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Lost at MBTI Sea


New member
Dec 30, 2015
Hi, could you guys take a look at this, please. My first language isn't english so my expression might be a bit un-english, but I hope the meaning is clear. :)

1) What aspect of your personality made you unsure of your type?
When I took a personality test like 5 years ago, I typed as INFJ. But now I type either as INFP or as ISFP. I’m pretty sure I’m an Introvert, probably a Feeler, but the rest I’m not sure about. I read a lot about the cognitive functions and I studied psychology ( where I learned about questionaries, I know what they’re getting at most of the time), so I might bend my answers on tests to get the desired type.
2) What do you yearn for in life? Why?
Personally or professionally? I want to belong and to be understood/accepted. I don’t want to be judged, I want to be free to express myself. I mean I don’t want to worry about what others might think if I dance on the street because I’m in a good mood. Or not buy the shirt I like because it’s not practical (I keep hearing my Mom telling me not to in my head). I don’t want to over think every situation both in advance and posteriorly. I want my mind (Mom) to shut up. Is this Social Anxiety or Fe? Ohhhh, and I could use some self confidence.

3) Think about a time where you felt like you were at your finest. Tell us what made you feel that way.
I worked abroad for about a year. It was the first time I was financially independent and emotionally free from all the toxic garbage mind games I have going on at home. It was very liberating to be actively doing something, not to be sitting at home letting life pass me by. Also I was communicating in a different language, so I could ‘hide my social disabilities’ behind my lack of language skills.

4) What makes you feel inferior?
Being talked down to. Not being heared. These make me really insecure.

5) What tends to weigh on your decisions? (Do you think about people, pro-cons, how you feel about it, etc.)
I mull over things, go back, try to look at pros and cons, but in the end decide impulsively. If I’m being honest trying to decide based on logic/practicality is a courtesy. Most of the time I decide at first sight based on how I feel about it (if I like it or not, scares me or not), and I’m just using logic to justify myself.

6) When working on a project what is normally your emphasis? Do you like to have control of the outcome?
I like to figure out practical problems, how to fix/build things, if a part is missing, what can I use to replace it. Looking around to see what can I utilize in my surroundings for that purpose. Lack of resources put me in the brainstorming/creative zone. I get very enthusiastic, vocal (to everyone’s surprise) and sometimes even get carried away. Especially when I make something, I tweak it up and up and up, until I go overboard with it. Usually the end product looks a lot less glamorous than the version in my mind.

7) Describe a time where you had a lot of fun. How is your memory of it?
Fun means laughing with my friends. It’s the best when we’re being silly from being overly tired. I like that inside jokes, bonding kinda group-y feeling. Just being carefree like children. Like when I worked abroad.

8) When you want to learn something new, what feels more natural for you?
When learning a language I like the ‘Let’s talk’ approach over the ‘Let’s practice the grammar’ approach even though I’m shy and slow to open up and share my thoughts.
I’m awful at learning dates, numbers and technical terms. I understand what I’ve read but can’t put it into words, it’s like an impression/feeling or a ghost you can’t touch. I like examples, they make it easier to remember stuff.

9) How organized do you think of yourself as?
Well, I can go without vacuuming, dishwashing for a long time…. And when I don’t have any clean spoons left I feel motivated enough to do the dishes. Or when I should be studying, I feel the need to tidy up. Otherwise I’m kinda laid back about it.

10) How do you judge new ideas? You try to understand the principles behind it to see if they make sense or do you look for information that supports it?
I don’t really understand what ideas mean in this context. In the INFP description it’s all about values and ideas, and I just can’t grasp them. Is it philosophical? Is it fantasy/conspiracy theory? Is it a practical solution? How realistic is it?
If it’s a new theory, I like to understand what it is, how it works, is it good for anything?

11) You find harmony by making sure everyone is doing fine and belonging to a given group or by making sure that you follow what you believe and being yourself?
I was taught to be polite and think of others needs, but being a ‘good girl’ tires me out sometimes. Growing up I didn’t have much self awareness, I didn’t have opinions, I didn’t have preferences. I’m learning how to stand up for myself now (and I’m well passed my teenage years). I still struggle with keeping my boundaries in place. But nowdays giving my needs up for others’ only makes me feel good if it’s appreciated. It makes me feel stubborn.

