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How Would YOU Describe Your Primary Thought Process?


Potential is My Addiction
Jul 26, 2015
Sometimes I feel like I go through a bunch of these threads and read the same accounts over and over of what a person’s dominant cognitive function feels like for them, or how can they best describe it to others, and I see a rehashing of the same type/function descriptors over and over. Sure, there will be overlap in how one identifies with their main mode of processing, or their dominant function and describes it, we are speaking a common language here after all.

But, if you can, I would be extremely interested to hear how you guys would personally describe your dominant function or default mode of learning/understanding the world around you, in any way you find most suitable. Maybe that’s through a linked video, an image, a musical piece, or, nothing wrong with plain old language.

If possible, my aim with this thread is to see if we can obtain a broader yet clearer understanding of the various functions when used as a person’s primary process of thought by gathering various fragments of people’s personal descriptors.

I’ll throw my own thoughts into the mix if this thread gains any sort of traction. I don’t feel like my primary means of thought processing is strictly this function or that, but I’d be happy to share my own thought process. Maybe others process similarly as me :D


New member
Aug 31, 2018
For one, I do not know my MBTI type and hence, my dom finction. Let's see...As a Mathematics major, I enjoyed coming up with my own theorems...I would typically write proofs as if it were a book....I would follow a train of logical inference to hopefully end at my destination (conclusion). If I saw a contradiction, I'd backtrack and consider another scenario. I once decided to derive Pi (3.14) for fun. I could see that if you transcribe a square with radius 1 inside a circle, you can form an infinite number of triangles by cutting the remaining semi circles and create an iterative formula to calculate pi. I am more of a visual thinker, so I can visual a process to understand a concept in my head. I am now working as a researcher to study heat flow within a concrete slab. I like coming up with experimental ideas and testing my original hypothesis/conjectures. For instance, I want to test the effect of wind rebound at different time frequencies to better predict the effect of wind on heat loss. Wind behaves as a random scattered function, so I thought perhaps a step function within certain bounds can simulate the effects. When I was younger, I would constantly ask "why" questions, and my mind hasn't shifted focus. I always have questions popping up in my head which is why I like reading forums. I have a strong thirst for knowledge, and am very open minded to other's opinions. I am quick to accept defeat if my argument backfires. I am constantly connecting pieces of information together... For instance, fruit(sugar) increases blood viscosity for the purpose of cooling the body...which is why fruit (preferably high fructose) exists mainly in Southern Latitudes.


Potential is My Addiction
Jul 26, 2015
For one, I do not know my MBTI type and hence, my dom finction. Let's see...As a Mathematics major, I enjoyed coming up with my own theorems...I would typically write proofs as if it were a book....I would follow a train of logical inference to hopefully end at my destination (conclusion). If I saw a contradiction, I'd backtrack and consider another scenario. I once decided to derive Pi (3.14) for fun. I could see that if you transcribe a square with radius 1 inside a circle, you can form an infinite number of triangles by cutting the remaining semi circles and create an iterative formula to calculate pi. I am more of a visual thinker, so I can visual a process to understand a concept in my head. I am now working as a researcher to study heat flow within a concrete slab. I like coming up with experimental ideas and testing my original hypothesis/conjectures. For instance, I want to test the effect of wind rebound at different time frequencies to better predict the effect of wind on heat loss. Wind behaves as a random scattered function, so I thought perhaps a step function within certain bounds can simulate the effects. When I was younger, I would constantly ask "why" questions, and my mind hasn't shifted focus. I always have questions popping up in my head which is why I like reading forums. I have a strong thirst for knowledge, and am very open minded to other's opinions. I am quick to accept defeat if my argument backfires. I am constantly connecting pieces of information together... For instance, fruit(sugar) increases blood viscosity for the purpose of cooling the body...which is why fruit (preferably high fructose) exists mainly in Southern Latitudes.

Loved reading your post hurl3y4456, thanks for sharing! To totally strip away the awesomeness that you describe, you are essentially interested in figuring out how things work in the world, through the context of math and physics ya? Would you say there is a point where you find yourself feeling as though you’ve figured out “just enough”, then move on to something else, like you get to the basic idea or gist of the foundation to your pursuit, or do you think you would rather take things further, down to its core, to the root of its understanding?

