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How to distinguish ISFJ and INFJ?

Snow Turtle

New member
May 28, 2007
The descriptions of ISFJ always suck compared to the INFJs magical sixth sense. Bah humbug. /Lashes out on everybody.

On a more serious note: Do INFJs really detect things that aren't based on past experiences? Intuition is just basically leaping towards the end, without knowing the building blocks isn't it?

The Ü™

May 26, 2007
Instinctual Variant
I think the big difference between an ISFJ and INFJ is that the ISFJ is more likely to score S, while the INFJ is more likely to score N.


Glowy Goopy Goodness
Jul 11, 2007
People's emotional states "get inside" me all the time. Everyday feels like an emotional rollercoaster for me even when dealing with others. But I am able to realize when/if it's impractical to let it negatively effect things and I will adjust accordingly if I have to in order to get things done.

This is probably true in general, but I am just talking about my perception of the two types. If ISFJ's get bothered by things easily they don't let on nearly as much as INFJ's do.


New member
Nov 22, 2008
I've known one ISFJ for 19 years, and...

I've noticed she's really touched by stories, e.g. news / tv and such. She needs to talk about these things to smbd all the time, and she gets really involved with these peoples / animals stories even though she doesn't know them personally.

(I don't really get emotionally involved with news stories, nor do I seek information about those)

She also expresses a lot of concern with status and how people / things look like. Sometimes I've called her Bree from the Desperate Housewives jokingly :D

She's way more practical than me (and more self-sacrificing in this sense, she does a lot of stuff for her close ones).

She is usually very assertive and out-going in social settings.

She does speak faster.

She is very competetive and doesn't want to be friends with people that are "smarter" than her :D She likes feeling "superior". Or then being with people who are by some standards "popular". (whereas I like being around people that are smarter for the stimulation and challenge, and/or some way interesting, random people. I'd guess you won't find INFJ playing social games and trying delibaretely please anyone to achieve something)

She gets bored with talking about something very fast (I could go on forever about whatever topics and create new ones and talk abt hypothetical alternatives etc)

ISFJs are overly kind-natured :unsure:

ISFJs take care of people in practical ways and by being there, giving their time and making tremendous efforts for their families.

INFJs give therapy.


Earth Exalted
Mar 14, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Seperate them. The following will take on person for the INFJ and another for the ISFJ.
At the same time in different locations, throw a chair at them.

The one that blocks and rolls is the ISFJ.

The one that closes his/her eyes/puts hands together/sends chair to the beyond section in Bed Bath and Beyond.........is the INFJ by default and orderliness:D


New member
Nov 12, 2008
Seperate them. The following will take on person for the INFJ and another for the ISFJ.
At the same time in different locations, throw a chair at them.

The one that blocks and rolls is the ISFJ.

The one that closes his/her eyes/puts hands together/sends chair to the beyond section in Bed Bath and Beyond.........is the INFJ by default and orderliness:D

Hm, ok, so I threw a chair at my mother, but she didn't behave according to expected patterns. She got like:wtf::azdaja::rules:

I'm confused:shock:


Earth Exalted
Mar 14, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Hm, ok, so I threw a chair at my mother, but she didn't behave according to expected patterns. She got like:wtf::azdaja::rules:

I'm confused:shock:

You're confused and lucky to not have an ISFP parent who would have beat you until you were spaghetti(Se)


New member
Jun 8, 2007
ISFJ has the "Behind the Scenes" interaction style while the INFJ has the "Chart the Course" interaction style. So when working on a task the INFJ will prefer to make their own plan first and then guide others according to the plan or just work on it themselves. An ISFJ is more likely to look for feedback from other people ahead of time and be inclusive and build a consensus before moving forward.

Interaction Styles

Also from my (limited) experiences so far with the two types ISFJ's tend to be more even tempered, while INFJ's are much more sensitive especially to other people's emotional states. The ISFJ can read other people's emotional states as well, but it doesn't "get inside of them" the same way that it does an INFJ.
Yes. And congrats.
Intuition is initiative in essence.