12) Are you the kind that thinks before speaking or do you speak before thinking? Do you prefer one-on-one communication or group discussions?
If I have to speak in front of more than 3 people I get flustered and can’t think straight and want to run away. I open up more easily in one on one. While listening to someone I get so attuned to them, that I don’t interpret what they’re saying, so talking actually helps me organize my thoughts into a response.

13) Do you jump into action right away or do you like to know where are you jumping before leaping? Does action speaks more than words?
I leap then figure things out on my way down. I trust actions more than words, actions are harder to fake, especially non-verbal communication.

14) It's Saturday. You're at home, and your favorite show is about to start. Your friends call you for a night out. What will you do?
I can’t ignore that it’s freezing outside right now, so I’d stay were I am cozy on my couch with my hot chocolate. Maybe in the summer.

15) How do you act when you're stressed out?
I fall apart, become totally indecisive and childish. I want people to comfort me but snap at them when they try to. I want to be left alone. I have this nervous energy, I snack, clean or do anything but what I should be doing.

16) What makes you dislike the personalities of some people?
It irritates me when people are indecisive about unimportant things. Know-it-alls, people who think they’re better irk me. I look down on fake people. Too kind, attentive and mothering people make me feel uncomfortable.

17) Is there anything you really like talking about with other people?
I like the creative/crazy brainstormings, where we’re bouncing off of each other’s crazy ideas. I like to talk to people who are receptive to the beautiful things in the everyday life.

18) What kind of things do you pay the least attention to in your life?
I don’t know because I don’t pay attention to them. Maybe it’s the impression I have on others. I try so hard to be invisible, I have no clue how others see me or if they notice/remember me at all.

19) How do your friends perceive you? What is wrong about their perception? ? What would your friends never say about your personality ?
See above. I’ve never asked them. I might seem childish sometimes, but I only let myself be that way with my closest friends/family. I might come across as a playful puppy to keep the mood light, at least sometimes I feel like I try to hard to be positive. I’m more judgmental about people that I let on. I tell a lot of white lies to make them feel better and to make them feel understood.

20) You got a whole day to do whatever you like. What kind of activities do you feel like doing?

Going for a walk in nature in the sunshine, biking, swimming, dancing. But most of the time I end up reading a book on my balcony in my hammock or watching tv shows. I need to find new friends to do outdoors-y things with, or at least get a dog. I feel like doing something creative like painting, writing, singing but I don’t have the talent. So I stick to arts and crafts.

Galaxy Gazer

New member
Dec 27, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Sounds like you live in the moment and have a lot of practical skills. Those things usually go with Se. My guess is ISFP.


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2015
Instinctual Variant
I do see Se here, so I will go with NJ or SP. I see more F than T, but that isn't clear to me enough to be definitive.

F doms dislike being talked down to, with their T in the inferior.

As much as you seem very introverted, I don't know if that is social introversion or cognitive introversion. Plus Feelers users who did not grow up in a supportive environment often become introverted as a response.

I see potential for Fe or Fi doms or auxs (might be influenced by childhood), so maybe you should explore those more.

I see you struggle with boundaries and values, which might be Fe, but Fi users who haven't developed their core can struggle with that as well.

Making decisions based upon feelings then using logic to back it up feels Fe, but that could be conditioning, that voice of your mother's in your head.

How you act when really stressed out shows your inferior function. Our inferior function is like that of a 3 year old, especially when young. So, for INXJs that is Se, for ENFJs that is Ti, ENTJs that is Fi, ISTPs that is Fe, for ESXPs that is Ni, and ISFPs that is Te.

You said you get childish. That could be Se, Fi, or Fe. It doesn't sound like Te (which, when a IXFP is in the grip, becomes hypercritical of others), or Ti (which becomes hypercritical of self). But maybe you can describe it more.

Se can get foolish when in control in the inferior, as INXJs spend money with silliness and seek empty stimulation with indulging in food, sex, drugs, alcohol, etc.


New member
Dec 30, 2015
Thanks for your answer!

