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Am I a Fluffy Bunny or a Graceful Thoroughbred?*


Marshmallow Heart
Nov 21, 2016
Instinctual Variant
*MBTI as animals

Hi! So I'm very unsure about what my type is, mostly because I can identify so easily with at least some aspects of all MBTI types, and whenever I claim a type as my own, I immediately start acting and thinking more like that type (or perhaps I start acting more like that type and so claim it as my own. It's so hard to use controls when studying one's own mind *mutters* ). Additionally, everyone around me seem oblivious to many aspects of their personality, and so I probably am also oblivious to some of my own traits, possibly including some that would reveal my MBTI type. Anyways, I would love any light you could shed on what my MBTI type is! *gives cookies* Please do not be afraid to hurt my feelings by saying I'm a certain type as the notion that some MBTI personalities are better than others is ridiculous. xD

1-what makes you angry?

Cruelty makes me livid. I honestly cannot comprehend how some people can do unspeakable things to others. I mean, I care so much about everyone that I just can't wrap my mind around why a dictator would let so many of his people die of starvation, or why someone would murder someone else. I mean, I understand it in theory, I guess, but I can't understand how someone's conscious would even let them do that. It just makes my blood boil. Also people being rude; if I tell someone to have a nice day and they just ignore me I'll probably be a bit miffed for 30 seconds. Oh, and people having loud conversations in a room designed for studying that I'm TRYING to do math in. GO TALK IN THE ROOM DESIGNED FOR PEOPLE TO HANG OUT AND VISIT GOOD GRIEF YOUR VOICE IS ANNOYING!

2-what do you like/dislike most about people?
I like kind, accepting, and open people. If I find someone who is usually nice, is open to being friends with people others find annoying or "uncool" and who doesn't judge others for silly things, then that person is a holy being, in my mind and I am now being your friend case closed even if I have to sign up for this elective I wasn't planning on taking just so I can be around you ... I dislike negativity and grumpiness as it can take my mood down pretty fast, judgmental people who gossip a lot, and people who are just plain mean.

3-do you like animals? why?

I LOVE animals. The fluffy cute ones make my heart feel like a raspberry dark-chocolate truffle and the rest are just awesome to learn about and see! I also love pets as taking care of animals makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, and I enjoy developing a special relationship with a fluffy critter. There's something so very warming about running one's hand across soft fur and gazing into those beautiful, absorbing eyes.

4-what do you like most about the favorite people in your life?
Prepare for a very long document listing a gazillion things about 30 different peeps. JK I'll stay concise. ;) My favorite thing about my peoples is their kindness, but I think I've already established that I value kindness so I'll move on. I love my BFF because she's so very funny and can make the best jokes ever. I love my other BFF because she's super into books and stories like I am, and is really good at analyzing plots and characters and just makes the best points ever! I love my other BFF because she's so very sweet and I feel like she really listens to me and values what I have to say. I love my other BFF because she's super wise and can piece together my most confusing of thoughts, help me make sense of them, and then help me figure out what to do about those thoughts.

5-what do you like/dislike most about yourself?

I like that I'm super nice, caring, and selfless. I dislike how scatter brained I am. Like yesterday I was going out to lunch with a friend and was totally feeling super proud of myself for remembering which side of the street the restaurant was on ... until I accidentally got on the freeway and ended up in the middle of the country. Oops.

6-do you care about being fashionable? why/why not?

I like to be fashionable as it's fun to design new outfits and look cute and stuff, plus it's a great way for me to be creative and sort of express myself, but I don't really care if my friends are fashionable. In fact, most of my friends are pretty unfashionable as I'm attracted to the weird and authentic people. *nods*

7-do you prefer to fit in or stand out?Ummm a bit of both. I like to stand out a tad bit, but I hate tons of attention. I think the real answer to this is I like to express my authentic self through outlets such as wearing cute but slightly unique clothes, or painting dragons on my instrument cases which makes me stand out a bit, but I don't like it if I'm in a hurry and people keep stopping me and oohing over my dragon-covered guitar case.

8-what activities do you enjoy?