Freshman Member
Nov 7, 2008
Instinctual Variant
ISFJs are more about responding directly to the specific needs of others and fulfilling day to day responsibilities in the real world. They are much less likely to waste time on unrealistic pipe dreams, and much more aware of inherent norms, standards and measurements for everything from work-related details to structuring their social interactions. ISFJs also have a far better memory for sight/sound/smell/touch/taste and can use these sensations to recall a surprising amount of specific data about past experiences--for the dominant Si, past experience is defined by the memorized sensory data associated with it. This is why they have so little patience with abstract theory that doesn't seem to apply to real life--they have no context through which to view it because, since it's never really happened, there is no mental sensory database from which to draw information on it. So who cares about it?

INFJs are more idealistic and broad-sweeping with their attempts to help others...in short, ISFJs reliably and dutifully look out for the interests of their loved ones; INFJs go on moral crusades. INFJs need to make a difference in some grand way that affects everyone or makes some broad idealistic change.

INFJs are also much more suited to innovation and change. Dominant Ni+auxiliary Fe forces them to always be looking for new ways to improve or expand upon their personal philosophy or ethical system; the ISFJ is dominant Si/auxiliary Fe, so tertiary Ti doesn't really get out that much, and inferior Ne--the function responsible for change and innovation--is scarcely heard from at all. Placement of the N function is the biggest giveaway for me when identifying INFJ vs. ISFJ--the former's iNtuition is dominant; the latter's, inferior. As a result, ISFJs are much more comfortable sticking to traditional perspectives on morality and responsibility and not as open to changing those perspectives even when they seem outdated or useless to other (usually N) types.


Rubber Nipple Salesperson
Jul 19, 2007
My best friendington is an ISFJ and she has a huge sense of duty.
She is most concerned with doing the dutiful thing and she values elegance, traditions, helping others and furthering her great cause. Dependability is huge with her. She is obsessed with doing things right and being competent and being seen as competent. She feels so proud when someone gives her a task and she comes through and accomplishes it- being regarded as someone reliable and trustworthy is a huge goal for her. She needs to feel useful and needs to be doing something.

I am more focused on being regarded as an individual and someone who understands- being understood and understanding others is more of a goal for me. I value, growth, humor and self expression. I like to discuss abtract things and have a need to reflect and anaylze more then do. I want to break traditions and or make new ones.

I am a person who cannot hide their emotions- and it is something that she doesn't respect about me. We love each other to death though don't get me wrong- we just differ in that greatly. I have a need to be authentic and am also a slave to my emotions- they are so intense- you can see despair on my face when I am down- you can see electric joy when I am happy. She is more focused on what other people need her to be- she feels a sense of duty to put on a smile even if she is sad so that she does not dump on someone's else's day- she wants the other people around her to be happy so she will put on a happy face for their sake.

Me- I have to be me and screw the world- I would rather be authentic even in negative ways- so I just avoid people when I am in an abysmal mood because I can't control, nor hide it- plus I would resent not being able to be myself.

I cannot detatch myself from others and their feelings- I absorb people. She can detatch and not take things personally or not be affected by other people's emotions.

She has tremendous self respect and also has an incredible ability to bring out the best in others and is very hospitable in conversations. I am more socially awkward and have an ability to make people feel comfortable and tell me their life story.

She is very kind but is not gentle.
I am very gentle but I am not very kind.

She is not as in tune with her feelings as I am. I am very in tune with the inner workings of my mind and heart. She is more bold and honest- she will tell you you look fat in those jeans. She is also able to genuinely compiment people she doesn't like- which strikes me as something special as I won't want to say anything nice to or about someone I can't stand or who can't stand me. She will go up to them and tell them they look fabulous if she thinks they look fabulous. I would rather avoid the existence of the person all together and just never cross paths,lol.

I would say that I am more honest with myself and she is more honest with other people.

I question what the reality is of the situation- while she wonders where are the vegetables- because people are not eating their vegetables!

I am a philospher while she is a doer.
She stops wearing white after labor day and I start wearing white after labor day,lol.

She encourages people to be brave- to do what is right- to stand tall- to be honest and to be kind. She says it takes hard work being a person of a character and that it is something everyone should have the gumption to do and is worth while and rewarding.

