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[Fe] What is Fe?


Alexander the Terrible
Aug 3, 2008
To all FJs, I have a question. Does Fe involve organization and planning, and shceduling? Do you make schedules and follow them through? What is the difference between FJ and TJ? What characterizes Fe behavior.


New member
Apr 5, 2009
Sorry I don't have Fe preferences, but having dominant Fi, I may be able to lend you some insight I have comparing me from people with Fe preferences. From what I understand, Fe is focused more on what's "appropriate." Meaning, they're more focused on a group of people and what they consider is best. Fe tends to focus more on behavior than Fi, "this person is being arrogant," while Fi is almost trying to get a vibe of sorts from a person, "this person is making me feel uncomfortable." People with Fe preferences seem to have a tendency to almost try to force other people to do things, while I try to "convince" them... Also, match it with their preferred thinking function. I use my Te to try to persuade other people in the direction of my Fi, while Fe uses Ti to get a principle, and then uses Fe to communicate directly what they think is right. The way Fe interact and communicate with others, it seems to be a lot more direct than myself, and I can definitely see the "J" in that.

I kind of think a lot of the "feeling" traits you can find on just about any MBTI test are more geared towards Fe, too, if that is of any help. (Hopefully I wasn't too off, and keep in mind the examples lacked depth and any real context.)


Plumage and Moult
Apr 23, 2007
RE FJs and behavior: Can anyone figure out what behavior means to an FJ? Behavior can be misleading but since most people don't consciously control the majority of their behavior other than being reasonably civilized it's a pretty good indicator of what's going on inside a person, which is my interest.

I recently found this on the scary Socionics forum. I like it, especially the bolded.
However, as time went on and I thought about it some more, the Fe metaphor of "fog" started to feel less and less satisfying. It felt more like a Fi-valuer's description of Fe, for some inexplicable reason ( ). Anyway, long story short, I had an epiphany at work today, and have an idea for a better description of Fe.

Let us take Expat's excellent description of Fi as a starting point. Laser beams representing relationships connect everybody; when the relationship is good, the laser beam is blue, when it's bad, it's red.

Expat went on to describe Fe as a sort of coloured fog filling the spaces between people, emitted by the people themselves who 'smoke'. The fog reveals the lasers and helps them to be seen. I don't think this is quite accurate. Fe is described as "internal dynamics of objects", and this fog seems more like a description of some kind of dynamic field.

Here is how I would describe Fe:

While everyone is walking around with these laser beams connecting them, they also have another light source: a sort of internal 'glow', which is Fe. Like the laser beams, this glow can be different colours: blue for positive emotions, red for negative emotions, etc. Unlike the laser beams, however, this light is constantly shifting and changing: now I'm blue and happy, now I'm red and angry, etc.

For base Fe types, this light is very bright. You often hear ESEs, for example, described as "lighting up the room" when they enter (at least by those who value Fe ). Base Fe types are very good at revealing and controlling this light, hiding their unpleasant red light when necessary and revealing their fun blue light when appropriate. They're also very good at seeing the light emitted by others. When an Fe type enters a room, they see the combined glow emitted by everyone there; this is where the sense of Fe being the "mood of the room" comes from.

Fe valuing types love being around people emitting 'blue' light. The colour of the laser beams is not seen as being as important as the colour of a person's Fe glow. Being connected by blue laser beams with people simply means that those people will be more likely to emit blue light when they're around, which is all Fe valuers are really after anyway. When red light appears, they feel the cause of it should be rooted out with Ti, and dealt with. Then the fun blue light can return.

Types weak in Fe have a harder time seeing and displaying this light. They can't always tell the difference between genuine light and fake light. Fe-PoLR types find strong Fe light unpleasant, and avoid it ("It burns us!"). They also mask any light they might have inside, closing it off from the world. This confuses Fe base types, who assume that they must simply be hiding a bunch of angry red light.

Fi valuers see the Fe glow simply as one way to determine the status of the laser beam between them: if one person consistantly reacts to another person with genuine blue light, then the laser beam between them must be blue, and vice versa. However, the Fe light is fickle and ever-changing, so they don't find it to be very reliable.

About the Fe light being fickle, I kind of agree with that. I think a manifestation of this on the forum is the way so many FJs change their avatars so often.

Also I think one of the major hurdles a FJ has got to get over is dealing with that anything other than "the blue light" and sending out their own death beams at people. Only recently have I made an uneasy truce with my own lack of blue light and that of others. Of course, that statement is a little qualified...I don't want to be around people who are perpetually depressed or emotional/psychological black holes (thanks thatgirl) but I've become more comfortable with people and their pain without necessarily trying to make them feel better, or rather knowing when to commiserate and let them be. There's a certain amount of processing that needs to happen before a person can be dragged out of the doldrums and some life events require a significant recovery time. Some people it takes years to work out issues (if they even choose to deal with them!) and they won't be without scars.

