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[ENTJ] ENTJ, describe other types!

Ghost of the dead horse

filling some space
Sep 7, 2007
other NT:
ENTP - damn intelligent, fun without demeaning themselves - hell, they're respectable folks! Creative as hell, they do most of the things we do without planning about it. It's a wonderful lifestyle to be an ENTP. Yet it isn't just a superior way of living compared to ENTJ; there's something they miss because of working contrary to the system and not planning enough. Hell, they're still respectable. Nothing less. My love goes to ENTP <3
INTP - Compared to ENTP, I dislike their uninvolvement, not expressing .. they are very devoted to intelligence, which I value. I feel for them for being underachivers, often, sad.. which I understand.. I feel for that.. but, respectable detachment and independence.
INTJ, my brother. Almost like me and my folks. You have devised your strategy to be one of less expressionistic. I can get you.

INFP - beautiful thinker. How I'd wish to have you. Still.. what I don't tell you.. I'd wish you'd do something with it.
ENFP - okay, if you don't let your ENFP-ness get you over exited about yourself, you're awesome. Possibly intelligent (if you don't dismiss it over popularity) and almost sensory in your behavior, you can be great. Too bad, you're even more egotistical than your ESFP sister, in a bad way. You're undoing your great characteristics in a serious way.
ENFJ - We don't talk. I can get you. You're like the leader of the opposite faction. We visit each other's places now and then.. but, there's a great disparity. Still, there's respect for your strengths.
INFJ - we meet every now and then, and your emotinally, deeply insightful ideas intrigue us. In my mind, you're the most understanding of the NF, extremely respectable in their view of the world.

ESTJ - I'm almost like you. I think you're a bit rude and uncompromising. It's possible that you base your work and your opinion on something humanistic, and I hope you do. Then again, you're something of a soulmate; others don't appreciate efficiency and effect just the way we do.
ISTJ - bookkeeper. Sorry. But. Having met you, listened to you, you seem smart and hard. Rude. Rude like INTP, effective like ESTJ in delivering that rudeness. If all that rudeness only were correct or accurate, I'd dig you.
ESFJ - I guess you want to look good, seem good, and you like the most common denominator in all the people. You don't like something only 80% of people like. You like something 95% of people like, and you make the last 5% keep their damned mouth shut. I can understand your strive for success; I want success too, but yours is a most simple way, something I can't approve.
ISFJ - I've got no clue about you.

ISTP - ok, so you like some technical subject, perhaps a view on life. Seems I've neglected you, but there's understanding with you. Still I wish there was more. Your fondness of solitude and lack of intuition distracts me. Still, somehow you're awfully good in being understanding, laid-back and not that difficult as an INTP, which I like.
ESTP - a good friend. Yet, not someone I develop my life with. Hell, we can have fun.
ISFP - uh. Fine dining, wine? feeling deeply about a pillow on the couch? Sorry, I've got bad vibes about you.
ESFP - I looked for your type at my wild years. Yeah, you're the example of a dumb bimbo, but there's some real attractive quality to you I can't quite describe at the moment. Joy of life is strong with you. Go for it!

I was verbose, excuse me.


Damnit, I was expecting a smart-ass remark about INFJs. I'm so disappointed. :steam:


Nov 19, 2008
Instinctual Variant
INFP - beautiful thinker. How I'd wish to have you. Still.. what I don't tell you.. I'd wish you'd do something with it.

I want you too. :D Does your comment here mean that you want us to dig deeper, to get to know you better? To get that sensitive side out?

Ghost of the dead horse

filling some space
Sep 7, 2007
I want you too. :D Does your comment here mean that you want us to dig deeper, to get to know you better? To get that sensitive side out?
I have the sensitive side, I wish to share that and the experience of life with your type. But, we both have intellect, and insight about the world. That's what I've felt and wish to share with you :) and the experience of life. Seems hard or easy, depending on who come and go from my life :)


Nov 19, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I have the sensitive side, I wish to share that and the experience of life with your type. But, we both have intellect, and insight about the world. That's what I've felt and wish to share with you :) and the experience of life. Seems hard or easy, depending on who come and go from my life :)

Yeah, I agree with you. There is mutual attraction here (at least from me). It seems like I should know by now on this forum. :yes:

Ghost of the dead horse

filling some space
Sep 7, 2007
Yeah, I agree with you. There is mutual attraction here (at least from me). It seems like I should know by now on this forum. :yes:
Ohh. One INFP girl I really like just announced on FB she's single again. Now, don't get me started :D

But no, really. I don't know what there is, but there's something allright.


