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Nikola Tesla


Artisan Conquerer
Jan 20, 2009
Instinctual Variant

Fine fine Nicholas Tesla is an ESFP, Albert Einstein is an ISFJ it is.

Wow! You gave in easy! This is our quickest argument yet! :newwink: (P.S. We're not arguing, BTW, I hope you know that. "Bickering" maybe, but not full on arguing). ;)

Also, just because someone types another as an 'N' type it does not mean -

Halla74 said:
"...it is evidence that there is a widespread "iNtuitive" superiority complex on this board."

You took my remark out of context, drastically.
I wasn't referring to just anyone being typed as "N."


HALLA74 said:
I was referring to the apparent predominance of:

"I think it's funny how every time a great inventor/scientist/artist/ or otherwise unique and productive person's MBTI type is contemplated that ENTP / INTP / INTJ /and ENTJ seem to be the only four MBTI types that are thought ot have any capacity to be intelligent, creative, and otherwise talented enough to apply their gifts in a way to make Earth shattering discoveries"

I'll not allow my words or their intent be skewed.

On the contrary a majority of the most influential, creative, revolutionary, artistic people are typed as NFs than NTs.

Regarding the colored, bolded, and large font above...

(1) Prove it. :)

(2) How were they typed?
(2a) By administration of a valid testing instrument by a licensed professional? OR -
(2b) By post mortem analysis of the essence of their being, as exists in records of some kind that attest to their works and deeds, in whatever media remains, and that such information exists and can be verified as genuine?

(3) Do you believe it is possible beyond a reasonable doubt to determine a deceased human being's MBTI type w/o them having been administered a valid testing instrument by a licensed professional?
(3a) Yes OR No?
(3b) If Yes, WHY?

Revolutionists, religious leaders etc are more influential towards the society than scientists.

(Gandhi, Jesus, Buddha, Mohomad, Che Guera, Lenin etc)

You just made a subjective value statement.
Not everyone has the same sentiments as you on that particular topic.
Some would consider the common man who cares for, supports, and loves his family as more influential to society than religious leaders OR scientists.
No one's views on a statement such as you wrote above can speak for all mankind.
Therefore, I consider your statement moot in this discourse. :biggrin:

Ps- it is also funny that some people assume than when a person who is famous (creative, influential etc) is types as an N type, it is assumed that they (the typer) believe only N types are capable of being -

Halla74 said:
...intelligent, creative, and otherwise talented enough to apply their gifts in a way to make Earth shattering discoveries.

Nice try.
You wish you could so easily get away with painting me with such insecurities.
Read my post above iwakar's in this thread to recognize what a foolish remark you made with the statement above.

Carry on :coffee:



Oh, I have, no worries about that!
I'm sure you have too, as it should be! :happy:

Cheers to you, my argumentative, yet very insightful friend.
Have a great day!




Oh wait I left the sensors out again.

Trust me, no one lost sleep over that oversight of yours.


New member
May 18, 2007
Anyone on this forum who believes they accurately can type another person is delusional.


Apr 24, 2007
[MENTION=6109]Halla74[/MENTION]: Don't be silly. Everyone knows that any male who gives up women to work on their science projects by themselves is obviously an INTx. :newwink:


Artisan Conquerer
Jan 20, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Anyone on this forum who believes they accurately can type another person is delusional.

Precisely! :solidarity:

[MENTION=6109]Halla74[/MENTION]: Don't be silly. Everyone knows that any male who gives up women to work on their science projects by themselves is obviously an INTx. :newwink:

Oh yeah? But what's their Enneagram? :harhar: :hifive:


Wow! You gave in easy! This is our quickest argument yet! :newwink: (P.S. We're not arguing, BTW, I hope you know that. "Bickering" maybe, but not full on arguing). ;)

All bickering has its underlying arguments.

You took my remark out of context, drastically.
I wasn't referring to just anyone being typed as "N."

Yes you did. Knowing it or not you managed to do just that.

I'll not allow my words or their intent be skewed.

I didn't skew anything. I was just highlighting what you said. Lolz...
Just highlighting what you said.

Regarding the colored, bolded, and large font above...
1) Prove it. :)

I was making a comparison between NTs and NFs. When it comes to the categories I mentioned a majority of people of those categories are typed as NFs and not NTs. This is by simply going through how they are typed by a majority of people. People being people who are experts in these subjects, enthusiasts etc.

(2) How were they typed?
(2a) By administration of a valid testing instrument by a licensed professional? OR -
(2b) By post mortem analysis of the essence of their being, as exists in records of some kind that attest to their works and deeds, in whatever media remains, and that such information exists and can be verified as genuine?

