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Most Inspid Song Nominations


Active member
Apr 20, 2007
Whatever - The Roger Whittaker piece was not one I'd heard before. Part of the reason some songs become terrible to me is that they are overplayed. Or it may be that the lyrics or concept may be inspiring, but not the music itself. Other times I just dislike the aptly named "corney-ness" of them.

When I looked up the video for this song "The Reason", in order to make this thread, I noticed that it seemed to be about a girl he had accidentally run over in his car ? ( I didn't watch it long, trust me. ) If that actually happened to him, or he's writing it for people who did experience this, then it's certainly a worthy cause, versus just a young man with stars in his eyes for some unattainable or pedestalled teen queen. The song has a cloying way about it, though, even before one hears it again and again.

There was a guy in an office I worked at, who would play it over and over, but mute the sound, or turn his headphones way up, or something like that. It sounded like Alvin and the Chipmunks from across the room, this way, and I've never liked listening to them either.

Knowing that it wasn't Alvin, though, made me want to end it like the guys in this clip do....from the very first "Fly" movie...
YouTube - The Fly,Kurt Neumann,1958,c
Y'know, just STFU !!!


New member
Nov 1, 2008
I'm trying hard to think of one, but "insipid song" seems to be an oxymoron for me.

miss fortune

not to be trusted
Oct 4, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Whatever - The Roger Whittaker piece was not one I'd heard before. Part of the reason some songs become terrible to me is that they are overplayed. Or it may be that the lyrics or concept may be inspiring, but not the music itself. Other times I just dislike the aptly named "corney-ness" of them.

:laugh: I just had to include the song since it's so over the top and melodramatic, which ends up being why I'm secretly delighted by it, but everyone else I know tells me to quit playing it because it's annoying them ;)

I always think insipid as the wine term instead of describing other things in life and occasionally forget that things you don't ingest can be insipid as well :doh:


Active member
Apr 20, 2007
I always think insipid as the wine term instead of describing other things in life and occasionally forget that things you don't ingest can be insipid as well :doh:
I've never heard it used as a wine term, although they can get pretty creative with those. ;)

I remember a male friend of mine in university days using it ( it was the first time I had ever heard the word ) to describe the understandably and usually obvious fake-oh expressions on womens' faces in many porn pix, or some of the lame poses there.

I'm thinking of audio Velveeta or...... something worse.

YouTube - Christmas Dog barking to Jingle Dogs!

Here are two that I got to despise, back in the day.
YouTube - JOURNEY "Wheel In The Sky"
YouTube - Styx - Lady


Active member
Apr 20, 2007
Three oldies I detest:
Edit: What's wrong with "Wheel in the Sky?" :-(
It's hard to put my finger on exactly why I hated that song "Wheel in the Sky". It would be easy to say that it was because the song was overplayed during its heyday, and it was; but I disliked it almost immediately.

I was noticing ( at that time ) a change in rock music that I didn't like. A certain homogeneity in rock, and performers and promotion people being aware of themselves as "role models" and stereotypes etc. and accentuating certain things as a result. There were other groups that fit in to this "movement" that had no name, too. Groups like "Supertramp" were at one end of it, and groups like Foreigner and Journey were at the more "macho" end of it, but it all had a sameness to it. I would very much include the group "Boston" also.

Supertramp often sounded more like Neil Sedaka or a broadway show than a rock group, I thought. A link to another insipid song.
YouTube - Supertramp - The Logical Song

But then, after this sort of thing had been going on a while, people expected more of this from rock in general, and so it didn't seem odd to them . You still had a few people like Springsteen and Van Morrison doing more natural stuff with some heart and soul to it.

Disco was starting to have a wider distribution also. Although I didn't enjoy Disco until I had a lot of good memories with women I met at those clubs to associate with it, I still respected the fact that it was more open about its.... artificiality than this kind of rock.

There seemed to be a kind of masculine image that people like Michael McDonald and Tom Jones etc. projected that other rock singers were trying to cash in on, after the fact. That, and the fact that the guy is apparently so emotionally worked up about a "wheel in the sky" versus something more tangible or gritty, seemed cheesey to me. ( I admit to not studying the lyrics closely. )

Meanwhile, elsewhere in American popular culture, there were other examples of Velveeta. Characters like Jack Tripper on "Three's Company" were supposed to be funny because they played "against type" by being different from this kind of masculinity. Sex on that show was always more or less something to snigger at, as they fumbled to keep it hidden. It wasn't really good "farce" either, but something more abbreviated. I remember wondering if people in the future ( now, LOL ) would think that those of us who lived in this 70's/early 80's time period actually enjoyed pap like this, and that we thought it was funny, as the canned audience laughter cranked away to prompt us. Although the show "Cheers" had some good characters ( I like the "Frazier" role ) , I noticed so many people were filling their time with stuff like this, instead of going to a neighborhood hangout and making their own real place "where everybody knows your name".