A follow up question, I’m curious to know, would you say you’ve always seen the world through the abstract language of math and theorems or is it more an influence because of your studies? (Chicken or the egg)

Thanks again! And welcome to the forum :D


New member
Aug 31, 2018
Loved reading your post hurl3y4456, thanks for sharing! To totally strip away the awesomeness that you describe, you are essentially interested in figuring out how things work in the world, through the context of math and physics ya? Would you say there is a point where you find yourself feeling as though you’ve figured out “just enough”, then move on to something else, like you get to the basic idea or gist of the foundation to your pursuit, or do you think you would rather take things further, down to its core, to the root of its understanding?

A follow up question, I’m curious to know, would you say you’ve always seen the world through the abstract language of math and theorems or is it more an influence because of your studies? (Chicken or the egg)

Thanks again! And welcome to the forum :D

Yes, I definitely experienced euphoria when I was first introduced to the research project that I've been working on for the past year or so. I noticed in myself and others that the amount of energy put into the same task is diminishing over time. This is the Coolidge Effect in motion, which implies that your dopamine receptors will become less stimulated to a repetitive action over time....Thus, the Coolidge Effect is required for our evolution....Else, we would not have such a desire to pursue new feats as often. In general though, an introvert will be glued to a particular task for a longer period because the rate at which dopamine is suppressed depends on how refined their internal framework is. if an introvert has gained sufficient knowledge, then they will eventually look elsewhere to keep the neurons excited. An extrovert, however, needs constant external stimulation to feed the neurons the energy to function optimally.

I'd say that I have a mathematical mind in terms of how I piece together information..The mind is heavily shaped during childhood/adolescence, so the environment, mental stimulus, and genetics definitely play a role...Proofs/abstract Math was interesting for the discovery aspect or finding hidden patterns that can be put together to form a theorem...I'd say the ability to find functional relationships in Math translates for the ability to find relationships within data/events, exc. This same ability is not exclusive to Math....there are many other fields/specialties that rely on the same type of thinking. It's just that Math is a symbolic language as opposed to verbal for instance. Studying higher level Math,however, did refine my thought processes over time as well as change my overall perspective of the world. Everyone's mind is unique....two people could have the logical skills necessary for Math, yet one will prefer Philosophy whereas the other Mathematics because symbolic and verbal skills require different parts of the brain.


Wake, See, Sing, Dance
Mar 23, 2012
Simplistic and rather animalistic, which I then project into complicated (perhaps overtly) ideas of a roughly (pseudo?)philosophical bent.

The truth is I don't think I'm a hard creature to figure out, it's just my physiological reactions are absent online so I can 'play the part' better as I'd like to be offline. Instead, I'm normally in constant fear of being found out, to be exposed as the fraud that I am.

I figure things out best by being allowed a lot of chances, as I'm a very slow learner, but I struggle to find a situation that allows for that level of patience, which I understand; people are busy and there is always someone to replace you.

So it's all trial and error, muddling through, being terrified of new social situations because I dislike emotional outbursts and it's very easy to commit faux pas when the vast majority of people never question the validity of their emotions.

I think the best way to sum this up is to say: I constantly look for a way to be comfortable and strategies that allow me to be so, in conflict with my need to avoid stagnation.


New member
May 2, 2008
I would be extremely interested to hear how you guys would personally describe your dominant function or default mode of learning/understanding the world around you, in any way you find most suitable.


Doctor Cringelord

Well-known member
Aug 27, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Study/observe/research, learn, understand, rinse, repeat.

Peter Deadpan

phallus impudicus
Dec 14, 2016
Study/observe/research, learn, understand, rinse, repeat.

Similar to this.

I generally have some "problem" I'm trying to figure out, but not in the classic sense of the word. My mind is stimulated by considering possibilities, turning stones over, going back to re-analyze, jumping forward to imagine an ideal outcome, etc. I often have imaginary conversations or even "write" long forum posts in my head, which I consider to be an internalized version of Te in that I am having a pseudo-discussion as a means to think "aloud" and work through whatever my focus is on at the time. Sometimes it's intellectual, like discussing typology or whatever other nerdy thing I am into at the time. Sometimes it's practical, like brainstorming ideas for my future (health changes, career changes, etc). Oftentimes is personal and highly emotional, as in I am discussing things that are bothering me in my life, similar to a diary or therapy session. Sometimes when I am not doing so well, I will go back to good or bad memories, remembering them, or trying to relive them, or trying to change them.