New member
Jan 28, 2009
ISFJ - I've got no clue about you.

The ones I have met always hide form the entj in terror, and talk about how mean he is. I wubbed my entj. He was the best (most hard core, tough, ass kicking, getting shit done ) leader ever.

The world needs more entjs.


New member
Jan 28, 2009
There. Fixed.

But enought about me.


I have known one male entj and two females. Oh the females are soooooo sexy and intereterestingly actually less ego bound and more productive organizationally than my ENTJ male.

He just was the big boss.


New member
Apr 18, 2008
other NT:
other ENTJs- awesome, duh. especially gordon ramsey. he runs his shit exactly the way i would. but ones i know personally.... we mostly clash as we're too similar unless its in a business situation or other type of situation where we're both working towards achieving the same goal.
ENTP-I know where they come from and find them hilarious but usually their ways of expressing themselves make it hard for me to take them seriously.
INTP- Again, I know where they come from and like them but their ways of going about achieving their goals or trying to make their presence known to the world usually come off as foolish to me.
INTJ- Completely understand them as I'm more of an introverted ENTJ in a lot of aspects; appreciate how their minds work and the way they go about existing in the least fussiest manner.

INFP- they're basically the ENTJ turned inside out. my best friend and the only boy I've ever really loved are both INFPs. We get each other and fit naturally; like yin and yang or.... sour cream and onions. But i often find that I need to bust their balls to get them going which is good cause we motivate them to strive harder and they help us become more...humane? Can talk about anything under the fucking sun with an INFP and make it an interesting and worthwhile conversation.
ENFP- basically the same as the INFP in a lot of ways except when they get too into their moments of extrovertedness...then they usually need to be shot with some kind of tranquilizer.
ENFJ - we kind of conflict in that we usually appear to occupy the same niches and serve the same purposes; I find that it's usually hard for us to communicate on a romantic level as we are going towards the same goals/end but with almost the opposite things driving us towards them. We basically live in parallel universes.
INFJ - I guess INFJ females are cute but INFJ males really turn me off on the whole.

ESTJ -i think we complement one another. one of my best friends is an ESTJ; she thinks a lot of things i say and do are hilariously rude and innappropriate while I think the same about a lot of things she does. We're good at working together at problem solving, theorizing, and philosophizing as we both think up things and pick up where the other leaves off.
ISTJ -I really like istj's. they usually accept us entj's just as we are even if they think we're insane or too much. they put up with our shit awesomely in their own dignified manner.
ESFJ - I find them adorable and too diplomatic to criticize as they are usually just as driven as we are but go about pursuing goals in a more socially acceptable way. But when they get annoying, especially if you have one as a family member....shit, do they really get annoying enough to want to slap upside the head.
ISFJ - you're usually weird as shit and i don't mind it one bit.

ISTP - I usually find i dismiss most, if not all ISTP's i meet. They just seem so.... neutral to life. I probably don't even notice when i meet one.
ESTP - usually find them hilarious in general.
ISFP - I dont know... dismissably creepy?
ESFP- i also find i dimiss most esfp's i meet, but for the exact opposite reason i tend me dismiss istp's....they're usually filled with and exert too much frivolity like a really colorful pinata in your face that you can't wait to bash in order to get the booty as quickly as possible. if that makes any sense.

Ghost of the dead horse

filling some space
Sep 7, 2007
ENFP- ( cut ) ... usually need to be shot with some kind of tranquilizer.

ESFP- ... they're usually filled with and exert too much frivolity like a really colorful pinata in your face that you can't wait to bash in order to get the booty as quickly as possible. if that makes any sense.

:rofl1: Perfect sense.