A collection of these mostly. Authenticity of their work is sometimes an issue especially if they lived eons ago. (Not being literal here when I say eons.)

(3) Do you believe it is possible beyond a reasonable doubt to determine a deceased human being's MBTI type w/o them having been administered a valid testing instrument by a licensed professional?
(3a) Yes OR No?
(3b) If Yes, WHY?
There is never a 'beyond reasonable doubt' is there? As long as humans are involved everything is within reasonable doubt. But sometimes facts (the facts known) point to a believable truth. And we have to believe it true or not. (Like a jury.)

when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth - Sherlock Holmes

You just made a subjective value statement.
Not everyone has the same sentiments as you on that particular topic.
Some would consider the common man who cares for, supports, and loves his family as more influential to society than religious leaders OR scientists.
No one's views on a statement such as you wrote above can speak for all mankind.
Therefore, I consider your statement moot in this discourse. :biggrin:

I said revolutionists and religious leaders are more have been more influential towards society than scientists. I didn't say that any of them are more influential towards society than 'common man who cares and supports his family etc'.

Nice try.
You wish you could so easily get away with painting me with such insecurities.
Read my post above iwakar's in this thread to recognize what a foolish remark you made with the statement above.
I was just quoting what was said by you and what they imply and suggest. I didn't add or remove a thing. Others could see it too. But why can't you?

Just quoting you big guy!

Cheers to you, my argumentative, yet very insightful friend.
Have a great day!

I thought I was being foolish? ;)



Anyone on this forum who believes they accurately can type another person is delusional.

Well if person x is of an MBTI type, then guessing at their type holds a 1/16 chance of success. So, it is possible. The key phrase is beyond a doubt, and in chance there is always doubt.


New member
May 18, 2007
Well if person x is of an MBTI type, then guessing at their type holds a 1/16 chance of success. So, it is possible. The key phrase is beyond a doubt, and in chance there is always doubt.
Good luck with that. Maybe you should change your signature to "I'm right 6.25% of the time, but I have no idea when I'm actually right because none of my predictions can be verified. So what good are my predictions, anyway?"


Good luck with that. Maybe you should change your signature to "I'm right 6.25% of the time, but I have no idea when I'm actually right because none of my predictions can be verified. So what good are my predictions, anyway?"

Just because a thing can't be verified doesn't mean there's no good in it. If someone is right, despite their claim being unverified, then they are not delusional.


New member
May 18, 2007
Just because a thing can't be verified doesn't mean there's no good in it.
If the "good" depends on whether or not the claim is correct, then verification is essential.

If someone is right, despite their claim being unverified, then they are not delusional.
So you are saying the predictions of delusional people are never correct. I don't agree with that. Delusional people make guesses that turn out to be correct all the time. It feeds their delusion. They just ignore all the times they're wrong. And the predictions that can't be verified, well, they just assume all of those are correct.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
He holds the rare title "super genius"

Very few mortals will ever have this distinction


New member
Mar 27, 2011
I started his autobiography last night. I got 23 dense and scattered pages in before calling it a night. I'd call him an INTJ with mild Paranoid Schizophrenia. He's more interested in machines and objective facts than people, so he's most probably a T. He was practically phobic of people, so that puts him as an I. The way he describes his inventing process is not actually very detail-oriented. He gets the concept first and then the details fill themselves in.

It's a really interesting, if difficult to follow piece. He wasn't as great at writing as he was at science.


New member
Aug 16, 2009
silly reptiles, mbti is just another game of role-playing. Jung believed that people have more than one personality type, y didn't those uneducated womin read more jung??? with exception of introversion and extroversion, the dichotomies are fallacious. lol.


Jan 13, 2012
I thought it was funny that his "conditions" began to set in later in life, after one interesting experiment: he would keep getting shocked no matter what shielding he put between himself and his electric generator. I wonder how much damage he caused to himself and his impact on the world by participating in some failed experiment.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
In essence, Tesla’s global power grid was designed to “pump” the planet with electricity which would intermingle with the natural telluric currents that move throughout the Earth’s crust and oceans. At the same time, towers like the one at Wardenclyffe would fling columns of raw energy skyward into the electricity-friendly ionosphere fifty miles up. To tap into this energy conduit, customers’ homes would be equipped with a buried ground connection and a relatively small spherical antenna on the roof, thereby creating a low-resistance path to close the giant Earth-ionosphere circuit. Oceangoing ships could use a similar antenna to draw power from the network while at sea. In addition to electricity, these currents could carry information over great distances by bundling radio-frequency energy along with the power, much like the modern technology to send high-speed Internet data over power lines.