Ooh, lots of activities! My favorite past times are creative writing, composing songs, singing, playing guitar, reading cool books whether fiction or some neat science book about solving paradoxes in physics, hanging out with my peeps, going for walks, hiking, and arts and crafts.

9-what makes you feel secure?
Wearing sweatshirts that are waayyyy too big for me as well as curling up in a fetal position. Hugs. Knowing someone loves me unconditionally. Feeling appreciated.

10-do you like being in a relationship? why/why not?
I've never really been in one ... I've been on a few dates and had a couple (kind of) boyfriends but nothing too serious so I guess I don't really know??? I think I might like to be in a relationship, but I also value my independence so I could never be with someone clingy or who was looking to me as a source of self-esteem, and I would dislike being in a relationship where I had to spend like, everyday with that person ... ain't nobody got time for that. But I also feel I have tons of love to offer in a relationship and I think romance is fun and exciting so I guess I would either like or dislike being in a relationship depending on the dynamics.

11-what do you love and why? Could be people, things, places, etc...

I love food!!!! *nods* Okay fine, I'll be serious. I love my family and friends, nature, art, novels, and music because they make me feel connected, speak to my soul, and unlock the treasures buried inside me.

12-what do you spend the most time thinking about?
Oh yowza I think about a LOT of different things. I dwell on the meaning for my existence, my purpose in life, and how I'm going to fulfill that purpose, a lot. I think about ways I can help others, what I'm going to have for lunch, how I can be more efficient, and what would happen if I met my favorite book character or ended up going through a portal to a fantasy world. I have imaginary conversations with people, think about why I always breathe in on odd numbers and breathe out on even ones, and think about what kind of person I would be if this had happened to me instead of this.

13-How much have you changed over the years? Who were you as a child?

Oh gosh I've changed a lot! I'm much less tidy than I was ... I used to be a bit OCD about keeping my room clean. I'm much more secure in who I am and actually feel like my friends and family like me, and I'm a good deal smarter. xD As a child I was extremely bouncy, happy, and sweet. I would run up to random kids at the park and be like "let's be friends!" and I would gallop around my house pretending to be a wild horse (drove my mom insane). I would come up with elaborate games for me and my sister to play that had full-blown plots, story goals, and character development (I was extremely controlling about those games, btw ... "no, you can't add another character, AJ! We already have ten main characters and this is getting too crazy!"). I LOVED reading and doing things like making little houses and castles out of rocks for bugs to live in (and sneaking food to out to the sugar ants, much to my dad's dismay "why are we having such a pest problem????"). I was also extremely caring. I wanted to open a free store where everything was free so people could have stuff they needed even if they didn't have enough money (then I learned about economics and my dreams were crushed *sob* ) and I was constantly making schemes to help out poor people. Like, my mom once told me and my sisters that if we turned the lights off when we left a room, then her and dad could save money and then have more to give away to charity and I instantly became the light police and annoyed my family to death. xD

Thanks so much for helping me out with this! :)


Aug 30, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Hmm.. I'm really thinking you might be a Bashful Beaver... :huh:

but idk, don't let me offend the others. ;)

Galaxy Gazer

New member
Dec 27, 2015
Instinctual Variant
My thoughts while reading this:

1- Fe. Fe everywhere.
2- Reminds me of my own Fi, but could also be Fe.
3- Fi or Fe.
4- Holyshit. I think that is Si.
5- Just sounds like a lack of Se.
6- That kind of creativity usually goes with Ne. Liking "authentic" people is nornally an Fi trait.
7- Yeah, Ne.
8- Fi?
9- I mean, I guess that's technically Se. Everyone loves oversized sweaters, though.
10- I have no idea.
11- Ni, Ne, Fi, and Fe.
12- I think you're definitely an Ne-user. The efficiency thing sounds like it could be Te.
13- So much Ne, and a lot of either Fe or Fi.

Final verdict: ESFJ or ENFP. It's obvious that you use Ne and Si. What matters is Fe vs. Fi. You seem like an Fe-dom at first glance, but sometimes Fi-users do this thing where they decide what type of person they want to be, and then behave that way. I do this all the time, and gave temporarily taken on the role of a witty INTP, an outspoken ENFP, a deeply spiritual INFJ, a strategic INTJ, an attention-loving ESFP, and plenty of other things. You type as if you are deliberately radiating happiness and enthusiasm, and I think the things you mentioned several times (kindness, selflessness, etc.) might just be your Fi values.


