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Just Let Me (Love) Type (!) You


Active member
Oct 4, 2016
In this thread I'll be typing anyone who asks for it.

I love these kind of threads and since I'm always asking to be typed, I figured I'd give back.

I'll be typing using any data you give me. If I can't access your previous posts for whatever reason, I'll need a questionnaire, mini-essay, video, story, or paragraph -- just give me something.

I have my own system of typing I've developed over the years that I'll be using to type people, so get ready.

You don't have to agree; just bear with me, please.

Ooh, and a favorite music video would be cool. Or favorite story. Give me all the things, yo.

Just sign up by saying "I would like to be typed" or something to that effect. I'll respond as quickly as I can.

I'll give you as detailed of a profile as I can muster.

Please be kind... and have fun!

If you have any questions about how I type, don't hesitate to post here or even shoot me a message.

Thank you.

Saturnal Snowqueen

Solastalgia 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊
Jan 9, 2019
Instinctual Variant
Oooh, this sounds pretty cool, sign me up. Search function seems broken for everyone at the moment, so I'll probably do a questionnaire. Are you doing the whole shebangs(tritype, IVs, MBTI), or just one system?

(Update-enneagram would be cool too)


Active member
Oct 4, 2016
Oooh, this sounds pretty cool, sign me up. Search function seems broken for everyone at the moment, so I'll probably do a questionnaire. Are you doing the whole shebangs(tritype, IVs, MBTI), or just one system?
I'll mostly do MBTI, but I'll take a shot at Enneagram, too -- if it's requested. I'm familiar with it; I just need to brush up on it. I'm happy to do whatever's asked of me if it makes people happy.


Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant



Active member
Oct 4, 2016
@Saprophytic Aphrodite:

We just had a discussion about how I type, so please be kind. I don't mind if you disagree. I just don't want the thread shut down lol

Let's see.

I tried searching a bit in the forum for some posts you made, and considering you didn't give me anything to work with, I decided to take a stab using my vibe meter and went for ENFJ/INFP. Not the two, just either or.

Point #1 for ENFJ: You have the assertiveness of an Fe dom. For some reason, I see the Fe/Ti playing in circles with you in your mind. And the current profile picture you have of the woman with the pink hair seems very Se/Ni. It seems like you have some sort of vision that you're playing with. You want things on your profile to look a certain way, so you adjust your settings accordingly. Ni/Se is all about maintaining images toward the end of achieving an end--a vision. That particular image evokes strong impressions in me of other NFJs I've interacted with on the forum. And before you go, "Well, shit. I'm an introverted fuck. Whaddya sayin', ya nutter?"... just chill a sec. In our private conversations, I noted a certain focus and certainty I associate with Ni/Se, naturally. And Fe in guiding the mood toward a particular goal. Hence Fe/Ni.
Point #1 for INFP: I don't think INFP is as good a fit as ENFJ is, but if you would like to remain introverted or see the other side of what an ENFJ might be, I suggest INFP. INFP's have the fiestiness of ENFJs, just in a more creative package. Plus 200% more passion. INFPs also have the same sensitivity that ENFJs seem to possess. Then again, I don't imagine you're an introvert. If you are, you're very self-confident.

And that's never a bad thing.

Peter Deadpan

phallus impudicus
Dec 14, 2016
@Saprophytic Aphrodite:

We just had a discussion about how I type, so please be kind. I don't mind if you disagree. I just don't want the thread shut down lol

Let's see.

I tried searching a bit in the forum for some posts you made, and considering you didn't give me anything to work with, I decided to take a stab using my vibe meter and went for ENFJ/INFP. Not the two, just either or.

Point #1 for ENFJ: You have the assertiveness of an Fe dom. For some reason, I see the Fe/Ti playing in circles with you in your mind. And the current profile picture you have of the woman with the pink hair seems very Se/Ni. It seems like you have some sort of vision that you're playing with. You want things on your profile to look a certain way, so you adjust your settings accordingly. Ni/Se is all about maintaining images toward the end of achieving an end--a vision. That particular image evokes strong impressions in me of other NFJs I've interacted with on the forum. And before you go, "Well, shit. I'm an introverted fuck. Whaddya sayin', ya nutter?"... just chill a sec. In our private conversations, I noted a certain focus and certainty I associate with Ni/Se, naturally. And Fe in guiding the mood toward a particular goal. Hence Fe/Ni.
Point #1 for INFP: I don't think INFP is as good a fit as ENFJ is, but if you would like to remain introverted or see the other side of what an ENFJ might be, I suggest INFP. INFP's have the fiestiness of ENFJs, just in a more creative package. Plus 200% more passion. INFPs also have the same sensitivity that ENFJs seem to possess. Then again, I don't imagine you're an introvert. If you are, you're very self-confident.

