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How would you feel after a day in these jobs? Part IV, experts


New member
Jun 19, 2009
Preventing, diagnosing and treating work-related illness and writing medical certificates
I'd probably like this for a while. How long, I'm not sure.
Teaching natural sciences in a private school and developing the best practices in education
I'd love it, if nobody tried to talk to me after class.
Developing ICT systems in the organization and participating in the creation of strategy
Hmm... Maybe....
Planning for marketing campaigns and applying marketing research to the marketing strategy
Marketing isn't my field. My ads would appeal only to ITs.
Evaluating and developing the company image, writing press releases and organizing press conferences
Sheesh... Find an Extravert, don't call on me.
Developing the use of land in a city, evaluating building projects and granting construction permits
My god... I'm obsessed with making maps, but the granting of permits is out of my line of work.
Researching the history and methods of acting and writing a textbook for drama students
Hmm... I might like this!
Programming the game AI of a first person shooter and coordinating with the game testers
I'd probably like this quite a bit!


Priestess Of Syrinx
Aug 22, 2009
Preventing, diagnosing and treating work-related illness and writing medical certificates
Yay more sick people. And dealing with people who are making crap up. All yeu can do is test whot yeu know, but yeu're reliant on them admitting the truth. If they say "yes that hurt" ...yeu're stuck believing them. I don't have the ability to tell whether they're lying or not. Nor would I want to put up with this anyway.

Teaching natural sciences in a private school and developing the best practices in education
Would be great! Except... kids don't want to learn for the most part, and there's strict rules of whot yeu have to teach and such... if I were doing it for one single day? LIkely substitute teacher so wouldn't truly have any clue whot the 'real' teacher wanted me to cover while they were gone. I'd have to research it and it wouldn't work -_-;

Developing ICT systems in the organization and participating in the creation of strategy
I work on the tactical level, not the strategic. Would not do well here.

Planning for marketing campaigns and applying marketing research to the marketing strategy
Yay more planning. Meh. And marketing? SEriously, the marketing devision? Everyone knows they're second only in evil to human resources. I'm evil, but I'm not THAT evil.

Evaluating and developing the company image, writing press releases and organizing press conferences
Seriously,t he LAST thing yeu want is me writing press releases. Unless yeu want to piss off ALOT of people...

Developing the use of land in a city, evaluating building projects and granting construction permits
May be interesting short term, but once again requires heavy planning. Bad position to put me in again.

Researching the history and methods of acting and writing a textbook for drama students
Yay! I could do it, and would enjoy it, but it'd end up very rantish and hard to follow, so wouldn't be practically useful.

Programming the game AI of a first person shooter and coordinating with the game testers
DREAM JOB. Seriously, AI design is my end goal in life. I'm not joking. Test, rewrite, retest, etc, it's a string of interesting challanages to overcome. FPS games for AI are kind of bland though, it's the RTS games where it's really interesting. FPS would be a good starting ground though. Would love doing this to death. It'd have it's slow parts, but it'd be quite enjoyable.

Such Irony

Honor Thy Inferior
Jul 23, 2010
Instinctual Variant
Preventing, diagnosing and treating work-related illness and writing medical certificates
Yes to the prevention/diagnosis and treatment. No to the writing medical certificates. Sounds like boring paperwork.

Teaching natural sciences in a private school and developing the best practices in education
I used to do this but in a public school setting. I enjoyed helping students but the grading and long hours of course prepping burned me out.

Developing ICT systems in the organization and participating in the creation of strategy
Not sure what this entails. What's an ICT system?

Planning for marketing campaigns and applying marketing research to the marketing strategy
Marketing research would be interesting but not the campaigning part. I don't like the whole sales aspect.

Evaluating and developing the company image, writing press releases and organizing press conferences
Yes to evaluating/developing the company image. No to writing press releases and organizing press conferences.

