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What type am I? So much internal conflict!


Jun 26, 2010
When I'm stressed out, I'm pushy, emotional, and reclusive. I want everything to go my way and I say/do unreasonable things because of my feelings. I also hate people when I'm stressed out because I feel like everyone's worse than usual so I tend to not talk at all really. Nobody notices that it's because I'm sad so nobody actually cares for real. Which makes me ever more sad. But then I get over it and I'm not sure how. I realize I have to find a way to solve what's making me stressed out and I try to solve it. If I can't solve it, I end up even more stressed out so I try to find every possible way to solve it. If I do, I end up really happy. This cycle happens fairly often, sadly. D: Not looking for sympathy, only being honest.

I also tend to get really irritated by people who are apathetic, more so when I'm stressed out.


Same here but I am usually fairly relaxed to the point where I annoy people. Hah!

The Iron Giant

Hello everyone! I'm new to Typology Central but I've read some of these threads before. I'm not sure what type I am exactly though...

Let's do this! *pro wrestler stance* I know the functions, but I'm still pretty new to putting them together, so take that into account when considering my post.

-I think I'm intuitive because I'm very future oriented and I focus on possibilities. I also read between the lines a lot.

Introverted perception. Either Ni or Si. Si can feel future oriented even though it is so deeply immersed in experience, because there's a confidence that a lot of Si users have that things will always be a certain way. Future + possibilities though is often shorthand for Ni.

-I'm really oblivious at times and I forget really important things. Personally, I think I come off as ditzy but everyone thinks I'm really smart for some reason. I'm not bragging, I honestly have no idea why.

Forgetfulness doesn't really tie to functions or type in my experience. Some descriptions tie Si to strong memory, but that's horse shit.

-I have really, really good memory for events/things that people say/do in which I associate feelings with, no matter how trivial these things are.

I see this as common to the human experience. Things that trigger deep feelings imprint upon our memories. Some associate it with Si, but I think it's more common than that.

-I have a lot of strong opinions but I hate sharing them with anyone because I don't want to be judged by my opinions. I don't believe that I should share my opinions without anyone asking because no one really wants to know then and I'll end up offended.

This sounds like Fi to me. Fi is value judgment, but it is very private. When the values driven by Fi are shared and invalidated, the user often feels wounded.

-Whenever I take cognitive tests, I always have inferior Se. Always, for around 4 years.

I put little stock in tests, but inferior Se is dominant Ni.

-I try to listen to everyone and ask questions as much as possible even when someone disagrees with me. I believe you can learn so much from just listening to people. I genuinely enjoy it too.
-I love talking to people, especially about feelings because I love that emotional high you get from pleasing people.

At face value, that sounds like Fe to me.

-I hate initiating conversation because I feel like I'm trying too hard and I hate the fact that I always feel like I'm trying hard with friends. They don't seem to put in as much as effort as me in maintaining a friendship.

Ni+Fe. You sound a lot like my ex-girlfriend, who was an INFJ.

-I really like learning about random fun facts and theories. It's super fun for me. I also like arts and crafts project, cooking/baking, and listening to music. I also like researching stuff about my goals.
-I have a lot of goals. I actually have two 70 page journals devoted to goals and goal planning. I have all the materials needed and what to do figured out. I just have to make it happen.

Pi+Je. These sound like ISFJ traits to me, but they could be INTJ or INFJ, when considered with the earlier information.

-I'm a 3w4.

Try to resist the urge to mix enneagram with MBTI when trying to find your type. You could be any combination, even if you're the only one on the planet with that combination.

-My friends say I'm fun-loving, quiet, independent, smart, strong-minded, reliable, and funny.
-I'm not sure if I'm quiet or not. I love talking to others. It's just that some friends suck at making conversation so I don't really talk to them unless I'm bored or feel like it.

These seem to speak to an introversion or extraversion dichotomy. Introverted Fe users (IxFJ) live in conflict with it. Interaction is draining, but they need it anyway to sustain their Fe.

-I hate it when people aren't good at making conversation. It's rude and annoying.

I can't tie this to anything except frustration with the aforementioned conflict.

-I honestly believe some people are really horrible and even their good qualities don't make up for that. It sounds really harsh but I think the world would be better off without them spreading their hate.

