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Am I an ENFP?


New member
Aug 12, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I thought I was an ENFP for the longest time but I'm starting to have doubts.

I took the Jungian functions quiz and without a doubt Extroverted Intuition (Ne)'s my most often used function.

The results are here:

Your Cognitive Functions:
Extroverted Intuition (Ne) |||||||||||||||||||||||||| 12.23
Introverted Feeling (Fi) |||||||||||||||||||||| 10.08
Introverted Intuition (Ni) ||||||||||||||| 6.6
Extroverted Feeling (Fe) |||||||||||| 5.45
Introverted Thinking (Ti) |||||||||||| 5.45
Introverted Sensation (Si) ||||||||||| 4.54
Extroverted Thinking (Te) |||| 1.24
Extroverted Sensation (Se) ||| 0.94

Your Extroverted Intuition (Ne) is very developed.
Your Introverted Feeling (Fi) is very developed.
Your Introverted Intuition (Ni) is moderate.
Your Introverted Sensation (Si) is moderate.
Your Introverted Thinking (Ti) is moderate.
Your Extroverted Feeling (Fe) is moderate.
Your Extroverted Sensation (Se) is low.
Your Extroverted Thinking (Te) is low.

Based on your cognitive functions, your type is most likely:
Most Likely: ENFP
or Second Possibility: INFP
or Third Possibility: INFJ

And I've always gotten ENFP on the dodgy online quizzes that one always seems to find online. However, I'm starting to have doubts.

Sometimes I identify so strongly with my ISFJ friend that it scares me. We're both socially awkward (though he's an introvert and I have been described to be "extremely sociable") and we have a fear of losing the people we're close to. We don't really do well in large elaborate affairs and would rather have a nice one-to-one talk or spend time at the bookstore together.

Alternatively, an INTJ friend of mine called me an "introvert" and I seem to give off the vibe of an "introverted thinker" -- whatever that means. People don't seem to believe that I'm an ENFP.

The strange thing is that others find me "friendly" and "affable". Moreover, I'm definitely eccentric and "weird"... in the good way apparently.

My teacher in school described me as someone "very open" and "earnest" and that I live in a fantasy world of my own. True enough, I have always fantasized about being the righteous hero and defeating evil. Or saving the world. Or making a difference so large and leaving a legacy behind for myself.

A few of my closest friends are INFPs. There's an ESFP, an ISTJ, an INFJ and an INTP. I don't get along with the jocks and I do extremely poorly in sports -- and I'm definitely not living in the moment (I'm, as I said before, almost always living in my own fantasy world and space out quite often) so I think I'm not very sensory.

I have been described by the INFJs as being very open-minded and tolerant of different opinions. My INTP friend thinks I'm very pessimistic (which seems contrary to most ENFPs, no?). I have a tendency to speak before I think and shoot myself in the foot or blurt out something insensitive and hurt people's feelings while being very sensitive about my own (I'm pretty sure that's Fi at work).

On the enneagram, I'm quite sure I'm a 4w3. I've identified as a 3w4 for the longest time before realizing that 4w3 works more for me. I'm an extrovert that prefers one-to-one conversations and even that wears me down after a while (even though I enjoy them tremendously and look forward to them all the time). I'm a hopeless, diehard idealist (while being pessimistic at the same time does that even make sense?) and I'm essentially just confusing myself the more I dig.

Oh I seem to be fascinated by a wide variety of subjects -- and would tend to become very obsessed over them for a while (gathering as much information as I can about them, get bored and move on). My favorites tend to be psychology and history. Historical heroes that fascinate me are great conquerors like Napoleon that have demonstrated the strength of the human will and what we can achieve. I'm also fascinated by the shadow and concepts like serial killers and conspiracy theories. Though I must admit my interest dies down quickly so I'm more "breadth" than "depth".

OH OH I have also been described as "morally questionable" and I tend to identify a lot more with the anti-heroes than the do-gooders. I used to believe that the ends justify the means but I have grown out of that belief after working with people. Nonetheless, I still think I have a vicious streak and I am explosive when I'm mad.

An ESTJ friend calls me a "rabid puppy". And I'm very much influenced by how other people see me. I thrive on admiration whilst at the same time disdaining the attention... (wait does that even make sense) but yes.

From the "Quick Guide", I seem to be ENFP. I'm Informing, Initiating, Abstract and Affiliative. So... That's ENFP, right? But I still need more confirmation, I think.

I seem to be everything and nothing at the same time. I don't know, do I seem like an ENFP to you?

EDIT: The questionnaire.

0. Is there anything that may affect the way you answer the questions? For example, a stressful time, mental illness, medications, special life circumstances? Other useful information includes sex, age, and current state of mind.

I'm a male. I'm 18 (so my self-awareness might not be fully developed as of yet). I'm currently feeling aimless but I highly doubt that I have any mental illness or special life circumstances.

1. Click on this link: Flickr: Explore! Look at the random photo for about 30 seconds. Copy and paste it here, and write about your impression of it.


