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Type This Guy!


New member
Sep 6, 2013
Instinctual Variant
At the time I penned the OP, he told me he hadn't used marijuana in over two months. He doesn't use any hard street drugs, and he stopped drinking a couple years ago. But what he can and does use are some very unusual mail-order drugs that I've only learned about through him. There's no doubt he's a psychonaut. The shrooms he was talking about in the video are also mail-order, although he will go magic mushroom hunting in his "backyard."

His videos are always about himself (thus the selfishness mentioned in the ISFP personal growth page), never about him and someone else. I can only find one video where he says something to his wife.

The music in the video is his own composition. The conversation occurs toward the end.

His voice is reminiscent of Art Bell's.

He and his wife don't seem to be lower class people. I'm shocked that he is able to be married, for one thing. They seem socially middle class, and in that social strata it is a big accomplishment for a man who isn't the top breadwinner to be able to stay married. Generally women will insist on that. Or men will insist on it. Or both . . .

But the exchange didn't give me enough to say his type. But ISFP remains plausible, and the way he spoke to his wife and the way he acts does seem SPish. Since I reject ESTP, and ISTP doesn't make sense at all, he should be ISFP or ESFP. You select ISFP; have you considered ESFP? I admit that it doesn't seem as likely as ISFP; I think you've got him right. I'd put 75% odds that he's ISFP at this point.


Apr 19, 2011
Instinctual Variant
See, it's the mushrooms.

Sx must be at the top of the Instinct stacking, with Sp at the last.

If one could sum up his Youtube postings, it would look something like:

"Me doing karaoke"
"Me doing karaoke"
"Me doing karaoke"
"Me doing karaoke"
"Me doing karaoke"
"Me doing karaoke"
"Me doing karaoke"
"Me doing karaoke"
"Me doing karaoke"
"Me doing karaoke"
"Me doing karaoke"
"Me doing karaoke"
"Me doing karaoke"
"Me doing karaoke"
"Me doing karaoke"
"Me doing karaoke"
"Me doing karaoke"
"Me doing karaoke"
"Me doing karaoke"
"Me doing karaoke"
"Me doing karaoke"
"Me (and my punk band)"
"Me (and my punk band)"
"Me (and my punk band)"
"Me (and my punk band)"
"Me (and my punk band)"
"Me (and my punk band)"
"Me (and my punk band)"
"Me (and my punk band)"
"Me (and my punk band)"
"Me (and my punk band)"
"Me (and my punk band)"
"Me (and maybe my wife and/or dog) hiking in the mountains (and I'm barefoot!)"
"Me (and maybe my wife and/or dog) hiking in the mountains (and I'm barefoot!)"
"Me (and maybe my wife and/or dog) hiking in the mountains (and I'm barefoot!)"
"Me (and maybe my wife and/or dog) hiking in the mountains (and I'm barefoot!)"
"Me (and maybe my wife and/or dog) hiking in the mountains (and I'm barefoot!)"
"Me (and maybe my wife and/or dog) hiking in the mountains (and I'm barefoot!)"
"Me (and maybe my wife and/or dog) hiking in the mountains (and I'm barefoot!)"
"Me (and maybe my wife and/or dog) hiking in the mountains (and I'm barefoot!)"
"Me (and maybe my wife and/or dog) hiking in the mountains (and I'm barefoot!)"
"Me (and maybe my wife and/or dog) hiking in the mountains (and I'm barefoot!)"
"Me (and maybe my wife and/or dog) hiking in the mountains (and I'm barefoot!)"
"Me (and maybe my wife and/or dog) hiking in the mountains (and I'm barefoot!)"
"Me talking about mushrooms or related subjects"
"Me talking about mushrooms or related subjects"
"Me talking about mushrooms or related subjects"
"Me talking about mushrooms or related subjects"
"Me talking about mushrooms or related subjects"
"Me talking about mushrooms or related subjects"
"Me talking about mushrooms or related subjects"
"Me and one of my non-musical projects"
"Me and one of my non-musical projects"
"Me and one of my non-musical projects"
"Me and one of my non-musical projects"
"Me and one of my non-musical projects"
"Me and one of my non-musical projects"

And so on.

He's a good guy, however.


Apr 19, 2011
Instinctual Variant
His voice is reminiscent of Art Bell's.

He and his wife don't seem to be lower class people. I'm shocked that he is able to be married, for one thing. They seem socially middle class, and in that social strata it is a big accomplishment for a man who isn't the top breadwinner to be able to stay married. Generally women will insist on that. Or men will insist on it. Or both . . .

But the exchange didn't give me enough to say his type. But ISFP remains plausible, and the way he spoke to his wife and the way he acts does seem SPish. Since I reject ESTP, and ISTP doesn't make sense at all, he should be ISFP or ESFP. You select ISFP; have you considered ESFP? I admit that it doesn't seem as likely as ISFP; I think you've got him right. I'd put 75% odds that he's ISFP at this point.