That sounds very Fi. Do you privately wish they would die or otherwise sustain physical harm?

-I think people are way too judgmental towards me. I joke a certain way, I'm not aware of certain things, everyone hates me for it. I used to be awkward. This hatred has helped though because I have developed my Fe quite well so I guess I am grateful for it. Sometimes I hate the world though and I ignore everyone but it just ends up making me depressed.

I can relate to that, but I let it roll off me very well. I'll think about this more but I don't see type in it.

-I hate the world sometimes because everyone seems to be stupid, a jerk, or both.

They are. Luckily I'm just stupid. If I hurt your feelings, it will be by accident.

-I kinda procrastinate. Like I do a lot of planning instead of what I'm actually supposed to do and then I do most of what I'm supposed to do in like a day or two. I don't like it though because I'm a perfectionist.

Still a judging type as far as I'm concerned. The stereotype implies that judging types don't procrastinate. I do it constantly.

-Sometimes I think everyone hates me but then someone says something really nice and I feel happy again.


-I go through a lot of conflict in making decisions. It takes me an hour or two to decide on an ice cream flavor and topping because there are just so many possibilities and I don't want to regret anything. I tend to "freak out" over this. Even after making a decision, I end up stressing about whether I made the right choice or not but I think I'm more comfortable.

That sounds like Ni, but it may not be dominant. This sounds like Ni struggling. If you're under stress, Ni can get this way.

-I've learned to be self-sufficient and to do things on my own since my parents, who are immigrants, just don't see things the way I do. I don't mean this in a bad way but my goals and dreams are much bigger than theirs. I really admire my mom though because she almost always does the right thing and she knows how to think, and she's smart. I don't tell her that though because it'd be awkward.

Admiration for competency. I think that stems from your being a type three.

-I can over think things sometimes.
-I really, really try not to be a hypocrite in the way I deal with others so sometimes when I'm upset about something, I might not show it because maybe I do the same thing that has made me upset.

Logical consistency is often associated with introverted judgment, either Ti or Fi. an INxJ would have introverted judgment in the unconscious. So would an ISxJ.

-I'm not sure if I'm a loner or not. I feel like that but the friends I really talk to say I know everyone or that I have a lot of friends. I like being able to not be tied down to a friend or a group.
-I hate it when people are too shy or nervous to have fun. You only have one life. YOLO (it's overrated by teens but whatever, YOLO).

This sounds like aux Fe.

-I'm pushy and I do/say stupid things I don't really mean when I'm experiencing strong feelings. I don't regret it though. It's usually deserved.

Pi+Je, I think.

-I do things because I have reasons, not because of feelings. I express my feelings because I have a reason to.

We all do things because of both. Your feelings enter into every decision you make, whether you're aware of it or not.

-I love strong personalities.

You're a three.

-I really love food. Like seriously, it's my one true love. And music.

Welcome to humanity. I love food and music too. :)


Jun 26, 2010
Let's do this! *pro wrestler stance* I know the functions, but I'm still pretty new to putting them together, so take that into account when considering my post.

Introverted perception. Either Ni or Si. Si can feel future oriented even though it is so deeply immersed in experience, because there's a confidence that a lot of Si users have that things will always be a certain way. Future + possibilities though is often shorthand for Ni.

Forgetfulness doesn't really tie to functions or type in my experience. Some descriptions tie Si to strong memory, but that's horse shit.

I see this as common to the human experience. Things that trigger deep feelings imprint upon our memories. Some associate it with Si, but I think it's more common than that.

This sounds like Fi to me. Fi is value judgment, but it is very private. When the values driven by Fi are shared and invalidated, the user often feels wounded.

I put little stock in tests, but inferior Se is dominant Ni.

At face value, that sounds like Fe to me.

Ni+Fe. You sound a lot like my ex-girlfriend, who was an INFJ.

Pi+Je. These sound like ISFJ traits to me, but they could be INTJ or INFJ, when considered with the earlier information.

Try to resist the urge to mix enneagram with MBTI when trying to find your type. You could be any combination, even if you're the only one on the planet with that combination.