I think the picture overall seems quite poetic to me. The evening sky in the background lends an air of melancholy to the picture that conveys the same emotion of wistfulness as one would expect from a separation. The complete lack of human presence in the picture seems to indicate, again, loneliness and melancholy -- and yet it gives the scene an untarnished, natural beauty that is often not seen in the world today. The purple cloth on top of the boat is very eye-catching for it only reinforces the wistfulness and the beauty of the scenery; with the mellow color that is purple grounding the boat and making it work.

And yet there seems to be bondage, as symbolized by the presence of the chain. The greenery at the back shrouded in darkness seems ominous; furthering the view that the picture presents a sanctuary and a brief respite from danger.

2. You are with a group of people in a car, heading to a different town to see your favourite band/artist/musician. Suddenly, the car breaks down for an unknown reason in the middle of nowhere. What are your initial thoughts? What are your outward reactions?

I would be stunned at first. I think I would panic outwardly as well but somehow pull myself together and think of a way to get to the town in time and solve the problem. That seems to be the best course of action.

3. You somehow make it to the concert. The driver wants to go to the afterparty that was announced (and assure you they won't drink so they can drive back later). How do you feel about this party? What do you do?

I would feel obliged to tag along even though I don't really like parties that much. Nonetheless, I'll still be open about it and hope that I'll meet someone nice in the party.

OH and of course keep a lookout on him (and hope I don't forget). I don't trust that he'll resist the temptation to drink.

4. On the drive back, your friends are talking. A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward reaction? What do you outwardly say?

My reaction would depend on the degree of friendship and the importance of the claim to me. If we were just polite acquaintances, I think I would let it go but simmer inwardly if it's something I really think is important. If we were good friends -- and I trust that he knows what he's talking about -- I would be open to receiving new information to further embellish my knowledge on the subject. I can't give you a proper answer because it really depends and hinges on a lot of different factors.

5. What would you do if you actually saw/experienced something that clashes with your previous beliefs, experiences, and habits?
It depends on what you mean by "clash"? Anyway, if I perceive that the new belief/experience/habit is "better" than my previous one, I'll adopt it. Otherwise I'll let it go. Sorry if this answer seems to be a cop-out. I'm really not sure how to answer this question.

6. What are some of your most important values? How did you come about determining them? How can they change?

I believe in being true to yourself as well as generally be kind to people (though again it depends on the situation). The process through which I obtained these values was from my accumulated life experiences as well as knowledge and wisdom from respected elders and family members that have given me tremendously useful advice. They could probably change with the onset of new life experiences that make me review my current belief systems.

7. a) What about your personality most distinguishes you from everyone else? b) If you could change one thing about you personality, what would it be? Why?

My friendliness. I think I'm very friendly to everyone at first, gather their reactions and then alter myself accordingly. My teacher, as I mentioned above, described me as "earnest". I am, however, very socially awkward and I don't tend to react in a manner deemed "appropriate" sometimes. I speak before I think and I have unconsciously offended friends and authority figures.

8. How do you treat hunches or gut feelings? In what situations are they most often triggered?

I believe in them but they often turn out to be the opposite of my hunch. Like the direct opposite. I go by impulse and gut feel very frequently, however. I think the most obvious trigger would be anything that touches me emotionally and tugs my heartstrings. I find melancholy very inspiring.

9. a) What activities energize you most? b) What activities drain you most? Why?

Being engaged. That refers to a whole slew of activity; from reading, playing video games (I really dislike MMOs and I prefer JRPGs and Visual Novels) to having good and nice one-to-one conversations where I can understand the other person. High-stress, athletic activities drain me the most and I frequently seek to move away from them. I really dislike parties too because I frequently am bored by the puny attempts to entertain.

10. What do you repress about your outward behavior or internal thought process when around others? Why?
I try to suppress my quirky side sometimes because I'm afraid of being judged and being deemed as eccentric but it still comes out anyhow. I have darker thoughts occasionally so perhaps that too, I guess. I want people to think of me favorably and I don't want to tarnish how people look at me.


Hotel California
Nov 5, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Yup, you most likely are :coffee:

Ne-interaction style gives it away.

Welcome to TypeC, btw :wink:

five sounds

Jul 17, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Yep. I think you are too.

We're great energy absorbers and enjoy soaking up others' energy as an exercise in exploring that part of ourselves. Then we take it and put it back out there as an expression of it. Ne/Fi is oozing from your post.



New member
Aug 12, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Yup, you most likely are :coffee:

Ne-interaction style gives it away.

Welcome to TypeC, btw :wink:

Thank you so much for the warm welcome! I'm really interested in MBTI so I hope we get along!

Ne-interaction style, hm... Would you mind elaborating a little? I think I use Ne quite extensively but I'm not entirely sure...?

Yep. I think you are too.

We're great energy absorbers and enjoy soaking up others' energy as an exercise in exploring that part of ourselves. Then we take it and put it back out there as an expression of it. Ne/Fi is oozing from your post.


I do get what you mean and I really do agree with the notion that socializing, to me, is a means of better understanding and exploring an aspect of myself that I usually don't harness. I find myself consciously or unconsciously adapting myself and imitating people I talk to very often though...? And I always find myself going deep into the psyche of characters and finding some way to make them identifiable to me. Or something like that.

Hm, I think the real reason I was asking was that I was really insensitive towards my INFJ friend and I began to doubt whether I was truly ENFP since, well, ENFPs and INFJs "should" get along. She really intrigues me and we're so similar and yet I find it hard to communicate with her somewhat.

