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Global warming


no clinkz 'til brooklyn
Jun 29, 2007
Whaddayou fuckers think?

I think it's a bunch of overhyped bourgeois bull, and I'm allowed to say that because I'm not a republican.


Apr 23, 2007
I concur.

I recycle. I don't litter. I don't waste. I barely drive my car.

I'm not falling victim to your guilt trip, world.


Furry Critter with Claws
Sep 25, 2007
I guess we will find out when the polar ice caps melt and our grandkids drown. :D


no clinkz 'til brooklyn
Jun 29, 2007
I guess we will find out when the polar ice caps melt and our grandkids drown. :D

I did a pretty conclusive test proving that this will not happen.

I filled a cup with ice. The ice was actually jutting from the rim of the cup about an inch and a half. I then filled the cup with water to the top.

When the ice melted, the water level went down, even though there was a significant portion of it above the water level.

My experiment, testing the basic physics of global warming is unparalleled (to my knowledge) in the supporters of the notion.

The only flood we need to worry about is of polar bears moving to Canada. Maybe a flood of white furs in department stores. Those caps are probably displacing more water than they themselves are made of.

I'll grant, that my experiment is hardly representative of what's actually going on, but I'd be interested to hear if anyone really has any fucking clue what they're talking about when it comes to the physics. It's a pretty crucial aspect of the validity of the movement, but it seems to be something they completely ignored. We're searching for solutions to something that's probably not a problem.

All I've heard is conjecturing. I've never even seen a test proving that CO2 actually traps the light in. And I've searched. Maybe in the wrong places, but all I've seen so far is speculation about the atmospheric 'trapping' of light with green house gases.

Can someone here prove me wrong? Don't tell me to watch an inconvenient truth. I've seen it. Many times.


no clinkz 'til brooklyn
Jun 29, 2007
I'm also curious if anyone else senses some narcissistic undertones in the entire notion.

Anyone else think maybe we blame ourselves (for nearly everything... even shit we don't do) simply because it makes us feel powerful? Excepting the few who've decided that being powerful is evil and wrong maybe.


Furry Critter with Claws
Sep 25, 2007
I'll grant, that my experiment is hardly representative of what's actually going on, but I'd be interested to hear if anyone really has any fucking clue what they're talking about when it comes to the physics. It's a pretty crucial aspect of the validity of the movement, but it seems to be something they completely ignored. We're searching for solutions to something that's probably not a problem.

Was the water salt water? Did you measure out a proportion of ice to water equivalent to that which is expected to melt? Did you consider that much of the ice that is melting is located on land and isn't just floating in water?

All I've heard is conjecturing. I've never even seen a test proving that CO2 actually traps the light in. And I've searched. Maybe in the wrong places, but all I've seen so far is speculation about the atmospheric 'trapping' of light with green house gases.

It's called a "greenhouse" gas for a reason.

Actually, they found that the levels of a certain isotope of carbon associated only with the burning of fossil fuels has steadily gone up in the atmosphere. I would consider that pretty conclusive proof.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2007
I did a pretty conclusive test proving that this will not happen.

I filled a cup with ice. The ice was actually jutting from the rim of the cup about an inch and a half. I then filled the cup with water to the top.

When the ice melted, the water level went down, even though there was a significant portion of it above the water level.

My experiment, testing the basic physics of global warming is unparalleled (to my knowledge) in the supporters of the notion.

The only flood we need to worry about is of polar bears moving to Canada. Maybe a flood of white furs in department stores. Those caps are probably displacing more water than they themselves are made of.

I'll grant, that my experiment is hardly representative of what's actually going on, but I'd be interested to hear if anyone really has any fucking clue what they're talking about when it comes to the physics. It's a pretty crucial aspect of the validity of the movement, but it seems to be something they completely ignored. We're searching for solutions to something that's probably not a problem.

All I've heard is conjecturing. I've never even seen a test proving that CO2 actually traps the light in. And I've searched. Maybe in the wrong places, but all I've seen so far is speculation about the atmospheric 'trapping' of light with green house gases.

Can someone here prove me wrong? Don't tell me to watch an inconvenient truth. I've seen it. Many times.

your test is flawed. glaciers and shit are on land/above water level.

miss fortune

not to be trusted
Oct 4, 2007
Instinctual Variant
oooh... I'll so answer this tommorrow *yawn* I'm taking a grad level class on global warming at the moment :rofl1:

global warming is real, and we're not being egomaniacs by saying that it's anthropogenic (the real egomaniacs seem to be the ones who say it's merely a Milankovic Cycle or something :rolli:)- you can see that if you examine the changes in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere from before and after the industrial revolution :) Nothing else on the planet could have caused such a dramatic increase in the level of greenhouse gasses quite as efficiently! :yes:

I'll answer more later- now is time for :sleeping:


New member
Jul 20, 2007

As you can see in this animation a giant weasel is humping the earth. This humping action generates heat which melts the ice and drowns the polar bears, their white fur reflects a significant amount of sunlight. Without the polar bears reflecting the sun's rays back into space the earth heats up even more. The only way to stop this is to pump enough CO2 into the atmosphere, suffocating the weasel. Scientists are the evil minions of the weasel and are trying to stop the the heroic oil companies from defeating this menace.


ish red no longer *sad*
Apr 23, 2007
*blinks* why not measure water levels? That can be done accurately at numerous points around the globe. Rate of melting has to be balanced by the rate of land formation due to volcano eruptions anyhow (the deep sea vents) and plate tectonics. I believe people have to tracking that for a few years now... The average water level around the world is rising...