These seem to speak to an introversion or extraversion dichotomy. Introverted Fe users (IxFJ) live in conflict with it. Interaction is draining, but they need it anyway to sustain their Fe.

I can't tie this to anything except frustration with the aforementioned conflict.

That sounds very Fi. Do you privately wish they would die or otherwise sustain physical harm?

I can relate to that, but I let it roll off me very well. I'll think about this more but I don't see type in it.

They are. Luckily I'm just stupid. If I hurt your feelings, it will be by accident.

Still a judging type as far as I'm concerned. The stereotype implies that judging types don't procrastinate. I do it constantly.


That sounds like Ni, but it may not be dominant. This sounds like Ni struggling. If you're under stress, Ni can get this way.

Admiration for competency. I think that stems from your being a type three.

Logical consistency is often associated with introverted judgment, either Ti or Fi. an INxJ would have introverted judgment in the unconscious. So would an ISxJ.

This sounds like aux Fe.

Pi+Je, I think.

We all do things because of both. Your feelings enter into every decision you make, whether you're aware of it or not.

You're a three.

Welcome to humanity. I love food and music too. :)

Lol. Hmm thanks. Pi and Je? I've read the personality page description of ISFJs and I really, really identify with some things but I'm not a Sensor, I'm pretty sure, and many things aren't fitting at all. Oh okay, I know some MBTI types can correlate with particular enneagram types so I shared that. No, I've never wished that someone would die or sustain physical harm, I think that's plain awful. I wish that some people would think about the effect of what they do and care more. Haha, I'm sure you're not stupid. :) I agree. Awesome! Favorite food and music?

The Iron Giant

Lol. Hmm thanks.

You're welcome.

Pi and Je?

Pi = introverted perceiving function (Si/Ni) and Je = extraverted judging function (Fe/Te). Pi Je types would be ISFJ, ISTJ, INTJ, INFJ. There's a characteristic subjective impression-based perception coupled with a precedent or social based judgment.

I've read the personality page description of ISFJs and I really, really identify with some things but I'm not a Sensor, I'm pretty sure, and many things aren't fitting at all.

I have noted that many who feel confident that they're not a sensor may be running on a misunderstanding of what sensation is. And it's understandable, considering how many inaccurate descriptions of it are on the Internet in particular, but also in official MBTI texts. Why don't you think you are one?

Oh okay, I know some MBTI types can correlate with particular enneagram types so I shared that.

They certainly can and do. ISTJ for example is commonly 6, 5, or 1. But since they can be anything, it's best to find these independently. Even if you're the only type 8 ISFP on the planet, you're still one. :D

No, I've never wished that someone would die or sustain physical harm, I think that's plain awful. I wish that some people would think about the effect of what they do and care more.

Most likely not Fi then.

Favorite food and music?

I like so much! Don't make me choose! :D


Jun 26, 2010
You're welcome.

Pi = introverted perceiving function (Si/Ni) and Je = extraverted judging function (Fe/Te). Pi Je types would be ISFJ, ISTJ, INTJ, INFJ. There's a characteristic subjective impression-based perception coupled with a precedent or social based judgment.

I have noted that many who feel confident that they're not a sensor may be running on a misunderstanding of what sensation is. And it's understandable, considering how many inaccurate descriptions of it are on the Internet in particular, but also in official MBTI texts. Why don't you think you are one?

They certainly can and do. ISTJ for example is commonly 6, 5, or 1. But since they can be anything, it's best to find these independently. Even if you're the only type 8 ISFP on the planet, you're still one. :D

Most likely not Fi then.

I like so much! Don't make me choose! :D

I'm not present-oriented at all. I don't focus on what is, I focus on what could be. I focus on possibilities and the future. Lol I'm also not aware of my surroundings. I don't notice really obvious things. Haha same here! What don't you like then? :p


Lol I see, how does that work out exactly? :p I freak out about a lot haha

It depends if it's a goal or not. For most other things, I am relatively calm. Obstruction of goals is always stressful to me. Lol you are definitely NFJ. It's a toss up between INFJ or ENFJ but leaning towards ENFJ.

Also I am not 3w4 so there probably going to bit different. Haha

The Iron Giant

I'm not present-oriented at all. I don't focus on what is, I focus on what could be. I focus on possibilities and the future.