Also, I'm socially awkward and I generally do my own thing -- and I really don't think I'm charming or charismatic at all. I do walk around school and seek out people to talk to but they're generally oddballs like myself. I tend to wilt (like a flower ha ha) around people I'm not comfortable with and I can be really formal in my pseudo ISTJ persona.

My INTJ friend thought I was "introverted" after all hm. And also I do hear that ENFPs are the most introverted of the extroverts but sometimes I just can't really be bothered to talk to a lot of people and seek out only like-minded individuals, like an introvert does. Still, I must say that I live for emotional intimacy and to connect with people. So yeah. Quite confused. UGH.


Hotel California
Nov 5, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Thank you so much for the warm welcome! I'm really interested in MBTI so I hope we get along!

Ne-interaction style, hm... Would you mind elaborating a little? I think I use Ne quite extensively but I'm not entirely sure...?

Heh. You'll get used to the terminology around here soon enough, don't worry. Take your time to explore it.

In this case, Ne-dom people have a tendency to use a very stream-of-consciousness type of interaction style. They tell anecdotes and stories (inferior Si in tandem with Ne) to illustrate a point, make analogies, use metaphors and brainstorm in public, like delivering a draft of what is swirling around in their head - which sometimes can lead to foot-in-mouth disease - and allows for you to jump from one thought to the next through association, creating tangents everywhere. Oh, and note the long sentence building for the stream of consciousness type of structure (which I'm doing right now :doh:)

Iow, you're all over the place :coffee:

And it suits you ;)

That's why it is handy when newbs like yourself talk about - well anything at length. It isn't so much what you say - though it can help confirm - it is how you go about saying it :wink:

five sounds

Jul 17, 2013
Instinctual Variant
I do get what you mean and I really do agree with the notion that socializing, to me, is a means of better understanding and exploring an aspect of myself that I usually don't harness. I find myself consciously or unconsciously adapting myself and imitating people I talk to very often though...? And I always find myself going deep into the psyche of characters and finding some way to make them identifiable to me. Or something like that.

Hm, I think the real reason I was asking was that I was really insensitive towards my INFJ friend and I began to doubt whether I was truly ENFP since, well, ENFPs and INFJs "should" get along. She really intrigues me and we're so similar and yet I find it hard to communicate with her somewhat.

Also, I'm socially awkward and I generally do my own thing -- and I really don't think I'm charming or charismatic at all. I do walk around school and seek out people to talk to but they're generally oddballs like myself. I tend to wilt (like a flower ha ha) around people I'm not comfortable with and I can be really formal in my pseudo ISTJ persona.

My INTJ friend thought I was "introverted" after all hm. And also I do hear that ENFPs are the most introverted of the extroverts but sometimes I just can't really be bothered to talk to a lot of people and seek out only like-minded individuals, like an introvert does. Still, I must say that I live for emotional intimacy and to connect with people. So yeah. Quite confused. UGH.

sounds like you're an sx-dom (enneagram stuff), and probably social last. i'm the same way, and feel socially awkward too. in social situations, i'm always scanning for my person or people who i can connect with, go off and talk about the realness with. it's all about going deep with us. and we're easily bored by the "real world". if i don't find someone to connect with, i usually just end up off in my own head. look up "instinctual variants" if you get the chance. i'll try to link you to a good resource [MENTION=17131]Chanaynay[/MENTION] gave me when i was trying to find mine.

Fi doesn't help our social graces either. it's weird because it's like Ne gives us the signal that we *should* be socially cautious, say the right thing, whatever. but we lack the ability to do it. Fi just wants to like speak truth to people and can't fully do the "say the right thing" thing as well as our Fe brothers and sisters. if you're soc-last, then it probably amplifies that even more. we just can't be bothered, and wouldn't know where to start even if we wanted to.

i get really formal and rigid when i'm trying to be socially acceptable too. it's an awful feeling.

having an introvert tell you you seem introverted is what i mean by absorbing energy and putting it out. i have had an introvert tell me they thought i was introverted before too actually, simply because when i interact with him i kind of adjust to his energy level subconsciously.

as for your INFJ, my guess is that there's a wall up between you that hasn't been broken down yet. i'd bet if the situation came up where you were both open and willing to kind of dive into each other, you'd be able to get along much better. or maybe that particular INFJ and you don't have a lot in common. but in my experience Ni/Ne is a great connection. Ni tends to be guarded closely and hard to access sometimes though.

hope this is helpful. sorry for framing it in "me" terms. just putting out what i can relate to in your posts, so you can take or leave whatever is relevant to you.

no matter what your type, welcome! glad you're here. i appreciate your honest, reflective nature already.


New member
Aug 12, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Heh. You'll get used to the terminology around here soon enough, don't worry. Take your time to explore it.

