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TTTT: Time to type Taibreah (MBTI)


New member
Feb 20, 2017
So, I finally found some time to focus on doing one of these questionnaire things. I thought I'd never do it, since there are so many questions! But, here it is. Thanks for any feedback at all! :)

1) What aspect of your personality made you unsure of your type?
I'm getting different results when taking MBTI and Ennegrams that don't seem like they match up. I'm fairly certain that my Ennegram 549 is correct, but it also could be 539. I think I can relate to so many traits of each personality type on Enneagram, but especially all the Head types. I don't know where that leaves my MBTI though. I just started to research for myself. I originally have tested on MBTI as INFJ and also INFP, but the more I read about those types, the more at odds I am about it. I think I'm not a feeler after all, but a very internal thinker that comes across as a feeler. I just recently took the Jung MBTI that was posted on another thread, and it typed me as INTP. I also just watched a YouTube video that mentions female INTP are not easy to type, because they may end up mistyped as INFP when they really aren't. That's happened to me where my results would end up about 50/50 Feeling/Thinking.

2) What do you yearn for in life? Why?
Honestly, I don't know. To understand myself and have a better understanding of anything really.

3) Think about a time where you felt like you were at your finest.
I don't think I have had a finest time in my life. Only spurts of temporary happiness.

4) What makes you feel inferior?
That I can't find what I want to do in life. It's easier for others to get and keep a job, but for me, I can't even begin to know what I want to do. I don't want to say that nothing interests me, but that's sort of how I'm starting to feel about it. No career seems to interest me. It's like I have no calling in life, other than to sit around observing and over analyzing why things are the way they are.

5) What tends to weigh on your decisions? (Do you think about people, pro-cons, how you feel about it, etc.)
I weigh the pros and cons of my decisions. Right, wrong, logical, illogical. I don't know how to answer this question in depth.

6) When working on a project what is normally your emphasis? Do you like to have control of the outcome?
I haven't worked on many projects outside of college, projects are not something I'm interested in being a part of especially if it's a group project. I'd rather someone else be in control of a group project, but me have some influence on the end result. Other than that, I'd rather have my own project and do things on my time and not pressured with deadlines.

7) Describe a time where you had a lot of fun. How is your memory of it?
When going on road trips, traveling, hiking and observing nature. This is probably the only outgoing spontaneous side of me. I find most of these memorable and happy experiences, especially when it is doing something new or finding a new location to visit.

8) When you want to learn something new, what feels more natural for you?
If I want to learn something new I would most likely do my own research on a subject. I think I might also consider taking a course to learn more, but overall, I think investigating the subject matter first hand without college or a course is what I'd do.

9) How organized do you think of yourself as?

Not very. But, I also think it would be different if I were at work. I think I may be more neat and organized at work, but my everyday life is just not very organized at all. It may be a tad put together, but I'm also not a slob.

10) How do you judge new ideas? You try to understand the principles behind it to see if they make sense or do you look for information that supports it?
I'm more interested in other peoples new ideas than my own. I think I'm open-minded enough to want to try to understand if the idea is actually doable and makes sense. I think I would first do some research looking for supporting information and do a comparative analysis.

11) You find harmony by making sure everyone is doing fine and belonging to a given group or by making sure that you follow what you believe and being yourself?
I don't think I can answer this, because I can't find "harmony" in anything right now, not even in being myself.

12) Are you the kind that thinks before speaking or do you speak before thinking? Do you prefer one-on-one communication or group discussions?
I think before I speak and prefer one-on-one discussions.

13) Do you jump into action right away or do you like to know where are you jumping before leaping? Does action speaks more than words?
I like to know where I am jumping before leaping. So, there's no doubt that I would think before performing an action. Actions speaks louder than words. That doesn't mean you should act without thinking. Obviously you need to know what it is you're getting yourself into.

14) It's Saturday. You're at home, and your favorite show is about to start. Your friends call you for a night out. What will you do?
It depends on what a "night out" means. If it means party, then, no. If it's to hang out and catch up one-on-one, then probably go. Otherwise, I'd say no.

15) How do you act when you're stressed out?

Try to keep it together for the most part. I might start over-thinking and becoming more withdrawn than usual.

16) What makes you dislike the personalities of some people?

Disregard for other people and their differences. People that can't see anothers perspective and thinks everyone should be like them. People who are controlling.

17) Is there anything you really like talking about with other people?

I like talking about a shared interest with other people. But, I mostly like to listen to other peoples stories and ideas, even if it's not a subject I'm interested in. There is a higher chance I might space out, but yeah, I would rather just do the listening than the talking if it's something we don't have common interest in.