Most guys on TV with long hair then were portrayed as ruthless and /or crude stupid outlaws/drug dealers. It was like it was impermissable to show the counter-culture 60's, but OK to have brief Fonzie/Sha-Na-Na-like glimpses of the 50's, now that this time period was just a sort of novelty or oldie/moldy that was firmly of the past. Eventually we might see some glimpses of the 60's/70's but it would not be Ken Kesey and his Merry Pranksters.

It wasn't a clear cut black or white thing in my mind, though. Groups that I liked somewhat, such as Genesis, had a bit of Broadway feel to them, too, as did even Pink Floyd, when "The Wall" eventually came out. It's hard to explain why I was more tolerant of their forays n this direction. ( Nevertheless, even with them, I preferred the earlier stuff. )

Punk came out, and lived briefly in a form that wasn't co-opted, as a reaction to some of this; but then they carried things so far in the extreme opposite direction that I thought that was very limiting also.

When I hear old Doo-Wop, I kind of like some of it, even though I suppose sometimes there is an "ironic" or "camp" quality to my enjoyment, like seeing "The Sandman" sung in the movie "Blue Velvet"; itself the title of an old fashioned number, originally, which was used in the film as well . I guess I always associated songs like "Leader of the Pack" and "Teen Angel" with this, even though they are corney. Clicking on your link to the Paul Anka song was the first time I ever heard that number, which I had somehow always sensed that I wouldn't like much. I knew it was a popular number with some oldies folks, but never tried to listen to it. Why do you dislike it ? Is it the word "my" in the title that bothers you ?

Just as I had always sensed that I would dislike the Paul Anka song ( I was right ) I know without ever listening to him even once that I would likely not enjoy "Kid Rock", too; just based on the fact that he would pick such an inspid name for himself/his group. That's all I need to know.


New member
Nov 1, 2008
Supertramp?! Styx and Journey, too?! You're breakin' my heart here!


Active member
Apr 20, 2007
YouTube - My Chevy Van

Although the vid is pretty funny.
The vid was a little bit funny. What did you think was insipid about this ? The lyrics to the song or the music ? Or the idea that women would be portrayed as making themselves freely available to a stranger they were attracted to on the road, on an impulse ?

Supertramp?! Styx and Journey, too?! You're breakin' my heart here!
These groups might have some other good songs - I've never really looked hard to find them. The question brought up in "The Logical Song" might be approached in a worthwhile manner ...or not. In one sense it is a cliche that one needs to "find oneself", but it can be a very real quest, too, and not just a way to escape unwanted realities. I don't like the "emo" and "baby talk" qualities of the song, though. Here it is the musical qualities of the song I dislike, and not the concept behind the lyrics.

The insipid can come in a wide variety of flavors. Sometimes corney-ness and sometimes blandness and sometimes due to a stilted attempt to "manufacture" fun etc. Or just hearing something over and over.

The "beep-beep" sound, that a tractor or piece of construction equipment makes as it backs up, is insipid to me; even though I know it serves a warning function. I chuckled one time as I heard a mockingbird imitating it, as the little corner of nature the bird had previously lived in undisturbed was now being invaded by a back hoe. Maybe the bird was trying to fit in with this new reality. It's all just a part of noise pollution, like being woken up by the jarring sound of an intercom in a building nearby. "Mr. Taylor holding on line five..." Insipid.

I remember a friend of mine named Don, who wanted to get hypnotized, to get rid of some habit he had; but he couldn't find anyone who could put him in a trance. He said that one hypnotist started out asking him if he was getting sleepier after he had been put through some lulling repetitious activities. Don answered honestly that he was not becoming sleepier. The hypnotist said "Your eyelids are becoming heavier. Heavier. Heavier." But Don said that they didn't feel heavier. Finally the guy just came out with "Close your eyes" bluntly. We both laughed at the way Don told the story. This makes me think of people or products that try to sell us, or that we have already bought - saying not "Are we having fun yet?" but "Yes, we are having fun."

I heard that Sam Cooke song "We're havin' a party" playing once while we were waiting in a sweaty crowd for the cooling night to arrive, and waiting for the musical act we had come to see finally getting started. The crowd ( including myself ) seemed pitiful in its patient and mildly miserable endurance in the blazing sun to me, as they stood there getting "warmed up" by the opening act. I remembered the story about Jim Morrison looking out at an early "stadium crowd" full of people packed elbow to elbow, and asking them if they were all a bunch of masochists or idiots. "OK, people on the left can clap their hands" etc.

There was a time that I remember standing on a street corner and seeing an insipid scene in front of me. There was a guy walking along with a pimp's exaggerated step, and listening to some loud and insipid rap music, which may have had lyrics that were original as Hell, but which had the same beat I had heard a million times before, and the same vaguely hostile tone to the street jargon vocals. Insipid. He had just walked past a street mime, as they were out and about at this time. I remembered the first time I had thought of mimes as being annoying; and I remembered later, too, when the comments about how annoying they were had become trendy themselves; just as my comments on insipidity may become common and insipid someday.