In this case, Ne-dom people have a tendency to use a very stream-of-consciousness type of interaction style. They tell anecdotes and stories (inferior Si in tandem with Ne) to illustrate a point, make analogies, use metaphors and brainstorm in public, like delivering a draft of what is swirling around in their head - which sometimes can lead to foot-in-mouth disease - and allows for you to jump from one thought to the next through association, creating tangents everywhere. Oh, and note the long sentence building for the stream of consciousness type of structure (which I'm doing right now :doh:)

Iow, you're all over the place :coffee:

And it suits you ;)

That's why it is handy when newbs like yourself talk about - well anything at length. It isn't so much what you say - though it can help confirm - it is how you go about saying it :wink:

I think that fits me really well! I seem to do that often (although I try to repress it when I'm not confident and I find myself utterly and completely miserable in the process) and it's what comes most naturally to me. I make ample analogies and use the weirdest metaphors possible and somehow it all seems to make sense to me. Sometimes I lose people along the way though and they give me the :shock: expression and I'm like "hm okay..." or utterly intimidated.

And ha I don't filter what I say most of the time - even though I can be really diplomatic when the occasion calls for it. My teacher did mention that I was incoherent and that I ramble far too often but you know I think it's through rambling that I can really think and somehow it all makes sense to me? Of course it'd be nice to have the big picture in your head first but it doesn't come as naturally?

Hahaha that is true that is true... I guess I just don't feel as if I'm living up to the ENFP profile because they seem to produce such wonderful people and I don't think I'm nearly that awesome. And I can be really pessimistic and worry about what people think which really gets me down and prevents me from doing anything meaningful. When people seem to think of me negatively, I fall into a slump and allow it to cripple my self-confidence haha.


Hotel California
Nov 5, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I think that fits me really well! I seem to do that often (although I try to repress it when I'm not confident and I find myself utterly and completely miserable in the process) and it's what comes most naturally to me. I make ample analogies and use the weirdest metaphors possible and somehow it all seems to make sense to me. Sometimes I lose people along the way though and they give me the :shock: expression and I'm like "hm okay..." or utterly intimidated.

And ha I don't filter what I say most of the time - even though I can be really diplomatic when the occasion calls for it. My teacher did mention that I was incoherent and that I ramble far too often but you know I think it's through rambling that I can really think and somehow it all makes sense to me? Of course it'd be nice to have the big picture in your head first but it doesn't come as naturally?

Hahaha that is true that is true... I guess I just don't feel as if I'm living up to the ENFP profile because they seem to produce such wonderful people and I don't think I'm nearly that awesome. And I can be really pessimistic and worry about what people think which really gets me down and prevents me from doing anything meaningful. When people seem to think of me negatively, I fall into a slump and allow it to cripple my self-confidence haha.

We're all like that, hon. Trust me, you're as awesome as that profile makes you out to be. We tend to only show people our positive side, but that doesn't mean that we aren't human. And yes...we are a bit sensitive to what people think of us, at first, while we re still figuring out what *we* value, and what we consider important. We like to make people happy and please them, so criticism is just a bit hard to deal with. You'll learn to sift out which parts are useful and which parts are not about you but about them and their issues in time, I promise :wink:

Oh and, as for sharing professor stories, here is one:

I remember going to an English Lit exam, taking a seat and being incredibly nervous. The teacher then asked me to provide the definition of stream-of-consciousness. I was so nervous I rambled on.

He burst out into laughter and said:

"I said 'define it', not 'demonstrate it'."

He gave me a 16/20 - and admitted I was the student who had given him a reprieve and a moment of laughter during a *very* dull day ;)


New member
Aug 12, 2008
Instinctual Variant
sounds like you're an sx-dom (enneagram stuff), and probably social last. i'm the same way, and feel socially awkward too. in social situations, i'm always scanning for my person or people who i can connect with, go off and talk about the realness with. it's all about going deep with us. and we're easily bored by the "real world". if i don't find someone to connect with, i usually just end up off in my own head. look up "instinctual variants" if you get the chance. i'll try to link you to a good resource [MENTION=17131]Chanaynay[/MENTION] gave me when i was trying to find mine.

Fi doesn't help our social graces either. it's weird because it's like Ne gives us the signal that we *should* be socially cautious, say the right thing, whatever. but we lack the ability to do it. Fi just wants to like speak truth to people and can't fully do the "say the right thing" thing as well as our Fe brothers and sisters. if you're soc-last, then it probably amplifies that even more. we just can't be bothered, and wouldn't know where to start even if we wanted to.

i get really formal and rigid when i'm trying to be socially acceptable too. it's an awful feeling.

having an introvert tell you you seem introverted is what i mean by absorbing energy and putting it out. i have had an introvert tell me they thought i was introverted before too actually, simply because when i interact with him i kind of adjust to his energy level subconsciously.

as for your INFJ, my guess is that there's a wall up between you that hasn't been broken down yet. i'd bet if the situation came up where you were both open and willing to kind of dive into each other, you'd be able to get along much better. or maybe that particular INFJ and you don't have a lot in common. but in my experience Ni/Ne is a great connection. Ni tends to be guarded closely and hard to access sometimes though.

hope this is helpful. sorry for framing it in "me" terms. just putting out what i can relate to in your posts, so you can take or leave whatever is relevant to you.

no matter what your type, welcome! glad you're here. i appreciate your honest, reflective nature already.