They live in a dumpy cabin in the mountains. They go to town on some midnights to go "shopping." I asked him why they go shopping at midnight, and he said shopping was the same as dumpster-diving.


New member
Sep 6, 2013
Instinctual Variant
They live in a dumpy cabin in the mountains. They go to town on some midnights to go "shopping." I asked him why they go shopping at midnight, and he said shopping was the same as dumpster-diving.

But I thought I read in an earlier post that his wife had a job before the baby. And they have internet.


Apr 19, 2011
Instinctual Variant
But I thought I read in an earlier post that his wife had a job before the baby. And they have internet.

They have her minimum wage job plus his disability income. They have internet but no cable or satellite tv. He's proud of himself for defeating the evil cable companies by watching tv shows on the net.


New member
Sep 6, 2013
Instinctual Variant
They have her minimum wage job plus his disability income. They have internet but no cable or satellite tv. He's proud of himself for defeating the evil cable companies by watching tv shows on the net.

Why does she work a minimum wage job? She seems like she could get something a lot better than that. Is she college educated? Graduated highschool?

BTW, your last sentence is very INTP. I have an INTP friend in the Ukraine right now who wrote me something with that exact feel to it.


Apr 19, 2011
Instinctual Variant
Why does she work a minimum wage job? She seems like she could get something a lot better than that. Is she college educated? Graduated highschool?

BTW, your last sentence is very INTP. I have an INTP friend in the Ukraine right now who wrote me something with that exact feel to it.

I am very INTP.

Sorry, but I don't have a lot of detail on their biographies, just whatever I happen to pick up through FB. I'm guessing she's a high school drop out but he has an anthropology degree of some kind from a community college.


Apr 19, 2011
Instinctual Variant
From "this guy": "if a man [referring to himself] can live easier in a cabin in the woods than in a city with a job, then you know something's wrong [with society]."

I added in the bracketed parts in order to add some context to his assertion. It is a self-referential statement that intends to reflect his own needs back on society, particularly, the idea that a life of leisure is superior to working a day job for a boss in some corporate environment.

This is him living in a bubble. His philosophy of life is like a womb that he can hide in, and he refuses to give birth to himself. If his philosophy is true for him, the assertion is that it must be true for everybody else too. Living in a bubble helps him to maintain this projection of himself onto society as a defense against the necessity of earning a living.

From https://www.personalitypage.com/html/ISFP_per.html -

"If an ISFP's personal value system is threatened by external influences, the ISFP shuts out the threatening data in order to preserve and honor their value system. This is totally natural, and works well to protect the individual psyche from getting hurt. However, the ISFP who exercises this type of self-protection regularly will become more and more unaware of other people's perspectives."

So I replied back to him, stating that other people don't mind working for a living. This is what they WANT to do. And it's not right of him to try forcing his leisure-loving value-system upon them. It's not that "this guy" doesn't work hard, he works for himself doing his own thing rather than obeying the wills of others. What he wishes for is a society where everybody is free to work hard at 'doing their own thing,' a society where everybody is his or her own master.

This is an artist's idealistic and individualistic rendering of what society should look like.


Apr 19, 2011
Instinctual Variant
Here's another ISFP I had typed a couple years ago. Compare this guy to the "this guy" in the videos I posted above.



New member
Sep 6, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Here's another ISFP I had typed a couple years ago. Compare this guy to the "this guy" in the videos I posted above.

Frankly, I find unveiled Fi like in that video to be incredibly scary and threatening, and I've thought this when I've seen it displayed since childhood. I like Fe exactly because it's 'not personal', you know? Like with the ESFJ, or with myself, you know that's it's a tool for getting along with other people. You know that there isn't that heat inside. Whereas this guy could do absolutely anything if he got worked up enough. And it would be personal, which to me is the scary thing.

To me, that's why dictators like Stalin who killed millions have never seemed so very evil, at a visceral level. You know it wasn't personal; he did it because of practical interest, however twisted, not because he hated the people. Murderers who do much less damage for personal reasons are always a lot more scary.

I have to say that this display, which I couldn't bear to hear after 2:49, does fit with ISFP very much. People stay the same from childhood on, at the core; it's the kind of passion displayed by an ISFP relative of mine as a child. But they conceal it as they grow older, particularly the male ones.

How do you, as the dispassionate INTP, react to this kind of Fi?


Apr 19, 2011
Instinctual Variant
Frankly, I find unveiled Fi like in that video to be incredibly scary and threatening, and I've thought this when I've seen it displayed since childhood. I like Fe exactly because it's 'not personal', you know? Like with the ESFJ, or with myself, you know that's it's a tool for getting along with other people. You know that there isn't that heat inside. Whereas this guy could do absolutely anything if he got worked up enough. And it would be personal, which to me is the scary thing.

