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Help me type this weirdo

Queen Kat

The Duchess of Oddity
Apr 3, 2009
I know this girl, and she's pretty weird. I'm not quite sure what type she is, because she's just so absurd. All I got was INxx, and it frustrates me that I don't know what kind of INxx. Must be the unhealthy kind of some type. First I thought INFP, but most INFPs are much friendlier. So please, could you help me type this kid?

- Alright, she's pretty silent overall. When someone starts talking to her, she can't shut up, but she won't start talking to someone herself.
- Seems to look down on most people (especially people who she finds "shallow" or "normal"), except for her boyfriend (definately ENFP) and a rebellious INTP (but she never talks to the INTP).
- Ditched some of her friends when they commented her boyfriends nose (which actually IS freaking huge) and haircut (but his hair actually DOES look kind of awkward). She doesn't seem to value friendship that much.
- She dresses pretty normally, but sometimes she chooses to wear something extremely crazy.
- Sometimes she goes to school with a heavy liquor on her breath. The teachers somehow don't seem to notice.
- A few months ago we had some kind of prom-like party where everybody had to dress up in gala-outfits. All the girls showed up in extremely expensive fancy dresses, except for her. She showed up in a tuxedo with a fake mustache. We asked her if she thought it was Halloween or something, but apparently she knew she was supposed to wear a fancy dress like the others. When we asked her why she dressed up like this, she was offended and refused to answer.
- Refuses to do her homework properly, unless she thinks her homework makes sense.
- A while ago she had to draw a person at artclass, and she could put that person in any situation she wanted. So she drew herself sitting on a fork with a very stoïc face while being eaten by Pacman.
- She blogged quite a lot, mostly about things she doesn't like or doesn't get. She quit a month ago. She removed everything she had written and just put down a message that said: "I have important things to do, and my blog isn't important, so don't expect me to write anything the next half year." She never mentionned what those important things were and if someone askes her what those important things are, she refuses to answer.
- Rarely shows her anger, but if she's really angry with you, she will do anything to ruin your life. She usually succeeds at destroying parts of it.
- Only shows up at parties if her boyfriend wants to show up there as well.
- She loves animals, but she isn't a vegetarian because she thinks it wouldn't really matter anyway if she did eat meat. "They put animals in almost everything these days!"
- If there's a problem, she's the first one who wants to solve it. She also gets frustrated if people complain about things they can solve themselves and when they don't solve those problems themselves.
- Can get really hyper when she gets attention.
- If someone askes her opinion about some guys looks, she rarely gives an answer and then she always says: "I prefer my boyfriend".
- Dreamy.
- Nobody really knows what she does in her spare time.

Please help me find out what type this weird kiddo is! It's getting so annoying!!! :steam:


Nips away your dignity
Mar 31, 2009
Instinctual Variant
I'd go with ISTJ, and not the healthiest of ISTJ's by the sound of it. :p

Queen Kat

The Duchess of Oddity
Apr 3, 2009
Think so? I haven't quite thought about that option. Maybe because I wouldn't see a ISTJ girl coming to a fancy party with a fake mustache and an arrogant look on her face like it's all normal. But well, she is kind of loyal to her boyfriend, so why not?

Queen Kat

The Duchess of Oddity
Apr 3, 2009
Maybe xNTP could be possible?


Ruler of the Stars
May 6, 2009
Instinctual Variant
wow, this has a high wtf content than I thought it would have... anyway, I'm betting on INFP, but it seems as if the Fi is really quite messed up. I think ISTJ was suggested because of the loyalty to her boyfriend, if that is the case, that was probably off the mark. She may just be idealizing him... maybe he understands her or something? I don't know... The way she dresses is quite typical for INFPs I think. If you find out what she does in her spare time, tell us, I'm intrigued :laugh: (*cough*serial-killer*cough*)


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2007
INFP, i don't know, but alot of those things would be things I'd do, with a few exceptions. And she's not a serial killer, and i find it insulting when people assume everyone weird must be a serial killer cuz the fact is, a large portion of serial killers appear to be well adjusted members of society, so if you're going to think someone's a serial killer, i would be looking at some one too normal.

except i don't think i'd comment on peoples looks, or look down on others, or wear a fake moustache. I don't have a boyfriend, and I rarely comment on guys, I can't draw,and I don't go to parties unless I'm going with a good friend, mostly because I'm shy-could that be her case? I can appear to not to be shy, but I am.