As a byproduct of studying psychology I started to analyze my behaviour and feelings in social situations. Now I can’t stop. Until then I was just uncomfortable in social situations and was hiding in my bubble unaware of anything around or inside me.
After this much analyzing I have no clue what’s me and what’s some borrowed dysfunctional cooping mechanism. I was hoping finding out my type would tell me what was my original baggage, and I could ignore the garbage. But looks like I have to put in the work and work through the garbage to get to my core.

What’s the difference between social and cognitive introversion?
When I’m around people a lot, I get emotionally tired and have to get away. Even on family vacations, after a couple of days, I need my ipod and some alone time. Otherwise I get cranky, sarcastic and rude, what sadly I kinda enjoy.

Some more tidbits that I can’t place:
-I’m bad at saying no.
-Close-ups in film are like an all you can eat buffet of emotiones for me. I can’t take my eyes off the screen. I try to drink in every little detail. I get really sucked in emotionally.
-In books/films when I feel something in a character that resonates with me, that’s when I can identify with them. It’s rare but there are scenes where an intense feeling just hits me, it’s coming from inside me, but I assume it’s how they must be feeling, it’s like an understanding. It only happens when I had a personal experience with that feeling before.
-I identify with characters who are strong but wounded or had some injustice done to them. Injustice is my soft spot. Frodo really irritates me (he must be rubbing something the wrong way in my subconscious).
-I know typing fictional characters isn’t accurate, but most of my favorite ones are ESFP or ESTP.
-I like to plan out situations in my mind. I tend to do this on the bus. Like, when there are tourist. I come up with a scene in my mind about what I’d say to them if they asked me directions. They’re pretty reality based. Maybe it’s just social anxiety.

My mom spends a lot of time in my head trying to direct me….
She was (still is) over-caring but I feel like there was a gap between her efforts and my needs. She is like an unstoppable train of helpfulness and empathy coming blindly full-force at you. If you try to stop it, the train goes off track and explodes. She’s confident that she knows what people need, but she doesn’t check in with reality, and when she’s mistaken she gets offended and ends up as the victim. (Can this be a dysfunctional INFJ trait?) So I might have learned not to value my feelings/needs, because she was always there telling me what I needed or insulted my choices.

Can early childhood feelings lead to over-compensation, overriding Fi with Fe? How can I find out if I’m Fe or core-undeveloped Fi?

Can grip reactions be conditioned? They seem more trustworthy and un-corruptible. Making rushed decisions to get out of a situation and eating when nervous sounds familiar. A lot of the time when I should be doing something (phone sy, write an e-mail), I procrastinate and eat or tidy up instead.


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Thanks for your answer!
No problem. I love to help others and especially help them find themselves. I was a lost soul a year ago, so I am still in the process and learning about myself and discovering me. It is a good journey and the cost of it in pain is well worth it. I wish you luck.

As a byproduct of studying psychology I started to analyze my behaviour and feelings in social situations. Now I can’t stop. Until then I was just uncomfortable in social situations and was hiding in my bubble unaware of anything around or inside me.
After this much analyzing I have no clue what’s me and what’s some borrowed dysfunctional cooping mechanism. I was hoping finding out my type would tell me what was my original baggage, and I could ignore the garbage. But looks like I have to put in the work and work through the garbage to get to my core.
There is no substitute for inner work. It isn't always fun and my old obvious life was easier, but years of anxiety from not being yourself is awful. It is well worth the cost.

What’s the difference between social and cognitive introversion?

Cognitive introverts lead with an introverted function, Si, Ni, Fi, or Ti. Their first way of thinking is interior. Introverted functions tend to be more reserved and harder to explain to others.

An example from my life: I thought I was an introverted person socially and cognitively. I didn't live that way, as I can clearly see now. I just thought of myself that way.

Now a INFJ and ENFJ are very similar in many ways, but the ENFJ react and act much quicker than INFJs and INFJs tend to see things deeper. When I first accepted I was a NFJ (which was huge struggle because I was sure I was a ISTP), the idea of being extroverted seemed impossible. But I react and decide with lightning speed.

My INFJ sister is much more reserved. She isn't anti social by any means, but isn't super outgoing either.

So, I really am a social and cognitive extrovert, needing and engaging with others more than I ever thought possible.

