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Roe no mo?


Jun 20, 2018
Instinctual Variant
If you are saying my body my choice then turning around and insisting abortion isn't healthcare, then spouting right wing religious talking points with absolutely no citation or medical backup, you have a huge problem understanding what my body my choice means. Best to sit this one out.
Religious talking points?

What is the relationship between my body and my choice, and healthcare? Its entirely separate systems. I prefer the government not telling me what to do, and if you want the government to have a say in what they do with your organs. You will eventually deal with the initiative to kill you to harvest your organs or to reduce carbon footprint (like in Canada). If you don't think that is dystopian, that is on you.


Jun 20, 2018
Instinctual Variant
You know "Pro-abortion" isn't really a position? Typically it's "anti-abortion" vs "abortion as necessary but not favored," that is under discussion.

Maybe go find accurate numbers of women who "use abortion as birth control" (however you are defining "abortion" -- does Plan B count, for example?), just to see if there is any merit in your particular argument? And then consider how hypocritical it is for men to even have sex with women if they don't want to have a child with her, since they are running a risk of contributing to a pregnancy? Without both of them, the pregnancy doesn't happen. If you're a guy who doesn't think women should have options but insist on sticking your <bleep> in her without protection and accepting the reality that condoms can fail, then you're part of the problem as well.

Aside from how epidemics work, if it was solely down to "your body your choice" for vaccinations, I'd be perfectly fine for you to exercise your right to kill yourself with a virus if that is indeed what you want, although I'm not sure how this became some kind of gold status card on self-autonomy nowadays. Unfortunately many innocent living people can also die in the process due to how epidemics actually work and the need for a certain amount of population to be protected. So a more nuanced discussion is needed here.
WTF is pro-abortion? Something Green earth people came up with to reduce the population?

Only about 1% of abortions are used to deal with rape,. 70 something percent was entirely based on the fact "They can't have a baby right now" https://www.guttmacher.org/sites/default/files/article_files/3711005.pdf So you tell me, where 75% of women having a rape crisis, or where they just negligent and irresponsible and wanting to prove themselves?

I do however, agree that men share responsibility in creating a child. If a man creates a child, he should get equal say in its development, and if the woman doesn't want to keep it and wants it aborted. They should get equal say, regardless. (men being able to op out of child support) Because a child is a group decision. The consequences should be grouped. If a woman wants to abort a child though, and the man wants to keep it. I think it is wrong. Because it is not equal say. A baby is the result of both parents conjoining, and the man should have the ability to keep it. Even if the woman does not want it. If ofc, the man should pay for the birthing and medical costs. That is no dispute.

The government should have absolutely no say in your health. They can recommend, and advise. But never enforce. I believe in the "right of stupid". People have the right to make wrong decisions, simple as that. Because this right single handedly opens the door to allow evolution to happen. If the "group" makes a bad decision, the the sub group will thrive. This means things will consist, even after the death of the main "group" or "idea".


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
WTF is pro-abortion? Something Green earth people came up with to reduce the population?

Only about 1% of abortions are used to deal with rape,. 70 something percent was entirely based on the fact "They can't have a baby right now" https://www.guttmacher.org/sites/default/files/article_files/3711005.pdf So you tell me, where 75% of women having a rape crisis, or where they just negligent and irresponsible and wanting to prove themselves?

I do however, agree that men share responsibility in creating a child. If a man creates a child, he should get equal say in its development, and if the woman doesn't want to keep it and wants it aborted. They should get equal say, regardless. (men being able to op out of child support) Because a child is a group decision. The consequences should be grouped. If a woman wants to abort a child though, and the man wants to keep it. I think it is wrong. Because it is not equal say. A baby is the result of both parents conjoining, and the man should have the ability to keep it. Even if the woman does not want it. If ofc, the man should pay for the birthing and medical costs. That is no dispute.

The government should have absolutely no say in your health. They can recommend, and advise. But never enforce. I believe in the "right of stupid". People have the right to make wrong decisions, simple as that. Because this right single handedly opens the door to allow evolution to happen. If the "group" makes a bad decision, the the sub group will thrive. This means things will consist, even after the death of the main "group" or "idea".

1-Woman doesn't want it. Man doesn't know. Woman can abort up to certain weeks until baby becomes sentient. (Edit: Abortion clinic should be required to notify the father but the woman can always claim to not know the identity of the father anyway)

2-Woman doesn't want it. Man knows and wants it. Same as 1 but woman pays the man compensation for mental anguish. If woman is below a certain income level, government should pay it instead. Opportunistic men might try to exploit this though so if certain men is found to be applying for this too frequently, they should be warned and disallowed to benefit from this further.

3-Woman wants it. Man doesn't know or doesn't want. Man should be able to opt out of child support and parenthood, government should cover child support instead. If certain men is found to be applying for this too frequently, they should be warned and disallowed to opt out further.

Red Herring

Jun 9, 2010
Instinctual Variant
What a pregnancy actually looks like before 10 weeks – in pictures


Progression of fetal tissue from 5 to 9 weeks


Temporal Mechanic
Staff member
Sep 28, 2008
Instinctual Variant


Coolatta® Enjoyer
Apr 22, 2008


Si vis pacem, para bellum
Staff member
Apr 18, 2010
Instinctual Variant

Virtual ghost

Complex paradigm
Jun 6, 2008

At the start of this story I said that this will probably lead to exodus out of typical red states. Some people just wouldn't accept stuff like this over their head. Plus the odds are that this will create a few more blue states out of swing states. Something that was already suggested by some recent races. I have also seen videos of faces on the right saying "We have to change the subject, we have to talk more about economy!". What suggest that they know that they messed up regarding this topic. Especially since a good chunk of their base expects to keep the abortion bans. So no matter what they do they will take a blow of some kind over this.