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I seem to be an xNTx type. Please help me out.


New member
Jan 26, 2008
OP: What, specifically, annoys you?

1. Erratic people and their lack of sense
2. Routines that need to be followed just because they're in the protocol, whereas other more efficient alternatives can be done.
3. "Shallow" thinking
4. Religious fundamentalism that's anchored into things that don't make sense.


New member
Dec 20, 2007
extraverted Sensing (Se) *********************** (23.3)
limited use
introverted Sensing (Si) ************************ (24.8)
average use
extraverted Intuiting (Ne) ***************************************** (41.5)
excellent use
introverted Intuiting (Ni) ************************** (27)
average use
extraverted Thinking (Te) ************************** (26.9)
average use
introverted Thinking (Ti) *************************************** (39.6)
excellent use
extraverted Feeling (Fe) ***************** (17.9)
limited use
introverted Feeling (Fi) *************************************** (39.2)
excellent use

By focusing on the strongest configuration of cognitive processes, your pattern of responses most closely matches individuals of this type: INTP

If It makes you feel better, I got pretty similar scores and have consistently tested as an INtP.

extraverted Sensing (Se) *********************** (23.4)
limited use
introverted Sensing (Si) *********** (11.9)
extraverted Intuiting (Ne) ******************************************* (43.7)
excellent use
introverted Intuiting (Ni) ************************************** (38.7)
excellent use
extraverted Thinking (Te) ************************** (26.3)
average use
introverted Thinking (Ti) ************************************* (37.7)
excellent use
extraverted Feeling (Fe) ************************* (25.3)
average use
introverted Feeling (Fi) ********************************* (33.4)
good use

Actually, upon previewing them both in the same place, I'm a little disturbed :shock: The only significant differences are Si and Ni.

What I will add, and I may come back later, is that much of your statements resonate with me, especially verbal accuracy and focus as opposed to random sociability, and lingering issues regarding self-confidence and, dare I say?, self-competence. I definitely would classify you as introverted with strong external pressure to be extraverted, but I'm much worse at judging P/J issues.


heart on fire
May 19, 2007
Perhaps INFJ? They are great thinkers too.. and seem to hold back emotion.

They just hide it from prying eyes. It is there, under the surface, waiting to explode...:steam:


New member
Jan 26, 2008
Analyzing the Eight Functions:

The way I interpret them:

Extroverted Sensing -- Do I tangibly recognize the system?

Introverted Sensing -- What do I vividly remember about the events that formed the system?

Entroverted Intuition -- What are the various interpretations of the system and how do they intertwine to have a certain degree of coherence?

Introverted Intuition -- What will Be the eventuality of the system?

Extroverted Thinking -- What are the elements of the system and how was it built?

Introverted Thinking -- What makes the system work?

Extroverted Feeling -- What do I need to do to adapt to the system?

Introverted Feeling -- What is the essence of the system?


Protocol Droid
Jul 1, 2007
The fact that you view it all as being related to a system probably says something about your type... it's looking very INTx at this point. I would guess INTJ, but I have no real reason not to say INTP. It's confusing.


New member
Jan 26, 2008
If my interpretation of the eight functions is correct, I would assume that my legitimate banner traits are: Ni, Ne, Ti, and Fi (in no specific order).

Maybe I can use my social life as en example of that system.

I hardly notice the trivialities of my friends (their appearance, etc.) nor I can recall that much the small things that led to my friendship with them, unless I cherish them so much, so definitely, my Si and Se wouldn't be that developed. In some cases, my mind is bogged down with bigger concepts, making me practically unable to notice small things in their physicality, or what led to it.

My Ne and Ni though is pretty well developed since I have a full understanding of the dynamics of my friendship with them, all the possible angles it can be looked at, and possibly even make a good assessment of its eventuality.

Having an anti-social tendency myself, I tend to cherish friendships that I can build.

Te is basically the hardcore data of the forming of the friendship, which reminds me of something like mapping out, charting out plans in building a social life. Personally, I have a bit of a hate working with charts and hardcore numbers because it dehumanizes the system. Not that I'm saying that I'm suck in math, but sheer absorbing of hardcore data is something that I never realistically embraced.

On the other hand, Ti is the analysis of the strength of the friendship, e.g., does the friendship work or not. Basically an understanding of how tyhe friendship works.

