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The Brain Dig (Aka I type you).

Lord Lavender

Bluered Trickster
Oct 21, 2016
Instinctual Variant

Given your limited forum presence I will have to do a lot of extrapolation and guess work.

MBTI you seem INFP more so than ENFP. You just don't seem Ne first to me. Your Fi is clear from the way you express yourself and how you seem to take deep personal meaning in yourself. Ne is clear you seem to have this bouncy intution energy thing going on.

As for tritype I'd say you are probably at least single withdrawn you just strike me as reserved and at least a moderate degree intwined on the self. I'd take you to be 9 core probably and a 9w1 based on feel and guessing. Your second and third fixes are harder to discern but I think attachment outlook is really obvious so you are probably 6 or 3 second and I incline more 6w7. Third fix is invisible to me but I'd guess ether 3w4 or 4w3 and I incline 4w3 by a hair.

Stackings wise you seem Sp/So. You don't have the get to know everyone energy that So doms have.

Conculsion= INFP 9w1 6w7 4w3 Sp/So


New member
Aug 2, 2017
Instinctual Variant

Given your limited forum presence I will have to do a lot of extrapolation and guess work.

MBTI you seem INFP more so than ENFP. You just don't seem Ne first to me. Your Fi is clear from the way you express yourself and how you seem to take deep personal meaning in yourself. Ne is clear you seem to have this bouncy intution energy thing going on.

As for tritype I'd say you are probably at least single withdrawn you just strike me as reserved and at least a moderate degree intwined on the self. I'd take you to be 9 core probably and a 9w1 based on feel and guessing. Your second and third fixes are harder to discern but I think attachment outlook is really obvious so you are probably 6 or 3 second and I incline more 6w7. Third fix is invisible to me but I'd guess ether 3w4 or 4w3 and I incline 4w3 by a hair.

Stackings wise you seem Sp/So. You don't have the get to know everyone energy that So doms have.

Conculsion= INFP 9w1 6w7 4w3 Sp/So

Thanks for you're analysis!

I'm always torn between sp/so and so/sp. Sometimes I usually just go with sp/so because I can be a bit (okay a lot) forgetful about my needs such as food/water/sleep/showering etc. Not too big of an expert on Enneagram. I do identify with 9 somewhat. Actually for the tri-type, you put the 5 I have ever leaned towards (1, 4, 6, 7, and 9).

And the NeFi or FiNe issue for me is strange too. I identified as an INFP for awhile. I identify very much with the label "ambivert" even though that's not part of MBTI, it's a word that I think describes me very well. I say I'm an ENFP more because I think Ne is the function I developed first looking back into my childhood.

Overall, just wanted to say thanks :)


New member
Jun 9, 2015
Can you type me please? I just posted a "Type me" thread.


New member
Apr 10, 2018
I only have a couple of posts (luckily they're both type me threads!) but I'd love your opinion :)

Lord Lavender

Bluered Trickster
Oct 21, 2016
Instinctual Variant
For you now Aystantic.

MBTI wise your such an obvious INTP I just can't see anything else for you. All your posts are dripping with Ti logic and anaysis like you've this art knife you cut into the logic of a topic and operate on it to make sense of it. Now your Ne/Si is really obvious to me your Ne feels like the flavor behind your Ti as it guides your Ti giving it new ways to see things and create new procedure's and your Si means you have a strong sense of consistently in your outlook and logic. Plus I know probably unofficial but your sense of asestics and themes is extremely Si and tert Si at that like those 1970s science fiction themes. Your inferior Fe shows in sudden displays of emotionally. Inferior feeling in general both Fi and Fe tend to be like volcanos in that it all comes out at once. However you do also use it constructively to be civil and polite in debate.

Your tritype is a lot more ambiguous than your MBTI but I shall figure it out :). Your like a really super obvious 9w8 core with that steady and calm 9 energy but your 8 wing is kind of like this inner assertive energy that makes you stand your ground in debate and discussion however peacefully. Secondly your head energy is very attachment outlook with flavors of comptency outlook which makes me think 6w5 and lastly for image I think your a 3w4 as you have a certain undercurrent of assertive energy that like seeks to push forwards but your 9 doesn't want to rock the boat and your 6 throws doubts your way so it's more mediation between those two forces and that 4 wing is as I don't see any 2 elements in you at all but a little 4.

Stacking wise your a Sp/So as you seem very syn flow in that chill sort of way you have this energy that reminds me of the Dude which is common in Sp/So with a 9 infulence. Your Sp is like your shell and the So pokes it's head out now and then.