To me, that's why dictators like Stalin who killed millions have never seemed so very evil, at a visceral level. You know it wasn't personal; he did it because of practical interest, however twisted, not because he hated the people. Murderers who do much less damage for personal reasons are always a lot more scary.

I have to say that this display, which I couldn't bear to hear after 2:49, does fit with ISFP very much. People stay the same from childhood on, at the core; it's the kind of passion displayed by an ISFP relative of mine as a child. But they conceal it as they grow older, particularly the male ones.

How do you, as the dispassionate INTP, react to this kind of Fi?

I'm not naturally dispassionate, but I do try to be objective. I can describe dispassionate to you with one example from a few years ago: An ISTJ veterinarian whose job at the moment was to dispatch a sick cow. I didn't watch the actual event. But when he came around the corner with his shotgun he looked exactly like a robot, or a soldier on parade - or a robot soldier from the future. I can't exactly describe it, but in terms that I'm familiar with, he looked exactly like the Terminator - completely dead pan face, no expression whatsoever, unblinking eyes staring straight ahead at nothing. At that moment, he was a dispassionate killing machine. And his job was only to kill one poor little sick cow. Over the years of working with him I learned that he could completely shut off all emotion, and he told me one time, in a sincerely objective tone, that he could even kill me without even thinking twice about it.

Now that's dispassionate. I'm not dispassionate and I can't shut off my emotions. They do however get in the way of objectivity. And for me, true objectivity is intersubjective, it takes part in all viewpoints. So in order to be objective with the double-rainbow guy, first I have to grok the experience he's going through in the video, and later I rationally examine my grokking.

I think it would be cool to have that kind of religious experience over a double-rainbow. In comparison, at the time this video came out, I watched another double rainbow video in which the videographer ended it by stating simply, like a news announcer, "And there you have it, a double rainbow." Blah. I would much rather hear some passion about the event because it makes for a much more entertaining and interesting video.

So I don't have the same experience about double-rainbow guy with his unbridled Fi wanting to find the meaning in the experience. To me, this is perfectly natural and human. Saying blandly, "And there you have it, a double rainbow" epitomizes something akin to reductivism to me, as if it is just to experience a thing with no human response, kind of like a Terminator.

How can we be such opposites, you and I?


New member
Sep 6, 2013
Instinctual Variant
I'm not naturally dispassionate, but I do try to be objective. I can describe dispassionate to you with one example from a few years ago: An ISTJ veterinarian whose job at the moment was to dispatch a sick cow. I didn't watch the actual event. But when he came around the corner with his shotgun he looked exactly like a robot, or a soldier on parade - or a robot soldier from the future. I can't exactly describe it, but in terms that I'm familiar with, he looked exactly like the Terminator - completely dead pan face, no expression whatsoever, unblinking eyes staring straight ahead at nothing. At that moment, he was a dispassionate killing machine. And his job was only to kill one poor little sick cow. Over the years of working with him I learned that he could completely shut off all emotion, and he told me one time, in a sincerely objective tone, that he could even kill me without even thinking twice about it.

Now that's dispassionate. I'm not dispassionate and I can't shut off my emotions. They do however get in the way of objectivity. And for me, true objectivity is intersubjective, it takes part in all viewpoints. So in order to be objective with the double-rainbow guy, first I have to grok the experience he's going through in the video, and later I rationally examine my grokking.

I think it would be cool to have that kind of religious experience over a double-rainbow. In comparison, at the time this video came out, I watched another double rainbow video in which the videographer ended it by stating simply, like a news announcer, "And there you have it, a double rainbow." Blah. I would much rather hear some passion about the event because it makes for a much more entertaining and interesting video.

So I don't have the same experience about double-rainbow guy with his unbridled Fi wanting to find the meaning in the experience. To me, this is perfectly natural and human. Saying blandly, "And there you have it, a double rainbow" epitomizes something akin to reductivism to me, as if it is just to experience a thing with no human response, kind of like a Terminator.

How can we be such opposites, you and I?

I come from a family where the shared functions are Fe and Ti. I have only one relative who uses Fi. I can deal with any amount of Fe, but Fi is something we never used or considered. I think we patronized it, more than anything. We are ESTP, ISTP, ISFJ, INFJ, predominately. You can see what kind of mix that gives you.


Apr 19, 2011
Instinctual Variant
I come from a family where the shared functions are Fe and Ti. I have only one relative who uses Fi. I can deal with any amount of Fe, but Fi is something we never used or considered. I think we patronized it, more than anything. We are ESTP, ISTP, ISFJ, INFJ, predominately. You can see what kind of mix that gives you.