As to what green house gases do... well they do break down the ozone layer... That's a proven fact. As to what the lack of the ozone layer due to the temperature... people have theories but I don't think the jury is out yet. However additional UV radiation is getting in... so you're more likely to get skin cancer etc... the poor frogs. I feel bad for them. :(

edit: Sass... I :wub: that weasel! It's so cute! lol


no clinkz 'til brooklyn
Jun 29, 2007
Is this a serious thread?

I'm not sure I can make a 100% serious thread anymore.

I really do want someone to come in (probably whatever) with some actual arguments.

Don't tell me it's a proven fact. Prove it to me.

I can't be bothered to do research, and screw around on this forum all day.


New member
Jul 20, 2007
Global warming has nothing to do with the ozone layer. CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) break down O3 (ozone) into O2 and O. This lets in all the nasty UV rays. Green house gasses are CO2 and methane, they trap the thermal energy and heat up the earth melting the ice caps which reflect a large amount of the sun's rays. All this fresh water from the ice caps and glaciers is less dense than salt water so it floats on top of the sea water. This shuts down the convection currents in the oceans which distribute heat around the planet. Which in turn disrupts weather patterns and a shit storm of epic proportions ensues.


no clinkz 'til brooklyn
Jun 29, 2007
oooh... I'll so answer this tommorrow *yawn* I'm taking a grad level class on global warming at the moment :rofl1:

global warming is real, and we're not being egomaniacs by saying that it's anthropogenic (the real egomaniacs seem to be the ones who say it's merely a Milankovic Cycle or something :rolli:)-
How is that egotistical? They're giving a rational explanation for why the earth is heating up (an unlikely one, but global warming is unlikely so...)

I was saying the egotism comes from the fact that people think they're so powerful... got nothing to do with figuring it out, I just think people want to think that they're in control.

you can see that if you examine the changes in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere from before and after the industrial revolution :) Nothing else on the planet could have caused such a dramatic increase in the level of greenhouse gasses quite as efficiently! :yes:
Nothing we've found yet.

Do we have a bunch of balloons up there measuring saleen and all that?

Also, can you explain how the physics of it works? Have they actually proven it on a molecular level? I've seen nothing. I guess I should have started a thread asking about that, instead of global warming at large, but actually, one way or another, it would escalate to that, so it's whatever :)D).


no clinkz 'til brooklyn
Jun 29, 2007
Global warming has nothing to do with the ozone layer. CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) break down O3 (ozone) into O2 and O. This lets in all the nasty UV rays. Green house gasses are CO2 and methane,
And water... let's not forget that one.
they trap the thermal energy and heat up the earth melting the ice caps which reflect a large amount of the sun's rays. All this fresh water from the ice caps and glaciers is less dense than salt water so it floats on top of the sea water. This shuts down the convection currents in the oceans which distribute heat around the planet. Which in turn disrupts weather patterns and a shit storm of epic proportions ensues.
LOL this isn't a movie. That's only one guess as to how it might go down.

If it DOES happen, I hope it's that way. It's the most badass.

miss fortune

not to be trusted
Oct 4, 2007
Instinctual Variant
;) I'll pull out the modeling software and research tommorrow- it's too late to think that seriously :cry:

there is proof though :) and it's sitting somewhere in my stack of textbooks I fear :nerd:


ish red no longer *sad*
Apr 23, 2007
Sass: I stand to be corrected lol!

Freeing more carbon will accelerate global warming

Neil Wilson

Nature 451, 768 (2008).


Apr 26, 2007
A few extra details to add: The greenhouse effect is said to occur due to gases absorbing some of the infrared radiation that would otherwise be emitted out into space by the earth. Earth's temperature is mostly determined by its distance from the sun, as this effects the energy received by the sun, and will change the temperature where emitted radiation from the earth will equal the absorbed radiation from the sun. Effects like clouds, snow, greenhouse gases, etc. will change this temperature by absorbing and reflecting different amounts of radiation that would otherwise either be completely absorbed or completely emitted.

Any gas that absorbs infrared radiation will have some sort of greenhouse effect, since they will absorb energy that would otherwise go out into space. This most likely includes any sort of gas that has different types of atoms in it, (A bit from physical chemistry last semester: any gas that can change its dipole moment in vibrations will absorb infrared radiation of some sort, which in general seems to mean gases with different sorts of molecules in it. Whether this fully applies to absorption in the atmosphere is up for grabs, or whether some other effects come into play, but it overall makes sense on hearing which gases are greenhouse ones.)

How is that egotistical? They're giving a rational explanation for why the earth is heating up (an unlikely one, but global warming is unlikely so...)

I was saying the egotism comes from the fact that people think they're so powerful... got nothing to do with figuring it out, I just think people want to think that they're in control.

First off, global warming effects do have support from the way that Venus is hotter than Mercury, despite being farther away, and perhaps also from the fact that earth's temperature stays around the amount where it would be if it absorbed all energy from the sun and reemmited it perfectly. (Otherwise, earth has plenty of snow, clouds, etc. to reflect energy back into space.).

Secondly, people already have large scale effects just from day to day living in other areas (desertification, "heat islands" near cities, helping to make the "fertile crescent' much more barren today, various extinctions/near extinctions, forest reduction, etc.). It's not too much a leap to guess that people could be effecting the entire planet in some way based just off of everyday activities adding up.