18) What kind of things do you pay the least attention to in your life?
My outfits. xD I wear what feels comfortable to me, not what the latest fashion trends indicate. I'm low maintenance and like to keep things simple. I'm not highly detailed oriented, but if that was a requirement for a job, I'd be more observant.

19) How do your friends perceive you? What is wrong about their perception? What would your friends never say about your personality ?
The perceptions that they are right about are that I'm quiet, introspective, observer, always in deep thought mode. Some of them would say I am too serious and that I'm shy, but I'm actually not shy at all. I'm cautious, and I'm not always serious, that's just what my face looks like, especially in "deep thought" mode. My friends would never say I'm emotionless or useless.

20) You got a whole day to do whatever you like. What kind of activities do you feel like doing?

This can go different ways depending on my mood, because I like staying home doing absolutely nothing productive (maybe watch a movie or play video games), but I also like going out for a few hours just to be out. I can still be happy in both situations. But, I think I would mostly choose the staying at home option to do whatever I wanted.


Aug 17, 2016
Hi Taibreah!

You seem indeed to be higher on the thinking than the feeling side of the scale, also your primary mode of perception seems extroverted. So I'd have said INTP works, but... I have a hard time imagining an INTP 549 (triple withdrawn) who is also sp passing as a feeler, though.
Have you ever considered being a cognitive extrovert? Tertiary Fe can be feelery enough to fool people, especially in females, while your enneagram would make you socially introverted.


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
I relate to a great number of your answers...

So, I finally found some time to focus on doing one of these questionnaire things. I thought I'd never do it, since there are so many questions! But, here it is. Thanks for any feedback at all! :)

1) What aspect of your personality made you unsure of your type?
I'm getting different results when taking MBTI and Ennegrams that don't seem like they match up. I'm fairly certain that my Ennegram 549 is correct, but it also could be 539. I think I can relate to so many traits of each personality type on Enneagram, but especially all the Head types. I don't know where that leaves my MBTI though. I just started to research for myself. I originally have tested on MBTI as INFJ and also INFP, but the more I read about those types, the more at odds I am about it. I think I'm not a feeler after all, but a very internal thinker that comes across as a feeler. I just recently took the Jung MBTI that was posted on another thread, and it typed me as INTP. I also just watched a YouTube video that mentions female INTP are not easy to type, because they may end up mistyped as INFP when they really aren't. That's happened to me where my results would end up about 50/50 Feeling/Thinking.

I think part of feeling is empathy, and intuition/imagination can emulate empathy. Maybe they are not two separate things, but basically you can use logic to put yourself in someone's shoes and see their side, and this can come off as more "feelingsy" than your internal experience. I feel things too, it's just that in the end I'm using a detached process to come to actual decisions and conclusions.

2) What do you yearn for in life? Why?
Honestly, I don't know. To understand myself and have a better understanding of anything really.

3) Think about a time where you felt like you were at your finest.
I don't think I have had a finest time in my life. Only spurts of temporary happiness.

4) What makes you feel inferior?
That I can't find what I want to do in life. It's easier for others to get and keep a job, but for me, I can't even begin to know what I want to do. I don't want to say that nothing interests me, but that's sort of how I'm starting to feel about it. No career seems to interest me. It's like I have no calling in life, other than to sit around observing and over analyzing why things are the way they are.

That all sounds pretty Five. It's great to be Informative, but it's difficult to turn around and instead of drawing conclusions, to instead make decisions. Part of the problem is that those kinds of decisions (career and life decisions) often depend on personal preferences, not on rational conclusions. Some people have strong emotions/preferences, but I know for me I never really knew what I wanted most. I kind of wandered into my career mostly because I liked computers and liked writing. Looking back, my preferences are far more clear to me than they were back then. It's the same thing with "strong emotions," if you are expecting a state of happiness to define what your preferences are; I only experience bursts too but not as much in the long haul. I think maybe some other folks are tuned in to less intense feelings of happiness and/or aren't distracted by the negative noise in their perceptions.

5) What tends to weigh on your decisions? (Do you think about people, pro-cons, how you feel about it, etc.)
I weigh the pros and cons of my decisions. Right, wrong, logical, illogical. I don't know how to answer this question in depth.

For me, I tend to read this question now in terms of "What can I live with long term?" Let's say I have a problem where I could pick one answer based on a human component vs another answer based on an impersonal/systematic component. Which decision would nag at me after I made it, more often? (Obviously I'd be at least a little unhappy with either, if I couldn't wrap everything up into the same choice... but in life we're stuck prioritizing one thing over another much of the time... competing "goods.")