Oftentimes, it's less serious than the above. For as many wisecracks as I spew aloud, I have just as many, if not more, that are only voiced internally. I attribute this to some level of social anxiety or withdrawn nature, laziness, or just plain less-than-ideal timing (as in just barely not quick enough), or maybe I decide that whomever is around me won't fucking get it.

I have a very strong Fi, but for the above reasons, and my preference for objectivity/efficiency/thought sharing/autonomy over any sort of organizing/commitment/tradition/order exerted by sources external to me, I still lean toward ENFP, but am open to INFP (Socionics INFj) with Ne subtype. I also don't seem to have the solid heaviness of self that most Fi doms have; I can be a little fluttery internally and flakey externally, giving me this sort of slightly shapeshifting persona, which as a 4 is hard to admit to aloud, but I think it's actually a trait of all 4s and many are in denial of that because it causes them shame to acknowledge.

Also, this is basically me, and I even recently cut my butt cheek on a cardboard box because I have this impulsive desire to act out randomly and sometimes don't even realize when I am doing it. :happy2:



Aug 30, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Emotions from other people can greatly affect my thinking process, make or break relationships with people, I often allow too often to allow my empathic powers to absorb emotion. Not all relationships really require full on absorption of the others personality to ensure a successful and meaningful relationship with someone.

My thought processes is focusing primarily on the gists of the past, what they mean and how it can relate to the present/future.

It’s been tempered with also a faith that you cannot predict everything in its entirety, but also have to consider every action and conversation you have does have consequences to varying degrees.

I have somewhat of a delayed response when seeing facial expressions on what it could mean and often I practice situations in my head to know how it might to be that individual and what they may feel at that time. It’s a painful process as you know this can only be used for the future and hope you can recall it when a similar situation calls for you. For my memory of exactness is quite poor, I often have to extract the pattern to then reconfigure my reaction to reality.

But also how people can change their minds at a moment and their intentions with you can be offputting at times. Like the fear of, wont you burn me again? When it’s likely not to happen after you consider the situation in its entirety after the fact.

A lot of difficulty has been to use this process effectively because of my escapist tendencies and don’t always have my mind sharp enough nor enough to care for a successful outcome.

I do what I can to experience every mode of life to greater understanding of my fellow human beings. But I can’t help but notice I am always led to the most interesting situations.


Pansexual Primadonna
Oct 1, 2018
Instinctual Variant
hyper analytical but randomly generating the possibilities as solutions. so like a constant Ne contingency planning and motivation assessment


New member
Sep 3, 2018
Instinctual Variant
[these are the most frequent thoughts that pop up in my head and may not apply to all I(N)FPs]

"that's not the point!"
"what is the purpose of this?"
"i'm just not interested in those kinds of things"
"there's no reason for anyone to do that!"
"this is a waste of time..."
*mumbling internally while focused*
"wow, that's actually really nice!"
"just let me deal with this by myself"
"that's gross!"
"why am i here?"
"oh, for fuck's sake, just leave me alone already!"
"can't you just listen to me?"
"i give up, it'll never work"

i would have to describe Fi as being "long-term resolutions about the worth/importance of information"

-"long-term" because, as an introverted function, the process is attached/fixed to the subject;
-"resolutions" because, as a judging function, its "job" is to judge and come to a decision about things;
-"worth/importance" is what (in my understanding) feeling types are focused on judging.


Sep 29, 2016
Ever played Ghost Trick? like that.
Jul 23, 2016
I see something, I think something, I say no wait that's not it, then think some more, keep adding on to that thought, drink my coffee, forget that thought, think the complete opposite thing after the coffee.
Alot of people get frustrated talking with me because I am talking to myself in my head while talking to them so they don't get to hear me completely switch sides or change my mind, they just think I'm lying and not trustworthy xD

I just kinda am always fighting with myself... I never really have bothered to learn how to make myself and my ideas accessible to others though


Aug 6, 2010
I see logical fallacies, logical inconsistencies and patterns everywhere. It's not a conscious effort. And no, I'm not on the spectrum. There's a clock in my head that's constantly reminding me of things that I need to do and if they're not done, it bothers me. I'm work first, play later to the degree where sometimes I have to force myself to procrastinate. Oddly, sometimes I procrastinate for no reason, just to amp the challenge of completing something on time.

