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[Traditional Enneagram] Is it possible for me to have no wing?


New member
Nov 23, 2015
I did several enneagram tests and the results all say I'm a type two, closely followed by 4 and 9. I heard that the 'wing' has to be right next to the first number, so does that mean I have no wing? What does the 'w' really mean and does it actually make a difference? (As you can probably tell I don't know a lot about enneagram)

And while I'm here I might as well ask, are there any type 2 INFPs out there? Every INFP I've seen are all either type 4 or 5.

Just did the test again and got a 9w1? I'm more confused than ever.
And also what is SP, SX, and SO?

I have so much to learn :D


Active member
Aug 11, 2015
Instinctual Variant
People can have balanced wings.

SP is self preservation and is usually associated with looking after yourself, health, belongings, identity, ect.

SX stands for sexual and is associated with intimacy.

SO means Social and is about understanding social structure.

This is simplified, but if you want to know more then you should look up instinctual variants.


Staff member
Dec 23, 2009
Instinctual Variant
I did several enneagram tests and the results all say I'm a type two, closely followed by 4 and 9. I heard that the 'wing' has to be right next to the first number, so does that mean I have no wing? What does the 'w' really mean and does it actually make a difference? (As you can probably tell I don't know a lot about enneagram)

And while I'm here I might as well ask, are there any type 2 INFPs out there? Every INFP I've seen are all either type 4 or 5.

Just did the test again and got a 9w1? I'm more confused than ever.
And also what is SP, SX, and SO?

I have so much to learn :D

Yes, I think it is possible to have balanced wings. The way I think of it as follows. Imagine that your enneagram type is a dot on the circle. That dot could be anywhere. It could be halfway between a 1 and a 9, 1/5 of the way between 1 and 9, or right on the 1 or 9. So you can have a strong wing, weak wing, or no wing.


Jan 21, 2010
Instinctual Variant
[MENTION=24479]themightyfetus[/MENTION] is a type 2 INFP.


Active member
Feb 5, 2015
The way I see it is we have two wings for or primary type and if we utilise an other point we can also draw upon the wing or wings of the Point energy we may expressing.

The way I understand it agenda and mood are associated to the left or right wing.

For the 9w1 Agenda - (conches agenda) is expressed via the (with 1) or w1 or one wing. And mood is expressed via the other wing the eight wing or Point:8 for the 9w1.

The core point and wings works like 3 into 3 and or like the law of three.

We start of hole and form a personality to cope and operate under the influences we are subjected to cause and effect creation entropy and variations mirrored though separation.

As we separate from our own experience of the original Unity to form an individualised personality to be of service in ordering knowledge for the synergetic collective agenda our sheared survival. A shock in reverse takes place and the law of three seems to be expressed in the the fixing of the grouping of three being core wing & wing. The core point is like creation in the three parts mass energy and creation. The third implicate is expressed as the action of our individual personality expressed. One of nine for you it is Point:9 a nine with two wings w1 & w8.

In a funny way to survive in the explicate order as a Human an organic hologram, with a mechanical body that acts like a virtual reality suit for the Soul, the Soul Being Self as Unity or non separation from the Unifying force of host, Grater Nature. We must deal with both entropy and creation because the four dimensional of our universe is reactionary and evolves bye cause and effect reaction (Universe/ Solar system/ Galaxy).

Anyway the mid point between the wings is like the reconciling force being expressed. In other words your primary point Point:9 is how you chose to reconcile with the reality of being a Human in a four dimensional realm. Or as a Soul in a body on a planet within a solar system apart of a galaxy as part of the Universe.

So it's a 3 into 3 thing like a living fractal, we are all little fractions of the fractal but at the same time we are never separated from Host Host Being the hole fraction of the Fractal.

So the core type point is like the mid point and thinking this was there can be a two part play 1&8 conches agenda & conches mood. The core nine is the conches element the two parts is the focus of mood and agenda.

The individual within is the nine within the grouping 1-9-8 or 9w1.