Your complete list is interesting reading. Coming from another ENTJ, your list includes more pertinent observations of the type than type descriptions in general.. more pertinent for me, that is.

I haven't thought of ENFJ as going for the same goals, as much as going to the different goals with different methods. Then again, perhaps we both arrange social events in a similar fashion. Both want to improve the system, with a different bias for personal and impersonal considerations.


Apr 10, 2009
Interesting thread. I've made an INTP version. Please don't flame. Please don't lock. Please don't sue!


Courage is immortality
Jul 7, 2007
Instinctual Variant
ENTJ - Other ENTJs either seem like very flawed and aggressive people, or very balanced and almost flawless human beings. Too bad that most ENTJs are heartless bastards who use their imagination and social skills to torture people at workplaces all over the world.

ENTP - Speaking of flaws... Sometimes ingenious, but you might very well end up like some drooling loonytoon because of your alcohol consumption. You kind of remind me of pirates. You are defiant, quirky, drink too much, get emotional and you could probably build a nuke with your pocket knife and a few rubber bands. Cool stuff.

INTJ - I respect your intelligence, but most of you should really get a heart and some morals to go with that big head of yours. ;) Those of you that have developed actual feelings and empathy are some of the coolest people around.

INTP - Something I've noticed about you guys is that you write very well, even if it takes time, but your voices annoy the hell out of me, and you can't get shit done. On top of that you are also unreliable. But lovable. Once in a while, you actually say something really cool that will give me a headache for days while I try to figure it out. This is very much OK.

ESTJ - Just stay the hell away from me, OK? I don't want your opinions, answers and trashtalk. You're way over your head in all your little details. It seems like you can't anticipate where anything is going, even if it's on a bloody railroad. I have honestly never connected with any of you, even though I have tried. I have nightmares about ESTJs.

ESFJ - I like you guys. Dependable, lovable, neat... But you should really acquire a sense of humor and some fluffy dreamy fantasies and abstract thinking capabilities.

ISFJ - Oh my... You guys are sweet. You remind me of tiger cubs, somehow. :)

ISTJ - I really do respect your ways. They are not mine, and personally, I do not think of them as optimal... But you do achieve. With a few beers in you... You can be pretty much OK :)

ENFJ - Both of my best friends are ENFJs. As friends and "allies", I value ENFJs the most in real life. Dependable, hard but soft, sense of right and wrong, empathy, generally pretty good with logics so they can see where i'm coming from.

ENFP - You can be the most amusing and lovable of all the types. You can also be manipulative and very hurtful towards others. Besides that, you can also tend to be unreliable, if this is not something you have focused on fixing before.

INFP - Oh my god, you guys are cute ;) Sometimes you are childish and naive, but I still love you... OK?

INFJ - You were built by another blueprint, and for another purpose than me, but still I feel a lot of kinship with INFJs. Talking to you is greatly rewarding. You are mysterious and hard to get to, but it is very much worth it. Romantically, this is the type that i'm into the most.

ESTP - If you would just get a haircut and... Err... Hell who am I kidding?

ESFP - If you would just get a haircut and... Err... Hell who am I kidding?

ISTP - I know several ISTPs, and I feel an immense respect for their knowledge. Some of them are great at teaching people, also, to my big surprise.

ISFP - I often clash with you guys, because of bad communication, but I have come to respect most of the ones that are somewhat close to me. Sometimes you guys are like ostriches. You stick your head into the ground and refuse to accept the truth. :D


veteran attention whore
Jun 7, 2008
Instinctual Variant
ISFP - I often clash with you guys, because of bad communication, but I have come to respect most of the ones that are somewhat close to me. Sometimes you guys are like ostriches. You stick your head into the ground and refuse to accept the truth. :D

lalalala I can't hear you...


Apr 24, 2008
ENTP - Speaking of flaws... Sometimes ingenious, but you might very well end up like some drooling loonytoon because of your alcohol consumption. You kind of remind me of pirates. You are defiant, quirky, drink too much, get emotional and you could probably build a nuke with your pocket knife and a few rubber bands. Cool stuff.

Though I am honoured, I dont think its appropiate to insult other entps because of me...