The mime fell in behind the pimp-walking guy and perfectly imitated his gait, and the way he leaned to the side etc. For a little while the two walked along, with people beginning to chuckle at the scene, but the hip-hop guy oblivious to the fact that he was being mocked. But then, hearing the laughter, he noticed... and turned to attack the mime. Now it was no longer an insipid scene, but an exciting or funny one.

Another scene - an old man with a scottie or some other sort of lap dog little yapper standing in an office with the veterinarian he had hired to fix the dog's medical condition. Typical situation. The dog kept snapping at the vet and the old man did nothing to remedy the situation. Just like parents dropping their hyper kids off at libraries to get free baby sitting service. The dog took another small chunk of flesh out of the vet's hand as he made another attempt to pick up the dog. The old man who was the owner chuckled and started baby talking to the dog "He won't stand for any nonsense, will he? No, he won't. No, he won't" and leaning over the dog with his smiling face getting closer to his pet. Insipid. Suddenly the dog jumped up and bit the tip of the owner's nose, drawing blood. Now things weren't so funny, of course, to the old man who was the owner. Of course, to me, watching the scene go from insipid to this new development, it was now not insipid. Funny.

The comedian Sam Kinnison yelling things at the audience- but yelling funny things. Funny.

Gilbert Gottfried yelling at the audience, or someone in his routine, and playing a vague stereotype character. Insipid.

You see ?


Coolatta® Enjoyer
Apr 22, 2008
The vid was a little bit funny. What did you think was insipid about this ? The lyrics to the song or the music ? Or the idea that women would be portrayed as making themselves freely available to a stranger they were attracted to on the road, on an impulse ?

Oh no. Nothing like that. Sex in a van is one of my favorite things. Ok..pretty much anyplace outside of the norm is attractive to me. The reason I felt it was insipid is that when this song came out and even now it reminds me of someone who is in dire need of a shower.


New member
Nov 1, 2008
((reads kuranes))((re-listens to Logical Song))((tries to see it)) Nope. ((sigh))((thinks of having tantrum))((doesn't))

The insipid can come in a wide variety of flavors. Sometimes corney-ness and sometimes blandness and sometimes due to a stilted attempt to "manufacture" fun etc. Or just hearing something over and over.

YouTube - FishHeads

The "beep-beep" sound, that a tractor or piece of construction equipment makes as it backs up, is insipid to me; even though I know it serves a warning function.

YouTube - The PLAYMATES - 'Beep Beep' - 1958

The mime fell in behind the pimp-walking guy and perfectly imitated his gait, and the way he leaned to the side etc. For a little while the two walked along, with people beginning to chuckle at the scene, but the hip-hop guy oblivious to the fact that he was being mocked.


But then, hearing the laughter, he noticed... and turned to attack the mime.


Now it was no longer an insipid scene, but an exciting or funny one.


Another scene - an old man with a scottie or some other sort of lap dog little yapper standing in an office with the veterinarian he had hired to fix the dog's medical condition. Typical situation. The dog kept snapping at the vet and the old man did nothing to remedy the situation. Just like parents dropping their hyper kids off at libraries to get free baby sitting service. The dog took another small chunk of flesh out of the vet's hand as he made another attempt to pick up the dog. The old man who was the owner chuckled and started baby talking to the dog "He won't stand for any nonsense, will he? No, he won't. No, he won't" and leaning over the dog with his smiling face getting closer to his pet. Insipid. Suddenly the dog jumped up and bit the tip of the owner's nose, drawing blood. Now things weren't so funny, of course, to the old man who was the owner. Of course, to me, watching the scene go from insipid to this new development, it was now not insipid. Funny.


You see ?




I love mimes. You big meanie.


New member
May 2, 2008
The mention of Roger Whitaker reminded me that nearly all of his songs seem insipid to me. Roger himself seems insipid! (Although I'm sure he must be a very nice human being. ;))

Quite a few of John Mellancamp's songs. Especially "Jack and Diane."

Any song that tells a story is unpleasant and bland to me.

And bless his heart, as much as he can rock out, Springsteen and his automobile/human metaphors are just blame stoopid. "Strap your hands 'cross my engines?" Puleez.

But the latest in insipidididitty for me is Viva la Vida from Coldplay. Make it stop!


Jun 26, 2008
The mention of Roger Whitaker reminded me that nearly all of his songs seem insipid to me. Roger himself seems insipid! (Although I'm sure he must be a very nice human being. ;))

Quite a few of John Mellancamp's songs. Especially "Jack and Diane."

Any song that tells a story is unpleasant and bland to me.

And bless his heart, as much as he can rock out, Springsteen and his automobile/human metaphors are just blame stoopid. "Strap your hands 'cross my engines?" Puleez.

But the latest in insipidididitty for me is Viva la Vida from Coldplay. Make it stop!