Why is expressed as 9w1 if we have two wings?

I think the reason is knowing all eighteen correlation with the MBTI and there correct placings a fixed shape design takes form but looking at the other wing for the eighteen subtypes the shape is not fluently interlocking.

Why well that a good question.

Has it to do with the the flow in the statement: there is order in chaos and chaos in order.

Is there two complexities one seemingly more complex than the other because the other connects with dynamical actions not understood or recognised. Like the six instinctual variants and the mind and the six Astroid Belts between Mars and Jupiter and the six parts components that make up Pluto (Pluto and its Five moons).

It gets tricky to tricky theory of relativity and string theory could the two interconnect are the two parts of the same coin and is the coin like the three parts 1-9-8 and could host be the (9) and and the two orders relativity and strings like one of each side of the coin.

So the side of the coin that deals with the String component of pattern maybe to hard to understand at this point in time. It may take 500-1000 years to order a model.

We may have to understand each and every Astroid as if it it was being MRI ed from above the Sun as all astroids are being tracked with E=U in mind as we consider that each Astroid belt is like the 3 into 3 model.

E=u would be like each Astroid within the Astroid belt is like a posable place on a string one of six strings.

Open string closed string invisibly gravity track of each of the six strings.

3 into 3.

Instinct and mind may be closely linked to Pluto and its five Moons and the six Astroid belts.

The remaining six to make 18 perhaps is our own individual six instinctual variants.

So eighteen subtypes 16 MBTI types Plus Two Types: (ESNTJ & INTFP), Pluto + five moons , six steroid belts , individual six instinctual variants, all these things maybe interconnected like a larger than Self synergy.


New member
Mar 22, 2015
Ah yes, [MENTION=26648]Lsjnzy13[/MENTION] I am an INFP 2w3 with a strong 9w1 fix. I also have a 6w7 fix, which you also have according to your signature.

Think of Enneagram as a meal. You have your core type, which is the meat, and your wing is the seasoning. Both people could have steak, but one has salt, and the other has paprika. The amount of seasoning can vary, just as your wing can vary in strength. Some steaks have a whole lot of salt on them, and others have just a touch. The second in your tritype is the side, like a biscuit. That second type can also have a wing--some biscuits have butter, others have jam. The last in your tritype is the dessert. Some ice cream is drizzled in caramel, and some has sprinkles.

Taking all this into account, two people with the same tritype can actually contrast a lot. A 2w3-9w8-6w7 might appear very differently than a 2w1-9w1-6w5.

I considered myself a 9w1 for a time. It's probably common for INFP 2s to mistype at first. Our high Fi can seem very 4-ish, and our mellow nature can be interpreted as 9. It's really about motivation and core desire, when it comes down to it. I value my inner peace immensely, just as I value my individuality and idiosyncrasy, but my core desire is to be loved, and everything sort of revolves around that.


May 3, 2009
Instinctual Variant
When I take those tests, I'm usually a 4 or a 7. I am definitely not a 7, but it's my wing. I went back and forth, really thinking I was a 4, until I read about E6 and it fit me so perfectly...the problem with E6 is that it's the most common type, but many people don't realize they're 6s unless they're phobic. 4w3 is still my heart fix and the second in my triad, but I think I kept getting 7 because of being a CP 6w7.

So you should take those tests and apply them to your whole tritype, imo, rather than taking them as a literal gospel of enneagram. ..especially since so many of them are short or may have self-bias from you.


Hotel California
Nov 5, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I have a double wing - I relate as much to the w3 as I do the w5.

My personal experience with enneagram tests is that they're wildly inaccurate. I ultimately resorted to just reading about each time til I found the one I resonated with the most, and did the same for the instincts and wings.


New member
Jan 25, 2016
The strength of the wing can vary. In my experience, it is very rare or impossible, for someone to truly have balanced wings. It would be more accurate to say that someone can have a particularly weak wing, to the extent that they seem to have both wings.