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gromit an ISFP?


likes this
Mar 3, 2010
I used to be fairly confident about my type, but now I am not so sure... what are some differences between ENFP and ISFP?

Also, I just have a strong aversion to being put into categories in general...


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Mar 3, 2010
Well I have a strong Se and Fi (also Ne, so I thought, but maybe it is Ni...)

Yes, it is really the Se that is throwing me for a loop. If I am actually an ENFP, then I have a very well-developed Se... I am enchanted by textures, flavors, beautiful objects (my sister calls them "nib nobs")... everything physical. Sometimes I experience something with one sense and then feel it in another sense as well. Like music as textures, numbers and letters with different emotions/colors, etc. I was climbing trees by the time I was three years old and played varsity sports through college, and I love just doing things like gardening, carpentry, painting, coloring, interpretive dancing (by myself - don't make fun)...

But then, if I am an ISFP, I have a very strong Ne, so I just do not know.

I know every person uses all the functions at varying levels/degrees, and I also know that the typology is more like tools for understanding ourselves than actual proscriptive categories.

I just don't really know...


New member
Jan 7, 2009
By your definition it sound like you are an ISFP with a strong Ne. Now I'm not too familiar with the function but I've been told that my Ne is strong too. :)

Also from what I've read, ISFPs are the ones who need some socialization compared to other introverts.


Jun 30, 2008
I still really don't know about you. But I do know that Se plus Ni can sometimes look like Ne.


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Mar 3, 2010
I don't know which is more compelling to me: sparkly things/sensations or sparkly ideas and concepts. I read this description from wikipedia (I know... ) and think that is maybe my life's purpose:

Ne finds and interprets hidden meanings, using “what if” questions to explore alternatives, allowing multiple possibilities to coexist. This imaginative play weaves together insights and experiences from various sources to form a new whole...


New member
Apr 7, 2010
gromit judging by your avatar and the way you project yourself, I would take ISFP..:shock: But that's just my opinion!

Just be you, k?! Be what you think you are/will be! :D Life's easier that way!


Jun 30, 2008
I don't know what you should say. I don't really look for hidden meanings. Sometimes they pop up and I explore them. But it isn't a real drive. It is wrong to think I am always focused on what is right in front of me though. A lot of time I am lost in thought, but not really looking. Just playing with an idea.


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Mar 3, 2010
More information which might be or might not be relevant:

I was always good in school and took to things like physics and math very easily. I studied engineering as an undergrad, and found I could keep up with the subject matter intellectually, but the details and the structure made me want to die or quit. I managed to graduate though, and with pretty good grades.


veteran attention whore
Jun 7, 2008
Instinctual Variant
First you have to decide which typing "system" you want to use to "type" yourself. ;) Personally, I believe it makes more sense to go by people's "words and tools" which is why I like Keirsey's system. It throws out all the "Ne-Ni-Fe-Fi-Fo-Fum" stuff and sticks to what our basic motivations and self-images are.

It usually doesn't take much time to figure out your "intelligent role" in that system. Trying to make sense of functions may be possible, but it takes MUCH longer in my view to really understand. To some, that's obviously important, but I don't think it really is, because it's not that useful for anything. Functions are kind of like additives to food. They can make the flavor fuller but they can also just confuse your body if they rely on them too much.

Saying "I'm not sure I'm ISFP because I have really high Ne" is about like saying "I'm not sure I can be a doctor because I don't look good in labcoats." :newwink:


likes this
Mar 3, 2010
gromit judging by your avatar and the way you project yourself, I would take ISFP..:shock: But that's just my opinion!

Just be you, k?! Be what you think you are/will be! :D Life's easier that way!
Good advice, Ming. :hug:

First you have to decide which typing "system" you want to use to "type" yourself. ;) Personally, I believe it makes more sense to go by people's "words and tools" which is why I like Keirsey's system. It throws out all the "Ne-Ni-Fe-Fi-Fo-Fum" stuff and sticks to what our basic motivations and self-images are.

It usually doesn't take much time to figure out your "intelligent role" in that system. Trying to make sense of functions may be possible, but it takes MUCH longer in my view to really understand. To some, that's obviously important, but I don't think it really is, because it's not that useful for anything. Functions are kind of like additives to food. They can make the flavor fuller but they can also just confuse your body if they rely on them too much.

Saying "I'm not sure I'm ISFP because I have really high Ne" is about like saying "I'm not sure I can be a doctor because I don't look good in labcoats." :newwink:

Can you explain to me more about "intelligent role" (or at least point me in a direction that I can read about it more)?