So basically my think is discerning when I should go there and when I shouldn't and when someone's lack of blue light is just their own thing and not a concern of mine.


Fail 2.0
Nov 8, 2008
I think you need to look at Fe doms. They are normally pretty adaptive and social, and tolerate a lot of ENFP banter :). The ones I know are persistent without being pushy, and generally like to improve my skills at organisation and tidiness. They're very lovable. I'm actually a big fan.

With the topic question, at work I've found ENTJs organise, get things to work, are very social. ENFJs are similar, but they do it from a more social perspective than technical one. Both come and joke about killing me for not reading emails, though the ENTJs seem to go more into the descriptions of creative ways to do it.


Hotel California
Nov 5, 2008
Instinctual Variant
I think you need to look at Fe doms. They are normally pretty adaptive and social, and tolerate a lot of ENFP banter :). The ones I know are persistent without being pushy, and generally like to improve my skills at organisation and tidiness. They're very lovable. I'm actually a big fan.

With the topic question, at work I've found ENTJs organise, get things to work, are very social. ENFJs are similar, but they do it from a more social perspective than technical one. Both come and joke about killing me for not reading emails, though the ENTJs seem to go more into the descriptions of creative ways to do it.


So how do you see the difference in their general approach? Is it a matter of difference in motivation or also difference in execution?


Fail 2.0
Nov 8, 2008
Generally, the ENTJs seem to be able to scare people into place when needed, and really get things moving. I'm not really scared by them, because they tend to get the message across clearly and amusingly and know I'll adapt, but some employees are. ENFJs use less scare and seem more understandingly persistent.

the state i am in

Active member
Feb 12, 2009
Instinctual Variant
i think focusing on Fi or Fe is kind of misleading. what is more relevant is that Fi is paired with extraverted perception and Fe is paired with intraverted perception (if Fe and Fi are the cognitive functions under conscious control).

Fe needs more external context to get going. it is more focused. it requires cues from the outside to set it off, activate it, etc. it needs to connect with something external, some sort of symbol or face or song. it needs to hold on to that to continue to feel. it is extremely zoomed in, so it can get lost in the muddle without specifics (ie landmarks) to keep it engaged.

Fi users take in information in a far less focused, less arranged kind of way. the information is less filtered and placed and they (Fi users), instead, have a much broader feeling complex of personal values to select the valuable information from the chaff and try to integrate it into their system. they recognize patterns that relate to what is important to them, what is relevant, valuable, etc. Fi is always creating a complex inner world of evaluation. whereas Fe is creating a language for communicating evaluation (personal judgment).

as a process, Fe puts itself out there, and Fi doesn't feel compelled to. that comes from extraverted perception for Fi types, while Fe types puts itself out there according to its highly specific contextual intraverted perception readings.

with that said, it all depends on type dynamics to really understand the place/role/function of any particular cognitive function. for me as infj, Fe works for Ni. for an enfj, it is the other way around. enfps and infps are similarly different.

the state i am in

Active member
Feb 12, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Fi users can get pissed off at Fe users bc they demand articulation and use an extraverted social sphere, dialogue, communication as an arena to engage in contestation of values. they try to get them out and then sort them. their skills are in this domain, whereas Fi users often prefer to sort it out themselves based on their own huge Fi labyrinth/inner world (tho extraverted and displaying possibiltiies to activate Ne often help them wayyyy more than they realize).

when both are somewhat balanced and recognize the other's needs, the problem usually goes away and the types realize they have much to offer each other.

many Ne Fi users are not in touch with Fi, or have not spent enough time to make it a universally viable function. meaning, they haven't put in the time to introvert and organize their Fi world in a coherent way that would allow them to be balanced with judgment inside and out. many Fi Ne users don't get enough Ne to open them up and create a wider perception lens that can allow for them to connect to new feelings that are not their own and still grant them some legitimacy.

Fe types on the other hand who have not grown up often act petulant and childish. rejecting anything that does not fit into their framework of ideas, or being manipulative when they do not get their way. they assume they are right and know what is best way too often, and often don't read the directions- skipping steps and taking for granted that the pattern they think they see is the one and only truth. when in fact there are always many.


ENFJ In Chains
Nov 5, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Fe is a bit ol' tub of fatty tasty manatee gravy that you wanna eat with no hands with all your pirate friends!


"Everything in its place"
Jun 28, 2009
Well, combined with a high amount Ni, it's the incapability to do anything wrong without an overactive conscience interfering.

I wish I could be like all those cool criminals...


Freshman Member
Nov 7, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Extroverted Feeling, or Fe, used primarily by ESFJ and ENFJ as a dominant function, and by ISFJ and INFJ as a secondary, is a natural understanding of and ability to play off the emotions of others.