Exactly exactly! I'm almost always looking for people because I'm utterly bored out of my mind when I have to talk about things I don't care about and yet I really don't want to be alone and left out of the loop. It's a strange dichotomy to be in, I think. I really believe that the "real world" is overrated and people don't seem to care to think enough because they're afraid of what their minds could potentially come up with (okay it's probably an overgeneralization but you get the point). I tend to be in my own head but I can't do that when I know that I should be doing something more fun like connecting with people. I do get into my own head a lot when I'm listening to music and pretending that I'm saving the world or something though.

I don't know if I can't be bothered but I want to be true to myself and I generally speak before I think so I can unconsciously be insensitive and have my words come out in a manner that is totally dissimilar from what I intended it to be? And when I'm joking I can unconsciously cross the line and offend people that I really like which sucks. And then I'll be left all apologetic for a while -- and escape because I can't deal with it.

Exactly! And when people call me "boring" when I'm in that mode I get really indignant because they don't know who I am deep down, only the facade and yet they're already passing these sorts of judgements on me. Hm.

Ah... that makes sense. And now that I think about it I seem to do that very frequently. I find myself adjusting myself according to the person I talk to -- and showing different "me"s around yet all of them are fundamentally similar. Does that make sense?

Yeah. I'm really attracted to the mystery around her and I really want to get to know her better -- and it did work out and we became really amazing friends for a while. After which I do something really stupid and I get really awkward (I think it's my problem) and then I shy away from talking to her because I'm scared that she hates me. But when it works it's really magical. I have other INFJ friends and I really go into really deep conversations on conspiracy theories and the universe which is totally surreal. I really enjoy such conversations far more than the usual drivel that people mention on a day to day affair.

No, no! I think it make more sense that way too! And it helps me understand you better haha. Sorry if I'm being presumptuous! And thank you! I really feel comfortable here (thus far).

We're all like that, hon. Trust me, you're as awesome as that profile makes you out to be. We tend to only show people our positive side, but that doesn't mean that we aren't human. And yes...we are a bit sensitive to what people think of us, at first, while we re still figuring out what *we* value, and what we consider important. We like to make people happy and please them, so criticism is just a bit hard to deal with. You'll learn to sift out which parts are useful and which parts are not about you but about them and their issues in time, I promise :wink:

Oh and, as for sharing professor stories, here is one:

I remember going to an English Lit exam, taking a seat and being incredibly nervous. The teacher then asked me to provide the definition of stream-of-consciousness. I was so nervous I rambled on.

He burst out into laughter and said:

"I said 'define it', not 'demonstrate it'."

He gave me a 16/20 - and admitted I was the student who had given him a reprieve and a moment of laughter during a *very* dull day ;)

Really? I think I do have confidence issues and there are certainly days in which I tend to shy away from people NOT because I don't want to talk to them but because I'm scared that they're disliking me. I hope so! I know, intellectually, that I really should not care about such things because it doesn't matter but somehow it really gets to me? And I have to spend time with my INFP and ISTJ friend and have them talk to me. The INFP listens while the ISTJ breaks it down logically (I thought he was an INTJ once ha) and convinces me that it really doesn't matter much. But it really does suck that we're so easily affected by people who shouldn't matter.

HAHAHAHAHAHAAH oh man that totally sounds like something I'd do too! Great job. I once sat my teacher down during career guidance session (or whatever it is) and I ended up talking to him for over three hours about utterly unrelated stuff and I asked him about his life and all that. It was as if I was the one doing the interviewing him whilst still talking about my plans for the future as well.

Speaking of plans for the future, I really don't know. I once wanted to be a lawyer but I think the detail oriented and unfriendly atmosphere surrounding that career really scared me off from that path. People keep telling me that I'd make a good college professor though...

five sounds

Jul 17, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Syn-flow: sp → so → sx → sp
Stackings involved: sp/so → so/sx → sx/sp → sp/so
Direction: Compelled toward people. Acting upon and with others as a born insider i.e.- deeply human.

Contra-flow: sp → sx → so → sp
Stackings involved: sp/sx → sx/so → so/sp → sp/sx
Direction: Compelled against people. Seething belligerent outsiders; 'antisocial', provoking, reverse-flow change catalysts. In some profound sense, rejecting the human condition, their own and/or that of others.
so/sx - including, associating, affiliating, networking, incorporating, interconnecting, introducing, unifying, linking, bonding, annexing, cooperating, receiving
sx/so - excluding, eliminating, dividing, separating, contradicting, subverting, confronting, rebuffing, ridiculing, challenging, interrupting, reforming, rupturing

sx/sp - intensifying, escalating, rising, surging, enlivening, invigorating, accelerating, stimulating, energizing, vitalizing, reviving, animating, inspiriting
sp/sx - dulling, calming, quieting, grounding, descending, lowering, dampening, numbing, desensitizing, exhausting, deadening, extinguishing, making still

sp/so - conserving, protecting, maintaining, preserving, supplying, repairing, sustaining, stewarding
so/sp - utilizing, employing, implementing, expending, exercising, spending, capitalizing, expropriating
You can read more here: http://www.the16types.info/vbulletin...tual-Stackings

Also here are Maitri's descriptions of the three subtypes of 7 which really helped me decide 7w6>2w3: http://personalitycafe.com/type-7-fo...ts-maitri.html

here ya go! :D


Hotel California
Nov 5, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Really? I think I do have confidence issues and there are certainly days in which I tend to shy away from people NOT because I don't want to talk to them but because I'm scared that they're disliking me. I hope so! I know, intellectually, that I really should not care about such things because it doesn't matter but somehow it really gets to me? And I have to spend time with my INFP and ISTJ friend and have them talk to me. The INFP listens while the ISTJ breaks it down logically (I thought he was an INTJ once ha) and convinces me that it really doesn't matter much. But it really does suck that we're so easily affected by people who shouldn't matter.

