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Which Chess Figure Are You? (Chess Mess Test)


New member
Jan 26, 2010
I propose:

The King: ENTJ
The King's Bishop: INTJ
The King's Rook: ENTP
The King's Knight: ESTP
The King's Merchant: ISTP

The Queen: INFJ
The Queen's Bishop: ENFJ
The Queen's Rook: INTP
The Queen's Knight: INFP
The Queen's Confidante: ISFP

The Bishop's Clerk: ENFP
The Bishop's Innkeeper: ESFP

The Knight's Blacksmith: ISTJ
The Knight's City Guard: ISFJ

The Rook's Citizen: ESFJ
The Rook's Hawk: ESTJ

Sounds right on all accounts.

I had thought my result was ISTJ until I read the Blacksmith one.

I like the idea of ESTP and INFP being different types of knights.


From the Undertow
Dec 18, 2009
Instinctual Variant
The Queen
Congrats! Only 2-3% of the population score this!

Queen’s are the rarest of all types. They are quiet but hold the deepest of convictions regarding the matters of the world. They are frequently activists for their cause, they will do what’s right but not for glory, not for political power. It is why they are the Queen. They are the champions of the oppressed and the downtrodden. They are found in the wake of the aftermath rescuing those in acute distress. They may even fantasize revenge on those who victimize the defenseless. Think of ‘Poetic Justice’ and you’ll have appealed to the Queen.

You can’t lead the Queen if only because they are right in suspecting others motives. You cannot fool this individual even if they are sympathetic. The Queen selects a few for friendship – these are friends that transcend the very word. They promote harmony with their very presence and typically make their surroundings more beautiful by just being there to clean up the mess. Don’t mistake them for extroverts – they are special in their diplomacy. They are ‘doers’ and dreamers. They can only be intimate with a chosen few. They will withdraw suddenly if pressed and this is necessary for them.

The Queen excels with writing and communication. They are often the counselors of home, of public service and the good face of politics for the King. They look at the global perspective and are better at spotting patterns and relations. They think of the future and strive for meaning and purpose.


This sounds like an INFJ description, if you ask me. :laugh:

Anew Leaf

I think it's rather funny if INFJ's are supposed to be the rarest types. I have met probably 5 INFJs for every 1 INFP I have met in my life. I currently have two that work for me and one is married to another INFJ :D.

Meanwhile I am serverely lacking in the INFP infestation department.... :cry:

Betty Blue

Let me count the ways
Jan 19, 2010
Instinctual Variant
I got Castle.

Sand Castle

and so castles made of sand

Fall in the sea



Super Senior Member
Dec 20, 2008
Instinctual Variant
LOL yes, these are the types in chess form. If the test itself didn't give it away for me, the description for my result as the "King's Rook" did :laugh:

Little Linguist

Striving for balance
Jun 23, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Have you seen 'Zelig'?

Oh, dear god. No, but something tells me if I did, I would relate to the guy, which would probably be a cause of worry.

Seriously, some guy was calling me a rational, logical person today and I thought, "Oh, crap, here we go with the student persona again."

Such Irony

Honor Thy Inferior
Jul 23, 2010
Instinctual Variant
The Queen's Rook

Congrats! Only 5-6% of the population score this!

The Queen’s Rook is a pensive, analytical individual. They don’t mind spending long periods of time on their own to work through problems. They may venture so far into thought they appear vacant or detached; often they really are oblivious of the world at that moment. These wayward princes are precise about descriptions and by habit correct others (or feel sorely tempted) if the shade of meaning is slightly off. This is annoying to the less concise, but this is what gives the Queen’s Rook a gift for gab, especially in writing.

This Rook is relatively easy going until their principles of truth, knowledge and justice are violated. Because of this they hate the formalities of bureaucracy, politics, and authority – which tend to mask the truth of operations. They will respond with a flip of the switch and become outspoken and inflexible. They will eventually drop the issue, because they do prefer a reserved and benign ambiance. The problem with the Queen’s Rook is when they are debating a point; they may be convincing themselves as much as their opponent. They spend a considerable amount of time second-guessing their abilities and may come to multiple conclusions that offer plausible solutions.

