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How is it like to be P ?

Virtual ghost

Complex paradigm
Jun 6, 2008
I am sorry if Ps feel analysed it is just that I want to understand all those people around me.

What do you think about concept "conflict" ?


Apr 24, 2008
conflict sucks... at least if you have the weaker weapons :)


señor member
Apr 27, 2008
A disagreement can breed innovation, as it can war.

What kind of conflict?


New member
Apr 19, 2008
Js tend to worry about the problems without regard to what happens in a worst-case scenario. They want to achieve as close to the best scenario possible, and will work toward that at any cost. To do less is to fail.

Ps analyze the worst-case scenario for what it would mean in the end, and the worst case scenario is often considered acceptable. Therefore, they do not see the need to strive so hard to achieve the absolute best.

Hmm, my plans first and foremost revolve around *making sure that* (difference with Ps) the worst case scenario is acceptable - which may mean working to upgrade the current worst case scenario. When that's taken care of, I can play around and possibly aim higher "safely". I doubt Js disregard what could happen in a worst case scenario.


New member
Apr 19, 2008
Actually that's another P vs J difference I tend to notice... J's seem to take themselves more seriously in general, they tend to be IME less able to take teasing and stuff. Get more easily offended... P's seem more able to just laugh at themselves with others, good naturedly.

Not all of them, my bro teases and taunts the hell out of me, but when I come back with a reply, he often seems to be stung, or says that it's "below the belt" and whatnot.

You dish it out, you take it back, bitch.

Umm, as for the 2 AM thing...I pretty much do what Jack does and not at all what FDG does.


Apr 24, 2008
Js tend to worry about the problems without regard to what happens in a worst-case scenario. They want to achieve as close to the best scenario possible, and will work toward that at any cost. To do less is to fail.

Ps analyze the worst-case scenario for what it would mean in the end, and the worst case scenario is often considered acceptable. Therefore, they do not see the need to strive so hard to achieve the absolute best.

Just saw that. That is just great !

No wonder, BlueWing has got a crush on you, I start to have one aswell :D

Virtual ghost

Complex paradigm
Jun 6, 2008
A disagreement can breed innovation, as it can war.

What kind of conflict?

Did not have any specific kind of conflict in mind I am asking about the idea of the conflict. Do you like conflict?

Here are some examples of conflict.

Between people(none physical), intellectual agression , coutry vs country......


Minister of Propagandhi
Aug 3, 2008
Are Ps more likely to be interested in spiritual pursuit?

I think they would be, but the fact that social tradition in many places emphasizes spirituality, more Js will be into it, just for that fact.

But in America, I bet there is more P Buddhists, New Ager's, and "Christians" so liberal they barely believe in Jesus.... than Js.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
ajblaise doesn't have to go on any spiritual pursuit because he's Jesus incarnate,


Minister of Propagandhi
Aug 3, 2008
ajblaise doesn't have to go on any spiritual pursuit because he's Jesus incarnate,

Exactly, people undertake spiritual pursuits just for the chance to take in my essence.

Virtual ghost

Complex paradigm
Jun 6, 2008
I think they would be, but the fact that social tradition in many places emphasizes spirituality, more Js will be into it, just for that fact.

But in America, I bet there is more P Buddhists, New Ager's, and "Christians" so liberal they barely believe in Jesus.... than Js.

I agree.

That is why I have said spiritual pursuit. For Js it can be just a duty.


New member
Jun 10, 2008
Ps are anti-schedule because schedules interrupt whatever we were doing or thinking about doing. If this is really obvious, I'm sorry.

I agree with Flak. Being INFP, I get even more frustrated when someone tells me they are going to be interrupting me ahead of time. I can handle it when something "planned" pops up, but as soon as someone tells me they are planning to interrupt me, I "plan" to not be available.

Virtual ghost

Complex paradigm
Jun 6, 2008
Why Ps have so much problems with plans?

I don't see why you can't have intellectual moments and planning in the same box.

If you can't, that only means that the plan is not good enough.


Feb 19, 2008
yes i do this kind of shit all the time...tertiary Te Juggernaut mode FTW!!!!

I will often give up studying at 12am because Im tired....then set my alarm for 4 30am to finish studying for the test...

This is what I would do when I was in college. I'd usually mostly procrastinate studying until the night before, so I'd study until I got tired, catch a few hours' sleep, then get up and study a couple of hours before the test, to cram it into my short term memory.

Why Ps have so much problems with plans?

I don't see why you can't have intellectual moments and planning in the same box.

If you can't, that only means that the plan is not good enough.

We just like to keep our options open. Regimented plans make us feel trapped, and they take all the fun out of things. My sister's an ISTJ, and plans enable her to have fun, because they give her structure and boundaries between which she can open up and enjoy herself. Having plans that can't ever be modified or broken makes me feel like I've been put in a cage.

One of my mom's good friends is the most J person I think I've ever met, and she wanted me to help her plan a bridal shower one time. We nearly drove each other nuts. She wanted to decide every little detail, months and months in advance. She wanted to have the food, the decorations, the tablecloths, etc. etc. all figured out, budgeted for, etc., nearly six months in advance. And this was a very informal shower, less than 50 people, held at the church. I just couldn't see the need for that amount of rigid planning for something that was not a life or death situation. I knew that we had some good resources, and that the shower was going to be a success, no matter what, and that we had some time to mull it over before we had to come to any major decisions.

One thing I think Js don't realize is that Ps will very often be mulling stuff over in our heads, thinking of the possibilities for as long as we can. It might not look like we're doing anything, because you don't see immediate results. But when the deadline hits, we'll have your result, and it'll be just as good.