Conculsion= INTP 9w8 6w5 3w4 Sp/So

Lord Lavender

Bluered Trickster
Oct 21, 2016
Instinctual Variant

Now its your turn. MBTI I see you as an ENTJ. You have a lot and I mean a lot of Te in your posting its obviously sitting in its throne ruling your thought and style so to speak. Now out of the auxiliary functions id say Ni is probably the hardest to spot you have this sort of abstract and focused energy behind your Te as opposed to the more action and gritty feel of Te/Si. Now for your tert Se it seems to supplement your Te mostly as Se in your style seems like a kind of "This is how things are" and gives you that kind of push. Lastly I haven’t seen enough of your posts to really explain or observe your inferior Fi in action but I can tell its inferior not tert as tert Fi tends to have a really obvious nature to it in the form of wanting to stay to your core values and emotions and I don’t get that from you but more of a want to be practical and take action typical of tert Se.

Tritype wise I see you as a 3 core you are super competency outlook first you seem to want to be successful and a strong person but in more of a 3 way than a 8 way it feels more heart based than gut based to me and for a wing I am very sure on a 4 wing as you have this withdrawn and dignified air I typically see in 4 wingers. Secondly Id say you are gut and a really obvious 8 you just have this sense of strongly asserting and solidifying boundaries that 8s have and for a wing I am finding it hard to decide you seem mixed to me wing wise with the 7 and 9 wings seeming to both pop out now and again. Overall, I say 7 wing wins by a hair though. Lastly for your head I would say a 5w6 you have to me a super obvious single withdrawn you have a certain shell that I tend to see in single withdraws its like a shell you sometimes go into to process things out.

Stacking you seem Sp/Sx to me. From what ive seen of you seem contra flow as you seem to go against the grain. Plus you have this really reserved yet with this undercurrent of intensively that is characteristic of Sp/Sx.

Lord Lavender

Bluered Trickster
Oct 21, 2016
Instinctual Variant

Given your limted presence your gonna be a hard one. I will go mostly by vibes for you. You MBTI wise I'd guess probably IxFx of some sort you have a quietly emotional ivested air about you I associate with those types. If I had to pin one down I'd guess ISFJ as you seem more Si than Se and Fe than Fi.

Tritype wise id pin you as a 926 based on overall deamour and the way you express yourself and as for stackings id guess Sp/So given syn flow and a air of reserve

Conculsion= ISFJ 9w1 2w1 6w5 Sp/So

Lord Lavender

Bluered Trickster
Oct 21, 2016
Instinctual Variant
If anyone wants to take a shot at typing the typer I will be more than happy to read what ya all have to say:D.


Aug 20, 2016
Instinctual Variant
i feel like i could cruise throuhh discord and see your last guess at my type, but i'm interested in what you would say at present...


Active member
Oct 4, 2016
I'm expecting ISFJ, but I'd like to see what you'd have to say if you could spare a moment. I know we haven't interacted much, but I do have a "Type Me" thread floating around here somewhere that you can look at if you need help. Most of my posts are in the Fluff forum so I don't think that will help either. But give it a shot if you'd like!

Lord Lavender

Bluered Trickster
Oct 21, 2016
Instinctual Variant

Your next and by the way I like your avi. Anyways typing wise you strike me as very I and Si using so that's ISxJ or INxP. Let's do some detective work Lavender and hmm you strike me as more Ti than Te so that's INTP/ISFJ. Overall I lean more INTP as you don't seem obviiusally Fe. Rather I get the impression your Ne is secondry as to me your Ne feels like something you use as your main way of interacting with the outer world. Your Dom Ti is also really obvious in how you like see the world through this Ti lenses. Now again to rule out ISFJ your Si is just coming into focus and in a a way it makes it stand out more as it isn't firmly engrained in your thinking like a Si Dom would be.

Now on your tritype I'd say your a 5w6 as you have this logical and detached air typical of 5s abd the more practical and security orenated w6 as opposed to the more ionclastoc w4. Second I get a gut type of some sort and I'd say I'm pretty sure your a 9w8 you have that somewhat grounded and down to earth guy energy that makes you seem quasi ISTJ at times. Lastly I'd say your 3w4 in image you seem obvious withdrawn triad to me bot a part of you like wants to assert your will and energy on the wider world which rules out triple withdrawn.

Lastly for your instinctual stacking you've always striked me as a obvious Sx last you have this really stable and calm energy that Sx lasts often give off. I'd lean Sp/So as you seem more focused on self care than social stuff but then double withdrawn So/Sp and IxTx would make you look super Sp anyways so I'd lean So/So.

Conculsion: INTP 5w6 9w8 3w4 So/Sp