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What is this strange behavior called and why do people do it?


Mar 27, 2017
Usually if I dislike someone, I'll ignore them or try not give them any attention, or I'll put them on blast 100 times more to annoy them away. For example, I don't like the Kardashians, but I don't spend all day on their boards bashing them into oblivion. Some people who dislike someone keep buzzing in people's ear about it as if the person cared but not even that person does.

It's like does the person who they dislike even care? Chances are probably not, but people spend all day talking about that person.



Mar 20, 2008
Usually if I dislike someone, I'll ignore them or try not give them any attention, or I'll put them on blast 100 times more to annoy them away. For example, I don't like the Kardashians, but I don't spend all day on their boards bashing them into oblivion. Some people who dislike someone keep buzzing in people's ear about it as if the person cared but not even that person does.

It's like does the person who they dislike even care? Chances are probably not, but people spend all day talking about that person.


Good question.

The answer is we live in an Attention Economy, and whoever gains the most attention wins. Those who monopolise the most attention are celebrities. Like the Robber Barons of early America, celebrities steal attention from the rest of us.

Celebrities are able to steal our attention because we are in thrall to the electronic media and celebrities feed on the electronic media.

The antidote to the robber celebrities is to pay attention to one another, but this is not possible because we are sunk in narcissism.

So our celebrities rule supreme just like the Robber Barons of old America.

America doesn't change, only the means change of robbing the American people. In the 19th century they robbed our money, now they rob us of attention.


Poking the poodle
Apr 6, 2015
Instinctual Variant
Usually if I dislike someone, I'll ignore them or try not give them any attention, or I'll put them on blast 100 times more to annoy them away. For example, I don't like the Kardashians, but I don't spend all day on their boards bashing them into oblivion. Some people who dislike someone keep buzzing in people's ear about it as if the person cared but not even that person does.

It's like does the person who they dislike even care? Chances are probably not, but people spend all day talking about that person.


Imo- because people want to be heard and they want to feel like their opinions matter.

Lots of the times what people claim to dislike- or bash- are things that appeal to mainstream culture. People like to feel like their ideas are novel, like they are special, so they take the minority stance. Nothing like asserting your own individuality by intentionally taking as many contrarian stances as possible.

Imo, a lot of the people who are the loudest about doing this I think already feel a bit on the outside- and so decide to reject it in a 'reject it before you feel you feel rejected by it' mindset.

So really- its about finding ways to define yourself, to yourself. And I think- in the extreme case- when you are super loud about it- its about attempting to justify yourself to the world for some. To legitimize YOU.

Anyways. Thats about pop- culture. But it can similarly work for people who feel the need to put other people down. They need to legitimize their feelings- so they look to others to reaffirm them. Sometimes it might be a genuine need to just make someone aware of something someone else is doing-or vent, but a lot of the times- especially especially if it is less about something someone has done ans more about just attacking another person, being as mean as possible, I think it is because the person gossiping feels insecure in themselves.



Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
Usually if I dislike someone, I'll ignore them or try not give them any attention, or I'll put them on blast 100 times more to annoy them away. For example, I don't like the Kardashians, but I don't spend all day on their boards bashing them into oblivion. Some people who dislike someone keep buzzing in people's ear about it as if the person cared but not even that person does.

It's like does the person who they dislike even care? Chances are probably not, but people spend all day talking about that person.


I agree with you, simply ignore. Those who complain are projecting their own realities to lessen psychic discomfiture on their part. Hence it is indicative of an unresolved internal problem and is a blind spot for the lacking in insight individual.


Potential is My Addiction
Jul 26, 2015
Usually if I dislike someone, I'll ignore them or try not give them any attention, or I'll put them on blast 100 times more to annoy them away. For example, I don't like the Kardashians, but I don't spend all day on their boards bashing them into oblivion. Some people who dislike someone keep buzzing in people's ear about it as if the person cared but not even that person does.

It's like does the person who they dislike even care? Chances are probably not, but people spend all day talking about that person.


I find when people tend to gossip about someone else, it very rarely actually has to do with the person in discussion. They're simply being used as a device to voice some inner frustrations and anxiety. For some people, this method works, even if temporarily. It lends the opportunity for others to join in, for you to feel heard, and so on. Those are the people that tend to do it most, when they don't actually address their issues, and instead express it against someone else for whatever reason. Most times the gossip surrounds such trivial garbage anyways, like who cares?! But it happens anyways. It's a social device too. It allows people to find common ground, or allows someone to feel like their thoughts are validated if others share in this sentiment.