And that's never a bad thing.

Oh good... I've fooled you.

I particularly liked the following:

It seems like you have some sort of vision that you're playing with. You want things on your profile to look a certain way, so you adjust your settings accordingly.

Also, this was funny, in a sad "I'm a huge piece of shit" sorta way:

please be kind. I don't mind if you disagree. I just don't want the thread shut down lol

Thanks for the assessment.


Active member
Oct 4, 2016
...to make the lives of the people I care about better.
Sounds INFJ
Most: Gluttony or Lust, I suppose, because I like pleasure and sometimes have very strong appetites. Possibly Sloth because I rarely get bored: I can be quite happy not doing very much.
Another INFJ point. "Sloth" is actually defined as being lazy and it's quite a negative trait. High Ni users are known for being lazy if they're not trying to reach their life's goal. I'd say "lust" comes from inferior Se.
Least: Pride because, though I like myself, I don't like to rub the ways I'm better or luckier than others in their faces. I don't feel I'm more deserving of basic things like love or happiness than others.
Aux Fe, inf Se
Smart, witty, kind, sweet, thoughtful, interesting, well read, insightful, brave, honest, passionate, deep feeling, caring, patient, funny, insightful.
And looking back, I can see that I am drawn to people who may need help or who have experienced something unfair because the hurt and unfairness bother me and I want to fix them.
All very typical INFJ traits in my opinion.

