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[MBTI General] What Each Type Looks Like In The Grip Of The Inferior


Active member
May 5, 2007
Well, if that doesn't work, then do this.
Well, if that doesn't work, then do this.
Well, if that doesn't work, then do this.

Then you may fall prey to the inferior. "And I can see Russia from my house!"

Tell me, can she name a newspaper? I know what she's not reading: Jung.

Lord Lavender

Bluered Trickster
Oct 21, 2016
Instinctual Variant
I relate to both xNTP grips. Sometimes i have the ENTP one and sometimes the INTP one.


The Devil of TypoC
Aug 29, 2008
Instinctual Variant

Cognitive Functions: Extroverted Thinking – Introverted Sensing – Extroverted Intuition – Introverted Feeling

How the rut develops: When they sense a problem developing, the ESTJ’s first reaction will be to find a practical solution and apply it immediately. They will attempt to re-impose order to their external environment as soon as it has been disrupted. If they are unable to do so, they may shift the focus to their introverted sensing. Rather than dealing with what is directly apparent, they will think of what has helped them solve a similar issue in the past and attempt to apply the same method to the problem at hand. If this approach also fails them, the ESTJ may turn to their tertiary extroverted intuition. They will brainstorm new ideas for resolving the issue and attempt to catapult themselves out of the rut using a previously untested method. If the ESTJ is still spiralling at this phase, they are at risk of falling prey to their inferior function.

What the rut looks like: An ESTJ in a rut will revert to their introverted feeling. This normally pragmatic type will become self-critical and overly analytical – trying to find the deeper meaning behind everything they and others do. They may become fixated on morals – judging others for what they are doing wrong and vocalizing their opinion on it. While in the grip of their introverted feeling, the ESTJ will lose the ability to make objective, pragmatic decisions. Their behaviour will be rash and defensive and they may withdraw from others in an attempt to hide the fact that they are not behaving entirely rationally.

How to get out of it: To break out of a rut, the ESTJ needs to reconnect with their extroverted thinking. They need to regain confidence in their ability to impose order on their external environment and make pragmatic choices for both themselves and those around them. They may use their introverted sensing to help them remember what they have valued in the past, and make decisions based on the most logical implementation of those values.

What their return to health will look like: As their mindset improves, the ESTJ will regain their natural confidence and decisiveness. They will once again work toward imposing order into their lives and will take on positions of leadership as they become available. This highly organized type thrives when they are given autonomy to make practical decisions – seeking out those situations will likely be crucial to their return to confidence and health.
The Te-Si-Ne path is EXACTLY how I solve problems, to a T. Have you done the obvious thing? How about the thing that all the experts say is best? Ok... how about this other thing that might make sense based on this pattern I've noticed?

First bolded: That's not why I withdraw. I withdraw either to figure out my own shit, because I can't figure it out with too much going on around me -- or I withdraw to keep myself from wrecking an otherwise nice social situation. ESTJs in the grip are very aware that they're bulls in china shops, so it's not hiding the emotionality as in "oh god, no one can know that i have feelings", it's "i don't want to be a jerk to people, and i can guarantee that i'll be a jerk to people, so i'd rather stay at home and not ruin things".

Second bolded: totally true. The way I would phrase it is, the best way for ESTJs to get out of a rut is to 1) remember what it is that they're good at, and 2. do that thing. It really is all about rebuilding confidence, and the only way to do that is to remind yourself physically (not just by remembering, but by doing) that you're good at things.

Peter Pan

Nov 17, 2016
Awwwww mannnnnn thought What Each Type Looks Like In The ended with Shower hahaha


The Devil of TypoC
Aug 29, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Awwwww mannnnnn thought What Each Type Looks Like In The ended with Shower hahaha


citizen cane

ornery ornithologist
Apr 30, 2010
Instinctual Variant
I only briefly read the types closest to my own, but is there one for 'alternates between being filled with anger directed at others as well as intense self-loathing, and denying a problem exists at all?


The Devil of TypoC
Aug 29, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I only briefly read the types closest to my own, but is there one for 'alternates between being filled with anger directed at others as well as intense self-loathing, and denying a problem exists at all?
What the rut looks like: An ISTP in a rut will revert to their extroverted feeling. This normally logical type will become defensive and reactive – refusing to acknowledge that they cannot find their way out of the rut and clinging to faulty logic in order to support their unstable self-image. The ISTP’s introverted intuition may interact with their unhealthy extroverted feeling in a way that makes them anticipate negative future events for themselves and their loved ones in this state. They may become uncharacteristically anxious and hostile.


