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[ENTJ] ENTJ's, Maybe just misunderstood?


Active member
May 5, 2007
well, good. I think we can actually agree on something Frank.

If there is any belieft that Te can fight wars, I think we can verify this.
Try going to an african war zone or palestine and see what its like.

And yes, I do enjoy drinking ENTJ blood.

Why don't we cut the bullshit here and get to the real problem,
which is what Te symbolizes to you.
Clearly you associate Te with "the man" so to speak.
The head of X who perhaps made decisions that cost you something.
That something, has made you a bitter asshole.

Well just because you may have been in a war perhaps,
doesn't give you the right to perceive those with Dom Te as the "enemy."

Why don't you play it straight.
Quit wasting people's time with your bitter drivel.

I need to add an edit here: By writing "the man" in my post,
I was alluding to the government, Uncle Sam, if you will.
I was not making a distinction between man and woman.
(Great post though, Qre:us!)
I get this impression that Cloud thinks ENTJ symbolizes someone who runs the show,
a show that perhaps was run badly--a war--and now he hates all ENTJs.

Just a hunch that I wouldn't expect him to admit to anyway . . .


New member
Nov 21, 2008
ENTJ, misunderstood?

I think so. But, I only know one ENTJ (female) close enough to comment. One of my closest friends, been friends for 9 years. She's in med school. She was tested as ENTJ (not some bogus online test, but with a certified professional). She's quite tomboyish in certain pursuits....she's very into sports (lacrosse, field hockey, soccer, volleyball, etc, etc). Every night she's participating in one game or another. Yet, she's very very girly girl in mannerisms. Polite way of talking (although her voice is very loud - esp. when she gets excitable :D). She loves all those girly shows like, "Sex in the City". Shopping. But, she knows her limits to girliness, as her two younger sisters, she calls, "The twin princesses"...because they're 'girly' from EVERY PORE. While my friend, there's quite a bit that would suprise you, like, really? She's interested in that? Bless her innocent heart, but, she's learning break dancing (and as I've told her, you've got no rhythm, but, serious props for not letting that stop you).

And, I'm not exaggerating, but, she's the most sweetest person I've ever met in my life. Everyone who has met her, can't not think of her as sweet. We always joke, "Who'd ever wanna hurt [ENTJ]?" She'd be the last person on this earth who I'd think can make an enemy.

I was actually quite shocked that she was ENTJ, I def. thought she was ENFJ...but, nope.

If outsiders see my friend and I interacting, they'd think I had the more dominant personality. Because I talk/joke around way more than her. She loves to laugh, in return. She's more the sounding board in a conversation between us...maybe that's the dynamics of ENTP/ENTJ? ENTJ are the 'quieter', more receptive one. :blush:

The more you know her, the more you see the silent, strong determination of the ENTJ. Like, if she needs something done, she will nicely, but, with determination approach to get that done. No ifs ands or buts. Peer pressure is like non-stick spray on her. She never drank, smoked, etc...and no matter how many chances arise, how many people say, 'oh come on, just to say you've done it once', she never will.

As ENTP and ENTJ, we have an awsome time together. She loves indulging in my silliness, and is kinda in awe of it, she calls it my 'charm', and even when I complain of someone 'not getting me', she's such a good spirit-lifter with random thoughts like, "Psst, they obviously haven't evolved in humour!" :hug:
When I'm in the throes of panic because procastination has caught up with me, yet again, and although she knows it is my P-ways that's my issues, rather than give impractical 'advice' like, 'well why didn't you do this or that before?' She's really good at finding out anticipated step by step crisis control. And, then, I add flair to it, or refinement, or patch some holes that has a potential to be a pitfall than a benefit. And, voila....it's brilliant.

I think that adjectives used in MBTI allows people to have, from their own basket of memories, an 'image' that fit that adjective. So, 'strong, determined'...most likely have images of an unbudging control freak, when, it could very well be the sweet girl next door.


Fail 2.0
Nov 8, 2008
I normally don´t say this sort of thing, because I hate being similar, but ENTJs are similar to ENFPs in a sense. There´s that same drive to achieve the stuff that borders on unattainable. And though they´ll hate me saying it, ENTJs are often mild, friendly creatures. You tend to just see enthusiasm for projects. I´ve had many projects that I only embraced because of ENTJ enthusiasm.

