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What does your type and gender mean to you?


Tenured roisterer
Apr 23, 2007
Instinctual Variant
you know, this is one of my silly thoughts again.

but i was thinking, since infj is the image of feminity and all, would i actually be better able to be myself as a female? mayhaps, but what would be different if you were changed opposite gender?

i would definately try the differrent vocals at voice acting and singing, aand like all males, satisfy my curiosity by touching private places to feel how different it would be.

along my primary changes would be, that id be more often in my state of emotional display, which already is one of the things i most appreciate by this reality.

what else these things mean to me, is, that im silly like the way i am. althouggh thats probably just my nineness, other male infjs have been rather too upstuck serious comparing to myself.

Vilku, you're playing right into my new threads. Keep up the good work, I don't know where I'd be without you, but I am fairly confident that my threads will not die out as long as you remain active on this forum.


Tenured roisterer
Apr 23, 2007
Instinctual Variant
This thread exemplifies everything I hate about typism.

As his tone has been consistently sincere on the forum, I doubt that to be the case.

Then what are you waiting for? Visit the "How not to do typology" thread and cite the most odious examples from this thread there.


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Then what are you waiting for? Visit the "How not to do typology" thread and cite the most odious examples from this thread there.

I found the first time odious enough to not feel the need to relive it all over again in a "Greatest Hits" thread, but thanks for the thought...


Earth Exalted
Mar 14, 2008
Instinctual Variant
As an INFP and a male, my manhood doesn't come into question, but when I readily and skillfully express feminine arts and attitudes, it gets a raised eyebrow. All it means to me is that I do manly things in a feminine way, and my co-workers and family members find it both odd and diffusing.


New member
Jan 4, 2012
Instinctual Variant
who the hell do you think that you are to come here and spout bullshit about entire groups of people all over the place? you're like the highly drunk guy who crashes someone's baby shower and pukes all over the presents... and the cake... and probably the baby, if it's one of those weird baby showers that occur after the birth of the baby :doh:

ALL ISTJs ARE LIARS? ALL ESFPs ARE IMMORAL AND WILL ENJOY DESTROYING YOU? where the fuck do you get this bullshit?

you can't really believe the drivel that you assault us with can you? you aren't that dumb, are you? you are completely undermining my hopes that human beings aren't complete and utter morons :sadbanana:

seriously, please say that you aren't really this stupid :doh:

*goes to make another pot of tea to try and assuage the hurt done to intelligence in this thread*

p.s. you never responded to my post in the other thread... I'll take your admission of defeat... thank you! :)

what other thread, link please? O_O..

people with Ni inferior have the weakness of horrible if not inexistence vision to the consequences, and they rarely even mind it. esfp's usually know this and they couldnt care less if they destroy your hearing sensation and make you crazy for the rest of your life. my mother did so to me, and i never saw any sign of regret, like she would do so any time again for her hobby of having dogs bark at me in over 150 decibel.

and thats true for all Ni inferiors there, sure some might overcome this weakness IF they become moralistic, but that, is rare..

so yes i THINK its fair to say my condemnation here has valid point.

i make my points about types inherent qualities, which arent wrong, _ever_. i do have scanned my own types weaknesses too, if you wonder, and i kind of even like my personal sense of great achievements, and of personal glory, i think its me integrating to ennea 3, while disintegrating to six is of blind pride, without reasoning why i would be prideful for. ps, im so amazing, i love myself! <<3 *starry eyes* #) =]

hey, at least im _trying_ to make something positive out of my types faults here! >=[

^ It was probably a troll. I hope.

nope, im serious =)

although i do admit my lazy wording didnt make my point admirable or even understandable for the matter.. =/

any bets on how long before this train wreck is graveyarded? :huh:

EH!!? =O what did i ever do wrong? its not my fault im crazy =| .. blame the esfp's for their lack of consequence care. im sure esfp's have destroyed more than just me with that weakness of theirs. and im sure you too would go crazy like me if you had to _always_ listen ears ringing and always having to avoid 70+ decibels, which leaves me very limited options and only solitary options of living my life, having to tell every person i meet to speak more quietly or theyd hurt my ears, i couldnt plus its impolite so i rather just suffer the consequences of my permanent weakness..

miss fortune

not to be trusted
Oct 4, 2007
Instinctual Variant
what other thread, link please? O_O..

you're the almighty intuitive... figure it out :newwink:

people with Ni inferior have the weakness of horrible if not inexistence vision to the consequences, and they rarely even mind it. esfp's usually know this and they couldnt care less if they destroy your hearing sensation and make you crazy for the rest of your life. my mother did so to me, and i never saw any sign of regret, like she would do so any time again for her hobby of having dogs bark at me in over 150 decibel.

and thats true for all Ni inferiors there, sure some might overcome this weakness IF they become moralistic, but that, is rare..

so yes i THINK its fair to say my condemnation here has valid point.