Heh. I don't know. Looking at my friend group, one of my close friends is a likely INFJ who is kind and sweet, thoughtful and smart. Largely it's people who are not superficial. And who are not stuck up, people who appreciate a goofy sense of humor.
The goofy sense of humor is a big one. INFJs love witty comebacks, and shadow Ne is a magnet for punny kinds of things. Could your friend be an ENTP by any chance? Don't shoot, I'm just wondering lmao
Mean, rude, purposely hurtful, needlessly judgmental, unfeeling, unkind.
The 4th one fits with Ni/Se, and Fe/Ti protecting the Ni vision that is carefully gathered and forged by Se.
Making traction advancing their life plans. Not getting off track due to emotional/mental illness, not struggling for contentment in all important aspects of life.
INFJ high standards
I mostly feel this when there is injustice, or when I have personally been insulted in some way. It usually either doesn't come out, or comes out as ranting at home (particularly if there is nothing I can do about whatever it is) or passive aggressiveness. I try to be better about the passive aggressive tendency, by trying to stay calm and communicate in a more healthy non accusatory way, such as when in a disagreement with someone close to me.
Aux Fe
My shame revolves around my experiences of romantic love and sex. Also in not having the work I've put into getting better regarding anxiety/OCD recognized.
Ni/Se interaction (second phrase), with a hint of Fe/Ti (mainly Ti) fears (first)
I am afraid of being unloved, alone, not in control of my own surroundings or life or mind or body -dementia/severe mental illness. I have had panic attacks /severe anxiety.
Fe/Se interaction with the panic attacks
What I want more than anything.
Would it be fair to say you want a partner that understands you deeply? INFJs tend to get fully immersed in their partner. The emphaticness of this phrase suggests that might be the case.
Generally I don't like it. If it's mature and constructive, good. If it's childish, with a lack of understanding, and purposely hurtful, no. I sometimes want to interject and stop conflict that I'm not part of if I can see that misunderstandings between the parties involved have somehow led to/furthered the conflict.
General INFJ wanting to mediate and help what needs to be helped by reading the mood. Fe/Ti af lmao
Love/not feeling good enough/not feeling loved. Difficulty navigating around obstacles that have interrupted life plans.
Ni/Se (not feeling loved) ~ Ni/Fe/Ti (life plans)
I have a interdisciplinary degree with a focus on English, psychology, and math. I chose this because I wanted to stay at the college I had started attending, and planned on going to grad school. If I could change things, I would go to grad school for English or psychology.
Typical Ni freak out at not being able to follow through with life plans. Ni/Se there, Fe/Ti for the type of choice in degree made.
How pleasant they are, what their emotions are, and if I'm not just observing, reciprocating whatever kindness they put my way, being friendly. Make conversation based on what I know about them, shared interests, jokes.
Fe/Ti in bonding with people over commonalities.
As a whole, meh. On an individual level, I love some of them. We're animals at a basic level. But we can try to be better in some ways. Not all of us do, though. Biggest problems? Our pride, shortsightedness, and thirst for revenge.
Ni - "we're animals"; "shortsightedness"
Fe - "not all of us do, though"
Se - "thirst for revenge"
Making things with yarn, photography, working out/dance, listening to music, personality theory (duh), reading about assorted interesting topics online and going down different internet rabbit holes.
Ni/Se for the first four, Ni/Fe/Ti for the last two. Ti likes theories. Ni likes making theories and finding truths. Ni and Ti make a great pair in that regard.
Lately I haven't had much opportunity to hang out with friends in person. For several years after I moved away from many of them, we Skyped once a week for several hours, and it would generally be a group of 3-5 people, though sometimes 2 and sometimes 9. Before moving, it was a gathering once a week in person with those same people. Once a month we would have a themed pot luck, which was a blast, and sometimes do things like have an unwanted gift exchange or a party themed around a movie. I tended to be the organizer of the group. Without me, I think it would have fallen apart long before it did (which was due to other people moving, a needed change in location, and the death of one of my friends.)
Fe/Ti in planning events for your friends. Ni in having a certain interest that you go back to time after time and never tire of.
Actions, because if there is a discrepancy, it's the actions that will reflect the truth.
Ni as hell. Ni seeks truth. So here, we have Se seeking data for Ni's vision, and Fe/Ti wanting to pound people for not behaving in a morally acceptable way to the INFJ.
I wouldn't be happy about this, in fact I would hate it, but all the others are worse punishments.
Living forever, having everyone I love die? Over and over and over and over? And the possibility of being in pain for eternity... NO!
I wouldn't be myself without my memories.
How poor are we talking? I'm experienced enough to know that I don't want to have food/shelter be on my mind 24/7.
No passion? What would be the point of life?
Mean, vengeful, spiteful, hypocritical, dumb, unlovable, worthless, alone, unhappy, unfulfilled.
INFJs often feel "worthless" if they aren't doing their life's work. Ni is all about feeling fulfilled. Fe/Ti is about human connection and socializing with others of our species to create beauty. Actually, all of these things scream INFJ to me. Having Ti in the tertiary position means you probably feel dumb a lot. But you're definitely not! A lot of INFJs can feel spiteful, but because it's something you don't want to become, you have a high degree of self-awareness and decently developed Ni/Se pairs.
I tend to merge in a limerence sort of way, with romantic interests. I think I can sometimes merge with characters in fiction, or in artistic photography that I make. It's addicting, mesmerizing, wonderful, and horrible all at the same time.
INFJs merge with their art because they have a craving to turn their life's vision into reality. As a result, their partner or friend has a friend for all time.

And I'm sorry about your OCD. I hope you find treatment soon.
An organized mess. I know where things are, even if they don't look organized to the outsider. I don't have enough furniture for things to be neatly arranged. Yes, I plan on fixing that. When? I have no idea.

Plans, if it's something that stresses me out, plans are the way I can try to retain some control and lessen my anxiety.

If it's a small thing, like what's for dinner? Impulse and surprise are fine.
XXXJ types are known to be organized on the outside, yet chaotic on the inside. So their surroundings tend to reflect their mind sometimes. This pegs you as a J type -- to me.
Comfort is safety, security, freedom from harm, freedom from having control of the environment taken away. And at the same time, being able to feel so safe that I can relinquish control. Being able to trust someone's intentions. Being able to trust myself to handle whatever arises.

It's not having to worry about making the rent or paying other bills. It's having heat and air conditioning. It's having a comfortable bed to curl up in.
Ni/Se in wanting things your own way, and wanting to trust (shadow Ne). Fe/Ti in wanting to trust yourself.

I had a look at the videos as well.