Jan 25, 2014
ENFJ Grip said:

Cognitive Functions: Extroverted Feeling – Introverted Intuition – Extroverted Sensing – Introverted Thinking

How the rut develops: When sensing that a problem is developing, the ENFJ will first attempt to find a solution that achieves the best possible outcome for everyone involved. They will survey how their loved ones are feeling and attempt to make a decision that best suits the desires of the majority. If they are unable to do so, the ENFJ will turn a heavier focus to their introverted intuition. They will independently examine the options that are available to them and theorize which ones would provide the best future outcome for all those involved. If this method fails to help them, the ENFJ will turn to their extroverted sensing. Knowing they are under stress, they may use a trial-and-error method of problem solving. They will try out various solutions in hopes that one will take. If this, too, fails them, the ENFJ is at risk of falling prey to their inferior function.

What the rut looks like: An ENFJ in a rut reverts to their introverted thinking. Usually empathetic and decisive, the ENFJ will become cold and overly analytical – they take a detached view of those around them and may make harsh judgments under the guise of ‘just being honest.’ This normally understanding type become pessimistic about themselves and those around them – criticizing others without warrant and refusing to show their loved ones the compassion that usually defines their very personality.

How to get out of it: To break out of a rut, the ENFJ needs to get back in touch with their extroverted feeling. They need to reconnect with loved ones and recognize their place within society. Their introverted intuition may help them in their return to health – by setting plans for the future, the ENFJ can re-establish their purpose and reconnect with others as they work toward meaningful goals.

What their return to health will look like: As their mindset improves, the ENFJ will spend more and more time around others – they will rekindle their old connections and regain their sense of responsibility. Their decisive, encouraging nature will take over and they will return to making detailed plans for the future, which ensure that those around them are happy and thriving.

Like with @EJCC, what is striking about this to me is it precisely describes my thought process order from Fe>Ni>Se>Ti. The big caveot here is (yet again) Fe is too focused on people and maximal outcome for everyone. The reason I take issue is there are so many situations where other people are not involved. It makes people who read it focus on such a small subset of things and gives a bad impression.

The key with Fe is it will instantly look for what is the best outcome possible that dots all the i's and crosses all the t's. It's a very holistic approach that factors many different measures at once, and that often is a statistical thing, hence the statement of "best suits the majority". The thing is the majority doesn't have to be people, it can just as well be things. When that isn't immediately obvious, Ni is turned to next, to filter out which options are worth things and not. It's a lot of gut and assumptions based on patterns observed in the past and what would be expected from the future. It essentially eliminates variables, and allows Fe to navigate a more efficient statistical set. When that still doesn't work, it then comes down to unplanned gut driven trial and error a la Se. This is not ideal, but can and does work. I often do this in frustration where it's sort of like "...fuck it! Time to throw things at the wall and see what sticks!". Interestingly when this works it feels hella liberating and awesome. When that doesn't work enter in inferior Ti which sucks, because it hurts. When the Se method doesn't work we default to thinking "nothing works, we failed and everything is awful! :D".

Inferior Ti makes us have to rely on a system that we're not used to and is a struggle to use. Having to coldly analyze everything in painstaking detail is exhausting, and it feels so constraining despite being so broad. It invariably becomes very reduced and symplitic because we get overwhelmed with trying to comb over every little tidbit, and it isn't possible. It makes us lose sigh of the long term and what really matters. Everything looks bleak and pointless.


Silver and Lead
Mar 12, 2013
Instinctual Variant
...but this is me, too! At least when in the grip of the inferior...which honestly is a lot of the time at this point in my trajectory.

This normally artistic and fun-loving type will become fixated on making the most logical choices for their future, without reference to what they actually want or feel passionate about. They will regulate their lives in an impersonal way, failing to make time for the people or passions that usually rule their world. They may resort to intense self-criticism and convince themselves that they’ll never make anything out of their life or their art form and must therefore make choices in the most pragmatic way possible.
...fffff. Yeah. This...is very accurate, to me and to anyone who has ever so much as glanced at my blog.


AKA Nunki
Apr 7, 2009
Instinctual Variant
I read through all of the sections about being stuck in a rut, and none of them come close to describing anything I do. Also, I experience Se as a positive function: I enjoy being in tune with my external environment.

Lady Lazarus

Jun 30, 2014
Instinctual Variant
What the rut looks like: An ISFJ in a rut reverts to extroverted intuition. This normally organized and dedicated type begins doubting themselves immensely and second guessing decisions they’ve made in the past. They may begin and then quickly abandon multiple new endeavors; unable to commit to any of them for fear that they have chosen incorrectly. They will distance themselves from loved ones, feeling unable to live up to the commitments they’ve made and will attempt to ‘go it alone’ in every aspect of their lives.

There it is.


Honeyed Water
May 20, 2013
*sigh* I am seriously starting to wonder that I may be IxFP. None of the xxFJs fit me.