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2014
Fe - people focused and ethically focused descriptions, phrased "this is bad" rather than "I don't like this"

Si - whereas Ni picks up trends, you tend to mention things more definite "in this situation, I do this" cause and effect manner

Plus an overall energetic/extroverted energy.



Marshmallow Heart
Nov 21, 2016
Instinctual Variant
My thoughts while reading this:

1- Fe. Fe everywhere.
2- Reminds me of my own Fi, but could also be Fe.
3- Fi or Fe.
4- Holyshit. I think that is Si.
5- Just sounds like a lack of Se.
6- That kind of creativity usually goes with Ne. Liking "authentic" people is nornally an Fi trait.
7- Yeah, Ne.
8- Fi?
9- I mean, I guess that's technically Se. Everyone loves oversized sweaters, though.
10- I have no idea.
11- Ni, Ne, Fi, and Fe.
12- I think you're definitely an Ne-user. The efficiency thing sounds like it could be Te.
13- So much Ne, and a lot of either Fe or Fi.

Final verdict: ESFJ or ENFP. It's obvious that you use Ne and Si. What matters is Fe vs. Fi. You seem like an Fe-dom at first glance, but sometimes Fi-users do this thing where they decide what type of person they want to be, and then behave that way. I do this all the time, and gave temporarily taken on the role of a witty INTP, an outspoken ENFP, a deeply spiritual INFJ, a strategic INTJ, an attention-loving ESFP, and plenty of other things. You type as if you are deliberately radiating happiness and enthusiasm, and I think the things you mentioned several times (kindness, selflessness, etc.) might just be your Fi values.

Thanks so much for taking the time to respond to this, and I like how you showed which cognitive functions corresponded with which answers. :) I'll definitely try and figure out if I use Fe or Fi, now!


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2014
I can identify so easily with at least some aspects of all MBTI types, and whenever I claim a type as my own, I immediately start acting and thinking more like that type

Yep I definitely do this when I type-question. It's funny - I knew the types well enough to become them when I typed myself that way, but was missing knowledge for a while which allowed me to properly type myself (although I mostly did tend to hover around the correct type). Now I notice that with types I understand the thinking of quite well, when I reply to someone on a forum who is that type or similar, then I reply to them in a manner typical of that type. I'll be keeping an eye out on which types I seem able to emulate well!


Dec 1, 2014
Instinctual Variant
ESFJ. The Fe is overwhelming.


Marshmallow Heart
Nov 21, 2016
Instinctual Variant
Yep I definitely do this when I type-question. It's funny - I knew the types well enough to become them when I typed myself that way, but was missing knowledge for a while which allowed me to properly type myself (although I mostly did tend to hover around the correct type). Now I notice that with types I understand the thinking of quite well, when I reply to someone on a forum who is that type or similar, then I reply to them in a manner typical of that type. I'll be keeping an eye out on which types I seem able to emulate well!

Haha that makes sense! :D


Marshmallow Heart
Nov 21, 2016
Instinctual Variant
ESFJ. The Fe is overwhelming.

Aw I'm sorry is my floofy rainbow princess-ness too much for you? Oh, I feel so bad now! Here, have some homemade granola bars and a new outfit and a new car and your very own orca whale! Except ... I kind of released the orca I bought you into the wild as it's very bad for them to be kept in captivity ... but you can still name it! :)

JK ;) Thanks for taking the time to help me out. *nods*

citizen cane

ornery ornithologist
Apr 30, 2010
Instinctual Variant
Are you sure you're not a fluffy thoroughbred?


Dec 1, 2014
Instinctual Variant
Aw I'm sorry is my floofy rainbow princess-ness too much for you? Oh, I feel so bad now! Here, have some homemade granola bars and a new outfit and a new car and your very own orca whale! Except ... I kind of released the orca I bought you into the wild as it's very bad for them to be kept in captivity ... but you can still name it! :)

JK ;) Thanks for taking the time to help me out. *nods*


smol nozomi has blessed you.