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Drug usage and enneagram correlation


New member
Jan 4, 2012
Instinctual Variant
when i were a kid, i just thought people who do drugs are stupid. Later, i started to lean into thinking 'they are jus weak'. And when i got into mbti, i thought it has to do with less sophisticated types just leaning into it. But i realized not, and now i think its all about enneagram and possibly instincts. Not saying sp types would be less likely to fall, rather so sx and sx so being less likely to fall while primarily up to tritype.
(so and sx instict combo seems to have self valuation other instinct combos lack)

So, my theory is that 5w6 in triad are likely to value their brains over pleasure. 9w1's not wanting to be enslaved by _any_ addiction, like me stopping tea drinking just cause i realized there to be a _biological_ urge for me to drink it. And then 4w3's in triad are likely to think its weak and pathetic to fall for drugs.

Other enneas seem either neutral on the matter or drawn to recklessness.

What do other people think of my theory?


perfect person
Sep 12, 2009
Instinctual Variant
I think your theory is biased and poorly thought out (sorry, you asked)


Jun 26, 2010
I think 7s would be likely to use drugs for pleasure especially if they were going through a hard time.


New member
Jan 4, 2012
Instinctual Variant
Nah, It's definitely an oversimplification of things.

well, i think everything is simple. Its just a dynamic where everything is connected to each other and if you can predict how each variable affect one another, then you can create virtual examples of how things would proceed when affected such a way.

Speed Gavroche

Whisky Old & Women Young
Oct 20, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I think the 5w6 Sp/So are the least likely to develop a drug addiction.


New member
Jan 14, 2013
Instinctual Variant
"less sophisticated types" ... You lost me here.

You should prolly do a survey on drug addicts and come back with the findings.


New member
Jan 26, 2010
well, i think everything is simple. Its just a dynamic where everything is connected to each other and if you can predict how each variable affect one another, then you can create virtual examples of how things would proceed when affected such a way.

You make a better INTP than INFJ. At least that post is. Ti-Ne wants to simplify everything into models. Ni types wouldn't champion simplicity so easily. They champion paradox as a way through complexity. But they don't deny the complexity (especially with people). Anyways... I don't think this can be quantified. It's difficult enough to assess people in and of themselves, but drugs just muddy it up even further. Which drug, first of all? Not all are equal or play into the same attachments and needs. And not every user values them all.


Two's are probably least likely to develop hindering drug habits.

Anything else I can think of can be countered with another though, so yeah.


New member
Jan 26, 2010
Maybe it fits the stereotypical granny image of 2, but like I said, people are complex. There could be a friendly/jovial E2 named "Jim" who was an army seargant in Vietnam. Maybe he's seen some shit, even if he's otherwise known as a standup guy who looks out for people. Maybe from the outside, he just looks like some retired ESFJ GI who works in the private sector and goes the extra mile for his friends and coworkers.. but in actuality, he drinks way more than he should. There's probably a lot of Jim's out there.

I don't know.. I just looked at a list of famous E2s. One that was mentioned was Sammy Davis Jr. He was a self-admitted alcoholic and cocaine user. So there you go . Assuming he's actually E2.


New member
Jan 4, 2012
Instinctual Variant
You make a better INTP than INFJ. At least that post is. Ti-Ne wants to simplify everything into models. Ni types wouldn't champion simplicity so easily. They champion paradox as a way through complexity. But they don't deny the complexity (especially with people). Anyways... I don't think this can be quantified. It's difficult enough to assess people in and of themselves, but drugs just muddy it up even further. Which drug, first of all? Not all are equal or play into the same attachments and needs. And not every user values them all.

well ive spent majority of my lifetime (childhood) pretending an intp, so im not entirely surpriced while a bit surpriced i still am when people say im a thinker. It usually leaves me baffled, like how could ive given such image, but then i think how in my head i appear in situations i deem boring.

Different drugs have different appeals and disappeals, different enneas have different cares and different coping measures, i think this sums a rather easy way of seeing what drugs each are liable to. By drugs, i mean every substance which affects brains as an external affector, even tea.

Ive learned people are very simple, it seems complex only if your missing something.

Then theres the learning variable which i account as biggest factor in drugs. Do you really _understand_ the negatives in their full magnitude, as in decreased brain capacity what it really means? No, people dont understand these, i think its hard to comprehend for example what your life could be if you never ate the poisonous wheat for example. The negatives of drugs are left to distorted imaginations, without ever being able to experience both options, so im not surpriced we humans make stupid decisions. Even sophisticated types. But, i think 5w6 gives the best advantage in this area, considering their approach is very much learning before doing, i think im something in between. I do and then realize OHH FOCK! My braaiinzz!! =,(

i think the less Ni the more complicated it becomes, controversially simplicity being the cause. As in not realizing all factors, you then twist things and it gets messier than it really is. Ni is the ability to see all knowledge fuze into one wholeness. Coming from Ni dom, its not surpricing i see all lesser Ni's as unnecessarily complex since in Ni its all about the overall. And if you dare miss a piece in your puzzle, then its all ruined. And thats what i hate about my Ni, its so fragile.

