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Extraverted or Introverted


New member
Oct 14, 2008
Alright so this has been bothering me for quite some time and I'd like to work it out once and for all

While I've had a strong preference towards T and P (close to 100%) and a moderate preference to S I still cant work out in full if I am extraverted or introverted


-I live with an ESTJ an ENFJ and an ESFJ and they all seem much louder and more extraverted than me, I try and retreat from the madness

-I like to go out an socialize and when I find my groove I can often be the life of the party

-I get home an over analyze everything that happened but often draw conclusions that are correct

-I think about what I say before I speak, though when I'm comfortable this happens quite fast

-I'm not afraid to dance with others

-When online I tend to veer towards social games such as WoW

-I don't feel "energized" by people but I do love them

-I do have alone time but if I could spend long lengths of time with people I like I would do it (unlike my family who I avoid)

-Time seems to go faster when a stranger starts talking to me when I'm waiting somewhere (though I don't usually start the conversation) as when I'm alone I often just see the environment around me and get bored often tapping my foot or playing with my phone

-In new environments I don't warm up to people straight away or do much talking

-Extreme extraversion disturbs me "why do you feel the need to tell me this? I barely know you"

-Extreme introversion disturbs me "why did you come to a party to sit in the tv room and not socialize"

-I struggle to make the first move with girls longest relationship I had was with an ExFP

-I know introverts that talk more than me, I also know introverts that talk less than me

-When I ask others if they think I'm extraverted or Introverted they say I'm a good balance

So to end my posting break what am I? Extraverted or Introverted?

Or feel free to ask a question if it helps


veteran attention whore
Jun 7, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Alright so this has been bothering me for quite some time and I'd like to work it out once and for all

If it's really been bothering you that much, I'm ready to declare you an NF. ;)

But, really - you've said before that the ESTP descriptions seem to fit you better than ISTP ones, has that changed?

It's more about whole types than individual letters. I may have my "E moments" and end up "E" on some online tests, but at the end of the day, the ISFP simply fits better overall. People online can't really tell this stuff. Folks on here have said I seem "E" for an ISFP, but if I called myself ESFP, people would probly say I "seem I for an ESFP." :alttongue: And so it goes...


New member
Oct 14, 2008
The ISTP profiles are very poorly written so its hard to say really

Not every ISTP is going to be mechanically inclined, I actually don't know why they mention tools at all

Its like calling all ESTPs "Sellers" or something

That said yeah the ESTP descriptions fit me better

As for felling drained after social activity, I honestly don't understand when people ask this... depending on the activity everyone could feel drained?


silentigata ano (profile)
Mar 19, 2009
Not every ISTP is going to be mechanically inclined, I actually don't know why they mention tools at all
There was a good ISTP description on this site before that didn't relate to mechanical things. I don't remember the title of the thread though. :/

As for felling drained after social activity, I honestly don't understand when people ask this... depending on the activity everyone could feel drained?
I totally know what you mean. When socializing with certain people, I can feel either drained or energized. Sometimes I think that I'm a shy extravert.

But what do you feel most of the time? What situations drain you and what situations energize you?
Last edited:


New member
Oct 14, 2008
Meh I'll stick with E just cause the function order and descriptions are more accurate

TBH I just don't understand why you wouldn't want a balance of the two

Heavily E people are annoying as hell and heavily I people are boring as hell


12 and a half weeks
Sep 25, 2008
I could help but I would need to see some photos of you, prefferably with no clothes on because that would distract from the E or the I, see.

Don't worry, I'm really good at this. :cool:


New member
Oct 14, 2008

Btw I swear I could be both of these types...

Does anyone have some in depth ISTP descriptions?


New member
Oct 14, 2008
I'm starting to see what is meant by where you draw "energy" from hum

I always took "energy" too literally
Dec 9, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I'm starting to see what is meant by where you draw "energy" from hum

I always took "energy" too literally

may be interested in reading post 27 I posted some links that cleared it up pretty well for me. Maybe it will prove more helpful then my yapping ;)


Yeah I can see what you mean. I always kinda thought E = drawns energy literally from social activity. But i'm starting to think after a stressful/draining day they just need to get out and about, they seek the external world.

Introverts :yes: When were stressed/drained seek the internal world. Like a long overwhelming week What do you seek to recharge your batteries?

A = man I sure need to get a few people together or Time to get out in the hussel and beat of the city *despite being drained. There doing this to recharge. Would this recharge you when drained?*.
due time to get hang with my friends out and about. * where there is eternal stimulation i assume I'm not extroverted so i don't know how that would work on a having experience "with" it hehe.*

B = woo...boy such a long week. I'm not going anywhere, I'm staying home chilling with a nice book/comedy/ even music if up for it. Or just even sit there hehe. I can't be out and about tonight...just too drained from all the crazy activity as it is. Like why seek more? :shock: *these are my actual thoughts after a long day as Introvert.*

I as an Introvert I really love the hussel and bussel of the city/ activities and being out and about. Good times but i'f i'm feeling drained like absolutely no energy left from a stressful weak. Ain't happening hehe. Staying home and laying low to recover from all that. Not going to go searching for it to recharge. Also Even when i do these things i don't do it for as long as extrovert would cause i'd just get drained if there *whereever* too long.

If i did spend a whole day out like a saturday. You can be all day sunday I'll be laying low just recharging from that.

Blame it on the boogies ;).


New member
Apr 11, 2009
E/I is often about depth.
E is about doing many things.
I is about doing a few things intensely.


New member
Oct 14, 2008
Yeah I think I'm an I

Also when I switch to I all the socionics relations suddenly make more sense, explains why I get along so well with ENFPs and conflict with ENFJs

Can't believe I've been typed wrongly for so long... but eh can you blame me? The SP descriptions are so poorly written


New member
Oct 14, 2008
may be interested in reading post 27 I posted some links that cleared it up pretty well for me. Maybe it will prove more helpful then my yapping ;)


Yeah I can see what you mean. I always kinda thought E = drawns energy literally from social activity. But i'm starting to think after a stressful/draining day they just need to get out and about, they seek the external world.

Introverts :yes: When were stressed/drained seek the internal world. Like a long overwhelming week What do you seek to recharge your batteries?

A = man I sure need to get a few people together or Time to get out in the hussel and beat of the city *despite being drained. There doing this to recharge. Would this recharge you when drained?*.
due time to get hang with my friends out and about. * where there is eternal stimulation i assume I'm not extroverted so i don't know how that would work on a having experience "with" it hehe.*

B = woo...boy such a long week. I'm not going anywhere, I'm staying home chilling with a nice book/comedy/ even music if up for it. Or just even sit there hehe. I can't be out and about tonight...just too drained from all the crazy activity as it is. Like why seek more? :shock: *these are my actual thoughts after a long day as Introvert.*

I as an Introvert I really love the hussel and bussel of the city/ activities and being out and about. Good times but i'f i'm feeling drained like absolutely no energy left from a stressful weak. Ain't happening hehe. Staying home and laying low to recover from all that. Not going to go searching for it to recharge. Also Even when i do these things i don't do it for as long as extrovert would cause i'd just get drained if there *whereever* too long.

If i did spend a whole day out like a saturday. You can be all day sunday I'll be laying low just recharging from that.

Blame it on the boogies ;).

Defiantly B, don't get me wrong... I love people... but I also get tired of them... you know what I mean?


Nov 19, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Yeah I think I'm an I

Also when I switch to I all the socionics relations suddenly make more sense, explains why I get along so well with ENFPs and conflict with ENFJs

Can't believe I've been typed wrongly for so long... but eh can you blame me? The SP descriptions are so poorly written

Yeah the SP descriptions are bad, you're quite forgiven. :)

At least you didn't pop out suddenly and say "I'M AN INTJ!"


New member
Oct 14, 2008
There seems to be a lot of pressure to be extraverted so that may have swayed my original typing

Haha yeah blackcat some people change their type so drastically its insane!

This does make a lot of sense though

Dominant: Introverted Thinking
Auxiliary: Extraverted Sensing
Tertiary: Introverted Intuition
Inferior: Extraverted Feeling

I use Ti quite heavily and usually over analyze situations in my alone time
Dec 9, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Defiantly B, don't get me wrong... I love people... but I also get tired of them... you know what I mean?

Amen, I definitely hear what your saying Unique from one to another * gives an understanding hand on the shoulder in quiet support hehe* Tis okay online forum buddy, tis okay *hehe*.

Glad to see this fits you and don't fret about finding out now about being I, I can totally see that happening hence "society and it's expectations".

And boy do i agree with you about Over analyzing just with Fi. Introverted Judgers :yes:.

*had to smack my Ne it wanted to contribute but it was just rambling nonsense about an ESTJ bear and how it's not fluffy like my INFP home base bear xDD.*