An indicator that a friend may be a Queen’s Rook is an obsession with logic. If a mistake is made, it is because there wasn’t enough data or it was placed out of context. Another indicator you’re friend is a Rook, throw a strategy game at them. They enjoy Risk, Bridge, Chess, and word games. Never rush the Rook. They don’t draw conclusions very quickly. If one were to gather a bunch of Rooks together to form a group they may debate:

1.) Whether or not there should be a group.

2.) Exactly what name should the proposed group choose?

3.) Which of the persons in the group should take responsibility or should they rotate?


Sep 24, 2010
The Bishops Clerk is both an idea and people person. Everyone and everything is part of a bizarre cosmic whole. They really do want to help and be liked and admired by others. By principle they are intrigued by new ideas but ultimately discard most for one reason or another. They are zany with charm which can allow them to warm up to even the stodgy types. They are outgoing, fun, and they genuinely like people. This Clerk is warm and affectionate and spontaneous.

This Clerk can have strong, if unconventional convictions which are usually tied into their cosmic view. They will often use their social skills and contacts to persuade others gently of the rightness behind their views. They may tie themselves with trying to save the world and end up forgetting the nearest and dearest to them (if only in a temporary sense.)

People will love working with the Bishop’s Clerk because they are easygoing, pleasant and great at brainstorming. They are wonderful in groups of people but need fresh projects to work on. They dislike bureaucracy in principle and practice; they will make a point of launching crusades against some aspect of the political agenda. It is honesty they are fighting for. The Bishop’s Clerk is a type of Pawn, but fret not, the Pawn is idealized because of its potential to do many great things and to think of the rest of humanity.
You mean to tell me that I'm enfp now? haha


Active member
Jul 28, 2011
The Queen's Confidante

Congrats! Only 5-7% of the population score this!

The Queen's Confidante is the first to hear the beat of a different drum. Many plunge into the avant garde experience and generally set the trend for their friends. They are more in touch with reality using their senses but this makes them want to live for the ‘here and now’. The Confidante is full of charm and may flow with compliments even if it isn’t deserved. Rather than write a poem on the beauty of life – they would rather live out the written story of beauty.

The Queen’s Confidante is usually peaceful and easygoing in nature. They usually adopt a 'live and let live' approach to life. They take things at their own pace and live for the moment. They may be quiet but are pleasant, considerate and caring. They may not be inclined to debate or air their views, but of course their values are important to them. They will solve problems as they arise especially if it concerns people. Generally the Confidante is one who develops great team spirit through the promotion of cooperation. They will only repeat facts without placing too much spin or interpretation on them. Because of this they may be the best mediators.

The Confidante is sensitive to its environment, and much more perceiving than others with regards to the physical world. They can notice variations in behavior of others. They are highly conscious of companions and friends, but they prefer to let others direct. This ‘Pawn’ is rarer than others because they are emotionally well rounded with a great degree of empathy. Because of this empathy, they can be overly concerned with ‘feelings’. They may even sacrifice their ideals and not contribute enough, especially if they don’t wish to exercise criticism.

Sounds like I got ISFJ. That's a new one. :laugh:

Savage Idealist

Aug 17, 2010
Instinctual Variant
The Queen's Rook​

The Queen’s Rook is a pensive, analytical individual. They don’t mind spending long periods of time on their own to work through problems. They may venture so far into thought they appear vacant or detached; often they really are oblivious of the world at that moment. These wayward princes are precise about descriptions and by habit correct others (or feel sorely tempted) if the shade of meaning is slightly off. This is annoying to the less concise, but this is what gives the Queen’s Rook a gift for gab, especially in writing

This Rook is relatively easy going until their principles of truth, knowledge and justice are violated. Because of this they hate the formalities of bureaucracy, politics, and authority – which tend to mask the truth of operations. They will respond with a flip of the switch and become outspoken and inflexible. They will eventually drop the issue, because they do prefer a reserved and benign ambiance. The problem with the Queen’s Rook is when they are debating a point; they may be convincing themselves as much as their opponent. They spend a considerable amount of time second-guessing their abilities and may come to multiple conclusions that offer plausible solutions.