Earl Grey

Well-known member
Dec 3, 2017
Instinctual Variant
I don't know how to describe it so here are excerpts from my brain;

"What does this mean?"
"Why does it work like this, and not another way?"
"What if it worked differently?"
"Is it necessary that it works this way?"
"Is there a better way this could work? Oh boy there definitely is a better way this could work."
"No. This is wrong. This is wrong. THIS IS WRONG THERE IS A BETTER WAY YOU IDIOTS"
"If I did this, I wonder what would happen? A, B, or C probably. [does it] Oh, it's B."
"If I did A, X will happen. If I did B, Y will happen. If I did C, Z will happen. Hm, A seems like the best option, let's go with that."
"Hm. I'm not understanding this. What am I not seeing?"
"I want to think more deeply about this. [allocates free time to think about it]"
"How does this relate to what I know? What kind of conclusion can I draw from it?"
"A will become B. Why? Idk, intuition (in the daily sense, not MBTI sense). [it happens] See, I was right."
"Hey, I know this is literally what it looks like, but consider: [concept]"

The way I sum up my mind is that it is a curious being, and sees things with a value/loss judgement.


Fail 2.0
Nov 8, 2008
ENFP - I just follow my interests and hunches and try to understand everything interesting that I come across.

When I solve problems I use this understanding to see what might happen in that context. It can be quite visual like thinking if this electron hits that, what can happen (knowing the general behaviour of the things involved)? Then my mind just looks at all the ways things might go. I get answers when I am satisfied that I understand the system fully and that the alternative explanations have been ruled out. I generally know or have a strong hunch what the answer is quite early, but seem to always check everything to make sure and also improve my understanding.


Jun 20, 2018
Instinctual Variant
I am not sure if I can describe my mental process, as its very amorphous and reacting to things constantly. Internally or externally.

If I am learning something, I read extensively. Then look up perspectives that other people share, trying to really get a good visualization in my head/understanding. Once I accomplish that, I am able to throw it into the subconscious machine. Where it spits out answers when I want them upon request. So I don't have to remember all the details when I want to remember something in specific.

If I am in a position of non-learning, I naturally fall into my own thoughts. I re-think things, maybe input some new info and modify the things I threw into the subconscious machine. Then throw it back. Sometimes, I take in nature and just observe the natural world around me. I tend to people watch, just to see what they are doing. Just as I try to observe the natural order, and how things are by themselves.


Sep 2, 2017
Instinctual Variant
I tend to analyze things a lot, like myself, situations, and other people. I often think a lot about myself in relation to other people, like how we're the same, how we're different, and what motivates the other person. Sometimes I get really interested in someone who captures my attention and will spend a lot of time trying to figure that person out, and will continuously refine my understanding of that person with each new piece of information I get. I'd say this is rare though as I tend to spend most of the time thinking more about myself and trying to make sense of different things that have happened to me throughout the day. Sometimes this process is more just natural reflection, but sometimes I'd consider it more rumination as I can be very critical of myself, will second guess my decisions, and can agonize over things I've said if I feel I sounded stupid or was misinterpreted. I also think a lot about my personality as a kid and how it relates to me now, and have kind of put together a linear understanding of how I've come to be the person I am today, like significant events that might have impacted and helped me grow at different points of my life.

In terms of how I come to understand information, I think I tend to connect the dots between different pieces of information and put it all together to form an understanding of something. This process can happen very fast where it's almost unconscious, like I'm looking at one or two pieces of data and then an understanding will pop into my head, or it can be much slower and more conscious when something is more complicated. I tend to work best when I'm figuring things out on my own and kind of troubleshooting an issue, and can be pretty resourceful and inventive with things available to me in the environment when problem solving, like refashioning objects to accomplish what I need in that moment. Sometimes I'm good at predicting what will happen next with something, but not always.


AKA Nunki
Apr 7, 2009
Instinctual Variant
When I find myself isolated after any significant amount of social activity, it is as if little automatic simulations of the people I've been around are running inside my head. I can hear them saying things, things they haven't actually said but that they could say, and occasionally I catch glimpses of them carrying out actions that they might perform in real life. Often I'll address my thoughts to these little echoes of real people.

Aside from that, my thought processes are rather vague and, in my opinion, uninteresting.