Introverts in general need time to recharge after social functions. Extroverts get energized by social functions.

When I’m around people a lot, I get emotionally tired and have to get away. Even on family vacations, after a couple of days, I need my ipod and some alone time. Otherwise I get cranky, sarcastic and rude, what sadly I kinda enjoy.
You appear to be a introvert then. But extroverts do better with alone time as well...so isn't a solid determiner.

Some more tidbits that I can’t place:
-I’m bad at saying no.
Me too. I find this to be true for both Fi and Fe.
-Close-ups in film are like an all you can eat buffet of emotions for me. I can’t take my eyes off the screen. I try to drink in every little detail. I get really sucked in emotionally.
Se plus F....I get really impacted this way, but I don't know if it is predominantly a Fe or Fi trait.
-In books/films when I feel something in a character that resonates with me, that’s when I can identify with them. It’s rare but there are scenes where an intense feeling just hits me, it’s coming from inside me, but I assume it’s how they must be feeling, it’s like an understanding. It only happens when I had a personal experience with that feeling before.
I do this as well, but not only if I had the experience as well. I can feel anyone's pain, place myself in their shoes, and feel it wash over me. I can access the emotions that I have never experienced and feel connected. I have been told this is a Fi thing, but I don't know. It is just something I do, but I am not a Fi user.
-I identify with characters who are strong but wounded or had some injustice done to them. Injustice is my soft spot. Frodo really irritates me (he must be rubbing something the wrong way in my subconscious).
Frodo irritates you, lol. He suffers from injustice....an unfair burden, an impossible quest.... hmmm, you might want to explore why he bothers you.... It might lead to interesting self-knowledge. Most things that bother us in others are aspects of ourselves we hate. The superego wants to hide things from you to protect you, but it does a bad job.

-I know typing fictional characters isn’t accurate, but most of my favorite ones are ESFP or ESTP.
Se users pull you. Tert is your fun function, so you could be a tert Se.

-I like to plan out situations in my mind. I tend to do this on the bus. Like, when there are tourist. I come up with a scene in my mind about what I’d say to them if they asked me directions. They’re pretty reality based. Maybe it’s just social anxiety.
I used to plan out everything in my mind. Then I realized recently that is unnecessary because that is Ti. With Fe, I know how to act and how to be in the best manner, without worrying about I am going to say.... pretty cool, actually, as I used to plan everything unless I was really in the flow and very me..... then I just let it fly and I was doing great.

My mom spends a lot of time in my head trying to direct me….
She was (still is) over-caring but I feel like there was a gap between her efforts and my needs. She is like an unstoppable train of helpfulness and empathy coming blindly full-force at you. If you try to stop it, the train goes off track and explodes. She’s confident that she knows what people need, but she doesn’t check in with reality, and when she’s mistaken she gets offended and ends up as the victim. (Can this be a dysfunctional INFJ trait?) So I might have learned not to value my feelings/needs, because she was always there telling me what I needed or insulted my choices.
Fe can be overpowering to others, leading to resistance. But if you ignored your own Fe as a response(that is still an if, you could be Fi), hers would be very commanding.

Can early childhood feelings lead to over-compensation, overriding Fi with Fe? How can I find out if I’m Fe or core-undeveloped Fi?
Childhood issues can mess things up. You shouldn't move from Fi to Fe, but might move from Fi to Te or Fe to Ti. If we are not nurtured and validated, we grow up hard and cold.

Finding the difference can be hard. Maybe it is easier to see if you use Te or Ti.... looking for internal truth versus a global truth is Ti, looking for internal meaning versus external meaning is Fi.

Now Fe doms and auxs tend to ignore their own feelings, because they just look elsewhere. They find peace and harmony by having a peaceful and harmonious external world. Fi doms and auxs are looking at their core fit authenticity, the true them, with their true values.

One thing I have noticed is that Fi users can act in a value oriented way, about some core thing, but talk in the language of reason. My BIL is a ESFP and last year decided to quit his job and start a business. But he didn't have an plans or budgets or anything, but was sure he was right. He used reasonable sounding ideas, but had no reason or logic behind them.