There are many potential reasons, really.


Jul 9, 2016
Instinctual Variant
They don't have anything to do but to talk people

Agent Washington

Softserve Ice Cream
Jan 24, 2017
Imo- because people want to be heard and they want to feel like their opinions matter.

Lots of the times what people claim to dislike- or bash- are things that appeal to mainstream culture. People like to feel like their ideas are novel, like they are special, so they take the minority stance. Nothing like asserting your own individuality by intentionally taking as many contrarian stances as possible.

Imo, a lot of the people who are the loudest about doing this I think already feel a bit on the outside- and so decide to reject it in a 'reject it before you feel you feel rejected by it' mindset.

So really- its about finding ways to define yourself, to yourself. And I think- in the extreme case- when you are super loud about it- its about attempting to justify yourself to the world for some. To legitimize YOU.

Anyways. Thats about pop- culture. But it can similarly work for people who feel the need to put other people down. They need to legitimize their feelings- so they look to others to reaffirm them. Sometimes it might be a genuine need to just make someone aware of something someone else is doing-or vent, but a lot of the times- especially especially if it is less about something someone has done ans more about just attacking another person, being as mean as possible, I think it is because the person gossiping feels insecure in themselves.


This does make me think, though. Like, on some level, given that humans are social creatures, it doesn't seem unreasonable to want others to reaffirm them. Self-definition and need for affirmation doesn't seem like unreasonable desires, at any rate.

Yet, I also think various acts like gossiping, for instance, is also bad.

There's a connection here that I am missing, I think. ....

Was rudely interrupted by my fucking bf, who is eternally pissed off by the fact that I'm communicating with somebody who isn't him. Now I'm not in the mood to sort this out. Annoying.

Siúil a Rúin

when the colors fade
Apr 23, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Usually if I dislike someone, I'll ignore them or try not give them any attention, or I'll put them on blast 100 times more to annoy them away. For example, I don't like the Kardashians, but I don't spend all day on their boards bashing them into oblivion. Some people who dislike someone keep buzzing in people's ear about it as if the person cared but not even that person does.

It's like does the person who they dislike even care? Chances are probably not, but people spend all day talking about that person.

The times I've obsessed about a negative interaction it is because I hope a solution will occur to me, or I actually wish the person was nice to me. When I was a teenager I obsessed about a little group of friends who didn't really accept me because I wanted acceptance.

I'm wondering about the question of constantly trolling a celebrity you don't like. Perhaps some people actually desire acceptance or similar status - jealousy? Perhaps some people create their own sense of self based on whom they feel superior towards, and so when they talk about the people who are less than them, they are reinforcing a feeling of personal superiority?

I think you are right that the other person doesn't really care much about their opinion, so it is a waste of time.


New member
Apr 11, 2017
Instinctual Variant
Because secretly, they like or admire or maybe envy that person.


New member
Apr 6, 2017
Usually if I dislike someone, I'll ignore them or try not give them any attention, or I'll put them on blast 100 times more to annoy them away. For example, I don't like the Kardashians, but I don't spend all day on their boards bashing them into oblivion. Some people who dislike someone keep buzzing in people's ear about it as if the person cared but not even that person does.

It's like does the person who they dislike even care? Chances are probably not, but people spend all day talking about that person.


It's a sign of a void life. If you're preoccupied with interesting things in your life, you won't do such a stupid thing.


Active member
Jun 21, 2009
Because secretly, they like or admire or maybe envy that person.

I'm not sure about that, could be true but its not necessarily so, there's a couple of really excellent alternative explanations in this thread alone.

I wonder about the origin of that idea, I can understand that sometimes there's more depth to gossip and character assasinations, there's sometimes more depth to aversions or rejection or things like that based on unconscious issues, explanatory styles, attachment styles etc. etc. but I also think it can be overdone, like suggesting that anyone who has an issue with particular political or normative battles are exhibiting phobias or are closeted members of the very thing they are attacking (this can be absurd, like someone suggested I was anglophobic lately, what am I secretly english? But then people who are heteronormative are regularly attacked as homophobic and secretly homosexual, that's got too much currency still).