I give ENTJs :nice:


Active member
May 5, 2007
There´s that same drive to achieve the stuff that borders on unattainable.

I cringe when someone says: "That's impossible."
I always give this big grin and reply,
"Well, we'll just see about that now won't we?"

Then when it's achieved, I yell: "Hey are we having fun yet?!!"

To me, a day without laughter is the day of death.
You can achieve the impossible, and have fun doing it.


Fail 2.0
Nov 8, 2008
I cringe when someone says: "That's impossible."
I always give this big grin and reply,
"Well, we'll just see about that now won't we?"

Then when it's achieved, I yell: "Hey are we having fun yet?!!"

To me, a day without laughter is the day of death.
You can achieve the impossible, and have fun doing it.

And that is why I love ENTJs! :)

I only started wanting to take over the world since my late teens :) (probably Te developing), but I actually said exactly what you said about people thinking things are impossible in my facebook profile. It´s like bring it on. Maybe I got a bit of that from the ENTJ influence I had when growing up.

King sns

New member
Nov 4, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Love you ENTJ's.

They are probably my favorite type.

(yea, i'm biased, sue me. )

I wish there were more of them, I don't know that many. Their perception of everything is very fascinating to me.

King sns

New member
Nov 4, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I cringe when someone says: "That's impossible."
I always give this big grin and reply,
"Well, we'll just see about that now won't we?"

Then when it's achieved, I yell: "Hey are we having fun yet?!!"

To me, a day without laughter is the day of death.
You can achieve the impossible, and have fun doing it.

Like this, I love that.

(Which is probably why I get along so well with some of my bosses!!!)

You guys are 100% in everything you do. Making money, working, having fun - (the last being my own personal priority, of course i'm going to love someone who has fun at 100% maximum velocity!) Excellent taste in everything, generous. I could go on all day.


Active member
May 5, 2007
And that is why I love ENTJs! :)

I only started wanting to take over the world since my late teens :) (probably Te developing), but I actually said exactly what you said about people thinking things are impossible in my facebook profile. It´s like bring it on. Maybe I got a bit of that from the ENTJ influence I had when growing up.

And who said I'm really an ENTJ?

For the record, I think MBTI theory is severely flawed.
I value S as much as I value N. (well, almost. Lol.)
S brings N into reality. Without S, N can do nothing but remain an idea.
I do not subscribe to the bipolar theory or forced-choice questions.

I think the Singer-Loomis women did it right by testing the MBTI assumptions,
and proving they are utter bullshit.
That's why they created the SL-TDI.
No forced-choice questions.
The function combinations are endless and individualistic.
(In other words-- reality!)

I think MBTI obliterates our greatest gold: gifted kids.
A truly gifted kid would never fall into a 16-type category.
IMO their function order would be quite unique.

I don't believe for one minute that all ENTJ's have the same exact function order.
MBTI just wants you to think that, so it's marketable to the masses.

I might score an ENTJ on a stupid online test,
but that doesn't make me an ENTJ now does it?

I hate labels. I love truth.
And the truth, is in the function order.
Not the label.

Okay, I'm going back to being my usual cut-to-the-chase person.
My post was too long! :D

P.S. I have no desire to take over the world.
I do, however, wish the world would get its act together.

Virtual ghost

Complex paradigm
Jun 6, 2008
ENTJs are surely misunderstood.

When they give you an order you should comply instead of judging and analysing their order.


Fail 2.0
Nov 8, 2008
And who said I'm really an ENTJ?

For the record, I think MBTI theory is severely flawed.
I value S as much as I value N. (well, almost. Lol.)
S brings N into reality. Without S, N can do nothing but remain an idea.
I do not subscribe to the bipolar theory or forced-choice questions.

I think the Singer-Loomis women did it right by testing the MBTI assumptions,
and proving they are utter bullshit.
That's why they created the SL-TDI.
No forced-choice questions.
The function combinations are endless and individualistic.
(In other words-- reality!)

I think MBTI obliterates our greatest gold: gifted kids.
A truly gifted kid would never fall into a 16-type category.
IMO their function order would be quite unique.