We can look at the difference of Ti and Te as something like, Te is the movie maker, while the Ti is the critic. The critic doesn't normally have the ability to make a film. It can be said for a film maker, who may know how to execute things but doesn't have a vision that a good critic can have.

I view Fe is a way of adapting to the group dynamics of the friendship, getting with the program, etc. However, having a strong sense of self (that is, having NT inclinations), prevents me from sucking up to a level that would be considered socially acceptable.

Fi is basically my overall thoughts on myself, the friends that I have, etc. It's basically me identifying their essence as well as my essence. Fi is therefore, interconnected so much to Ne (various interpretations of the friendship), Ni (assessing its possible eventualities), and Ti (knowing the strengths and weakness of it)--arguably a binding force of the other three.

I think I scored low on Ni because I mistaken it as pure precognition, but by using logic and the concept of cause and effect, I think I can make some educated estimates.


Glowy Goopy Goodness
Jul 11, 2007
extraverted Sensing (Se) *********************** (23.3)
limited use
introverted Sensing (Si) ************************ (24.8)
average use
extraverted Intuiting (Ne) ***************************************** (41.5)
excellent use
introverted Intuiting (Ni) ************************** (27)
average use
extraverted Thinking (Te) ************************** (26.9)
average use
introverted Thinking (Ti) *************************************** (39.6)
excellent use
extraverted Feeling (Fe) ***************** (17.9)
limited use
introverted Feeling (Fi) *************************************** (39.2)
excellent use

By focusing on the strongest configuration of cognitive processes, your pattern of responses most closely matches individuals of this type: INTP

Your three strongest functions are Ne, Ti and Fi in that order. Most likely you are INTP, but you could also be ENTP or INFP. Either way you are definitely a P and not a J, and if you are convinced you are NT, then that means you are NTP. So basically you just need to narrow down whether you are E or I.


ish red no longer *sad*
Apr 23, 2007
How can you see how much of an introverted function somebody has?

You cannot... all you can do is infer based on how they react and what they tell you. For introverted functions, one of the best ways of telling is by self questionnaire... Which is what the functions test's all about. However it's only as good as how much the person taking it understands what they've experienced. It can be flawed... but it's still a good indicator to go by.


ish red no longer *sad*
Apr 23, 2007
Yikes! So many replies...

I was virtually singlehandedly raised by my mom since Dad is working overseas, so that means I have no macho archetype of a parental figure as a role model.

But I hated the entire situation of weeping and whatnot, and I guess, eventually I just got numb. Though the years of being misunderstood and unrecognized about my true personality caused my "restrained" emotions to be contained in a bottleneck, so maybe that's what causing the "Fi" to have a high score.
Hmmmm you see that quite a bit with INFPs... they often keep themselves under tight control because of the Fi... The restrain and numbing of emotions. Interesting to see you mention it in reverse though.

Hmmmm....I don't have a humanitarian disposition, and I seem to be better off in the company of people who have lesser tendencies to self-implode. Though I have to admit, I can be a magnet to emotionally wrecked people. But I consider myself to be too rational to be a spiritually supporting individual. I'm more straight to the point.

Ok, the way understand the statement is, INFJ's are not really sympathetic by default but just a part of their Ni which they have so that they can look for their appropriate niche? So is this a form of a self-centered approach in helping out people? That is doing, something strategic out of your sympathetic inclination?
But would that be T in control of the F?
I don't really think you're an INFJ... but your thinking style is similar to mine... Looks like Ti with a bit of Ni (could be Ne though). It's basically thinking by asking questions for understanding. Ti not Te (my feel for things anyways).

1. I can relate to their feelings, but when I give out my thoughts, it will more likely manifest in a stereotypical male Mr.Fix-It form of an advice. I have a serious lack of speaking in a inspirational sense.
That sounds a tad like J behavior... INXPs tend not to push as much. ENTP can sometimes do that though, but less likely than an NJ.

2. What I wanna learn will depend on my inclination and what interests me. It's not a mere knowledge per-se kind of disposition, but a more stratified one. Though I have to admit, I hate the concept of specialization since it may show a weakness in me, so I try to balance out what I know, even if the execution of it is still stratified.
Hmmmm question for you: When you're first given a problem... how do you go about solving it? What's your approach?


New member
Jan 26, 2008
Hmmmm question for you: When you're first given a problem... how do you go about solving it? What's your approach?

Depends on nature of the problem. If it's an integral calculus type of problem where I have to solve an equation, I would most likely self implode if I don't recall the formula.

