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Where are you most likely to find EACH type?


New member
Nov 30, 2009
Title says it all.

Where are you most likely to find each type, in public?

I know i've heard you'll most likely find a lot of ENTPs at hockey games, but what about the rest of the types?

Where are surefire places you'll find atleast one of each type?

Tell me places YOU would hang out, or be most likely seen, and give me lots of opinions.

Thank you. :)


New member
May 12, 2010
Great thread :)

This is hard for me but I'm a bit of a homebody, but if I'm not at at friend's/S.O/relatives:

1. My favourite restaurant
2. Library/Cinema/ Book/ DVD shop


He who laughs
Dec 1, 2008
when Im not at home?

In the park taking a walk


In the pub with friends (one of those little places with different special kinds of beer)

At an underground party

At a jazz club

At the cinema, usually arthouse-cinema.

At a not too crowded good restaurant


New member
Jul 29, 2010
The INTP, a rare and reclusive specimen, is almost never present in the wild of his own volition, since he prefers to remain in his dwelling lurking various forums in order to amass and categorize vast quantities of only tenuously-relevant information.

If one should ever gain access to the computer of an INTP - often his most sacred object (thought when stolen away quietly its absence might go unnoticed for a great deal of time) - a few distinctive features will stand out. First, look at his browser. If there are five different typology or MBTI-type-related forums open concurrently, or if the desktop looks like it's being organized by three different systems at once, without any of the three being complete, then chances are your specimen is an INTP.

In writing, the defining feature of the INTP - aside from his often-cruel wit, will be his vicious pedantry. Expect constructions like "to who it was given," or "what helped me was she being there," to bring on comparisons of the user's intellect to that of a primate or an inanimate object. Spelling errors are seen as sins meriting flagellation. The use of 'u' to stand for 'you' or other such instances of greatly altering the English language will practically guarantee the cessation of all communication with the user by the INTP; however, often-byzantine abbreviations such as 'tbqf' to stand for 'to be quite frank' are used frequently, and the INTP will express genuine incredulity whenever the other party is not able to instantly decipher any new abbreviation the INTP has used. In addition, in personal communication the INTP is not necessarily insistent on proper capitalization and punctuation.

In the wild, should one happen across an individual wandering forlornly and aimlessly looking alternately at the ground and at the clouds as well as avoiding eye-contact with any passers-by, then one might have spotted an INTP on a rare fresh air excursion. Additional indicators of INTPdom might include sudden changes in direction, a sporadic avoidance of various ground elements such as cracks or tiles of a specific colour, occasional stops to stare blankly at nothing with an emotionless face. The speed with which the INTP walks is almost invariably inversely proportional to his knowledge of his destination.

A very good indicator of INTPdom is smiling or smirking without any obvious cause. Also indicative are sudden stops in motion accompanied by a rapid movement of the head, with eyes searching all around, as though the INTP were sniffing out the scent of an idea hiding behind a metaphorical bush or tree, his Ti thirsting to disembowel it.

Owing to the fact that most INTPs will spend their free time writing unnecessarily complicated, tangentially relevant responses to various threads on various forums, the INTP could be perhaps the rarest type to spot in public.

[The above rant was written based on my experiences. The description of the INTP's going for a walk is 100% true to my life.]


Iron Maiden
Staff member
May 31, 2009
INFJ - At a coffee shop reading a book and people watching.
INFP - At home playing video games or cutting out a costume to dress up as one of their favourite characters.
ENFP - At a new ethnic restaurant they've never tried with a group of cool best friends that they met yesterday.
ENFJ - Organizing an event that will help better the world in some way.
ENTJ - In a business meeting or in their hotel room working on new powerpoints.
INTJ - At home watching the Simpsons and passively listening to their answering machine messages complaining about how they never come out to do anything fun and that a night in doesn't count as plans.
ESTP - Wherever the action is. Making it happen. It very well may involve sex in public somewhere during the course of the evening.
ENTP - Hang gliding and experimenting with working the glider differently than the instructor suggested to see what happens.
ESTJ - Cooking up a fabulous dinner for their SO, or socializing with a group of buddies from work at the best sports bar in the area.
ESFJ - (females) At the nearest Mary Kay/Partylite/Epicure party, usually hosting it.
Jun 6, 2007
INTJ - At home watching the Simpsons and passively listening to their answering machine messages complaining about how they never come out to do anything fun and that a night in doesn't count as plans.

Stop spying on me at home.


Nov 2, 2009
Instinctual Variant
ENTP: On any form of public transport starting a conversation with a stranger.

ENTJ: At a club with friends sneaking of into toilet every now and again to go over observations of human behaviour when intoxicated to write human observations notebook at home.


I know i've heard you'll most likely find a lot of ENTPs at hockey games, but what about the rest of the types?

The only kind of sporting even that I would ever be at is a hockey game...or possibly baseball.

I go to bars sometimes if I have someone to go with. Same with movie theaters. I don't like to go by myself.

Eating out is relaxing.

When I can't find the time or energy to go out and socialize, I enjoy hiking, which I'm about to go do.


Courage is immortality
Jul 7, 2007
Instinctual Variant
I can't identify with the INTJ one, Fiddy ;)
Then again, i'm nuts.

ESFJs: organizing fundraisers.
ESTJs: working as cops.
ISTJs: doing everything, everywhere.
ISFJs: at the hospital, taking care of others.

ENFJs: weird cults. PR offices.
INFJs: teaching the children.
INFPs: uhm, heaven? Angels must be INFPs.
ENFPs: in the bars, drinking all the alcohol while not realizing everyone are hitting on them.

ENTJs: managing crime syndicates, corporations, businesses and countries.
INTJs: working menial jobs while dreaming big.
INTPs: working menial jobs while dreaming big.
ENTPs: in the bar, drinking all the alcohol, hitting on everything.