Fe users tend to be more logically oriented, but focused mostly on meaning and understanding, versus pure logical consistency like Ti dom or aux.

I don't know if this helps, but it can get confusing. I do believe you use Ti vs Te, so that makes for likely a Fe user....

Can grip actions be conditioned? They seem more trustworthy and un-corruptible. Making rushed decisions to get out of a situation and eating when nervous sounds familiar. A lot of the time when I should be doing something (phone sy, write an e-mail), I procrastinate and eat or tidy up instead.

Yes. We can later get stuck out of habit.

For example, my wife is a ISFP. I thought she was a ESTJ, But realized her Te sounding judgments were really lacking reasons. They were silly judgments and she hated me analyzing her reasoning. She is gradually healing from this (and I don't want to derail this and talk about myself), but she struggles jumping back between Fi and Te, but it is mostly conditioning for her now....


New member
Dec 30, 2015
It’s a lot to take in. I’ve mulled over it, logic didn’t help. I’ve slept on it, but no sneaky dream insight from my subconscious came. I’m so deep in this, I can explain everything both ways now (Fe vs. Fi, Ti vs. Te….) I need to get out and do something constructive! 
Se means Ni, right? Can I have a strong Ni without understanding it or feeling it?

Sometimes when I come out of the movie theater, I feel like I’m that character I identified with, like I went through the same cathartic experience. Like if I looked in the mirror I’d see her. It takes me a couple of minutes to come back to reality. Is this Fe?

Frodo suffers so spectacularly, it looks over acted. I mean just suck it up, man! It’s that pained desperate expression on his face that gets to me. It’s over the top, it’s unrealistic, it’s like he’s giving up. Maybe I don’t trust him, that he’s strong enough to handle the quest.
It’s a good game actually, cleaning out my Jungian shadow. Let’s see who else irritates me?

When I plan these imaginary conversations, most of the time they’re not gonna happen, they are just hypothetical situations. It’s more like inventing conversations than planning for a real situation. When I plan for real life events, I just psyche myself out, and freeze in the real situation because it’s not how I planed it.

I don’t resist my mom’s Fe, I’m totally submissive. So If I used Fe healthily (if I have it), would I stand up to her? What would Fi do with a strong Fe “opponent”? Would it stand up for itself?
So Fi can’t be conditioned to prefer Fe behaviour. Under childhood pressure, it learns to prefer it’s Ti function.
If Ti prefers to compare internal and global truth, Te looks at global truth? Could you give me an example?

Fe sounds like sacrificing your own happiness for others’. How does this satisfy Fe? It reminds me again of my mom. She’s so ready to pleas others and to sacrifice herself. It’s painful to watch, and hard not to take advantage of sometimes.

That Fi “empty” reasoning sounds familiar. It sounds like my decision making process. I know what I want to/will decide. But I try to be logical about it (because I learned I should be), and when I can’t come up with reasoning that supports/covers my decision (satisfies mom in my head), I’ll just decide ‘impulsively” and end up feeling bad for my rushed decision . Also when I argue/debate with my sister, she picks my reasoning apart in minutes, and always wins.
Or am I just misinterpreting this? Can my mom have this big influence on me? That I try to hide my original functions?

I meant to ask about the grip conditioning, if the grip always reflects your real type? You can’t learn to use someone else’s grip reaction, can you?
Can you stay in grip or loops for years?


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2015
Instinctual Variant
It’s a lot to take in. I’ve mulled over it, logic didn’t help. I’ve slept on it, but no sneaky dream insight from my subconscious came. I’m so deep in this, I can explain everything both ways now (Fe vs. Fi, Ti vs. Te….) I need to get out and do something constructive! 
Se means Ni, right? Can I have a strong Ni without understanding it or feeling it?
Ni is hard to express or understand, by nature.

Sometimes when I come out of the movie theater, I feel like I’m that character I identified with, like I went through the same cathartic experience. Like if I looked in the mirror I’d see her. It takes me a couple of minutes to come back to reality. Is this Fe?
It could me Fi and likely is for you.