Ruler of the Stars
May 6, 2009
Instinctual Variant
INFJ. Totally.

She's an attention whore.

It's Ni versus Ne here, the fork and pacman picture seemed more Ne than Ni to me. Saint Kar said that she gets silly when she gets attention, is that the same as attention whoring? I have a brother that I've typed as an introvert, despite the occasions in which he does this attention---> silliness thing.

Since when were INFJs attention whores? :huh:

I would compare Fe to Fi, but I've forgotten the exact meaning of Fe unfortunately...


Very hard to say as there isn't enough definitive information but don't rule out INFJ... I see a lot that looks like a young INFJ. (Especially one that knows she has been labelled as "weird", if that's the case.)

Young INFJs can be very contrary and concerned with standing out from the crowd in their own quiet way, especially if they experience some kind of censure/opposition from others. Can also be very disdainful about the mainstream and what is popular which could account for some of her actions. Are you a close friend or one of her confidants? It doesn't sound like it, if not it could be very hard for you to find out her true motivations.

e.g. Ditching friends who criticized her boyfriend isn't necessarily about not valuing friendships, it could be about sticking up for her boyfriend above all others. I have aggressively put friends right back in their place when they harped on and on about a boyfriend's idiosyncrasies.

Silent overall but then can't shut up if someone starts talking to her? Check.

Sometimes dressing outrageously? Check!

I could go on down the list - wearing the tux to the prom (I was quietly controversial at my prom too, lol), the blog thing, the attitude to problem solving, being hyper when she gets attention, etc. More information needed but that entire list could easily be the behavior of a young INFJ.

Queen Kat

The Duchess of Oddity
Apr 3, 2009
Would it be a good idea if I interviewed her? Maybe she'd be more typeable then. :D Well, I guess she wouldn't mind it, since she likes attention.


Nips away your dignity
Mar 31, 2009
Instinctual Variant
I went with S because she seems to have a very unhealthy Si fueling her Te. Her actions are not those of an strong NF at all. Definatly not a healthy one. And I'd say her actions reflect her underdevelopped Si/Te instead.

Maybe she's an NF but has some identity problems and rebelliously leans towards using ST but doesn't have the maturity to use them properly. Which is the cause of her unhealthyness?

Either way, I get a pretty strong immature Si feeling when reading the OP's post and not Ni. Ni wouldn't be able to keep at those unhealthy levels without causing a breakdown. Whilest Si has more potential to remain unhealthy, ones fueled by unhealthy misjudged past experiences?

I'm not an expert by the way, but felt like I needed to explain why I went ST, albeit an unhealthy one. :p


Nips away your dignity
Mar 31, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Would it be a good idea if I interviewed her? Maybe she'd be more typeable then. :D Well, I guess she wouldn't mind it, since she likes attention.

You could have her take the test. :p


Iron Maiden
Staff member
May 31, 2009
My vote is INFP. INFJs generally are only too pleased to tell you what's going on if you sincerely want to know. INFPs seem more likely to me to do something attention getting and then not want to talk about it more when asked why. They are also more likely to talk too much or too little. I would think that an INFJ would be afraid enough of rejection that even if they wanted to do those things, they wouldn't actually go through with it. Much of what you describe sounds Nish to me rather than S like.

