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Type me! Enneagram/MBTI/Socionics welcome - Thank you!


New member
Sep 2, 2020
Age: 20

General location: Lived in USA ages 0-14, Australia 15-20

Any impairments: No

[B*Religious or political beliefs:[/B] Have them, rather not say - probably wouldnt effect

Types considering: 4,1,7,5

*Why considering them: Four primarily because of life long feeling and assumption of seperateness, no one understands me etc - though I am extremely idk - manic? I can be really reserved and appropriate or crazy risk taking behavior, with also deep academic/philosophical interests - so 4,1,7,5 seem like contenders but really want people who know what theyre doing take their best guess - so thank you for helping out!

Purpose in life: Experience the most extraordinary experiences possible while sharing them with other people that share a mutually deep understanding of me/eachother

Seven deadly sins: Lust, pride, envy, wrath - I feel very pointed in that I tend to resonate with the sins that are directly AT something rather than a general state (e.g gluttony, sloth etc) I feel very intense in that way. I constantly want more so maybe lust and envy in that way. Also pride and wrath in that I might have a slight superiority complex - I dont like that term because it seems binding, I believe when someone can recognize their faults and name them - its easy to change, but I tend to look down on people while also trying to internally constantly check If I'm being arrogant in thinking in such a way (which I probably am.)

Analyzing relationships -

People I'm drawn to: people who are similar to me, who can take my intensity, who are can intellectually challenge me, like 'deep things', I like to get to the point where I know someone so well you can tell what theyre thinking in most situations - I like people who are individualistic and think objectively - arent afraid of anything.

People who are drawn to me:People who appreciate my kind of humor (dry, witty,) I'm quite bold so people who arent sheepish I think. I'm withdrawn but extremely intense so I think that filters out alot of filler/floaty type people. Also people who are on the same wavelength intellectually (I dont mean in a smart kind of way but think on similar planes of thought/ideologies)

Type of people I am repulsed by: bullies, purposely and ignorantly dumb, someone who cannot someones answer without taking it emotionally - people who are surface level - arent willing to explore existence.

Traits I admire that I cannot emulate: Practical people - people who are earthy in the sense they DO things - I do things but it is the last step for me. People are naturally DOERS - think elon musk people type work ethic - extraordinary honestly. I'm working at it but it doesnt come naturally. Also people who balance really well - I'm a kind of all or nothing type person and I can fixate on an interest and pound it to death until i realize my house is burning around me.

Relationship with anger: I would consider myself agreeable until I'm not, I have a high tolerance for garbage: but eventually I have sticking points that I know very well and I know I always will win the argument or situation, I dont particularly like watching someone shrink back in a conversation so I only let my anger go when the camel's back has been broken - but even then I'd rather convery my opinions in a sharper more wise type of way. When I am angry its more like sharp pointed hate rather than a general anger at life.

Shame: I'm easily embarassed - the drive to be what I'm not fuels alot of what I do I think. I dont like failing, I want to be the very best at something before I showcase it. Honestly I think this is my most consistent response. It seems kind of a hue of my behavior. I feel kind of inadequate and experience innate lack.

Fear: what is that? but seriously only time this is a concern is when I take too much maryjane and I dont do that anymore. I also dont like going for runs in the dark.

Love/passion: There is nothing higher than this. Though I wouldnt put love and passion together, unless you mean passion in a intimate/sexual kind of way. Love: the highest goal for all human relationships and attitudes towards creation. Passion: fuels work, hobbies, and pursuits - my jet fuel for life. If its not my passion - I cant pour myself into it.

Conflict: I dont really like it: but its a necessary weapon for growth and to uphold truth

Themes prominent in my life: To find out who I am lol and reach utopia/nirvana/heaven/god whatever you want to call it. Also I would say the phoenix archetype fits quite nicely - Overcoming circumstances seems to be a recurring mission put before me - somewhat successful thus far

What is your area of work/study: No idea - my key interests right now are philosophy, music, exercise lol no long term missions (which is kind of torturous)

When meeting a new person what do I tend to focus on: How they react to things - particularly challenging moments in conversation. Temperament.

How do you feel about humanity as a whole: Wonderful - everyone's much more important than they realize

Biggest problems human race faces: themselves - because the answers arent within the finite

Hobbies and interests: already named above - but used to play video games, was top 5% in League when I played it lol.

How do you usually hang out with your friends: Think two things, a) warm cup of coffee, talking about a book, in the winter - and b) summer night driving too fast into the city with euphoric hardstyle playing and in my wild past taking a substance.