HAHAHAHAHAHAAH oh man that totally sounds like something I'd do too! Great job. I once sat my teacher down during career guidance session (or whatever it is) and I ended up talking to him for over three hours about utterly unrelated stuff and I asked him about his life and all that. It was as if I was the one doing the interviewing him whilst still talking about my plans for the future as well.

Speaking of plans for the future, I really don't know. I once wanted to be a lawyer but I think the detail oriented and unfriendly atmosphere surrounding that career really scared me off from that path. People keep telling me that I'd make a good college professor though...


Ahh you'll fit in fine here. And I bet you'll find a lot of the answers you're still searching for. Trust me, as you find out what works for you, it'll be easier to work out whose opinions to take in and whose aren't useful to you. For now though, feel free to listen to all of them and try them all out. It should help you figure out which ones are useful and which aren't

And :laugh: at you taking over the interview. Yeah, Ive done that. Or like, reassuring people who are supposed to reassure you in a social situation - like first time employers/interviewers or teachers and doctors :D
I bet you'd make a very entertaining professor. You should do a google on which professions are typically done by ENFPs if you need more input. And there is a list out there somewhere as well as to the perfect careers for enneagram types, once you figure that one out (don't worry, it'll take a while to absorb all this info, so be patient with yourself).

...and I see Nicolita has started you off already :D


New member
Aug 12, 2008
Instinctual Variant

Ahh you'll fit in fine here. And I bet you'll find a lot of the answers you're still searching for. Trust me, as you find out what works for you, it'll be easier to work out whose opinions to take in and whose aren't useful to you. For now though, feel free to listen to all of them and try them all out. It should help you figure out which ones are useful and which aren't

And :laugh: at you taking over the interview. Yeah, Ive done that. Or like, reassuring people who are supposed to reassure you in a social situation - like first time employers/interviewers or teachers and doctors :D
I bet you'd make a very entertaining professor. You should do a google on which professions are typically done by ENFPs if you need more input. And there is a list out there somewhere as well as to the perfect careers for enneagram types, once you figure that one out (don't worry, it'll take a while to absorb all this info, so be patient with yourself).

...and I see Nicolita has started you off already :D

I really hope so! I've kinda felt like an outsider my entire life (it's always a thing with me even though people don't seem to hate me and I make a lot of acquaintances but somehow I always feel perpetually lonely) and it's really nice of you to say that I'll fit in well here. I hope so. I'll give everything a shot and see how it works haha.

Hahahaha I don't think I've ever reassured a doctor or a teacher but my classmates are frequently awed by how I'd be lurking around awkwardly before spouting sagely advice off the bat like that (a pity I don't take my own advice sigh). Hahahaha, yeah. It's just that everything seems interesting and I really would love to try everything out and see what I like and dislike but unfortunately real world concerns. I really don't want to end up poor and penniless and having to beg on the streets. :cry:

Hahaha to be honest I'm a little lost at what I'm supposed to be looking at... Sorry!


New member
May 16, 2012
Instinctual Variant
I think you are. ;)
Ne dom is only reserved for ENFP and ENTP. You just have not developed your Te tertiary- but work on that. It is SO REWARDING. You sound like me at your age. I had not developed my Te and I hung with an ISFJ side-kick. We had the time of our lives.

You have so much growth to accomplish in the next 10 and 20 years. Enjoy the ride. Be true to yourself. And my biggest advice to an ENFP more than half my age is this: it SERIOUSLY does not matter what other people think of you. I know it's easier said than done- but one day you will agree with me. Try not to allow it to get to you and alter your decisions and certainly not what you think of yourself. Everyone is walking around confused on this planet like the rest of us. Don't give them your power. ;)

Enjoy being the best type out there. haha :smile:



New member
Aug 12, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I think you are. ;)
Ne dom is only reserved for ENFP and ENTP. You just have not developed your Te tertiary- but work on that. It is SO REWARDING. You sound like me at your age. I had not developed my Te and I hung with an ISFJ side-kick. We had the time of our lives.

You have so much growth to accomplish in the next 10 and 20 years. Enjoy the ride. Be true to yourself. And my biggest advice to an ENFP more than half my age is this: it SERIOUSLY does not matter what other people think of you. I know it's easier said than done- but one day you will agree with me. Try not to allow it to get to you and alter your decisions and certainly not what you think of yourself. Everyone is walking around confused on this planet like the rest of us. Don't give them your power. ;)

Enjoy being the best type out there. haha :smile:


Hahaha thank you so much!

Hm. How would you go about developing Te though? I was of the impression that ENFPs went by Ne-Fi-Te-Si, yeah? Is it possible to be more developed in Si than Te and still be an ENFP? HAHAHAHA and yes I do have an ISFJ sidekick of my own. He's awesome. And yet he feels so much like me. (That's why I was doubting myself and thinking that I could have been a mistyped ISFJ).

