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What type is she?


New member
Oct 20, 2012
Video link: http://youtu.be/NfSrtIzfQ9I

So, what type do you think she is? Giving specific reasons is also appreciated.

Here is a list of aspects that I thought correlate with each letter (there may be others) - easier for me to do than attempt to infer function theory:

- very broad range of interests (variety of life: philosophy, basketball, sitting outside in the grass, etc.)
- talks at length
- eye contact with camera more often than not
- solid voice volume (not afraid to speak in front of camera)

- slower speaking style (takes a lot of time to choose words)
- not very animated at all
- loves reflecting as opposed to doing (needs help with doing)
- doesn't give off great energy level

- big interest in global issues (spacy/abstract look and outlook)
- dreams a lot, and vividly
- even concrete things feel ethereal to her (says experiences can't always be described)

- does show interest in some very concrete things (font types, motion in sports, aromas, etc.)
- interested in small things about as well as big things
- wants to make mind useful, not just ponder constantly (strives for practicality)

- gentle, fond recollections of youth
- talks about being moody and depressed
- softer mannerisms
- doesn't give off confrontational vibe

- very impersonal demeanor and expressions (does not smile much at all, for instance)
- talks about things, ideas, and processes (not much about people)
- more interested in learning and understanding than relationships
- shows very little obvious emotion throughout the video

- has something of a deliberate speaking style
- easily gets monotonous more than obviously exciting and spontaneous
- curious, but still wants to get answers and conclusions nonetheless
- seems to want to categorize when possible

- very process-oriented
- predominantly open-ended view of life (fascinated by nearly everything - doesn't talk much about control or decisions)
- haphazard presentation; did not mind giving this entire interview off-the-cuff (no rehearsal)
- not a very tidy, organized appearance (frizzy hair, crooked glasses, etc.)


silentigata ano (profile)
Mar 19, 2009
I'm so terrible at typing from videos, but I'm getting a possible IN vibe here. I suggest you re-post this video in this video thread.

Also, many of the points you have listed for analysis are not type-related.

Is this woman you? ;)


New member
Oct 20, 2012
Link doesn't work.

The points I listed for analysis are roughly consistent with stereotypes of each letter. I realize everyone has their own little theory they use, whether from self or others - and I am looking for people to give their reasons in addition to mere guesses - but I am not going to pretend any methodology for relating type is an exact and completely provable science, because we know it isn't.


silentigata ano (profile)
Mar 19, 2009
Link doesn't work.
Strange. I just double-checked and it works for me. The forums are being a bit slow, though. Try again in a little while if it doesn't work.

The points I listed for analysis are roughly consistent with stereotypes of each letter. I realize everyone has their own little theory they use, whether from self or others - and I am looking for people to give their reasons in addition to mere guesses - but I am not going to pretend any methodology for relating type is an exact and completely provable science, because we know it isn't.

Of course this isn't exactly a science and of course we type other people by using stereotypes, but I'm saying that some of your points are simply incorrect.

Here is what I mean.
- very broad range of interests (variety of life: philosophy, basketball, sitting outside in the grass, etc.)
Not related to extraversion. If anything, this might be a perceiving trait.
- talks at length
- eye contact with camera more often than not
- solid voice volume (not afraid to speak in front of camera)
Not related to anything really, although the eye contact and solid voice may be indicative of confidence (but not extraversion).

Don't get me wrong, you do have points that make sense. However, I feel that many of them don't relate.

*edit* Oh hey, I didn't realize you were new. Welcome to the forums. :bye:


New member
Oct 20, 2012
Incorrect according to your theories. Breadth and depth are often correlated with extroversion and introversion, respectively, by some theorists.

But that is not the point anyway. I offered possibilities - now people can offer theirs.


silentigata ano (profile)
Mar 19, 2009
Incorrect according to your theories. Breadth and depth are often correlated with extroversion and introversion, respectively, by some theorists.
Okay, I'll give you that one. I suppose it would make sense how Se and Ne dominants would be more likely to have breadth of knowledge rather than depth. However, I think it also correlates with perceiving vs. judging, as Te and Fe don't strike me as wanting to have "breadth" as much as Se and Ne. Anyway, I'm kind of rambling....

But that is not the point anyway. I offered possibilities - now people can offer theirs.
I'd like to bring up the thread I posted again. It wouldn't hurt and you may get more responses.


Oct 14, 2012
Instinctual Variant
She appears INTJ to me. The I and the N are very clear. She also appears to lead with a perceiving function, which would narrow it down to INFJ and INTJ (INTP and INFP, which lead with Ti and Fi respectively would most likely tend to process faster, which would reflect in their speech). She seems deeply intuitive which also points in the direction of Ni primary. There's not much to latch onto in terms of Ti/Te Fi/Fe, but if she were INFJ I would expect her to talk a little more about things like interpersonal relationships and more feeling oriented concepts. She seems to be more oriented towards impersonal things, like when she mentions sophisticated engineering designs. And when she talks about the basketball players - she's focusing on the concepts of defense and the mechanisms of the game. I would see INFJ as a possibility, but I would lean towards INTJ. Either way I'd bet money on Ni primary.