It is interesting that you chose to go from enfp to isfp. Not to esfp or infp. There are some similarities I guess but the tempo is really different. Have you tried this to get clearer? A Quick Guide To Double-Checking Your Type
I have considered those two. But ESFP seems even more extroverted than ENFP and INFP seems more introverted than ISFP. Maybe that's not true, but it is the sense I get.

I have looked at that link, but it makes me confused. I guess if I want someone to do something I prefer to use directive rather than informing language, but other than that I prefer informing. I am equally comfortable with initiating-responding. I guess probably I'd say I'm either Get-Things-Going or Behind-the Scenes, depending upon context, though I'm comfortable with In-Charge or Chart-the-Course as well.

My language is both abstract and concrete... I don't know. I love imagery, but I love symbolism and concepts. For roles, I might tend toward affiliation roles, but I am comfortable taking on pragmatic roles... But then I read the descriptions and they all sound like me in different situations. Probably I would tend toward Idealist/Catalyst, but again I honestly don't know. I guess the problem with those descriptions is that I will do almost any of those depending upon the situation. And I have great admiration for all of them, so when it describes the desires of the 4 temperaments, I DO want all of those things... because I admire traits, I want to posses them.

So it's difficult for me to distinguish what I AM from what I WANT to be.


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Mar 3, 2010
Try reading this to see if it fits.

These quotes from ISFP resonated with me:
Probably I’m the happiest when things are just a little different everyday. I don’t want to commit to any particular way to be. I want to be able to be a lot of ways. In my mind, I am peacefully assimilating myself to a lot of different situations, flowing easily between them all. Most people don’t understand there’s a lot going on inside. It’s always different, and if it’s not always different, it’s no fun.

When I’m someplace, doing something, I’m really there. The whole experience is related to that time and place. And people only see the part of me that is with them that day. That’s who I am for that day, but little do they know that tomorrow I might be different.

I really enjoy listening to people, hearing other people’s stories and learning about them. I remember a lot of the details. I ask a lot of questions and like the challenge of recognizing where people are coming from and why they might be coming from that perspective. I love the give and take of conversations. I really feel thrilled and excited learning from that intellectual energy combined with that emotional energy. It gives me a sense of the person. In any situation, I love the give and take, the playfulness and energy, the excitement and a little bit of competition, a little bit of one-upsmanship. But when it becomes abrasive and people personally attack others, I’m offended.

I have a lot of interests and I can get interested in one thing, and then something else comes along and that looks fascinating. I enjoy using the skills that I do have, and they’re varied. I’m always on the lookout for something that uses my skills and abilities, that will give me variety and still be stimulating and let me have a mission with people. In my best jobs, I was connecting with people and problem solving and often using tools, adapting equipment or techniques...

These quotes from ENFP resonated with me:
I have to be directly in contact with people and know that somehow I am influencing what happens for them in a positive way. That is a kind of driving force in my life, actualizing potential, giving encouragement...

I see myself as a facilitator. It’s not about imposing what I want to see happen, although I have some grand ideal of everyone having a better life or feeling better or dealing with a particular issue.

If I’m stuck for hours working at a monotonous task, I get peculiar, zonky, and weird. I get very tired if I can’t get out and exchange information. I’ll lack bounce, the bubbling of ideas that makes me run through life. I absolutely have to have a fulfilling job or I get depressed. I want to use my talents, make a difference, and have autonomy. If not, I struggle to retain a sense of self and it’s like my spirit is dying.

People talk about being drawn to me. Friends are so important to me and I have good intentions. I like to think I’ll do whatever I can do to hold on to them, but often I don’t get around to writing or calling. They know that if they create a friendship with me, then the friendship is going to be intense and loyal and I will be there for them when they really need me. And I can engage with people that I care about who are a distance away and feel like they are a part of my life on an ongoing basis, picking up a lot of feeling from what they write or when they call.


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2008
Instinctual Variant
i don't know but it would be interesting to see a system that grouped people by their top 4 or 5 most preferred functions rather than the way it is because there's obvious differences amongst types with varying preference strengths.

have you taken the cognitive function test?
what are your top 4 or 5?

miss fortune

not to be trusted
Oct 4, 2007
Instinctual Variant
:) it is possible to be an SP with freakishly high Ne... it's also possible to be an N with freakishly high Se... which feels more comfortable and natural to you?