An indicator that a friend may be a Queen’s Rook is an obsession with logic. If a mistake is made, it is because there wasn’t enough data or it was placed out of context. Another indicator you’re friend is a Rook, throw a strategy game at them. They enjoy Risk, Bridge, Chess, and word games. Never rush the Rook. They don’t draw conclusions very quickly. If one were to gather a bunch of Rooks together to form a group they may debate:

1.) Whether or not there should be a group.

2.) Exactly what name should the proposed group choose?

3.) Which of the persons in the group should take responsibility or should they rotate?



New member
Mar 27, 2011
The queen's rook description (mine) seems almost copy-pasted from one of the INTP descriptions I've read.


New member
Oct 18, 2011
I got the king's merchant.....This test is bogus xD

entertained me for 5 minutes atleast ....


Klingon Warrior Princess
Aug 4, 2010
The Rook's Hawk
Congrats! Only 12-16% of the population score this!


The Rook’s Hawk is like a judge. They have a great sense of right and wrong especially in their area of interest or responsibility. They are devoted to duty. They are punctual. People who set their clocks on others are typically measuring their time with the Hawk. It is common to perceive that the Hawk is cold or aloof. They frequently protect their emotions via practicality.

They work systematically to get the job done. When a new procedure is proven, they can be depended upon to carry it out. The Rook’s Hawk is deeply frustrated by the inconsistencies of others, especially when it comes to commitments. They will keep their feelings to themselves – but when asked expect truth over tact. They are quite able to make the tough call and carry it out. You will find the Rook’s Hawk at home in government, schools, military or any other organization which maintains strict hierarchy. They are the traditionalist and are perfect for balancing out the idealists of other types.

The Rook’s Hawk thrives on organization. They keep their lives and environments well-regulated. They bring painstaking attention to detail in their work and will not rest until satisfied with a job well done. They are obviously hard workers. They will sort through ideas and find the most practical ones, again revealing how common sense prevails in this type. This ‘Pawn’ is the cornerstone of an ethical working society. They are centered on dealing with the present and most practical affair. They observe life and promote consistency in society. They value loyalty and others are best to acquaint themselves with this type if they wish to gain a fruitful insight to what makes the world tick.


Jul 6, 2010
The King's Rook
Congrats! Only 4-7% of the population score this!


The King’s Rook is the epitome of the word ‘clever’. They are the professor who juggles ideas for papers and grants while joking with a highly entertaining lecture. They are stand-up comedians who are accurate with truths. They are quick with their brains and can love to argue if only to play devils advocate. Others should be aware that this can result in hurt feelings or confusion if you can’t handle debate for debates sake. This Rook is wonderful at finding short-cuts and performing mental gymnastics. They are fond of physical or intellectual toys – the more sophisticated the puzzle – the better. Tetris anyone?

The King’s Rook is an optimist in addition to being clever. This can lead to them flying off the handle when inconveniences and setbacks occur (because they shouldn’t have.) They don’t have much patience for those who may come across as ‘wrong’ or even ‘unintelligent’. But in light of this they are genuinely friendly if not charming when life doesn’t harass them. They are experts in their own field – it is hard to win any debate they are passionate about – they most likely know the weaknesses and have that covered.

When the Rook behind the throne is appreciated, they offer the King a large amount of flexibility and problem solving. If someone says 'it can't be done," rest assured this King's Prince is figuring out the solution to that challenge. They may have a problem with starting projects and never seeing them through. They may also be competitive and unappreciative of others contribution. Regardless, they are great at generating team spirit and using confrontation to their advantage.

You scored 5% on Energy, higher than 82% of your peers.
You scored 25% on Reason, higher than 92% of your peers.
You scored 15% on Choice, higher than 63% of your peers.
You scored 25% on Action, higher than 76% of your peers.