He wanted to make the world a series of networked Tesla Coils. I'd love to see something like that.


I don't see anything wrong with at least saying he was Ne-dominant. But I just don't really care either. So whatever.


New member
Mar 27, 2011
He wanted to make the world a series of networked Tesla Coils. I'd love to see something like that.


I don't see anything wrong with at least saying he was Ne-dominant. But I just don't really care either. So whatever.

Wireless power anywhere on the globe with no batteries sounds awesome. A little impractical but totally worth it. People actually are using that on a much smaller scale. I think they're called Power Pads or something and the maximum range on the experimental ones was something like 80 feet last time I checked.

The image alone is worth whatever it takes to make this a reality.


New member
Jan 28, 2012
The way he describes his inventing process is not actually very detail-oriented. He gets the concept first and then the details fill themselves in. It's a really interesting, if difficult to follow piece. He wasn't as great at writing as he was at science.

Yup he's an INTJ. Thems people see the big picture first with a start, a process and an outcome. Details shmetails! INTJs, despite how logical and cold they are to others, in their mind it’s all smiley suns, cookies and helper robots, I know from experience.

A good example is me and this engineer guy I know I come with something crazy and I tell him about it. Its up to him to figure out how it works. That's the problem with innovation today, the best solution is one no one has thought of, yet they hire people who are masters at existing things.

I'm going BOLD here and saying that Math although good at the details will never nearly come close to inspiration then the imagination of a person.

"This world needs a better class of crazy... and I'm gonna give it to'em!"


Jun 26, 2008
First off, Nikola Tesla was screwed over by Marconi, who went on to receive the Nobel Prize that should have gone to Tesla. Second, I think Tesla was ISTJ. Edison and Marconi, ESTJ. I don't know about Einstein, but from the accounts of his behavior (without taking into account his intellectual accomplishments, which is a pretty poor way of typing unless you really want to confirm bias against S types), he sounds like he was some sort of ISxP.

Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of famous intellectuals that I legitimately do think are NTs or other Ns (such as Bertrand Russell - INTP, John Logie Baird - INTJ, Richard Rorty - INTJ, Hannah Arendt - INFP, or Chomsky - INTP, and the list goes on...), but there is no reason to think that ALL of them are, and factors quite apart from their accomplishments and a tendency to type anyone "smart" as N must be taken into account in order to venture a guess at type.

Also, never underestimate the ability of ESTJs to rise to power and influence, in any field.

Stanton Moore

morose bourgeoisie
Mar 4, 2009
tesla=ESTP (@Halla)

Because he's right: typing anyone other than yourself is a fool's game, Hell, typology is just silly, really.

just be, people. BE. Let the river flow, yo.:D


Mar 19, 2012
Instinctual Variant
What has the future in store for this strange being, born of a breath, of perishable tissue, yet Immortal, with his powers fearful and Divine? What magic will be wrought by him in the end? What is to be his greatest deed, his crowning achievement?
Long ago he recognized that all perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, or a tenuity beyond conception, filling all space, the Akasha or luminiferous ether, which is acted upon by the life-giving Prana or Creative Force, calling into existence, in never ending cycles, all things and phenomena. The primary substance, thrown into infinitesimal whirls of prodigious velocity, becomes gross matter; the force subsiding, the motion ceases and matter disappears, reverting to the primary substance.
Can man control this grandest, most awe-inspiring of all processes in nature? Can he harness her inexhaustible energies to perform all their functions at his bidding? more still cause them to operate simply by the force of his will?
If he could do this, he would have powers almost unlimited and supernatural. At his command, with but a slight effort on his part, old worlds would disappear and new ones of his planning would spring into being. He could fix, solidify and preserve the ethereal shapes of his imagining, the fleeting visions of his dreams. He could express all the creations of his mind on any scale, in forms concrete and imperishable. He could alter the size of this planet, control its seasons, guide it along any path he might choose through the depths of the Universe. He could cause planets to collide and produce his suns and stars, his heat and light. He could originate and develop life in all its infinite forms.
To create and to annihilate material substance, cause it to aggregate in forms according to his desire, would be the supreme manifestation of the power of Man's mind, his most complete triumph over the physical world, his crowning achievement, which would place him beside his Creator, make him fulfill his Ultimate Destiny.
Nikola Tesla - Man's Greatest Achievement