OK. I think Ni fits. Ne does possibilities in the present. But if you're using Ni, you're also an Se user, just at a lower level. Keep in mind that your perception is defined by the dynamic between these two functions.

Lol I'm also not aware of my surroundings. I don't notice really obvious things.

This is a common conception about sensing functions that I disagree with. But all your other answers still seem to indicate Ni to me.

Haha same here! What don't you like then? :p

Green peppers are a great example of a food I would prefer not to eat.


Jun 26, 2010
OK. I think Ni fits. Ne does possibilities in the present. But if you're using Ni, you're also an Se user, just at a lower level. Keep in mind that your perception is defined by the dynamic between these two functions.

This is a common conception about sensing functions that I disagree with. But all your other answers still seem to indicate Ni to me.

Green peppers are a great example of a food I would prefer not to eat.

How so? Ah, why do you disagree with it? I'm not overly fond of green peppers but I had these stuffed peppers that my mom made a few years ago that tasted delicious which keeps me from all out hating them.


Jun 26, 2010
OK. I think Ni fits. Ne does possibilities in the present. But if you're using Ni, you're also an Se user, just at a lower level. Keep in mind that your perception is defined by the dynamic between these two functions.

This is a common conception about sensing functions that I disagree with. But all your other answers still seem to indicate Ni to me.

Green peppers are a great example of a food I would prefer not to eat.

How so? Ah, why do you disagree with it? I'm not overly fond of green peppers but I had these stuffed peppers that my mom made a few years ago that tasted delicious which keeps me from all out hating them.


Jun 26, 2010
It depends if it's a goal or not. For most other things, I am relatively calm. Obstruction of goals is always stressful to me. Lol you are definitely NFJ. It's a toss up between INFJ or ENFJ but leaning towards ENFJ.

Also I am not 3w4 so there probably going to bit different. Haha

Oh okay. I think I'm relatively easy-going but when I freak out, I freak out. Lol :3 I see, all I know for sure is that I'm an NF. What's your enneagram type? Haha, mhm.

The Iron Giant

How so? Ah, why do you disagree with it? I'm not overly fond of green peppers but I had these stuffed peppers that my mom made a few years ago that tasted delicious which keeps me from all out hating them.

I think it doesn't fit with Jung's description of the types and functions, as far as I've seen. MBTI's mixing of Jung's ideas of the Si and Se functions doesn't fit my experience of the world. Se perceives things as they are, Si perceives them through a shell of impressions from the past. This is not the same as being aware of one's surroundings all the time.


Jun 26, 2010
I think it doesn't fit with Jung's description of the types and functions, as far as I've seen. MBTI's mixing of Jung's ideas of the Si and Se functions doesn't fit my experience of the world. Se perceives things as they are, Si perceives them through a shell of impressions from the past. This is not the same as being aware of one's surroundings all the time.

Oh okay, I get your reasoning.

Betty Blue

Let me count the ways
Jan 19, 2010
Instinctual Variant
Oh okay. I think I'm relatively easy-going but when I freak out, I freak out. Lol :3 I see, all I know for sure is that I'm an NF. What's your enneagram type? Haha, mhm.

Can you describe what a 'freak out' is like for you?

p.s i also have freak outs... just wondering if they are similar or how they differ.

Betty Blue

Let me count the ways
Jan 19, 2010
Instinctual Variant
Lol I'm kind of joking, but well it's exactly how it sounds. I really can't explain it.

Ok, .....well my freakouts are mainly in my own head, i think they mostly come from a non understanding or unresolve... i can't fit things together... i'm searching internally for things to "fit" but then there are so many possible outcomes/meanings/reasons/intentions... it goes on... rolling like a snowball gather speed with every new idea and direction until i'm in a big heap of wtf! Eventually comes clarity but sometimes there are track works which halt the train and/or impede progress.


Oh okay. I think I'm relatively easy-going but when I freak out, I freak out. Lol :3 I see, all I know for sure is that I'm an NF. What's your enneagram type? Haha, mhm.

I am 5w6. Some people disagree with me but my defense mechanisms and my distortions are very 5ish in nature. The negatives really resonate with me. It's a really rare combo so yeah...