"Creep" is INFJ-vibing to me because of all the metaphors used to describe the subject and how it relates to the character.
"Learning to Fly" has a lot of metaphoric imagery in the video, so point #1 for INFJ.
And "I Won't Back Down" has lyrics reminiscent of how INFJs fight for causes, but also fight for themselves and struggle with it.

I hope that shed some light on the subject! Let me know if I can help you with anything else.

Peter Deadpan

phallus impudicus
Dec 14, 2016
Ah, so what type do you think you are? Or is it some big secret? :mellow:

I want to know if I'm doin' this right, home bros. :doh:

I'm currently attempting to determine my type in a system of 512 types (Objective Personality). When I know, I'm sure I'll post about it. I can assure you that despite my "aggressive" tendencies, I'm actually quite reserved and introspective, and I do not like extending myself for others the way that Je types will. I very much live in my own bubble and like it that way.


Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant
I'm not sure I got a good read on what you think.... was it INFJ? ;)

Thoughts on enneagram?


Active member
Oct 4, 2016
I'm not sure I got a good read on what you think.... was it INFJ? ;)

Thoughts on enneagram?
lmao bruh!! bruh
I think your Enneagram's the same as mine, because I related a lot to what you said. But different wings.

3w4 6w5 9w6

Let me know if that sounds chill, or nuh


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2014
Type me!



Oct 25, 2017
Instinctual Variant
lmao bruh!! bruh
I think your Enneagram's the same as mine, because I related a lot to what you said. But different wings.

3w4 6w5 9w6

Let me know if that sounds chill, or nuh

Well, I type as 952. With 9 core, I can see how attachment types jumped out at you. :) I also strongly considered the possibility of 6 being in my tritype, but 5 fits better. 3 and 8 are my least likely types. I sometimes consider whether I might be a 1 or a 2, but I'm 99% ;) sure I'm a 9.

Thanks for taking the time to type me and for going into such depth with your response. :)

Earl Grey

Well-known member
Dec 3, 2017
Instinctual Variant
This is gonna be interesting. I'm signing up.

Red Memories

Haunted Echoes
Jun 3, 2017
Instinctual Variant
*pokes head in*

hey you we've had lots of typology fun. XD

this is my most recent typing thread, I answered a lot of stuff here so XD
type me and AMA

have a couple songs also, these are some favorites:

My favorite books are within the genre of realistic fiction. I like Victorian-era classical novels as well. Charles Dickens is a favorite author of mine. I also love "The Lovely Bones" by Alice Sebold.

My favorite movie guy is Tim Burton. His visions are so...amazing. My favorite movie is The Nightmare Before Christmas. I'm not a big movie buff but I'll sit and watch that one for sure. XD

ok have at it MBTI + Enneagram throw some instincts in there too. Let's see what you come up with. :D


Dec 13, 2013
Instinctual Variant
This seems interesting, everyone on this forum thinks I am an ENFP, my friends and family think I am an ISFP, I wonder what you'll think up, I am in.

Essay: On Joy!:
Abstract: Internal happiness doesn’t come from the world but by meditating on God’s word, worshipping God, and praying. Living a life of thanksgiving, and commitments, thinking about yourself in Gods light, how not to waste your life, and focusing on God’s will for your life. This is what I have been slowly learning over the last couple of years. It is about being in peace with yourself, loving yourself by first loving God.