My termites win
Aug 6, 2007
Why Ps have so much problems with plans?

I don't see why you can't have intellectual moments and planning in the same box.

If you can't, that only means that the plan is not good enough.

I think most P's are type B personalities. But here is a perspective from a P-type who is a type A personality...

There is a balance. For me, I only plan if things are important to me, and simply cannot be improvised.

Nothing really complex that is being done the first time goes according to plan, nothing.

Simple things, yes. Travel, under most circumstances. Small-size programs or circuits. Planning an education, and other things like that.

If you've done that something many times over and you've honed the process, then the complex things become simple and can be appropriately planed. But if that can be done, it is boring. It needs to be done, often. But it's still boring.

Simple things that you haven't done that other people can teach you, can also go according to plan, if the other person is good at planning.

I know people who are rather good at planning complex projects, and here is what I found... the best planners know that their plan needs to be too-simple, and based on severe (and I can't put too much emphasis on this) over-budgeting.

The unfortunate thing is at the expense of having a plan where things will get done on-time and under-budget, the project itself never starts (because it is too damn costly). Sometimes you just have to jump in an begin, on principle, without plan or budget, with an eye towards breaking whatever assumptions people have had in the past to get things done.

Ideally, the severely over-budgeted thing should be respected for what it is, but that doesn't happen.

On the other hand, nothing really complex has been done without a plan. The act of planning itself is useful work, even if they plan itself is way of the mark. It gets you engaged, and begun (in a way), as long as you know that no plan is going to be perfect or flexible enough, or account for all the contingencies.

On the flip side, short-term, simple, plans are immensely useful for motivation and keeping a good pace. But always being in this mode make you miss big process improvements you can make.

As to the comments about disarray. I have a need to push my abilities past the point of success. If I am not failing half the time, I get a bit anxious (and bored). I know I over do it sometimes. I tend to neglect many of the things that are not in my focus simply because I am focusing. But the disarray that comes from exertion and failure is a necessity for me.

I know I have to tone it down. But it is hard to do.

Virtual ghost

Complex paradigm
Jun 6, 2008
This is what I would do when I was in college. I'd usually mostly procrastinate studying until the night before, so I'd study until I got tired, catch a few hours' sleep, then get up and study a couple of hours before the test, to cram it into my short term memory.

We just like to keep our options open. Regimented plans make us feel trapped, and they take all the fun out of things. My sister's an ISTJ, and plans enable her to have fun, because they give her structure and boundaries between which she can open up and enjoy herself. Having plans that can't ever be modified or broken makes me feel like I've been put in a cage.

One of my mom's good friends is the most J person I think I've ever met, and she wanted me to help her plan a bridal shower one time. We nearly drove each other nuts. She wanted to decide every little detail, months and months in advance. She wanted to have the food, the decorations, the tablecloths, etc. etc. all figured out, budgeted for, etc., nearly six months in advance. And this was a very informal shower, less than 50 people, held at the church. I just couldn't see the need for that amount of rigid planning for something that was not a life or death situation. I knew that we had some good resources, and that the shower was going to be a success, no matter what, and that we had some time to mull it over before we had to come to any major decisions.

One thing I think Js don't realize is that Ps will very often be mulling stuff over in our heads, thinking of the possibilities for as long as we can. It might not look like we're doing anything, because you don't see immediate results. But when the deadline hits, we'll have your result, and it'll be just as good.

I think you will be suprised how much I undestand.

As I have said before often Ps think that they have J/P conflict and what they actally have is S/N conflict.
The thing you have described with you example in not J it is OCD.
Just because someone plans alot that does not mean that they are actually good planners.

J changes very much depending on the other 3 letters.

Everything you have said applys to me also and I am strong J.
One of the things I am trying to prove with this thread is that being J has nothing to do with the ability to be open minded. J is more about beign determined or not being spontaneous.
For example: knowing when to plan and how to plan or not planning just because you want to get simpathy of Ps that could prove useful in the future.

The only differnces between us is that I will use more fanaticism more contigency planning and be more open minded toward the idea of conflict.


Feb 19, 2008
I think you will be suprised how much I undestand.

As I have said before often Ps think that they have J/P conflict and what they actally have is S/N conflict.
The thing you have described with you example in not J it is OCD.
Just because someone plans alot that does not mean that they are actually good planners.

J changes very much depending on the other 3 letters.

Everything you have said applys to me also and I am strong J.
One of the things I am trying to prove with this thread is that being J has nothing to do with the ability to be open minded. J is more about beign determined or not being spontaneous. For example: knowing when to plan and how to plan or not planning just because you want to get simpathy of Ps that could prove useful in the future.

The only differnces between us is that I will use more fanaticism more contigency planning and be more open minded toward the idea of conflict.

Ah, okay. I think I see what you mean. Do you feel like you need structure/planning in most situations? Or prefer to have a goal in mind? A lot of Js I know, when they go on vacation, tend to have a list of things they want to see/accomplish, and tend to want to leave the house by a certain time in order to maximize efficiency and make the destination by sundown, etc. Of course, the Js I know might also have a touch of OCD. :smile:

I have to say, though, the NFJs are generally pretty go-with-the-flow, IME. They might think about in advance how it might go, and might make loose plans, but then they're pretty flexible, which makes them fun to travel with.

The conflict thing is interesting to me. I just don't know if I have enough evidence to say, one way or another. I generally hate conflict, and am flexible to a fault. But if someone gets really rigid with me, that's when I'll usually snap and have a moment of snark at the over-planner. :smile: