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Game of Thrones!


Post Human Post
Jul 30, 2010
Instinctual Variant
Hmmmm, I think there may just always be something inherently silly about a person riding a dragon.
Jul 24, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Hmmmm, I think there may just always be something inherently silly about a person riding a dragon.

It came off better in the book, but it was still cool. There was a lot more build-up to the moment in the book; they focused a lot more on the Sons of the Harpy movement and Danerys's attempts to stop it through various deals with all the factions both in Mereen and outside of it. It didn't work. The scene in the fighting pit was kind of a breaking point, an "enough is enough moment," and coincidentally, at that moment, Drogon appeared. They did a really good job with it last night, but it was better with the slow build-up.

My favorite dragon-related bit, though, was when Tyrion glimpsed Drogon in the ruins of Valyria. I especially liked the behind the scenes bit at the end when they talked about their motivation for that scene, and how the idea behind that was that it was supposed to remind Tyrion that there was still greatness in the world. It caused him to doubt his cynicism.

I've had a moment like that recently, so I think I know what Tyrion was thinking and feeling.


New member
Nov 21, 2008
Hey little girl,

....come here, I'll keep you safe. Don't you know there are monsters out there?

Promise to protect me? she implored.

I will, she replied.

All little girls need protecting, from the monsters in here.


This was a heart-breaking episode.

I anticipated it, a while back, given how the SL was unfolding, but, seeing it on-screen.....my god.....

I think it will be poetic justice for Stannis. I think, as the story progresses, he will get the Iron Throne, but only for a little while. And Melissandra and her cuckoo ways will need King's blood for one of her many spells to ward off evil (something like pure blood, pure heart, or some such fantastical BS). And she will be sacrificed ( I can picture the little girl selflessly volunteering for it), instead of their stand-by Gendry. I can almost picture the scene, the little girl sacrificed into the fire, and like the Phoenix rising, come out of it, purified of her grayscales, for a moment, his "perfect beloved daughter", before the flames consume her. It will the ultimate price Stannis pays for his part in the game.

The mother at the end, her blind faith, breaking along with her mother's heart.

I loathe Stannis. I loathe that evil witch, Melissandra. Ser Davos would have been the only other one to save her, and he was sent away, in preparation.

The story of Stannis being easily swayed into buying a doll with grayscale, the easy target, new proud fathers. That first toy gift gave her grayscale. Her other toy gift, the lonely stag without a doe, went with her to her death.

It was so difficult to watch. I wanted to kill Melissandra and Stannis. I want Ramsey to kill them. Slowly, flayingly, painfully! I can't believe I'm siding with him. But, there you have it.

Her mother was the only one who reached out to try to protect her. Too little, too late.

Your sweet, gentle little girl died, and you watched her burn.


Ser Meryn Trant. Disgusting piece of human flesh. "Too old." What a wretched fucker!! That little girl, with her wide, scared eyes. Sacrificed. Another little girl.

(Reminded me of the movie, Pretty Baby, with Brooke Shields.)

As the eyes of another little girl watched, coloured by vengeance. Go, Arya! Satiate his 'yearning', good and proper.

Wipe that fucker out of existence. I cannot fucking wait!!!


Jaime's little girl, with a mind and will of her own. Unknown to him. At least the Dorne king now understands Jaime's angle, which is a sympathetic one.

Then, of course, there's the littlest girl, the most beautiful woman in the world. With the fiercest fire. Or, so she'd like Bronn to believe.

Although it is still the most boring of the plotlines, I really like Dorne, and how they conduct themselves. It will be interesting to see how and where they're going with investing so much screen-time into this Dorne angle. I am officially a little bit intrigued.

Jaime returning with Myrcella and Trystan to King's Landing.


And, finally, can I say that I actually am interested in Dany now, for the first time? Is it a coincidence that it's also around the same time Tyrion entered her SL? Maybe, maybe not.

Loved how she found her power. Was a great scene. Watching her confused, and terrified, as the chaos of the rebellion from the Sons of Harpy rages around her, as she is shielded, and protected, unknowing of what to do, although she is the Queen.....

Feeling helpless and lost.

....until, she stopped waiting for others to save her, and harnessed her power within. Mother of the Dragons!

Loved it!

One more episode to go?




Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
This was a heart-breaking episode.

Yes, as you very eloquently stated everything (in quite a beautiful post), this episode was just full of the most wretched examples of humanity I could imagine. Even Cersei didn't look quite as bad after this.

I anticipated it, a while back, given how the SL was unfolding, but, seeing it on-screen.....my god.....

The screams were the worst. You don't even see it, but you hear it. you can't escape it. The shrieks stabbed my heart over and over. I can't believe that f*cker could stand there and listen to that... and turn away. Between him and Meryn... god. Siccing Ramsay on them? please do. I think Arya's gotten a bit inhuman, but I'll be rooting her on.

And yeah, it was really hard realizing she was still holding that stag. Davos was far more her father than that trash.

I hope Stannis dies painfully, I hope he dies horribly, and I hope that as he dies, he realizes that he was NOT the hero that he imagined himself to be, his destiny was NOT to be on the Iron Throne, and thus he murdered his own daughter who loved him and trusted him as part of his self-absorbed quest to be someone he was never supposed to be. He gave her away for nothing.

And then he can die after the guilt nails him to the ground under the weight of it.


I really am quite cool with Houses Martell and Tyrell ruling Westeros, if I get to choose. They're civilized in Dorne and sensible in Highgarden, even if a bit too courtly at times.


respect the brick
Apr 23, 2007
This was a heart-breaking episode.

I anticipated it, a while back, given how the SL was unfolding, but, seeing it on-screen.....my god.....

I watch GoT on DVD months after it airs. I spoil myself thoroughly but it's still compelling. I knew exactly what would happen at the Red Wedding but it still managed to shock.

What a great show.


New member
Nov 21, 2008
Yes, as you very eloquently stated everything (in quite a beautiful post), this episode was just full of the most wretched examples of humanity I could imagine.

Thank you.

Even Cersei didn't look quite as bad after this.

Speaking of the mighty who has fallen, I'm sure we'll see the culmination of her SL with the High Sparrows come to a head in the season's finale.

And yeah, it was really hard realizing she was still holding that stag. Davos was far more her father than that trash.

This. This little girl, with all that she has faced in life, a distant father, a resentful mother, who somehow still managed to hold on to goodness, and impart that wherever she went. Ser Davos, Gilly.....

This was her end.

And that stag, it was bittersweet, as it was meant to represent House Baratheon/her father, but it represented Ser Davos, the only father-figure who was honestly there for her, as a father should. Except, when she needed him the most.....

I hope Stannis dies painfully, I hope he dies horribly, and I hope that as he dies, he realizes that he was NOT the hero that he imagined himself to be, his destiny was NOT to be on the Iron Throne, and thus he murdered his own daughter who loved him and trusted him as part of his self-absorbed quest to be someone he was never supposed to be. He gave her away for nothing.

I feel your anger. I echo it. I'm pretty sure though, in the next episode, this 'sacrifice' will be validated, as the weather will turn in their favour or something, allowing Stannis & Co. an opening into claiming the North, which will vindicate the Evil Red Lady, because she can't exit the show, just yet. And if such a sacrifice failed to achieve what it set out to, the Red Woman would be booted out. So, I'm pretty sure the fanatics will see that the 'magic' worked, at least for the next little while. And so the Red Woman/Melissandra/The One Who Must Die In A Painful Fire will be around still, yet.

Likely Ser Davos will hear of the news, and his unflinching loyalty to Stannis will finally break, as will Stannis' wife's.

I really am quite cool with Houses Martell and Tyrell ruling Westeros, if I get to choose. They're civilized in Dorne and sensible in Highgarden, even if a bit too courtly at times.
In a series/world like GoT, how refreshing it is to find such needles in haystacks, as the exceptions, rather than the norm.

If GoT does not teach us that 'absolute power corrupts', I dunno what will.

I watch GoT on DVD months after it airs. I spoil myself thoroughly but it's still compelling. I knew exactly what would happen at the Red Wedding but it still managed to shock.

What a great show.

Very true. The mark of great entertainment, for me, is being able to reacquaint myself with it, many times over, without losing any of the emotions, and intrigue, that I experienced the first time during introduction.


Predictions for S5 finale:
- As this is GRRM's story, no decision made by a character will be ideal and flawless, so I expect the Wildlings to start a bit of ruckus within Castle Black, so others can point to Jon and say, "I told you so...." Until, they realize that bickering amongst themselves pales in comparison to the way bigger threat outside of the walls. dun dun dun.....

To add: thinking more on this, I have a feeling that Jon's little dude/the squire will get into it with one of the Wildlings, and potentially die, which will provoke Jon's latent guilt complex, of, "omg, did I do the right thing?"

- Cersei will get her 'just desserts' from the Sparrows. She will confess her 'sins'. Maybe: All her loved ones will watch, helpless. Her two children and Jaime (and future son-in-law). Maybe her children will finally find out their parentage. Uncle Daddy! Which will call into question Tommen's claim to the throne. "there's a false king on the throne!! the horror!!!"

Which also calls into question Margery as married to a 'king', etc, etc.... Basically setting it up such that the Iron Throne is perilously without an occupant/ruler, which allows the masses to revolt, led by the High Sparrows? Tension in King's Landing. As I'm sure Mace Tyrell will have no sympathy or 'in', to ask the Iron Bank for more support/backing, as I'm pretty sure his serenading is not doing much for the negotiations process. I.e., he will fail epically, putting even more pressure on the Iron Throne to pay the Iron Bank back, immediately, or....consequences.......

It may be that Dorne comes to offer its help. Remember that Lannisters' gold mines have been dry for a while.

The details are likely off, of how it will happen, but I predict that the Iron Throne will be in great danger of being secure in its leadership, and along with that, King's Landing. Which creates a weak spot for those who have their eyes set on it, to advance their attack, as this is the perfect opening. Chaos = opportunity (looking at you, Littlefinger!)

-Stannis/Bolton/Ramsey/Reek/Sansa/Brienne will come to a head. Concluding who has the 'power' in the North.

- Arya and Meryn Trant will collide. Awesomesauce.

- Dany will continue to ride her dragon, as Tyrion looks on in awe, and if not a bit turned on. And they'll be setting their sights towards Westeros. Sister, I'm home!!!

- Finally, The Mountain will rise!


Aug 5, 2010
I want Ramsey to kill them. Slowly, flayingly, painfully! I can't believe I'm siding with him. But, there you have it.
Siccing Ramsay on them? please do.

I defeated your uncle Victarion and his Iron Fleet off Fair Isle, the first time your father crowned himself. I held Storm's End against the power of the Reach for a year, and took Dragonstone from the Targaryens. I smashed Mance Rayder at the Wall, though he had twenty times my numbers. Tell me, turncloak, what battles has the Bastard of Bolton ever won that I should fear him?

All those who oppose Stannis will be burned. They will bend the knee or be destroyed.



New member
Nov 21, 2008


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
I was gonna say, The Battle of Blackwater must have been particularly galling...

(That boat just don't float...)


Mace Tyrell is like the addled old great-uncle you find half under the table with a bottle of cooking sherry at a family christmas, mumbling to himself amid crazy drooling bellows of some unintelligible carol that no one wants to sing...so you just nod to him and carefully excuse yourself from the room.



Game of Thrones’ Shireen scene was perfect, and Stannis made the right call - Vox

...For starters: Stannis's decision. It makes sense. With insufficient supplies to make it back to Castle Black and no way forward through the weather, his entire army is drawing dead. Yes, he could have saved Shireen personally by sending her back to the Wall. But the vast majority of his men are doomed unless Melisandre can pull a magical rabbit out of the hat. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, and it doesn't require that high a confidence level in the Lord of Light to see that the expected value of burning Shireen is high.

Which is exactly why it was important for the scene to be so drawn-out and agonizing.

To me, Stannis's sacrifice of Shireen landed where Ramsay's rape of Sansa fell flat. The terrorized innocent girl. The fanatical, dead-eyed mother brought back to basic humanity. The stern king whom we've seen to be a basically good man brought to an inhuman choice by a terrible situation of his own creation. Stannis's host, uncertain and desperate. And Melisandre, badly underdressed in the freezing winter as usual, offering a subtle reminder that she really does have strange power.

My thoughts:


New member
Nov 21, 2008
^ I can see where they are coming from, as that has been Stannis' MO throughout the show. He has no choice. He must become who he was destined to be. He even said as much to Shireen, in a roundabout way of explaining his upcoming 'choice'.

What makes Stannis' character morbidly fascinating, and at the same time, equally dull, is that there is no semblance of what he wants. What his passion is (beyond sometimes wanting to fuck the Red Woman). I still don't know, and am not convinced, that Stannis wants to be King, in his heart of hearts. It is his rightful duty to fulfill his destiny, which is said that he will be king, so he...must.

Stannis, what do you want?

And, he'd dourly reply, "That is not a relevant question to ask."

Which has driven his plot thus far. He needs an Fi sledgehammer to hit him over the head, as a fish needs water.


Aug 5, 2010
Stannis believes that Shireen and everyone in Westeros is doomed if he doesn't fulfill his destiny and become king. He's more concerned about the white walkers than anything else. In his mind if this sacrifice is not made then he won't even get through with the Boltons, meaning that not only Shireen, but all of Westeros will be demolished by the white walkers. If he doesn't sacrifice Shireen then Shireen will eventually perish, causing him to fail in all of those things you mentioned above. If he does sacrifice Shireen then he will fail in those things above, but also save the world. Of course this is what Stannis believes, it's not clear whether he's truly Azor Ahai. All of that stuff about honor and what not, standing in a certain spot, etc, is irrelevant. I'm not saying you're rooting for the Boltons; but they've done worst. They've conspired in breaking ceremony of guest right, betrayed their king, and Ramsey killed the only person who showed affection for him, his half brother.


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant

When they talk about various scenes, it's clear they have a deep understanding of what is going on and the inner workings of the characters (they're very articulate), but there have been missteps from time to time where something that I think they are too close to isn't conveyed the way they had hoped. (Like Shireen's mother's "flip" back to trying to stop the burning, for example. Or pacing during the fight scene at the end of the episode.) I really wasn't very anxious during the fight, there were far too many beats where in a real fight, Jorah would have been dead; and instead there were just lots of conventional pauses that in the end allowed him to live. It wasn't at all like the Mountain vs the Viper, where every second was real and potentially deadly.


New member
Nov 21, 2008
^ [MENTION=7]Jennifer[/MENTION], good find.

I completely missed the mark on Dany's motivation at the moment, when she joined hands with her Lady in Waiting, and closed her eyes. I actually thought she was deliberately harnessing her power to call on her dragon, while it seemed that the scene was to be read as her resigning herself to die with dignity.

Completely read correctly, Shireen's mother's motivation, and Jorah during the pit fight scene, and also Tyrion. Totally missed the mark on Dany.

I think it says something about the actors, how effectively they communicate the character's motivation, in any given moment, through verbal, but especially, non-verbal cues/expressions.

But, then again, it could be me being a dunce audience.


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
I completely missed the mark on Dany's motivation at the moment, when she joined hands with her Lady in Waiting, and closed her eyes. I actually thought she was deliberately harnessing her power to call on her dragon, while it seemed that the scene was to be read as her resigning herself to die with dignity.

I came at it the opposite way -- I felt like she was preparing for the end with her best female friend (kind of like how Frodo and Sam in the books at the last cast themselves down together before the lava overtook them... right before they were snatched up by the eagles), and then when the dragon appeared, I thought, "wait, was she trying to call him?"

I think it says something about the actors, how effectively they communicate the character's motivation, in any given moment, through verbal, but especially, non-verbal cues/expressions.

But, then again, it could be me being a dunce audience.

I am generally impressed by the actors in this show, even when a scene doesn't work out like it should; I usually consider it to be a mistake of writing, directing (to coax the right performance for an emotional arc in how it fits together), or editing (where they screw up the pacing or cut something necessary so that we can actually sense what's happening).


Strongly Ambivalent
Apr 18, 2007
I also thought Dany was resigning herself to die when she too Missandei's hand, but it didn't occur to me when Drogon appeared that she might have been trying to call him. She seemed as surprised to see him as the others.


Temporal Mechanic
Staff member
Sep 28, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I have only this to contribute to the thread:



Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Interesting tidbit about Jorah:

Jon's dragonsteel sword actually is supposed to be his, except after he got nabbed for slaving the poachers, he dropped the sword off with Daddy (commander of the night's watch) and high-tailed it out of Westeros.

I'm finally starting to make sense out of this huge tapestry, it just takes some time to get all the details to register (who everyone is) and then how they are connected.


New member
Nov 21, 2008
I also thought Dany was resigning herself to die when she too Missandei's hand, but it didn't occur to me when Drogon appeared that she might have been trying to call him. She seemed as surprised to see him as the others.

I registered her surprise that her mentally calling him, actually worked! As he's the rebellious one of her children, the one she has no control over (supposedly), the one who doesn't listen and goes on random kid-killing spree (both the goat and human kind). LOL.

Same scene, so many interpretations! Love it!


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
I want to believe she was imagining Jorah with his clothes off and how hot he had been in the pit fighting, but then the dragon showed up and ruined the moment, damning Jorah to an eternity of unsatiated friendzoning. POOR JORAH.