People tread through the woods imagining the time of sir Arthurs round table, and the battles of those greats’ knights. With fists clenched they tread forward like the brave prophets of the desert quenching for spiritual food and water. Seeking strength in stoicism and spirituality in the love of the Lord and loving the Lord, where are they going, where are they treading towards, towards what stream, towards what oasis, when only there are mirages, the palm trees, evergreen forests, water that can only fill their quench being an improbable possibility. Will they ever be satisfied, or will they continue moving in unison like soldiers, the holy martyrs, the nuns, the monks, the simple people of simplicity seeking hope in that which is outside of themselves. Seeing spirits in the trees, the houses, in fighting the good battle, in the sun, the clouds, the birds, the fish, the animals and especially in the herbs and the mushrooms. Hunting evermore for a satisfying meal, in light, in darkness, in the evermore wonder of the imagination, but can it satisfy the soul. Is happiness to be found in these places, in this state of consciousness, in life, in death, in timelessness, or is it an ever vanishing creature, a giant in which the ancient Ukrainians believed in and the fable told that the only way of escape is through confusion, by acting like the buffoon, to put your pants on backwards, and the shoes pointing in different directions as if they were Jerusalem’s Jesters. I believe that we must fight the good fight, to seek truth in internal happiness, this is the question that I have been pondering on. I feel as if I am possessed by a messenger, an angel while the spirit of Jezebel lurks in my shadow, promising delights in the spirit of Baal, in masochism towards the unclean spirits, finding God in idols, delight in the darkest of shadows, in the sadism of pain and relieve, Jezebel is the whore of the grim reaper killing for no reason only in the objectivity, delight of possession and power, the promises of Ayn Rand. The tyrants of old and new, as the prophets weep and seek strength in God, the dictators’ lust for status, fear and the promise of the whore of Babylon, the conquering of nature and death. I have no reason for fear, for status, for power yet we all have the propensity for evil, as the Russian mystics have put it learning from the Jews, the 20th century was the century of Baal, no I have no need for these thought experiments, in finding the spirit through new porn industries, in finding the spirit in any form of Baal, in the hatred of Beelzebub, I do not want to be a slave to darkness, as only corruption is to be found in the death of the soul, in the philosophy of progress through scientism and the mechanistic way of thinking, we are all androids seeking to be human, to be natural but falling into social norms, in different ways of thinking, while we try to kill the God that left us with the paradoxical questions of life. I seriously ponder if this way of thinking is where truth is to be found or if it is poshlust? I have sought truth in this form of thinking but have only found that it only displays half of the picture of the truth. The belief that God is a mythical being outside of science has become the new stance of many of the new greats, forgetting humanities past, and even the remembrance of the instinct to worship the beautiful, the majestic, is considered to be a product of the gene fallacy, as if it was ingrained in us by the Neanderthals, the cave men that beat women with a stick over the head to prove their love for them as they dragged them home and made them sign a wedding agreement. No I believe in science, I believe in human ingenuity, and I believe that the way forward is through learning more in the sciences, science is not something that is simply believed in but is an unquestioning fact of reality, it is the study of reality, but what if I was to tell you that what we know as reality is a transcending dream, an illusion, a cradle between two abysses, and solely relying on it will only prove to use mechanisms and not agency, everything may be the bioproduct of game theory, algorithms, but there is an eternal, an infinite that displays these numbers, the Fibonacci is simply a rhythm to the orchestral background, the God behind the curtains of the thin veneer between the timelessness that the prophet stumbles upon and nature which the scholars seek. God is the infinite in the finite. Join me as I push on forward with both fists clenched, unto the promise of internal happiness.
Internal happiness doesn’t come from the world but by meditating on God’s word, worshipping God, and praying. Living a life of thanksgiving, and commitments, thinking about yourself in Gods light, how not to waste your life, and focusing on God’s will for your life. This is what I have been slowly learning over the last couple of years. It is about being in peace with yourself, loving yourself by first loving God.
Internal happiness comes from the multiverses coming together under one picture frame, the whisper of the trees melting the heart as the sunset looks over you at the beach and the doves fly over you in all of their majestic beauty. Yet this can be argued for external happiness as well, one coming from an inner joy at the face of beauty, and the other being the beautiful that brings a smile on that rose cheeked face as you see the spring blossoms grow in the end of winter, the transitioning of seasons, as Vivendi plays in your mind, the transcendence of beauty in the mundane, but is this all there is to it. This happiness is fleeting, one minute we are gazing at the face of the eternal and the next we are pondering on work, school or something else that occupies our mind, our neuron transmitters can only be open for a duration of time before we become to overthink and allow our lives to cloud the eternal. What are we wondering about, what illusions are taking over our mind when we escape the present, is there more to happiness? Is it found in being estranged to the worldly, in the nostalgic as Lots wife looks back at the pillar of burning fire, turning her into a pillar of salt? Is it found in experimenting and discovering for self, rather it be hedonism or existentialism in the gaze of nihilism as King Solomon did? He discovered that all is vanity and only God can bring joy. He lived a complex life, a life of wisdom and riches, a life of prosperity, a life that prosperity preachers can only wish to live only to find that it is vanity, rebelling in pride and lust, Job rebelled in pride and sorrow, and the prophets fell in sorrow as they saw that Gods word was being ignored, even though they found happiness in God as the birds of the sky fed them, God visited them, but we cannot control happiness and cannot stare it at its face as it would kill us as Moses discovered when he was only able to look at Gods back. God is holy, we fall short of holiness, we grovel like the pig in the mud avoiding pearls or the dog that goes back to its vomit. The holy fool being portrayed as an enforcer, a rapist and a pyro in the minds of sinners as they cheat on their wives thinking that the devil is right and that Elijah was nothing more than a mad man. They fall into internal masochism, into alcoholism, opiate users, and lost in clouded judgement as they try to discover their own joys, without God I don’t believe internal happiness can be found. We may be able to describe all of nature, the universe, the multiverse, the tree of life, the multiple branches of time being seen in the beehive but we are not happy. There is more to it than this, joy is defined according to Rick Warren as: “Joy is the settled assurance that God is in control of all the details of my life, the quiet confidence that ultimately everything is going to be alright, and the determined choice to praise God in every situation,” and by Gregory Skovoroda as “Knowing thyself,” a life of self-reflection. I believe that that they come hand to hand in holy matrimony towards the bigger picture on what internal happiness is.

