logical decisions, and I don't think I consider other people.

It is a tough distinction in your case. In the first place, it does not matter in that who you are is not defined by the difference of T and F :) Regardless, Fs are thinkers and Ts, although they hate to admit it, feel. You could easily fit into either. I would say F only because it is easier to "think" as a feeler than to "feel" as a thinker. Draining yourself helping others is a great indicator. Thinking Logically is not exclusive to Thinkers in the least.

People have called me INFP before, but I don't have strong values, at least that I'm aware of. If you want to make me change my mind, you need to use logic and evidence (for most things). Sometimes though I will not care, like I took that button test where you push the button that kills all of your family or the one that kills all of Asia, I won't kill my family no matter how much evidence is shown. I've also been labeled xSFP, which is what confuses me between sensor/intuitive.

That to me indicated that you are not a T all the more (the killing Asia bit). Most types that are thoughtful in the intelligence sense of the word need to be convinced with evidence and logic.

Oh, and I definitely place too much value on outside evidence/sources/logic. Other's input confuses me, which is why I've read so many conflicting things online and now I can't decide; all of that evidence will haunt me, like getting INTJ the very first time I took the test, or reading that intuitive = looking for symbols in movies, or sensor = enjoying life :(

I think you need to relax a little bit about what the internet says or what different sources say. Intuitive people enjoy life and Sensors aren't just here for the ride. I think your personality will be revealed to you more and more as you learn more and as you talk to more people. You don't need to know what your type is to know who you are. In the meantime, I do think you are an INFJ, but that conclusion can change given new information and understanding of yourself. It may turn out that you teeter on the fence between S and N and T and F. I think a large part of your uncertainty and confusion is your inner fear of being boxed into one type (fear in the sense of independence, not you cowering in a dark corner). I hope this has helped.


climb on
Oct 3, 2013
Instinctual Variant
So, the first time I took the test I got INTJ. Then I took the blogthings version and got ISTJ. After that I've gotten all sorts of weird types. I would have picked INTJ because it fits me decently, but I am not so stupidly cold to others and I am not self confident. I like to cuddle guinea pigs and bunny rabbits :shrug:

Even hard core NTJs have soft spots. I have a XNTJ roommate who is stoic and emotionally detached until you get her around kittens. It was really quite shocking the first time.

Although, the killing Asia but in another post may be a better indicator that you are in fact an F.


Feb 5, 2014
Instinctual Variant
Of course.

Your orientation towards the world and your interests are not necessarily related. How you choose to relax and what you enjoy are not always reflections of how you perceive and act towards the world. All of those traits still fit inside the INFJ type (intuition). As a sort of anecdote, one of my roommates is an INFJ and whenever she cooks, she has to follow the instructions to the letter, whereas I, an ISTJ rely on my experience and estimate everything.
That's me. When I follow instructions, I take my time because it has to be perfect :)

It is a tough distinction in your case. In the first place, it does not matter in that who you are is not defined by the difference of T and F :) Regardless, Fs are thinkers and Ts, although they hate to admit it, feel. You could easily fit into either. I would say F only because it is easier to "think" as a feeler than to "feel" as a thinker. Draining yourself helping others is a great indicator. Thinking Logically is not exclusive to Thinkers in the least.
Oh, wow... I thought being drained from helping others actually made me a thinker. I've sat down with other people and had them open up to me for an hour with all of their thoughts and feelings and then I'd tell them why they felt that way and how they should act, etc. but it does drain me, even though they say I've helped them (which can also feel rewarding, but I'm bad at taking compliments). People open up to me like this online too :shrug: I don't judge. I've never considered myself a strong "empath" though, I'm not really moved by emotions or anything. I see feelers rallying for animal rights or to stop animal abuse, and I like animals, but I can't seem to care enough when there are more important things going on in the world... I'm not emotional either.

That to me indicated that you are not a T all the more (the killing Asia bit). Most types that are thoughtful in the intelligence sense of the word need to be convinced with evidence and logic.
I guess... I don't know... :blush: I wouldn't feel as bad killing off one whole continent of strangers I've never met before than killing my family which has actual value to me. Is that a feeler thing?

I think you need to relax a little bit about what the internet says or what different sources say. Intuitive people enjoy life and Sensors aren't just here for the ride. I think your personality will be revealed to you more and more as you learn more and as you talk to more people. You don't need to know what your type is to know who you are. In the meantime, I do think you are an INFJ, but that conclusion can change given new information and understanding of yourself. It may turn out that you teeter on the fence between S and N and T and F. I think a large part of your uncertainty and confusion is your inner fear of being boxed into one type (fear in the sense of independence, not you cowering in a dark corner). I hope this has helped.
You're so right :D But at the same time I want the closure.