Frodo suffers so spectacularly, it looks over acted. I mean just suck it up, man! It’s that pained desperate expression on his face that gets to me. It’s over the top, it’s unrealistic, it’s like he’s giving up. Maybe I don’t trust him, that he’s strong enough to handle the quest.
I guess you didn't read the books. The burden is overwhelming. It would have crushed any man or elf. Gollum was a hobbit before the ring. He feels that much pain, he is overwhelmed, but goes on.

From your statement, I would vote Fi for you.

It’s a good game actually, cleaning out my Jungian shadow. Let’s see who else irritates me?

When I plan these imaginary conversations, most of the time they’re not gonna happen, they are just hypothetical situations. It’s more like inventing conversations than planning for a real situation. When I plan for real life events, I just psyche myself out, and freeze in the real situation because it’s not how I planed it.

I don’t resist my mom’s Fe, I’m totally submissive. So If I used Fe healthily (if I have it), would I stand up to her? What would Fi do with a strong Fe “opponent”? Would it stand up for itself?
So Fi can’t be conditioned to prefer Fe behaviour. Under childhood pressure, it learns to prefer it’s Ti function.
If Ti prefers to compare internal and global truth, Te looks at global truth? Could you give me an example?
I find Te users more accepting of government science ideas, on health, global warming, food, etc., while Ti digs holes in the reasoning.

Ti users take conventional reasoning and flip it over. Te users take conventional reasoning and make things with it.

Fe sounds like sacrificing your own happiness for others’. How does this satisfy Fe? It reminds me again of my mom. She’s so ready to pleas others and to sacrifice herself. It’s painful to watch, and hard not to take advantage of sometimes.
It is a struggle, but healthy Fe users learn to include themselves inside the group they are trying to accommodate. They create boundaries.

That Fi “empty” reasoning sounds familiar. It sounds like my decision making process. I know what I want to/will decide. But I try to be logical about it (because I learned I should be), and when I can’t come up with reasoning that supports/covers my decision (satisfies mom in my head), I’ll just decide ‘impulsively” and end up feeling bad for my rushed decision . Also when I argue/debate with my sister, she picks my reasoning apart in minutes, and always wins.
Picking apart logic is Ti. Since it looks like you are a Fi user, you need to realize you are not communicating on the same plane. Don't debate. Find your values and then look externally for reasoning to support your values. It will be much meter for you and more satisfying.

Or am I just misinterpreting this? Can my mom have this big influence on me? That I try to hide my original functions?
It is possible. You could be completely living in your shadow. But I doubt it. As a Fi dom, you need to spend alone time finding your core. It might take awhile. Therapy might help a lot. But once you find it, you will no longer hear your mom's voice in your head. Perhaps what you call your mom's voice is really type own that you haven't nurtured.

But explore yourself. Sit with your emotions. Find what they are telling you. Each time something bothers you, find out why. Such is showing where tor boundaries are. Developing and maintaining boundaries is very important for Fs.

I meant to ask about the grip conditioning, if the grip always reflects your real type? You can’t learn to use someone else’s grip reaction, can you?
Can you stay in grip or loops for years?

You can be conditioned to anything. You can stay in the grip for decades.

I suspect ISFP is the best fit for you, but explore it on your own. Try to see if it really fits you. See if you really have core values. See if you use Se and Ni.

And don't try to reason with people until you are confident in yourself. Your Fi needs to be loved and respected by you. You need to validate yourself.


New member
Dec 30, 2015
Thanks for talking this through with me!
In my head I just kept going around and around, introspecting so much, and I figured that's a normal INFJ thing. I didn't realize, I don't have a real reference point. Those happy Se moments I had, seemed like outbursts were I lost control an then felt guilty about it. But being an INFJ seemd too daunting. When I read the ISFP description I just felt peace.
Now I have to really listen, not let myself be fould by my defence mechanisems, and figure out which of the two is the healthy mechanism. (I've always liked Jung :))
Thanks again, you helped a lot and not just with my mbti type! :)


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Thanks for talking this through with me!
In my head I just kept going around and around, introspecting so much, and I figured that's a normal INFJ thing. I didn't realize, I don't have a real reference point. Those happy Se moments I had, seemed like outbursts were I lost control an then felt guilty about it. But being an INFJ seemd too daunting. When I read the ISFP description I just felt peace.
Now I have to really listen, not let myself be fould by my defence mechanisems, and figure out which of the two is the healthy mechanism. (I've always liked Jung :))
Thanks again, you helped a lot and not just with my mbti type! :)

Glad I could help. Don't be intimidated by any type description. Just be you.