I don't believe for one minute that all ENTJ's have the same exact function order.
MBTI just wants you to think that, so it's marketable to the masses.

I might score an ENTJ on a stupid online test,
but that doesn't make me an ENTJ now does it?

I hate labels. I love truth.
And the truth, is in the function order.
Not the label.

Okay, I'm going back to being my usual cut-to-the-chase person.
My post was too long! :D

P.S. I have no desire to take over the world.
I do, however, wish the world would get its act together.

:). It doesn´t matter for me. The people define the types, not the types define the people.

And yes, I do want to take over the world. (not with weapons at this stage) :devil:


Active member
May 5, 2007
:). It doesn´t matter for me. The people define the types, not the types define the people.

I like your attitude.
Try telling that to the people on this board.
Someone just started a thread entitled:
Why are ENTPs assholes?
Well anyone can be an asshole.

Being an asshole is an equal opportunity job.


I'm a star.
Dec 27, 2008
enthusiasm for projects.

Oh, yes. Even seeing the word 'project' in your post gave me a little thrill.

When they give you an order you should comply instead of judging and analysing their order.

Yes! :D


Alexander the Terrible
Aug 3, 2008
Why don't we cut the bullshit here and get to the real problem,
which is what Te symbolizes to you.
Clearly you associate Te with "the man" so to speak.
The head of X who perhaps made decisions that cost you something.
That something, has made you a bitter asshole.

Well just because you may have been in a war perhaps,
doesn't give you the right to perceive those with Dom Te as the "enemy."

Why don't you play it straight.
Quit wasting people's time with your bitter drivel.

I need to add an edit here: By writing "the man" in my post,
I was alluding to the government, Uncle Sam, if you will.
I was not making a distinction between

man and woman.
(Great post though, Qre:us!)
I get this impression that Cloud thinks ENTJ symbolizes someone who runs the show,
a show that perhaps was run badly--a war--and now he hates all ENTJs.

Just a hunch that I wouldn't expect him to admit to anyway . . .

really Jaguar, why should ENTJs have credit for something they cannot do.
I really have nothing against ENTJs, as long as they know where not to fuck.
When you are fucking as if every great leader and general is an ENTJ, you really have to know the limit.

As for all that world domination talk, it was yourlocaljesus who started it. I am just here to challenge that belief.

If you really want to know what fighting a war is like, break the law, live your life like Jack Bauer. Better yet, go to africa, start an army of your own and take over the continent. I bet thats what all the unhealthy ENTJs are already doing.

ENTJs are surely misunderstood.

When they give you an order you should comply instead of judging and analysing their order.

Seriously Bullshit. You really expect an EP to believe this?


Mar 22, 2009
really Jaguar, why should ENTJs have credit for something they cannot do.
I really have nothing against ENTJs, as long as they know where not to fuck.
When you are fucking as if every great leader and general is an ENTJ, you really have to know the limit.

As for all that world domination talk, it was yourlocaljesus who started it. I am just here to challenge that belief.

If you really want to know what fighting a war is like, break the law, live your life like Jack Bauer. Better yet, go to africa, start an army of your own and take over the continent. I bet thats what all the unhealthy ENTJs are already doing.

Seriously Bullshit. You really expect an EP to believe this?

1. Atop broken glass
2. In poison ivy/oak
3. In public bathhouses
4. Atop asphalt in the desert during summer months
5. On (in?) cactus
6. On metallic surfaces during winter months (think "Christmas Story" here)

There, now we all know. Problem solved!


Nov 19, 2008
Instinctual Variant
This thread is getting pretty retarded... It's turned into a place of opinion vs opinion. Maybe instead of a never ending flame war you could actually put in input pertaining to the OP.

Seriously. This is ridiculous.


Nov 19, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Wasn't saying that about you juggernaut. ;) I was talking about cloud vs Jaguar, it's become their place to duke it out. And anyone else adding to the flame.


Mar 22, 2009
Maybe it's better that I haven't on that note. These "clash of the titan" threads are getting a bit tiresome.


New member
Mar 13, 2008
Wasn't saying that about you juggernaut. ;) I was talking about cloud vs Jaguar, it's become their place to duke it out. And anyone else adding to the flame.

I've got J knocking out C in the third round.