If it involves concepts, individual dynamics, social dynamics, or cultural dynamics and whatnot, the solving the problem would be comparatively easier.

I have a tendency to put concepts into an organized layout (at least mentally), and then make an educated guess as to where the problem may theoretically fit. It's like I have a pre-conceived idea of how to solve a problem depending on where it fits (based of course on experience and theoretical considerations) If that can solves the problem, then it kinda validates my initial "hunch"


Apr 23, 2007
If you're having a problem in a relationship... what do you do? How do you internalise and organise your thoughts and feelings? How do you approach the person? What are you feeling when you approach them?


New member
Jan 26, 2008
I only have had one legitimate relationship which is my current one.

My girlfriend is more like an ISFP, which is pretty much easy to handle in my opinion.

Between the two of us, definitely I have a stronger personality, and whenever were having a misunderstanding, I have the tendency to be verbally loud in the hopes of making her speak up, which hardly happens because she does the reverse. She becomes even more silent, making me eventually just apologize just to settle things even if I don't see things as my fault. She's not even verbally equipped to apologize well.

There's a part of me that wants to provoke her to speak up more because I hate the idea of her being a pushover in many aspects of her life, but I realize that a verbal provocation hardly works. I want her to be inspired instead but I don't have the verbal capacity to be a sweet inspirational talker.


Apr 23, 2007
Would you really want to be a sweet inspirational talker?

Here you say: Hmmmm....I don't have a humanitarian disposition, and I seem to be better off in the company of people who have lesser tendencies to self-implode. Though I have to admit, I can be a magnet to emotionally wrecked people. But I consider myself to be too rational to be a spiritually supporting individual. I'm more straight to the point.

That seems to betray that you don't want to be a sweet inspirational talker, not that you don't have the ability to be one. It's just not your thing. You're straight forward. That's an INTP thing.


ish red no longer *sad*
Apr 23, 2007
I have a tendency to put concepts into an organized layout (at least mentally), and then make an educated guess as to where the problem may theoretically fit. It's like I have a pre-conceived idea of how to solve a problem depending on where it fits (based of course on experience and theoretical considerations) If that can solves the problem, then it kinda validates my initial "hunch"

Is that not Ni? Why do I want to say INTJ? Without evidence to support it as well...


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2007
i want to say INFJ for some reason. not being a pushover doesn't mean you don't have Fe. and it seems as if you understand social implications and dynamics quite well. (being aware of your GF's motivations, etc.) you have a drive to push her towards her own growth, which is quite NFJ. "I hate the idea of her being a pushover in many aspects of her life". that's Fe.

you certainly seem Ni dominant to me.

I have a tendency to put concepts into an organized layout (at least mentally), and then make an educated guess as to where the problem may theoretically fit. It's like I have a pre-conceived idea of how to solve a problem depending on where it fits (based of course on experience and theoretical considerations) If that can solves the problem, then it kinda validates my initial "hunch"

sounds like Ni+Ti


New member
Jan 26, 2008
Would you really want to be a sweet inspirational talker?

Here you say: Hmmmm....I don't have a humanitarian disposition, and I seem to be better off in the company of people who have lesser tendencies to self-implode. Though I have to admit, I can be a magnet to emotionally wrecked people. But I consider myself to be too rational to be a spiritually supporting individual. I'm more straight to the point.

That seems to betray that you don't want to be a sweet inspirational talker, not that you don't have the ability to be one. It's just not your thing. You're straight forward. That's an INTP thing.

Hmmmmm.....I think it's a standard INTP dilemma--the need for deep relationships but lacking the Fe (aka expected normal public behavior) for it. But unlike the colder INTJ's or ENTJ's, I'm pretty much attuned with my feelings (which justifies my high Fi. This gives me an ability to attract friendships with people. Though it's still weird in a sense that I attract the company of people through understanding emotions, at least in the context of myself. But having an understanding a full grasp of someone else's emotion is another thing. I think that justifies my lack of Fe).

I'm not saying that I can't transform my speech into that. I have the spiritual inclinations of an INTP for it, but maybe I don't think I can push things to that level yet.


New member
Jan 26, 2008
sounds like Ni+Ti

Exactly what I'm thinking, which is justified by the cognitive processes test.

I can't imagine myself as a stereotypical INTJ or an ENTJ because I don't think I have a well developed Te (I hated college calculus and physics so much). I primarily learn trough concepts/abstract images. They're pretty much vivid in my mind.