Queen Kat

The Duchess of Oddity
Apr 3, 2009
Well, I just had a talk with her and she turned out be nicer than I thought, actually! Maybe she just appears cold because she doesn't talk that much. Well, here are a few things she told me:

- According to her, her life is pretty boring. In her spare time, she tries to kill time by drawing, writing and shopping. She showed me a story she wrote, and it was quite funny. She wasn't satisfied with the end of the Harry Potter series that J.K. Rownling wrote, so she wrote a better one herself. I only read the first few pages, where Harry Potter woke up next to Voldemort (who was dressed up like a blond woman) after a wild night of partying. The story was 50 pages long. The girl explained she was bored.
- She and her boyfriend were friends first. Her boyfriend had another girlfriend back then, and when that girlfriend cheated, this weird girl started dating him. That was almost two years ago. She said that they spend between 2 and 4 hours a day together, except for in the weekends, when they usually spend the whole day together. She's concerned that that isn't enough to guarantee a good future together, so she decided to work a little less now.
- When I asked what the reason was that she loved him so much, she said that the world would be boring without him. Apparently she's struggling against boredom. She also said that he gave her confidence, because before they were dating, she always thought she was fat and ugly (she's actually kind of handsome and her weight is pretty average, so I don't know why she would be thinking that).
- She told me that when she was younger, she used to fall in love with a lot of guys. Sometimes even with four guys at once, at least, that was what she thought. She used to pick the guys she fell in love with (WTF?!) by watching their hair color. If it wasn't brown or black, you could forget her. Her current boyfriend is blond. She's very ashamed of her past.
- She hates her colleagues, because they're always talking about how many people they had slept with the past few days. She thinks they're shallow and that they're probably lying about it, so the others would think they're cool. She pretends to ignore them.
- She hates people who give in to social pressure anyway. She thinks they're weak.
- Her Pacmandrawing seemed to mean that the fact that we're getting more and more surrounded by computers frightens her. She's afraid of some kind of 1984-scenario, which could be caused by mobile phones, MySpace, Twitter and stuff like that.
- When I asked her why she told me these things and why she didn't tell other people, she said that she thinks she can trust me. (Yeah, people always tell me their secrets. That's getting lame!)
- Then she started talking about her boyfriend again. It was his fathers birthday today and he organized him a surprise party. This girl is going to help, because she says she loves his family as well. She has befriended her boyfriends little sister as well. The only thing she hates about his family is that they're so sporty, and she doesn't like sports at all. But her own family did have problems with her boyfriend for a while, but that was "because they complain about everything!"
- She actually doesn't like her own family. She always felt like the black sheep there. Reasons why she doesn't like her family: they're "controllfreaks", they only like "normal people, and by that they mean those photoshopped tanned models you find in the magazines", they're "always trying to make me eat more and more and believe me, they can't cook, and when I'm finished they're starting to complain that I'm obese and all!" and they "always spend they're money on things that don't matter at all, and then they even start talking about it like its a GOOD think? O my gosh, they're so STUPID!!!".

And then our class was over and by that our conversation was ended. Things I've learned:
- She's struggling against boredom, but meanwhile she seems to be searching safety which she thinks she can find best with her boyfriend and his family.
- She used to be very insecure, but she has overcome it and her arrogant appearance might be a result of that. Maybe that's also the reason why she came to the party dressed up like a man.
- She probably doesn't talk to people because she doesn't trust them or because she thinks they're just not worth it.


Apr 17, 2008
She could be an ISFP too you know,... Did you ever think that maybe she just enjoys getting a rise out of people?... Anyways... Let sleeping dogs lie.


Iron Maiden
Staff member
May 31, 2009
Very interesting. Will you keep us posted about further conversations?

I think she's still insecure, but has just chosen a different way of manifesting it. When a person is truly comfortable with themselves and others, they don't come off as arrogant or mousy, nor do they have a need to attract attention to themselves because they know they can get it legitimately. Also when you are secure, there is more of an outward focus towards people. She's had bad stuff happen and so doesn't trust people and doesn't feel much in common with the majority of them.


Nips away your dignity
Mar 31, 2009
Instinctual Variant
From the update I feel more positive on my first assesment about her being S.

I'll stick with ISTJ. :p