I encourage people to reflect- to share who they are- to express themselves-
to understand the situation and to laugh. I say- be who you are- go after your dreams- if you really want it - then you'll you go after it no matter what.


No moss growing on me
Jun 12, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Enlightening thread. I wish I knew more INFJs and ISFPs in real life. I think we relate to each other really well.


Freshman Member
Nov 7, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Enlightening thread. I wish I knew more INFJs and ISFPs in real life. I think we relate to each other really well.

Sometimes. You're much closer to ISTJ than either of those, functionally. ISFP is probably more similar to you than INFJ, too--the whole "each of you is dominant in the other's inferior function" thing that you have with the INFJ tends to make people look deceptively compatible to many outsiders...but inside, the cognitive processes and motivations are dramatically different.


Strolling Through The Shire
Jan 14, 2009
Ladypinkington, hit the nail on the head!! Wow! Well said!

The less time I spend with an ISFJ, the better! I have great difficulty with them, as they usually rub me the wrong way, as I find a general "fakery" about them, not all, but most.

I find their sense of loyalty to be insane, to the point of covering up the tracks of their friends who've possibily committed a crime and insulted their own family, if the bond is strong enough. Just think of any nurse who's given you an IV, she was probably an ISFJ. Willing to go the extra mile and follow orders and please everyone, but at what cost to your self respect??? Why can't you guys just be yourself, why is the herd so bloody important to you? At the same time, they have a horrible time expressing how they feel. In a relationship, it's gone beyond,the old adge (which they like), "do as I say, not as I do" and is now at, "do as I think, not as I say"!!! They're the teachers that drive you nutty, and often, do not think outside the box and can't see brilliance if it came up and shot them in the face. The guys are the worsed I'd say, and in the extreme cases, live with a false front, because they have to act like the norm, rather than be themself. The ones who've honed their inferior traits, they are unstoppable forces of nature, able to lead, because they really do know the attitude of the herd. That said, the ISFJ drives me nuts, and more often then not, I do not like or appreciate their sense of humor, not to mention the deer in the headlights look when I've explained something to them that I find simple, or the fake laughing at a joke that they didn't really get or understand.

As an INFJ male, I look at the billion or so ISFJ's out there, wondering, "Ok, now what was the point of that?" They are the ones I have to be nicer to, and be patient with, over and over.

ISFJ's are the reason all the CSI's and Law and Order's, do so well on TV, just keeping the status quo and enjoy all that tactile investigation. LOL!


Freshman Member
Nov 7, 2008
Instinctual Variant
ISFJ's are the reason all the CSI's and Law and Order's, do so well on TV, just keeping the status quo and enjoy all that tactile investigation. LOL!

Unfortunately most mass marketed products are aimed at SJs in some way or another, since they are by far the largest of the four temperamental subgroups. Maybe if most people were Ns, TV wouldn't suck so much.


Strolling Through The Shire
Jan 14, 2009
Unfortunately most mass marketed products are aimed at SJs in some way or another, since they are by far the largest of the four temperamental subgroups. Maybe if most people were Ns, TV wouldn't suck so much.

Agreed! Us NJ's are between 7-17% (ave.12%) of the pop and SJ's are betwen 37-53% (ave.45%) of the pop. Now to be an ass, "No wonder we have to dumb things down on TV". Notice how I not only consider N's the ones who come up with the shows, but also the ones who's creative and artistic lisence is dumbed down and diminished because of the SJ's! Insulting, but more often than not, very true.

Imagine a meeting with writers (N's) and programmers (S's). The S says, "I don't get it, let's make it easier." Then the N gets pissed and gives off this aura of superiority and smuggness, and finds the S retarded because they basically just said, "you're an idiot for being smart". The S gets pissed because they are being treated less than the N and right away the S wants to lash out, and says, "Well, aren't you going to fight, what are you a sissy?" and the N, now confirmed in their logic, just sits puzzled, thinking, "You really are an idiot!", and simply carries on.

Feels so typical, but generalities are usually ungrounded and fallacious!


Temporal Mechanic
Staff member
Sep 28, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Unfortunately most mass marketed products are aimed at SJs in some way or another, since they are by far the largest of the four temperamental subgroups. Maybe if most people were Ns, TV wouldn't suck so much.