Developing the use of land in a city, evaluating building projects and granting construction permits
No to granting permits, yes to the rest

Researching the history and methods of acting and writing a textbook for drama students
Sounds interesting

Programming the game AI of a first person shooter and coordinating with the game testers
I don't like shooter games but I think I would like programming in another capacity


Silver and Lead
Mar 12, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Preventing, diagnosing and treating work-related illness and writing medical certificates
It sounds good on paper, but I don't think I understand much about all it would really entail. Tentative yes.

Teaching natural sciences in a private school and developing the best practices in education
The development aspect and the teaching to a group would overwhelm and burn me out. I'd rather be a tutor.

Developing ICT systems in the organization and participating in the creation of strategy
I'm obviously unqualified because I don't know what this is.

Planning for marketing campaigns and applying marketing research to the marketing strategy
I'd give it a chance.

Evaluating and developing the company image, writing press releases and organizing press conferences
Yes to evaluating/developing the company image. No to writing press releases and organizing press conferences.

Developing the use of land in a city, evaluating building projects and granting construction permits
I'd be responsible for a lot of lives and no such thing as agreement. The subject matter is dry to me, too. No, I'd rather be able to sleep when I go home.

Researching the history and methods of acting and writing a textbook for drama students
The amount of research sounds overwhelming, but I could swing it. The subject is very interesting.

Programming the game AI of a first person shooter and coordinating with the game testers
I have no interest in programming. I'd rather work on the design-oriented parts of the game.


Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Preventing, diagnosing and treating work-related illness and writing medical certificates
Too potentially gory.

Teaching natural sciences in a private school and developing the best practices in education
Not my subject. If it were teaching English, psychology, or art, then yes.

Developing ICT systems in the organization and participating in the creation of strategy


Planning for marketing campaigns and applying marketing research to the marketing strategy
Could possibly be enjoyable.

Evaluating and developing the company image, writing press releases and organizing press conferences
Also could possibly be interesting.

Developing the use of land in a city, evaluating building projects and granting construction permits
Yuck. Tedious.

Researching the history and methods of acting and writing a textbook for drama students
Potentially interesting.

Programming the game AI of a first person shooter and coordinating with the game testers


Noble Wolf
Sep 20, 2017
Instinctual Variant
8 hour day.

Preventing, diagnosing and treating work-related illness and writing medical certificates

0/10, I really don't want to be around ill people.

Teaching natural sciences in a private school and developing the best practices in education

0/10, being back in school around a bunch of adolescents would hardcore trigger my PTSD.

Developing ICT systems in the organization and participating in the creation of strategy

5/10, seems okay for a day but nothing very interesting.

Planning for marketing campaigns and applying marketing research to the marketing strategy

9/10 as long as I don't have to present my findings. This is basically what I went to school for.

Evaluating and developing the company image, writing press releases and organizing press conferences

First two things are 9/10 if I like the company and 5/10 otherwise; the last point is 0/10.

Developing the use of land in a city, evaluating building projects and granting construction permits

5/10, seems about average.

Researching the history and methods of acting and writing a textbook for drama students

10/10, sounds fun for a day. I don't know if that subject captivates me enough to keep going afterward, though.

Programming the game AI of a first person shooter and coordinating with the game testers

Around 7/10 if I were qualified.

The Cat

A Mysterious Stranger...
Staff member
Oct 15, 2016
8 hour day.

Preventing, diagnosing and treating work-related illness and writing medical certificates
Depends on how physical it is if I couldn't be out moving around. I'd be tired.

Teaching natural sciences in a private school and developing the best practices in education
Creative. The natural sciences fascinate me

Developing ICT systems in the organization and participating in the creation of strategy

Planning for marketing campaigns and applying marketing research to the marketing strategy

Evaluating and developing the company image, writing press releases and organizing press conferences

Developing the use of land in a city, evaluating building projects and granting construction permits
Likely pretty pissed off.

Researching the history and methods of acting and writing a textbook for drama students
Creative and obsessive, likely would work 12-16 hours daily unless there was actual physical research and interviews to conduct then likely I would work over time and finish ahead of schedule and just revise till published

Programming the game AI of a first person shooter and coordinating with the game testers

Programming would drain me coordinate with testers would energize so probably pretty tired.