Active member
Jun 21, 2009
If people spent as much time in the gym or library/reading as they do thinking about these things or engaging in these things there would be a surplus of athletes and geniuses.


New member
Apr 11, 2017
Instinctual Variant
I'm not sure about that, could be true but its not necessarily so, there's a couple of really excellent alternative explanations in this thread alone.

I wonder about the origin of that idea, I can understand that sometimes there's more depth to gossip and character assasinations, there's sometimes more depth to aversions or rejection or things like that based on unconscious issues, explanatory styles, attachment styles etc. etc. but I also think it can be overdone, like suggesting that anyone who has an issue with particular political or normative battles are exhibiting phobias or are closeted members of the very thing they are attacking (this can be absurd, like someone suggested I was anglophobic lately, what am I secretly english? But then people who are heteronormative are regularly attacked as homophobic and secretly homosexual, that's got too much currency still).
For the most part, why would anyone devote all that energy to complain about someone they don't like or admire? Don't we typically want to avoid things and people that we don't like? Maybe people incessantly complain to others about those they claim to dislike or hate because they do have some sort of issue that they are hoping to resolve. Maybe it's an issue of unreciprocated feelings, envy, or something more deep seated. I'm thinking of people who complain constantly about their ex-significant others, or maybe a coworker, or something like that. Also, maybe people like to complain about others to receptive parties hoping to build a bond based on disliking someone.

I have no idea why someone would suggest you are anglophobic. So, I'm not sure how to respond to that. I was referring to individuals, not entire populations of people. I thought OP was referring to individuals. I didn't really address the pop culture phenomenon of the Kardashians... But I still think people who bash them frequently do so because they envy their wealth and celebrity on some level. Sure, the Kardashians may offer very little to humanity, but there are many things out there that do. So if someone simply isn't a fan or the Kardashians or doesn't like them, it seems that the reasonable thing to do would be to not watch them on TV or etc., and to spend time on other programs that are more meaningful and interesting... instead of complaining about them on a message board.


Active member
Jun 21, 2009
For the most part, why would anyone devote all that energy to complain about someone they don't like or admire? Don't we typically want to avoid things and people that we don't like? Maybe people incessantly complain to others about those they claim to dislike or hate because they do have some sort of issue that they are hoping to resolve. Maybe it's an issue of unreciprocated feelings, envy, or something more deep seated. I'm thinking of people who complain constantly about their ex-significant others, or maybe a coworker, or something like that. Also, maybe people like to complain about others to receptive parties hoping to build a bond based on disliking someone.

I have no idea why someone would suggest you are anglophobic. So, I'm not sure how to respond to that. I was referring to individuals, not entire populations of people. I thought OP was referring to individuals. I didn't really address the pop culture phenomenon of the Kardashians... But I still think people who bash them frequently do so because they envy their wealth and celebrity on some level. Sure, the Kardashians may offer very little to humanity, but there are many things out there that do. So if someone simply isn't a fan or the Kardashians or doesn't like them, it seems that the reasonable thing to do would be to not watch them on TV or etc., and to spend time on other programs that are more meaningful and interesting... instead of complaining about them on a message board.

I've not heard that idea since my early teens, possibly even earlier, that someone who complains or rejects someone is really attracted to them, its sounds like a pretty bizarre somersault in logic though.

Most of the time when someone states they do not like someone or has reason to find fault with them I'm going to accept things at face value, that other description you give of things sounds like some bizarre kind of emerging personality disorder to be honest.

How obsessed with someone would you have to be that you try to build a relationship through conflict or harrassment? Sounds like someone exhibiting sadism or sado-masochism in the psycho-analytical sense of those words, I'd not think that that is too common.


Active member
Jun 21, 2009
I've become intrigued by some of the posts in this thread, if someone is going to conclude that if someone is drawn to them despite evidence to the contrary then how can it actually be evidenced that they genuinely are not drawn to them?

It seems one of those instances of rationalisation on the part of someone in denial but its also a paradoxical thinking too, like when someone receives a diagnosis and every challenge to that same diagnosis is described as resistance and used to reinforce the diagnosis, I'm just not sure there's not massive potential for confirmation bias to be exercised by the individual reaching the conclusion/making the diagnostic judgement.