In the last 9 months I went from ISTP to INFP to INFJ to ENFJ, largely because I saw myself better. I was so blinded to the real me that I thought of myself far different than I really am and lived my life. I was never a ISTP, just a ENFJ in an ugly loop for too many years, with my superego protecting me from pain and from myself. I like myself far better today and feel much happier and healthier.

The closer you get to the real you, free of ego constructs, programmed scripts, habitual reactions, etc., the happier and freer you will become.

Again, if you really are a ISFP, you will benefit from exploring your Fi. Don't elect it to be an easy project. Just strive from authenticity and take pleasure in your moments, each and every one. A ISFP isn't necessarily an artist, but their life can be living art, a shining example of their principles.

Good luck and have fun exploring you.


New member
Feb 18, 2017
I notice it's been more than a year since you wrote this post, and maybe you've figured out your type in the meantime, but in case you haven't, I was thinking I might offer my own idea...

"I like to figure out practical problems, how to fix/build things, if a part is missing, what can I use to replace it. Looking around to see what can I utilize in my surroundings for that purpose. Lack of resources put me in the brainstorming/creative zone." - that seems like Ti and Ne, despite the inclination towards humanitarian aspects and beauty of world, noticeable all around. Despite general assumption, dominant Ti's can have and usually have quite good Fi - it's another side of Ti - inner mechanism of morals, just like Ti is inner mechanism of ideas and things. Someone who prefers Ti will not be incompetent at Fi, and the two are in reality quite interlaced.

" Know-it-alls, people who think they’re better irk me" - irritation with Te, therefor preference of Ti.

"I like the creative/crazy brainstormings, where we’re bouncing off of each other’s crazy ideas." - definite preference of Ne, in a high position.

"I mull over things, go back, try to look at pros and cons, but in the end decide impulsively." - introverted judging function(supporting the Ti/Fi use) with an extroverted perceiving function, and therefor a perceiving type.

"Fun means laughing with my friends." - that suggests use of Fe.

"I was taught to be polite and think of others needs, but being a ‘good girl’ tires me out sometimes. Growing up I didn’t have much self awareness, I didn’t have opinions, I didn’t have preferences. I’m learning how to stand up for myself now (and I’m well passed my teenage years). I still struggle with keeping my boundaries in place. But nowdays giving my needs up for others’ only makes me feel good if it’s appreciated" - that suggest Fe in an inferior position, where it has to struggle to maintain boundaries, despite the wish to be polite and to help.

"I have no clue how others see me or if they notice/remember me at all. I might seem childish sometimes,.... I might come across as a playful puppy to keep the mood light, at least sometimes I feel like I try to hard to be positive." - still Fe and in an inferior position.

"If I have to speak in front of more than 3 people I get flustered and can’t think straight and want to run away. I open up more easily in one on one." - introvert

"I can’t ignore that it’s freezing outside right now, so I’d stay were I am cozy on my couch with my hot chocolate" - preference of Si over Se.

"Well, I can go without vacuuming, dishwashing for a long time…. And when I don’t have any clean spoons left I feel motivated enough to do the dishes. Or when I should be studying, I feel the need to tidy up. Otherwise I’m kinda laid back about it." - Si in an inferior position

"become totally indecisive" - strong Ne, but not in the first position - analysis paralysis

"and childish. I want people to comfort me but snap at them when they try to" - again Fe in an inferior position.

" I snack, clean or do anything but what I should be doing." - Si in an inferior position.

"In the INFP description it’s all about values and ideas, and I just can’t grasp them. Is it philosophical? Is it fantasy/conspiracy theory? Is it a practical solution? How realistic is it?
If it’s a new theory, I like to understand what it is, how it works, is it good for anything?"
- High Ti, with high Ne, and low Fe - hard to actually "feel" other's emotions

All in all, definitely IN_P.

98.9432 % sure you are an INTP.

Congratulations. I personally like that type more than any other type.