Thank you! I really don't think I have that much power but thank you so much for your kind words. It's really hard sometimes though because you just want everyone to like you and that's impossible. And I'm starting to think it's impossible to ever find my romantic partner because all my female friends seem to tell me that I'm very nice to talk to but I'm the "gay best friend" sort...? And that has really got me worried haha.

Thank you so much everyone! It's not often that I'm feeling so welcome and really genuinely happy at the company.

What about xNFP type 6?

OH MAN I totally missed your post I did not mean to ignore you oh god.

I thought I was an XNFP too, actually. It could make sense. I could be a type 6 indeed but somehow I seem to identify more strongly with type 4...? But then again I can't be sure since I thought I was type 3 for a good part of my life.


New member
May 16, 2012
Instinctual Variant
Hahaha thank you so much!

Hm. How would you go about developing Te though? I was of the impression that ENFPs went by Ne-Fi-Te-Si, yeah? Is it possible to be more developed in Si than Te and still be an ENFP? HAHAHAHA and yes I do have an ISFJ sidekick of my own. He's awesome. And yet he feels so much like me. (That's why I was doubting myself and thinking that I could have been a mistyped ISFJ).

Thank you! I really don't think I have that much power but thank you so much for your kind words. It's really hard sometimes though because you just want everyone to like you and that's impossible. And I'm starting to think it's impossible to ever find my romantic partner because all my female friends seem to tell me that I'm very nice to talk to but I'm the "gay best friend" sort...? And that has really got me worried haha.

Thank you so much everyone! It's not often that I'm feeling so welcome and really genuinely happy at the company.

Funny you say that about Si. At your age, I hung with a lot of sensors. Plus- sensory indulgence is sort of more important and exciting at that age- like fashion and goods, so mine was probably more developed too. (Now in my life- I ask --- what is Si??? I have no idea anymore lol.) But at exactly your age, I was going to school and also took a job out of my comfort zone- sort of an apprenticeship that served me well. I learned technical application customizations, accounting- all kinds of non-ENFP things. I was determined to prove to myself I could be good with details, numbers and technology. (Which many ENFP are.) Once I succeeded at this- I used that knowledge to do more ENFP-esque things like marketing those very same things and writing about them. :)

I never stopped pushing the envelope as far as growth, learning, reading- just soaking up the planet and the knowledge it has. It will eventually grow your Te. Surround yourself with some NTs too from time to time and get into some debates or deep discussions. ;)

I can see when you are always with a person- you each start to pick up traits of the other. This is true in long term relationships and marriage too. Don't read too much into that. It's good for each of you to stretch yourselves too. You are good for each other. Your E is a great for your friend's I. I remember having deep discussions with my pal too- but unlike you- we were hitting the clubs like A LOT. lolllllll ;)

Young ENFPs really want to be liked. Ugggh I know!!! That was totally me. And you can't exactly change that- but be cognizant that you will SO not give a flying hoot 20 years from now! TRUST ME. You will look back and say, "Damn- why did I NOT do this or that just cuz I was worried what they would think???" It REALLY doesn't matter. It's empowering to be the only person in the room with your opinion. Feels alienating but slowing and surely it is empowering.

Friend me if you'd like. PM me any time. :)


New member
Aug 12, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Funny you say that about Si. At your age, I hung with a lot of sensors. Plus- sensory indulgence is sort of more important and exciting at that age- like fashion and goods, so mine was probably more developed too. (Now in my life- I ask --- what is Si??? I have no idea anymore lol.) But at exactly your age, I was going to school and also took a job out of my comfort zone- sort of an apprenticeship that served me well. I learned technical application customizations, accounting- all kinds of non-ENFP things. I was determined to prove to myself I could be good with details, numbers and technology. (Which many ENFP are.) Once I succeeded at this- I used that knowledge to do more ENFP-esque things like marketing those very same things and writing about them. :)

I never stopped pushing the envelope as far as growth, learning, reading- just soaking up the planet and the knowledge it has. It will eventually grow your Te. Surround yourself with some NTs too from time to time and get into some debates or deep discussions. ;)

I can see when you are always with a person- you each start to pick up traits of the other. This is true in long term relationships and marriage too. Don't read too much into that. It's good for each of you to stretch yourselves too. You are good for each other. Your E is a great for your friend's I. I remember having deep discussions with my pal too- but unlike you- we were hitting the clubs like A LOT. lolllllll ;)

Young ENFPs really want to be liked. Ugggh I know!!! That was totally me. And you can't exactly change that- but be cognizant that you will SO not give a flying hoot 20 years from now! TRUST ME. You will look back and say, "Damn- why did I NOT do this or that just cuz I was worried what they would think???" It REALLY doesn't matter. It's empowering to be the only person in the room with your opinion. Feels alienating but slowing and surely it is empowering.