6) When working on a project what is normally your emphasis? Do you like to have control of the outcome?
I haven't worked on many projects outside of college, projects are not something I'm interested in being a part of especially if it's a group project. I'd rather someone else be in control of a group project, but me have some influence on the end result. Other than that, I'd rather have my own project and do things on my time and not pressured with deadlines.

Yeah. Basically, if you can have full autonomy and aren't telling others what to do, then you like having total control over the solution/task. If you are in a group, there's a large reluctance to impose and would rather be a contributor/Informative and have someone else make the decisions and deal with the group direction and dynamics.

11) You find harmony by making sure everyone is doing fine and belonging to a given group or by making sure that you follow what you believe and being yourself?
I don't think I can answer this, because I can't find "harmony" in anything right now, not even in being myself.

Disharmony can make it difficult to grasp your own preferences....

I'm out of energy at the moment and the rest of my responses would just be "yeah, that sounds familiar." I guess, what kinds of topics do you find most interesting? If you were on Jeopardy, what are some categories you'd wish to appear in the game? Are there any topics that unnerve you or that put you off, or is any topic on the table?

I can't tell you what type you are, although I think the INTP type correlates a lot to Five. I do think INTP covers a range of behavior rather that just being a rigid robotic intellectual sort. I think the "casual" INTP is a lot like you said and can function in life in a more casual manner, making it more difficult for some to recognize. Female INTPs tend to be more flexy in their presentation, I think, or at least not nearly as lopsided as the cliché. People seem to still expect each of the 16 types to manifest in the same way and for there to be a more clear/rigid demarcation between functions, but that's not really the case; we are talking about preference strength and what gets prioritized in behavior and evaluation process. Real life is a bit fuzzier than theory. or put another way, one can be amicable and give weight to human concerns without being judged a Feeler.


New member
Feb 20, 2017
[MENTION=29256]There[/MENTION] [MENTION=7]Totenkindly[/MENTION]

Thanks for taking the time provide me with feedback on my questionnaire. I'm replying on mobile, so this might take a while.

This will probably be the 5th time that I've taken the Enneagram within a short period of time, I got 649 just now. I don't get how much difference it is from 549. From what I understand they have a lot in common.

I'll add addition questionnaire responses for Instinct Variables. I honestly didn't think social or sexual fit me, so I just chose self-preservation, as it probably fits me more than the others, even if it's not very high either. Maybe I don't have one. Heh

I also answered the Very Accurate Socionics thread, but since the OP is no longer there to provide input on the results, I guess someone else can have a stab at determining what it means. I got it in this order: Ti > Ne > Fe > Fi > Ni > Te > Si > Se

Then, I took the recommended Socionics test from sociotype.com, and got INTj-0 result and a suggested 89% ENTp...which I find hard to believe.

Instinctual Questionnaire response:

Well, I had an interest in computers and how stuff works, I still do, but I don't think it's something I would want as a career. I did build my own computer and got the CompTIA Computer Technician certification, but that was also about 7 years ago. I enjoy it as a hobby and I guess it make me helpful to family and friends when they have computer issues. If I am INTP I'm the kind that isn't drawn into mathematics, science, engineering, or programming. I find that all very difficult to understand. I find it interesting, but that I'm just not that smart or easily able to absorb that kind of information. But, I wish I could.

What can I live with long term? How to answer this....well, I think I'll come back to this and the rest of what you've addressed later. I want to answer but my head is not clear right now I'm having trouble trying to find the words. I'll come back to this thread when I can think more clearly and when I'm on an actual computer. Sorry if this is all jumbled together. This is hard to do from a mobile device.

Question #5 is just confusing me. I kind of want to answer it saying that a lot of my decisions are based on if I can afford something and if I really need it. But, I know the only thing I really need are necessities. I don't usually indulge in buying a lot of stuff, because I'd rather have less possessions in my life. I am not someone that would become a hoarder. I can live without a lot of stuff.

My re-answer to #11. I don't like it when people are bullied or made fun of by others. I have come to the defense of others before, trying to move the negative attention off of them and have them focus on something else. Sort like, "Hey, forget about those guys, they're acting that way out their own insecurities, let's just go over here and do this/pay attention to this other thing that will move your focus on a more positive experience." As for myself, I tend to be harder on myself than I am on others.

To answer your Jeopardy question, I think I would do well with answering questions related to the topics of technology, video games, music, national parks, geography, and some history. I'd probably fail miserably at mathematics, science, politics, and sports questions. I would be interested to know how I would do at Psychology and Philosophical topics.
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