i make my points about types inherent qualities, which arent wrong, _ever_. i do have scanned my own types weaknesses too, if you wonder, and i kind of even like my personal sense of great achievements, and of personal glory, i think its me integrating to ennea 3, while disintegrating to six is of blind pride, without reasoning why i would be prideful for. ps, im so amazing, i love myself! <<3 *starry eyes* #) =]

hey, at least im _trying_ to make something positive out of my types faults here! >=[

so one person and their dog has prompted you to harshly judge a huge swath of people? :shock:

THIS, ladies and gentlemen, is how some of the more sinister portions of society have gotten their start... and this kind of scares me in a creepy, slimy, soul be-grunging manner *shudder*

quit assuming that you're right about EVERYBODY based on your own personal experiences... you're proving Freud right :dry:

and who says that anyone else isn't working on their personal faults? :huh: Do you have the monopoly on that along with being a "good person" :thelook:

EH!!? =O what did i ever do wrong? its not my fault im crazy =| .. blame the esfp's for their lack of consequence care. im sure esfp's have destroyed more than just me with that weakness of theirs. and im sure you too would go crazy like me if you had to _always_ listen ears ringing and always having to avoid 70+ decibels, which leaves me very limited options and only solitary options of living my life, having to tell every person i meet to speak more quietly or theyd hurt my ears, i couldnt plus its impolite so i rather just suffer the consequences of my permanent weakness..

good job there buddy, pass the buck onward! personal responsibility is for chumps when you have a handy ESFP around to blame for all of your problems! :holy:

I mean, nothing can really be YOUR fault, can it? :huh:


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
good job there buddy, pass the buck onward! personal responsibility is for chumps when you have a handy ESFP around to blame for all of your problems! :holy:

Does this mean the forum will implode if Vilku and JustaDouchebag post in the same thread? :ninja:

miss fortune

not to be trusted
Oct 4, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Does this mean the forum will implode if Vilku and JustaDouchebag post in the same thread? :ninja:

he he... I've been wondering what sort of epic showdown would occur :rofl1:

*crosses fingers*


New member
Jan 4, 2012
Instinctual Variant
THIS, ladies and gentlemen, is how some of the more sinister portions of society have gotten their start... and this kind of scares me in a creepy, slimy, soul be-grunging manner *shudder*

"good job there buddy, pass the buck onward! personal responsibility is for chumps when you have a handy ESFP around to blame for all of your problems! :holy:

I mean, nothing can really be YOUR fault, can it? :huh:"

thats the equivalent of blaming victims of rape for the act.......................................
........... -_-

"its your fault you attracted me!" -logic <.<

you just decide to make the assumption that im inherently wrong at everything just cause the message doesnt come clear through this inefficient method of communication?

"so one person and their dog has prompted you to harshly judge a huge swath of people? :shock: "

UMM.. yes, i can see every Ni inferior has that shared weakness, but unlike what you think, i didnt say every one of them would horribly fail at it.

"you're the almighty intuitive... figure it out :newwink:"

i already checked my mention records and quote records, i found nothing.

"quit assuming that you're right about EVERYBODY based on your own personal experiences... you're proving Freud right :dry:"

i think my assumptions are based on facts written in stone, or .. our genetics, in this case.

"and who says that anyone else isn't working on their personal faults? :huh: Do you have the monopoly on that along with being a "good person" :thelook:"

did i ever say so? i coudltn bother to write things irrelevant to the messsage such as "please dont misunderstand me" which should be obvious enough? just cause i make the assumption that many have failed at it, doesnt mean it includes everyone *rolls eyes* and everyone has the potential of failing, thus its not far fetched to fear all esfp's and istj's. just to be certain. until i can deem where they score in their moral scale.

miss fortune

not to be trusted
Oct 4, 2007
Instinctual Variant
thats the equivalent of blaming victims of rape for the act.......................................
........... -_-

"its your fault you attracted me!" -logic <.<

you just decide to make the assumption that im inherently wrong at everything just cause the message doesnt come clear through this inefficient method of communication?

no it is not... don't you EVER think that you can speak for rape victims... just don't :thelook:

UMM.. yes, i can see every Ni inferior has that shared weakness, but unlike what you think, i didnt say every one of them would horribly fail at it.

And this goes right back to the point that you completely disregarded above... I DON'T BLAME ALL MEN. :doh:

you can't write off an entire group for the behavior of one or two people- it's when people start making that broad of generalizations that they start to feel warranted to do some pretty terrible things to their fellow human beings :shock:

i already checked my mention records and quote records, i found nothing.

I know... it was kind of funny :devil:

it's in plain sight :newwink:

i think my assumptions are based on facts written in stone, or .. our genetics, in this case.