Friend me if you'd like. PM me any time. :)

Hahaha I do hang out with some sensors (the ISTJ, ISFJ, ESFP come to mind -- alongside my ISFP sister and my mum whom I think is ESFJ) but I generally start ranting and they listen and try to keep up? Sometimes I can't really talk to them about my conspiracy theories and my crazy thoughts because they lose patience with me and would like to talk about something more practical and more grounded hm. I totally ignore fashion and the only goods I really care about are books and video game consoles so. Ah... I see. I guess I should take a job since I'm free now and my national exams have just ended recently. However, most of my friends are aware that I utterly SUCK at technology (seriously I don't trust myself with it). I'm also quite scared of math and numbers even though I topped math in my school (albeit at an easier level as compared to the norm). Ah... that sounds like a good way to go about things.

I think what I'm trying to say is that I feel as if I'm undeveloped in both Si and Te? Haha. OH but I have carried out the Fi-Te bitchslap (is that what it's called? My INTP friend told me something about this) and I can say the most hurtful things when I'm mad. Seriously.

Hahaha my ISFJ friend is as socially awkward as I am so we end up going to the bookstore and reading. Or talking in a cafe. That's my idea of fun hahaha. I don't think I could ever persuade him to enter a club (he's even more resistant to partying than I am) and I'm not a club person too haha.

Yeah, I know. I am aware that I have really strange and offbeat opinions on things but having already been shot down by the more judgmental people who are intolerant of dissenting views once or twice, I'm really afraid of being embarrassed or humiliated so I wound up not saying anything at all. And it sucks because sometimes you know how things are gonna go but you refrain from saying anything because you're scared.

Hahaha I'll take you up on that offer. :)


New member
May 16, 2012
Instinctual Variant
Hahaha I do hang out with some sensors (the ISTJ, ISFJ, ESFP come to mind -- alongside my ISFP sister and my mum whom I think is ESFJ) but I generally start ranting and they listen and try to keep up? Sometimes I can't really talk to them about my conspiracy theories and my crazy thoughts because they lose patience with me and would like to talk about something more practical and more grounded hm. I totally ignore fashion and the only goods I really care about are books and video game consoles so. Ah... I see. I guess I should take a job since I'm free now and my national exams have just ended recently. However, most of my friends are aware that I utterly SUCK at technology (seriously I don't trust myself with it). I'm also quite scared of math and numbers even though I topped math in my school (albeit at an easier level as compared to the norm). Ah... that sounds like a good way to go about things.

I think what I'm trying to say is that I feel as if I'm undeveloped in both Si and Te? Haha. OH but I have carried out the Fi-Te bitchslap (is that what it's called? My INTP friend told me something about this) and I can say the most hurtful things when I'm mad. Seriously.

Hahaha my ISFJ friend is as socially awkward as I am so we end up going to the bookstore and reading. Or talking in a cafe. That's my idea of fun hahaha. I don't think I could ever persuade him to enter a club (he's even more resistant to partying than I am) and I'm not a club person too haha.

Yeah, I know. I am aware that I have really strange and offbeat opinions on things but having already been shot down by the more judgmental people who are intolerant of dissenting views once or twice, I'm really afraid of being embarrassed or humiliated so I wound up not saying anything at all. And it sucks because sometimes you know how things are gonna go but you refrain from saying anything because you're scared.

Hahaha I'll take you up on that offer. :)

:) Please do. And I relate to everything you are writing. (Except ONLY hanging in cafe's and book stores at your age. I was sort of wild. lol)

Be proud of who you are. Don't let others get under your skin. Their opinions of you do not matter. ;) This will take time- but work on that. Perhaps you will get to that empowering feeling way earlier than I did as a result. ;)


New member
Aug 12, 2008
Instinctual Variant
:) Please do. And I relate to everything you are writing. (Except ONLY hanging in cafe's and book stores at your age. I was sort of wild. lol)

Be proud of who you are. Don't let others get under your skin. Their opinions of you do not matter. ;) This will take time- but work on that. Perhaps you will get to that empowering feeling way earlier than I did as a result. ;)

Hahaha I don't think I'm cool enough to go party anyway so yeah. Oh but I've always had this really cool fantasy about meeting my future romantic partner at a bookstore. Even my ISTJ friend thinks that's probably going to happen to me -- since I frequent the bookstore really often. Or at the library. That'd be really sweet too. Hahaha but I think we're similar enough despite our differences! Which is awesome I mean I totally don't feel alone now. Strange that I'd feel that way though I don't think we ENFPs are that rare as compared to INTJs and INFJs right...?

Hahaha I'll work on it. Thank you very much for your wise words! (Though I'll still probably be affected even despite knowing such things. UGH you know things intellectually and yet your heart leads you astray sigh).


New member
May 16, 2012
Instinctual Variant
Hahaha I don't think I'm cool enough to go party anyway so yeah. Oh but I've always had this really cool fantasy about meeting my future romantic partner at a bookstore. Even my ISTJ friend thinks that's probably going to happen to me -- since I frequent the bookstore really often. Or at the library. That'd be really sweet too. Hahaha but I think we're similar enough despite our differences! Which is awesome I mean I totally don't feel alone now. Strange that I'd feel that way though I don't think we ENFPs are that rare as compared to INTJs and INFJs right...?

Hahaha I'll work on it. Thank you very much for your wise words! (Though I'll still probably be affected even despite knowing such things. UGH you know things intellectually and yet your heart leads you astray sigh).