It is similar to Te in that it is outwardly goal- and schedule-oriented, but it bases its strategy for completing these goals upon personal empathy/careful observance of local social and cultural standards (as opposed to Te's focus on impersonal/theoretical constructs) and is keenly aware of the emotional states/probable emotional strengths and weaknesses of others based on how they interact socially.

Fe makes friends very easily and, if used for malicious purposes, can and will use the emotions of others to manipulate them into participating in its plans. For healthy Fe users, though, it's usually just a strong sense of open, heavily emotional support for friends and loved ones--ExFJs are great people to go to when you want to feel better about yourself. :)

Fe differs from Fi because it changes with cultural surroundings. It gets its sense of morality from the social standards of its community (sense of community/fitting in is VERY important!), and so if an Fe user moves from one culture to another he may significantly change his standards in these areas in order to integrate into the new community/gain trust and emotional influence with others. (Fi, used by xxFP types, will rarely change its moral standards at all because they come from the inside.)

So people with good Fe are typically VERY charismatic because they know how to phrase everything in just the right way to appeal to the emotional/cultural sentiments and values of their audiences. You won't catch an FJ using coarse language or anything that could potentially be construed as offensive in important, public image-related situations very often at all--this is the kind of mistake they almost never make, and one that many NTs would do well to learn from.

And be careful of crossing the Fe doms, especially (ESFJ/ENFJ)--because some of them who don't have the restraint to behave otherwise will use the emotions of others to manipulate them into disliking you. Watch out.


Alexander the Terrible
Aug 3, 2008
Thank you for the response people. But I still have some trouble understanding it.


New member
Oct 4, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Extroverted Feeling, or Fe, used primarily by ESFJ and ENFJ as a dominant function, and by ISFJ and INFJ as a secondary, is a natural understanding of and ability to play off the emotions of others.

It is similar to Te in that it is outwardly goal- and schedule-oriented, but it bases its strategy for completing these goals upon personal empathy/careful observance of local social and cultural standards (as opposed to Te's focus on impersonal/theoretical constructs) and is keenly aware of the emotional states/probable emotional strengths and weaknesses of others based on how they interact socially.

Fe makes friends very easily and, if used for malicious purposes, can and will use the emotions of others to manipulate them into participating in its plans. For healthy Fe users, though, it's usually just a strong sense of open, heavily emotional support for friends and loved ones--ExFJs are great people to go to when you want to feel better about yourself. :)

Fe differs from Fi because it changes with cultural surroundings. It gets its sense of morality from the social standards of its community (sense of community/fitting in is VERY important!), and so if an Fe user moves from one culture to another he may significantly change his standards in these areas in order to integrate into the new community/gain trust and emotional influence with others. (Fi, used by xxFP types, will rarely change its moral standards at all because they come from the inside.)

So people with good Fe are typically VERY charismatic because they know how to phrase everything in just the right way to appeal to the emotional/cultural sentiments and values of their audiences. You won't catch an FJ using coarse language or anything that could potentially be construed as offensive in important, public image-related situations very often at all--this is the kind of mistake they almost never make, and one that many NTs would do well to learn from.

And be careful of crossing the Fe doms, especially (ESFJ/ENFJ)--because some of them who don't have the restraint to behave otherwise will use the emotions of others to manipulate them into disliking you. Watch out.

Fe is my inferior function...but this stood out as a good description.


New member
Feb 27, 2008
I wish people walked around with frickin laser beams attached to their heads.

That would make life so much easier, plus there would be a trippy laser light show everywhere I went.


New member
Dec 4, 2008
Instinctual Variant
And be careful of crossing the Fe doms, especially (ESFJ/ENFJ)--because some of them who don't have the restraint to behave otherwise will use the emotions of others to manipulate them into disliking you. Watch out.

Maybe thats why it really bothers my wife(ENFJ) that I dont care what others think of me. I mean unless you live with me and interact with me how do you know who I am and how I would respond to you and if you dont know who I am why should I care what you think of me. Its to easy to push a situation one direction, all it takes is leaving out one sentence or word. I dont like doing it, not saying I dont, but I try not to especially if it would turn a friend against a friend.


New member
Aug 6, 2009
Well, combined with a high amount Ni, it's the incapability to do anything wrong without an overactive conscience interfering.

I wish I could be like all those cool criminals...

Agreed. I see all of those people who try to be controlling, belittling, and selfish etc. and I do put in very practical plans to return the same specially if it involves them doing it to me. but after a moment I go, nah I shouldnt do that. It's almost like someone else advices me!


New member
Aug 6, 2009
Fe is my inferior function...but this stood out as a good description.

Yes I often felt like doing this specially if they don't fall inline with what I see as ethical/ empathetic even though it is classified as secondary in my case


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
fe te tj si ni

I am very familiar with NF NT SP SJ. I have no idea what
this fe fi si ni te etc. Can someone break these down
and compare them with the NT NF SJ & SP?