Favorite songs: YouTube

Favorite Movie Director: Quentin Tarintino

Favorite Short Story: My favorite short story concerning myself is the first time I got high and saw raccoons, I wanted to catch them and get them high, end of story.


Active member
Oct 4, 2016
[MENTION=35920]Earl Grey[/MENTION]: INTJ. I don't say that because Ciel is your photo lmao
You have a certain way of talking that is Te/Fi. I can't explain why, but I filled in the blanks and put Ni/Se in there due to how centered, calm, and chill you seemed. But that's just vibes. Vibe check! (Ugh)

[MENTION=29978]Methylene[/MENTION]: I think INTP is good for you. In previous posts I've seen on "type me" threads, I've seen a lot of Ne/Si and you have a very dry way of talking that I associate with Ti. For some reason your pfp is something I'd peg as Ti/Fe. I think your ability to analyze in-depth and your penchant for science subjects is an INTP way of life.

[MENTION=33903]Jazzy Orchid[/MENTION]: I'm tempted to say ENFP right off the bat because of your esoteric music taste. You have a wide variety of interests and pursue a few with an intellectual bent. To me that's Ne/Te. The reason I say extravert is because you have a lot of energy directed toward doing a lot of projects. A lot. And you like to talk and socialize. This seems, to me, to energize you and give you momentum to create art.
In college, I had this friend and she knew about my situation of awkwardly somehow attracting douchebag creep dudes. Anyway she invited me to this movie thing with her friends so I went and it was going well, but then she brings it up and jokes about it to all her friends there and publically humiliates me. I got really quiet the rest of the night and at the end of the movie I went and cried in the bathroom. I got pissed at her and later kinda told her off, and we never reconnected after.
Ne/Si worries about reputation, Fi/Te worries about trust, Ne/Te/Si (or so it would seem to me) with regard to how you reacted. Very intuiting the situation and responding emotionally to its trauma.
I started my life dreams planning to own a pet store, then I was gonna be a doctor, then I decided I wanted to be a singer, then a writer, then figured I should go to business school, thought wait Psychology major! graphic design sounded fun. Ended up starting as a Social Work major. didn't like it as well as I figured. Switched to business. hated it. Transferred colleges and switched to English. Loved it but it isn't a realistic career, I'd likely choke my students if I had any for not caring.
Ne all over the place. And Fi for the last sentence.
My mom has spent years complaining I am a walking contradiction, and that I am the most directioned directionless person she has ever known. She also says I never stick to anything. I have all these things I want to do but end up not doing. She suggests I have a short attention span. My grandpa complains I am unrealistic and need to pick a career not a starving artist dream.
Can we say ENFP in a nutshell?

Those are just some things I noted; if you want me to go on, you can tell me and I'll go in more depth. I don't want to bore you. Some other types I might suggest are ENFJ or INFP, though those are less likely.

Enneagram... 4w5 6w7 9w8... but I'm no expert on enneatypes so hold your fire. :shrug: The other day I wrote 9w6 for Luminous. There should be a 9w6! Why isn't there?
[MENTION=35566]Luminous[/MENTION]: Change that to a 9w1... my b :cry:
[MENTION=20474]OptoGypsy[/MENTION]: Just by vibe, ENFP. Second choice? INTJ.