Are actions or words more important?Actions, because they convey what your words *really* are.

What curse would I choose: To be immortal

What do I hope to avoid being: Close minded, ordinary, cynical, boring, dumb, helpless, a nobody, without a lover, without deep experiences, I dont want life to go downhill.

How do I relate to obsession? merge with others or interests? How do I feel about the idea of doing this? Hard question I want to merge with both of them, IF I merge only with ideas I'd go mad. IF I merge only with people - it's like Brave New World all over again. If I had to choose I would chose people. I am very obsessive. I feel excited about it

Organized or messy: I want to be organized, but somewhat messy by default

Plans or impulse: Impulse and surprises by far

How do you view comfort and create comfort in your life?: Comfort is a great feeling but often causes stagnation, too much and you sink into the floor into nothingness, too little and you cant move. How I create comfort: by being sure of myself


Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Wow, the amount of energy you have comes out in your answers! :D Welcome to the forum, by the way.

I'm seeing a lot of 7, that's what I would guess is your core type. 739 probably... maybe 731, and probably so/sx, maybe sx/so. Definitely not sx blind.

Opal Star

Aug 4, 2020
Instinctual Variant
You seem like an ENFP. Your drive might suggest tertiary Te. Also, I think that you do not like routine, which could suggest inferior Si.
As for your enneagram, I'd say that you are a 4w3. While I do see some 7-ish themes, I'd say that you are a 4. You have the desire to find out who you are. The 3 wing shows because you are somewhat driven. As for your tritype, I think you are a 479. Alternately, type 7 could fit. If so, then your tritype would be 749.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2017
Hmm... You are an interesting one, indeed!

I think you are a mix of ENFP and ENTP, and I agree with [MENTION=35566]Luminous[/MENTION] of you being a 7, so my final answer would be ENXP 7 (forcing a pick, ENTP 7).

I think 7 by being impulsive, surprising-friendly, somewhat messy, not sticking to "long missions", stuff like that.
Your tri-type? I think your 5 runs strong, although 7 stronger... I dont see much 1 on you, the other 2 posters above me didnt see it either (I dont see 1,8 or 9 much, actually). In 2, 3 or 4, I dont see any 2 at all on you, as [MENTION=35566]Luminous[/MENTION] I see 3 as well on you, and I see some 4 too, its a hard pick here. I could say 7-3-1 or 7-4-1, with the 1 being more of your suggestion than me really seeing it. In terms of just ordering the 4 enneagrams I see the most, I would say 7-5-3-4.

I think your Ne is quite scattered because of your diverging interests and willingness to "explore the world" (sort of that), in terms that you can be sort of flexible in many ways, to the point that influences your others functions... and perhaps weakens Ne (I sort of call that cognitive flexibility). I associate a Ne-Si "axis" by you saying wanting to avoid being ordinary and closed mind, that part seemed quite strong towards NP side.

Just using my own tri-type to MBTI calculator:
7-5-3-4: Mix of ENTP/ENFP & INTP influences (INTP influences is on type 5), ENTP the highest.
7-3-(1 or 9): Mix of ENTP/ENFP, ENTP the highest.
7-4-(1 or 9): ENFP.
7-4-9-3: Mix of ENTP/ENFP, ENFP the highest.


New member
Sep 2, 2020
Thanks guys for your responses, if you'd like a little more information - I get 4w5 consistently on tests and infp/infj consistently on tests - though I know these can be deceiving. I think the reason I assume 1 plays a part is because while this post gives off a strong aura of '7' - there are equal times where I flip to the other side and am much more appropriate. But otherwise I tried to give as authentic answers as I could.

edit: for mbti i am usually 50% Introversion and 50% Extroversion but most of the time, introversion tips the scale. and also recently started getting J instead of P, but yeah.

batteries included

New member
Dec 24, 2018
You seem like an extroverted intuitive. Beyond that, I'm not really sure. I'd have to comb your answers more thoroughly, but what occurred to me first was your intuition, then extroversion. F/T seems mixed. Not sure about P/J, but I'm going to lean P based on vibe.

Burning Paradigm

Vibe Curator & Night Owl
May 16, 2020
Instinctual Variant
Claiming you as a fellow Ne-dom :D. I'm saying ENFP; value judgments seem based on trying to be authentic and there's a focus on finding/perfecting your internal compass of who you are (Fi). 7w6 > 9w1 > 3w4 sx/so (I'm not sure about IV, but I agree with Lumi that you're not sx-blind).

Welcome to the forum, fam!