New member
Oct 20, 2012
Still can't get the page to load. I keep getting the following message:

"karmacoma, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?

If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation."

Do I have to have a certain number of posts before I can access that particular forum? I know some board setups have rules like that.


New member
Oct 20, 2012
A bit of history about the person, if it helps any in addition to the video:

* Her first test result years ago (1999 or thereabouts) was INTJ.

* She has read up a lot on Keirsey, function theory, Enneagram, Socionics, Lenore Thompson/Jon Niednagel, and the type descriptions on various web sites (Joe Butt's, PersonalityPage's, etc.), so she is no newbie to typing in general.

* After reading all of those sources, she considered herself INFJ for a pretty long while, but hearing additional input from others brought this type into question.

* Her academic record is outstanding, but at 28, she has had a hard time organizing herself in jobs. As the video indicates, she is doing some teaching right now, and the majority of teachers and others who have worked with her and read up on type believe she is a strong P rather than a J, and suggest INTP or ENTP. Making structured class lessons and managing classrooms has been a relative weakness of hers; working with an ENFJ supervisor has been very beneficial for her.

* She met up with a Myers-Briggs practitioner, who decided based on history and interests that INTP fit best. The practitioner originally thought INTJ, which is a common initial perception, but changed her mind after learning about her largely unstructured preferences (she *is* highly organized in a select few matters, but this doesn't seem to be her natural tendency overall).

* Two autoimmune disorders, including an energy-sapping thyroid one, may hide true natural extroversion. Childhood home videos, before her diseases, reveal an active child who seemed very comfortable with Ne - creating new sports with improvised apparatus (sticks, clubs, etc.), hosting imaginary scenes on camera, creating worlds from her head and sharing them openly with little prompting, etc. She has also never been afraid to speak in front of crowds at all, reading a passage about Booker T. Washington to an entire school audience when she was in Kindergarten, for example.


Oct 14, 2012
Instinctual Variant
A bit of history about the person, if it helps any in addition to the video:

* Her first test result years ago (1999 or thereabouts) was INTJ.

* She has read up a lot on Keirsey, function theory, Enneagram, Socionics, Lenore Thompson/Jon Niednagel, and the type descriptions on various web sites (Joe Butt's, PersonalityPage's, etc.), so she is no newbie to typing in general.

* After reading all of those sources, she considered herself INFJ for a pretty long while, but hearing additional input from others brought this type into question.

* Her academic record is outstanding, but at 28, she has had a hard time organizing herself in jobs. As the video indicates, she is doing some teaching right now, and the majority of teachers and others who have worked with her and read up on type believe she is a strong P rather than a J, and suggest INTP or ENTP. Making structured class lessons and managing classrooms has been a relative weakness of hers; working with an ENFJ supervisor has been very beneficial for her.

* She met up with a Myers-Briggs practitioner, who decided based on history and interests that INTP fit best. The practitioner originally thought INTJ, which is a common initial perception, but changed her mind after learning about her largely unstructured preferences (she *is* highly organized in a select few matters, but this doesn't seem to be her natural tendency overall).

* Two autoimmune disorders, including an energy-sapping thyroid one, may hide true natural extroversion. Childhood home videos, before her diseases, reveal an active child who seemed very comfortable with Ne - creating new sports with improvised apparatus (sticks, clubs, etc.), hosting imaginary scenes on camera, creating worlds from her head and sharing them openly with little prompting, etc. She has also never been afraid to speak in front of crowds at all, reading a passage about Booker T. Washington to an entire school audience when she was in Kindergarten, for example.

INTJ and INFJ lead with a perceiving function, so they're often mistyped as perceivers. In fact, Jung would have called INTJ an 'irrational' type - essentially meaning 'perceiver'. Briggs/Myers changed the term to perceiver and decided that it should be determined by the orientation of the judging function - as in, she's a judger because her judging function (her 2nd function) is extraverted. What you described is consistent with Ni primaries - especially those who are heavily oriented to their primary function, which it appears to me she is.

INTP leads with a judging function. Jung would call the type 'rational' - which essentially means 'judger'. Here's a pretty good description of the difference between INFJ and INTP:

She doesn't seem INTP to me at all. She seems to be quite clearly leading with Ni.

Also, I was a spaz as a kid. Still an introvert though. What's more likely the case with her would be that she now stays more in her preferred realm (introversion). Stress is more likely to create an aversion to going into the non-preferred realm than it is to suppress the primary function. In the case of an INTJ who's been somehow weakened, stressed or put on the defensive for long enough, they'll tend to rely on Ni and Fi, possibly becoming more reclusive and tending to live in a world of perception and possibilities without taking appropriate action or being generally 'effective' in the outside world.


New member
Oct 20, 2012
A well-reasoned conceptual argument. She was raised in a more extroverted household (father is very extroverted, as was brother - mother less so), so childhood antics may have been influenced to an extent by environment rather than natural type.

Any other opinions?