It did help point me in some direction, I think... I'm only wondering now, what makes you think N over S?


New member
Dec 3, 2013
For MBTI, let's play a game. Pick one that best fits how you operate.

I experience visions and premonitions that come out of what seems to be nowhere and I trust them instinctively. These visions simply flow into mind when they feel like it and often give me detailed predictions of what's going to happen next. One minute I won't know what I'm doing, and then all of a sudden I'm hit by a gut feeling or vision that tells me what I'm going to do next.

I experience "deja vu" more than others it seems. I'm usually the first person to point out that something seems off. I have absolutely no control over this, I just instinctively feel that something isn't right when I've encountered something that was different than before, and I have learned to use this tool to my advantage. I can recall past experiences with extreme detail and scrutiny.

Primarily, I focus on making sense of the world based on my own reasoning. When I see something interesting, I have to make sense of the information so that I can figure it out for myself and understand it. I build frameworks in my mind with interconnecting ideas and break them into parts so that I can understand how those parts fit the system altogether. I'm sort of like a watchmaker, seeing how all of the intricate parts of the watch make it tick based on how I think it works. Everything has to make sense to me, and I am driven to make sense of the environment around me.

If none of these descriptions fit, just let me know.

(By the way, the house thing is an illustration of the Forer effect with its descriptions)


Feb 5, 2014
Instinctual Variant
For MBTI, let's play a game. Pick one that best fits how you operate.

I experience visions and premonitions that come out of what seems to be nowhere and I trust them instinctively. These visions simply flow into mind when they feel like it and often give me detailed predictions of what's going to happen next. One minute I won't know what I'm doing, and then all of a sudden I'm hit by a gut feeling or vision that tells me what I'm going to do next.

I experience "deja vu" more than others it seems. I'm usually the first person to point out that something seems off. I have absolutely no control over this, I just instinctively feel that something isn't right when I've encountered something that was different than before, and I have learned to use this tool to my advantage. I can recall past experiences with extreme detail and scrutiny.

Primarily, I focus on making sense of the world based on my own reasoning. When I see something interesting, I have to make sense of the information so that I can figure it out for myself and understand it. I build frameworks in my mind with interconnecting ideas and break them into parts so that I can understand how those parts fit the system altogether. I'm sort of like a watchmaker, seeing how all of the intricate parts of the watch make it tick based on how I think it works. Everything has to make sense to me, and I am driven to make sense of the environment around me.

If none of these descriptions fit, just let me know.
Well I think you're basically asking me to pick between Ni, Si, and Ti. And I don't really relate to any of the function descriptions because they are all so extreme, plus I will now be biased :shrug:

If it makes a difference, though, I don't relate to Ni because I would never make a decision only because of a gut feeling, I forget things all the time and pay bad attention to detail for Si, and I don't analyze everything that way for Ti

Maybe this is Ti, in math class I always had to understand a concept fully before I could be satisfied. Just memorizing the formula was usually not enough for me (I've learned to cope), I would prefer to see how it was derived and my teachers used to like me because I always asked "why".


New member
Dec 3, 2013
Well I think you're basically asking me to pick between Ni, Si, and Ti. And I don't really relate to any of the function descriptions because they are all so extreme, plus I will now be biased :shrug:

If it makes a difference, though, I don't relate to Ni because I would never make a decision only because of a gut feeling, I forget things all the time and pay bad attention to detail for Si, and I don't analyze everything that way for Ti

Maybe this is Ti, in math class I always had to understand a concept fully before I could be satisfied. Just memorizing the formula was usually not enough for me (I've learned to cope), I would prefer to see how it was derived and my teachers used to like me because I always asked "why".
Actually those descriptions aren't really that extreme, it's just that they are distinct.

Look at it objectively in yourself. If you don't experience visions or premonitions of what to do next, then you probably aren't an Ni user, because Ni is a synthesis/simulation function. It's also based in the unconscious, meaning that Ni users don't build their plans in their conscious mind, because Ni is busy building a plan in the unconscious to be let loose into the conscious mind when it is seen fit.

If you primarily make sense of things and figure out how things work according to your own subjective logic, you are probably a Ti user.

If you don't recall detail work well and don't notice when things are different, you are probably not an Si user.

That being said, I think it is safe to eliminate Te from your dominant and auxiliary slot.