You know, ive been there when Ni makes things unnecessarily complex cause you lack a puzzle piece. Then, it all becomes fuzzy magical and unpredictable, bound to end to a disaster. Psychologists call those states uhh.. Psychosis, *whistles nonchalantly* =o..

I think its an interesting universal truth, that no matter what decisions we make, theres always a preconception and expectations of what will occur and motivations to act by your choice. Most often we dont grasp how drastic the effects are, thus we make them based on ill sight. This gives a window into the depths of other peoples minds we otherwise wouldnt have, enabling such branches of studies as psychology.

Enough of rambling in my stream of thoughts, you still stand by intpish behavior on me?

miss fortune

not to be trusted
Oct 4, 2007
Instinctual Variant
"less sophisticated types?" :huh: who the hell are you to judge ANYBODY based on level of "sophistication" (I'm willing to give you a pass if you can provide some form of accredited proof... otherwise you might consider toning down your elitist rhetoric)

Once again, there's a lot of factors that go into whether somebody decides to try an addicting substance, which substance to choose and whether or not they become addicted to them- consider the biological components of addiction, for instance- does the enneagram control my biological makeup?

Whether your friends or acquaintances or even family uses a certain substance (especially during one's teenage years) has a HUGE impact on whether or not someone chooses to try that substance... if mom leaves a few ounces of weed sitting on her dresser when she goes to work every day there's a MUCH better chance that you'll have given it a whirl than someone who has to actively hunt it out because they live in a Mormon compound. Meth is very easy to encounter around here (if you know where to look), but it's quite a bit more difficult to find, or afford, cocaine... needless to say, we have a lot more meth addicts than coke addicts :shrug:

And life events play a role as well- somebody is a lot more likely to go overboard in an attempt to numb themselves, for instance, if something traumatic has happened to them... that's just an example and there are many more.

So why is it so simple then? :thinking:


New member
Jan 4, 2012
Instinctual Variant
"less sophisticated types?" :huh: who the hell are you to judge ANYBODY based on level of "sophistication" (I'm willing to give you a pass if you can provide some form of accredited proof... otherwise you might consider toning down your elitist rhetoric)

Once again, there's a lot of factors that go into whether somebody decides to try an addicting substance, which substance to choose and whether or not they become addicted to them- consider the biological components of addiction, for instance- does the enneagram control my biological makeup?

Whether your friends or acquaintances or even family uses a certain substance (especially during one's teenage years) has a HUGE impact on whether or not someone chooses to try that substance... if mom leaves a few ounces of weed sitting on her dresser when she goes to work every day there's a MUCH better chance that you'll have given it a whirl than someone who has to actively hunt it out because they live in a Mormon compound. Meth is very easy to encounter around here (if you know where to look), but it's quite a bit more difficult to find, or afford, cocaine... needless to say, we have a lot more meth addicts than coke addicts :shrug:

And life events play a role as well- somebody is a lot more likely to go overboard in an attempt to numb themselves, for instance, if something traumatic has happened to them... that's just an example and there are many more.

So why is it so simple then? :thinking:

as a child, i saw the direct link between amount of sophistication and stupidity, nowadays i dont see it so blackwhite while i think it still is there.

"for instance- does the enneagram control my biological makeup?"
actually yes, i think some enneagrams are emotionally more disciplined and thus better at avoiding biological addictions.

"And life events play a role as well- somebody is a lot more likely to go overboard in an attempt to numb themselves, for instance, if something traumatic has happened to them... that's just an example and there are many more."

the way i see it, we all have problems and the way we react are entirely predictable when you know the person well enough.

I think 4s dwelling in the sadness is perhaps the strongest way to cope without downsides enneagram-wise.

9s numbing themselves isnt that liable to addictions either, but this state of numbness may cloud our judgment.


New member
Dec 1, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I've tried many drugs. If someone handed me something at a party, I'd take it just to see what happened, or if someone passed something at a party, I'd have some. I've never used drugs on a regular basis and would likely turn anything but pot down, but I think a lot of types might try whatever's offered just to have the first-hand information about the effect of it. I did acid once and would like to try other hallucinogens, if the stars converged and the opportunity seemed just right for it.

The Great One

New member
Apr 27, 2012
when i were a kid, i just thought people who do drugs are stupid. Later, i started to lean into thinking 'they are jus weak'. And when i got into mbti, i thought it has to do with less sophisticated types just leaning into it. But i realized not, and now i think its all about enneagram and possibly instincts. Not saying sp types would be less likely to fall, rather so sx and sx so being less likely to fall while primarily up to tritype.
(so and sx instict combo seems to have self valuation other instinct combos lack)

So, my theory is that 5w6 in triad are likely to value their brains over pleasure. 9w1's not wanting to be enslaved by _any_ addiction, like me stopping tea drinking just cause i realized there to be a _biological_ urge for me to drink it. And then 4w3's in triad are likely to think its weak and pathetic to fall for drugs.

Other enneas seem either neutral on the matter or drawn to recklessness.

What do other people think of my theory?

When I was young, I also thought that people that did drugs were morons. However, when I got older and experienced absolutely horrible things, I then realized why people do drugs. People do drugs, because people feel boxed in with problems and can't escape from them. Doing drugs offers an escape route.