:doh: Ss are GENETICALLY terrible people? dammit... you've definitely crossed the line into scaryville now! You don't read much history, do you?

did i ever say so? i coudltn bother to write things irrelevant to the messsage such as "please dont misunderstand me" which should be obvious enough? just cause i make the assumption that many have failed at it, doesnt mean it includes everyone *rolls eyes* and everyone has the potential of failing, thus its not far fetched to fear all esfp's and istj's. just to be certain. until i can deem where they score in their moral scale.

two points:

1. who the fuck are you to judge the morality of others? :huh:

2. if all esfps and intjs are terrible people and genetically so what's the point of self improvement work? :shrug:


New member
Jan 4, 2012
Instinctual Variant
And this goes right back to the point that you completely disregarded above... I DON'T BLAME ALL MEN. :doh:

you can't write off an entire group for the behavior of one or two people- it's when people start making that broad of generalizations that they start to feel warranted to do some pretty terrible things to their fellow human beings :shock:

I know... it was kind of funny :devil:

it's in plain sight :newwink:

two points:

1. who the fuck are you to judge the morality of others? :huh:

2. if all esfps and intjs are terrible people and genetically so what's the point of self improvement work? :shrug:

1. A human, and i believe i have a right to not be treated in ways i find detestable, as i wouldnt treat you that way either. I want to live my life without injuries, cause they bother me a great deal, cause im an obsessive person. For that truce im ready to avoid hurting esfps ridiculous over sensitivity to spoken word.

I think we all have a right for our oversensitivities not being abused.

2. They can improve, but only if they wish so. Unfortunately, statistics of my experiences say esfps and istjs are just as likely to go for the total opposite as they are for improvement. Its just those few bad apples who inflict actions with irreversable effects.

"no it is not... don't you EVER think that you can speak for rape victims... just don't :thelook:"
Ive been subjected to something much worse than rape, i suffer every.. Every day, i have to avoid people. Why? Cause they speak too loudly and its impolite to tell them not to plus frustrating. And to endure the constant ringing, just so an esfp was able to do her dog hobby, just for that i have to suffer my entire life before it even _started_..

And i can speak of experience for both of those subjects in the matter, so i think i know. Mental problems are nothing in comparison to chronical ones.

":doh: Ss are GENETICALLY terrible people? dammit... you've definitely crossed the line into scaryville now! You don't read much history, do you?"

im not speaking for sensors only, as hard as it is to believe, we intuitors too have our dark sides.

History? No, i think ive got enough of it.

miss fortune

not to be trusted
Oct 4, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Ive been subjected to something much worse than rape, i suffer every.. Every day, i have to avoid people. Why? Cause they speak too loudly and its impolite to tell them not to plus frustrating. And to endure the constant ringing, just so an esfp was able to do her dog hobby, just for that i have to suffer my entire life before it even _started_..

you don't deserve the words I've given you :thelook:

... furthermore, the complete lack of understanding that your posts have brought is downright revolting... disgusting :sick:


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
He's not really hearing what you're saying. (Why do you think I stopped talking?) The outrage is wasted.

miss fortune

not to be trusted
Oct 4, 2007
Instinctual Variant
[MENTION=7]Jennifer[/MENTION]... the outrage there was as tactful as I can manage... he doesn't deserve any more responses from ANYBODY if he's that fucking self centered and blind to how the world around him works... my skin is crawling still from just reading that :unsure:

He, however, isn't worth being banned over either :thelook:


New member
Jan 26, 2010
You have to laugh at someone who is so easily tormented by noise. It's one thing to want some quiet, but to call it worse than rape...

Suffer more, please. If only for my amusement.


Jun 26, 2010
You have to laugh at someone who is so easily tormented by noise. It's one thing to want some quiet, but to call it worse than rape...

Suffer more, please. If only for my amusement.

I'm actually laughing really hard right now.


New member
Jan 4, 2012
Instinctual Variant
you don't deserve the words I've given you :thelook:

... furthermore, the complete lack of understanding that your posts have brought is downright revolting... disgusting :sick:

its just your failure to understand the depth of my messages, you think they are something they arent instead.

If im wrong in this, then id be amazed.

You have to laugh at someone who is so easily tormented by noise. It's one thing to want some quiet, but to call it worse than rape...

Suffer more, please. If only for my amusement.

You know, i would say exactly the same switching x with y and y with x if i was as stupid as you, disregarding the obviousness of other people having different weaknesses.. Ugh, the istp's *rolls eyes*
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Injustice Needs To stoP
Feb 19, 2015
Instinctual Variant
I'm a male INTP. INTPs are indeed usually male.
In my experience:

ISTJ - Male
ISTP - Male
ISFJ - Female
ISFP - Female

ESTJ - Neutral
ESTP - Male
ESFJ - Female
ESFP - Female

ENTJ - Male
ENTP - Male
ENFP - Neutral
ENFJ - Female

INTJ - Male
INTP - Male
INFP - Neutral
INFJ - Neutral

Male means Masculine and Female means Feminine
and I'm too lazy to change it so live with it.