Dec 13, 2013
Instinctual Variant
[MENTION=35920]Earl Grey[/MENTION]: INTJ. I don't say that because Ciel is your photo lmao
You have a certain way of talking that is Te/Fi. I can't explain why, but I filled in the blanks and put Ni/Se in there due to how centered, calm, and chill you seemed. But that's just vibes. Vibe check! (Ugh)

[MENTION=29978]Methylene[/MENTION]: I think INTP is good for you. In previous posts I've seen on "type me" threads, I've seen a lot of Ne/Si and you have a very dry way of talking that I associate with Ti. For some reason your pfp is something I'd peg as Ti/Fe. I think your ability to analyze in-depth and your penchant for science subjects is an INTP way of life.

[MENTION=33903]Jazzy Orchid[/MENTION]: I'm tempted to say ENFP right off the bat because of your esoteric music taste. You have a wide variety of interests and pursue a few with an intellectual bent. To me that's Ne/Te. The reason I say extravert is because you have a lot of energy directed toward doing a lot of projects. A lot. And you like to talk and socialize. This seems, to me, to energize you and give you momentum to create art.

Ne/Si worries about reputation, Fi/Te worries about trust, Ne/Te/Si (or so it would seem to me) with regard to how you reacted. Very intuiting the situation and responding emotionally to its trauma.

Ne all over the place. And Fi for the last sentence.

Can we say ENFP in a nutshell?

Those are just some things I noted; if you want me to go on, you can tell me and I'll go in more depth. I don't want to bore you. Some other types I might suggest are ENFJ or INFP, though those are less likely.
[MENTION=20474]OptoGypsy[/MENTION]: Just by vibe, ENFP. Second choice? INTJ.

I added in a short essay, music videos, favorite director, and favorite short story.


Active member
Oct 4, 2016
[MENTION=20474]OptoGypsy[/MENTION]: I still think ENFP. I could see some arguments for Ni but I think a lot of people misunderstand Ni on this forum. No offense to them, they just haven't studied up enough on it yet to be able to advise in depth.

Let me see if I can do it.

People tread through the woods imagining the time of sir Arthurs round table, and the battles of those greats’ knights. With fists clenched they tread forward like the brave prophets of the desert quenching for spiritual food and water. Seeking strength in stoicism and spirituality in the love of the Lord and loving the Lord, where are they going, where are they treading towards, towards what stream, towards what oasis, when only there are mirages, the palm trees, evergreen forests, water that can only fill their quench being an improbable possibility. Will they ever be satisfied, or will they continue moving in unison like soldiers, the holy martyrs, the nuns, the monks, the simple people of simplicity seeking hope in that which is outside of themselves.
Ne - "towards what oasis," "palm trees," "water that can only fill their quench"
Fi - the part about brave prophets and their endless thirst
Te - "simple people of simplicity seeking hope in that which is outside of themselves"
Si - all traditional imagery such as that relating to religion

All of this interplays to create a 4D screenplay with vivid imagery. In my mind, it utilizes the four functions of the ENFP.
Seeing spirits in the trees, the houses, in fighting the good battle, in the sun, the clouds, the birds, the fish, the animals and especially in the herbs and the mushrooms. Hunting evermore for a satisfying meal, in light, in darkness, in the evermore wonder of the imagination, but can it satisfy the soul. Is happiness to be found in these places, in this state of consciousness, in life, in death, in timelessness, or is it an ever vanishing creature, a giant in which the ancient Ukrainians believed in and the fable told that the only way of escape is through confusion, by acting like the buffoon, to put your pants on backwards, and the shoes pointing in different directions as if they were Jerusalem’s Jesters.
There are a lot of metaphors here and throughout the piece. The piece even ends on a metaphor describing the bigger picture so heck, that really leads me to suspect dom Ne. If you were an ISFP you'd be more into creating one symbolic image about nature or man's condition, but here you're going into the why of man as it stands. It's deeply personal and a little wonky, which is Ne/Si.

I know you say you like to play around, so this is just me going, "well, shit, he wrote an essay about Jezebel. How am I supposed to compete with that?" But it's funny nonetheless. I enjoyed reading it. I just cut it short because I didn't know how much--if anything--you'd get out of it. But I hope you enjoy it.

Quentin Tarantino I believe is an INFP. His movies are quite artsy and rely on a lot of flowing symbolism.