ESFPs: seriously, you don't need to look for them, they're in your face.
ESTPs: in the bar with the ENTP, making him look a bit stupid.
ISFPs: reliving the 70's in some park with a guitar.
ISTPs: skydiving.

Speed Gavroche

Whisky Old & Women Young
Oct 20, 2008
Instinctual Variant
INTJs: working menial jobs while dreaming big.
INTPs: working menial jobs while dreaming big.
ENTPs: in the bar, drinking all the alcohol, hitting on everything.

I relate to theses ones.


Senor Membrane
May 22, 2008
I am hard to find. If you don't meet me through my friends, it's very unlikely that you meet me at all. This is partly because of my finances, but I doubt that I would go out much more even if I had unlimited funds. Lately I've been walking the shore a lot, but I don't think that I am on a very social mood when I'm doing that, so, you might see me, but the chances are we wouldn't talk. I also sit on a boulder and kind of meditate. That might be better time to talk to me, as I'm not going anywhere. When I go to buy some groceries, I am that only guy in the store who seems to run back and forth and stop to stare the floor looking like I don't know what I am doing here.


Active member
Jul 31, 2009
Instinctual Variant
The INTP, a rare and reclusive specimen, is almost never present in the wild of his own volition, since he prefers to remain in his dwelling lurking various forums in order to amass and categorize vast quantities of only tenuously-relevant information.

If one should ever gain access to the computer of an INTP - often his most sacred object (thought when stolen away quietly its absence might go unnoticed for a great deal of time) - a few distinctive features will stand out. First, look at his browser. If there are five different typology or MBTI-type-related forums open concurrently, or if the desktop looks like it's being organized by three different systems at once, without any of the three being complete, then chances are your specimen is an INTP.

In writing, the defining feature of the INTP - aside from his often-cruel wit, will be his vicious pedantry. Expect constructions like "to who it was given," or "what helped me was she being there," to bring on comparisons of the user's intellect to that of a primate or an inanimate object. Spelling errors are seen as sins meriting flagellation. The use of 'u' to stand for 'you' or other such instances of greatly altering the English language will practically guarantee the cessation of all communication with the user by the INTP; however, often-byzantine abbreviations such as 'tbqf' to stand for 'to be quite frank' are used frequently, and the INTP will express genuine incredulity whenever the other party is not able to instantly decipher any new abbreviation the INTP has used. In addition, in personal communication the INTP is not necessarily insistent on proper capitalization and punctuation.

In the wild, should one happen across an individual wandering forlornly and aimlessly looking alternately at the ground and at the clouds as well as avoiding eye-contact with any passers-by, then one might have spotted an INTP on a rare fresh air excursion. Additional indicators of INTPdom might include sudden changes in direction, a sporadic avoidance of various ground elements such as cracks or tiles of a specific colour, occasional stops to stare blankly at nothing with an emotionless face. The speed with which the INTP walks is almost invariably inversely proportional to his knowledge of his destination.

A very good indicator of INTPdom is smiling or smirking without any obvious cause. Also indicative are sudden stops in motion accompanied by a rapid movement of the head, with eyes searching all around, as though the INTP were sniffing out the scent of an idea hiding behind a metaphorical bush or tree, his Ti thirsting to disembowel it.

Owing to the fact that most INTPs will spend their free time writing unnecessarily complicated, tangentially relevant responses to various threads on various forums, the INTP could be perhaps the rarest type to spot in public.

[The above rant was written based on my experiences. The description of the INTP's going for a walk is 100% true to my life.]



Courage is immortality
Jul 7, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Personally, I can be found at a few different locations:

At home reading a book or by the computer. Well, you'll not find me here.

At work, no, you won't find me here, either.

I also hang out at a 50's theme cafe for MC/old car enthusiasts. Thursdays and fridays are a good bet. I sometimes eat early dinner there during spring/summer/autumn.

Sometimes, i'm at the firing range blowing holes in stuff. If it's sunny and if i'm not working.

Mondays, wednesdays and fridays i'm at the gym around five pm if I don't work. If I do, I just reschedule the workout earlier or later.

On friday or saturday, I go out drinking every other week or so at a pretty nice maritime-themed bar with a huge deck.

Sometimes, I go for a mountain hike, but you wouldn't find me there, either.


From the Undertow
Dec 18, 2009
Instinctual Variant
MBTI at high school:

ESTP: Likely found in the gym goofing off with their friends.
ISTP: In shop class, working on their model car.
ESFP: Chatting with their friends in the hallway till the late bell rings.
ISFP: Working on an art project during their study hall.

ESTJ: Handing out fliers to students in the hallway to vote for them as student counsel representative.
ISTJ: Sitting in civics class, 5 minutes before the bell rings, with their books and notes all ready, and writing in their planner what the homework assignment would be.
ESFJ: Fundraising with a group of friends in a bake sale outside the cafeteria.
ISFJ: Comforting a friend crying over breaking up with their boyfriend.

ENTJ: Sitting in a business course, directing others in a group activity.
ENTP: Doing gravity experiments in physics lab by dropping things out of the window.
INTP: Playing with their graphing calculator in math class.
INTJ: Working on a research project in AP physics.

ENFP: In the cafeteria, sticking up for the freshman that's getting bullied on constantly.
INFP: Singing in choir rehearsal.
ENFJ: Helping out someone in band that's struggling to play a piece.
INFJ: In English class, writing an essay about the symbolism in a poem they read.


Klingon Warrior Princess
Aug 4, 2010
Frankly I can only be found in my apartment or walking through campus to class... because I don't really leave my apartment unless it's for class. Or obligatory things like buying groceries.