I don't know if your family background has anything to do with it, but typologically speaking I can see your point. I've learned over the years that Fe and Fi are more in opposition than Fe and Ti. And I made up a term for this function relationship: Shadow opposites. I don't know if anybody else came up with that term before I did, or if so, if it refers to the same concept.

My relationship with the Te function is quite negative. Fe is something I merely disagree with. One thing I don't like about Fe is that these types give the impression of having control over the emotional realm; and in this, they can sometimes be duplicitous and manipulative in relationships by taking advantage of their innate knowledge of the emotional realm. In the same vein, they take advantage of those who don't possess this knowledge. Fe knows just the right thing to say, do, or act out in order to get the desired emotional response from someone else as a matter of control. I'm not saying that Fe behaves always negatively, just that I take issue with the negative aspects of it and don't try to white-wash it.

But Te is, to me, completely evil. It is always and ever inhuman, authoritarian, and dictatorial. Here's an example from the restaurant my family and I went to the other day:

At the table cater-corner from us was a businessman with a neatly trimmed short beard, his chubby wife, a possibly 18-month old daughter, and a baby. Both husband and wife were dressed very neatly, she in her dress and he in his business attire, shirt and tie without jacket. The little girl was babbling on about something across the table from her father, and I had barely noticed until suddenly the father slammed the table with the palm of his hand. I looked up to see him staring straight and unblinking at the little girl with a tense look on his face for a good 5 seconds, pointing at her, and then he said quietly but sternly, "You shut up right now!"

The funny part, however, was my two step-daughters. They had decided to sit at their own table, and the oldest step-daughter had her back to the businessman's family sitting right behind her. About a minute after it happened, they came over and sat at my table. When I asked my oldest step-daughter why she moved, she said, "Because he's scaring me."


Apr 19, 2011
Instinctual Variant
Thanks to [MENTION=195]Jaguar[/MENTION] for helping me discover this tasty tidbit today while I was researching something else.

The following ISFP description sounds EXACTLY like "this guy" in the OP video:

"When the ISFP is locked into nothing other than his own perspective, all things are possible. Unlike the relatively self-doubting INFP, the ISFP will have the temerity to mistake the most absurd of his fancies for matters of fact... It is also the case that the ISFP tends to hold a profoundly pessimistic global view of the world often believing it is conspiring to undermine him in all possible ways. Impersonal affairs are deemed most pernicious, and even more so groups of people who tend to prefer an impersonal ethic. Incidentally[,] big corporations often end up in the scapegoat position. The above described mindset is what Bertrand Russell calls the 'persecution mania...'

This quote describes the influence of the Ni tertiary exactly the way I described it in the thread above, although I didn't use terms such as 'persecution mania.' But the idea is precisely the same. The low side of the Ni type describes the influence of the ISFP's Ni tertiary, as I described above.

[Edited out not quite accurate statements.]

Thanks for everybody's help who posted to this thread. I have finally nailed this down with 100% certainty.


Apr 19, 2011
Instinctual Variant

I was thinking 6w7, because he has the changeable, volatile personality of a 6, but I'm a bit torn on the wing type.

I'll go with 6w5 because that type swings between dependence and independence, and clings to an external belief system as this guy plainly does. A 6w5 ISFP just seems like a strange combination.


Jun 28, 2013
Instinctual Variant
Here's some more to go on, written by the same guy:

When I injured my back and the baby came early I lamented that I would not have cleaned my home and maintained it in good condition for a child. I worried that some dark soul would call child protective services and that they would take our child away. Phyllie tried to soothe me and told me not to worry. The reason I have posted very little today is that they came. They came and took pictures and I cleaned and cleaned, Only tomorrow will tell if I cleaned well enough. I have gone back on my vow not to push my back too far. I pushed it as far as I could. I've probably set my healing back by two week or worse. I rest tonight with great uncertainty whether I will be treated fairly by the authorities. I don't know I could have been expected to have done any better when I had to be up on my feet cooking meals, driving to pediatricians, applying for public assistance since we were unable to save money to pay for Phyllie's leave of absence from work. Phyllis needed to stay in bed and nurse our very small child. Her mother came and helped us clean. I swore I would not trust her unless she demonstrated real change for good in my life, so in this she has regained my trust. Someone acted with great malice against us today and I am sick to death of going through the ringer over and over again, fighting and struggling like a man under a curse to save his family. We stood in our home with holy incense sai flora burning and said the prayer of the Bab for protection, and how intense was my longing for those mighty words of assurance to be true. During our cleaning we had no choice but to give the baby some formula-- and to me infant formula might as well be chicken mac nuggets. But the tyrant cares for nothing but the letter of the law, while there is no way on earth our horrific mess could have harmed a child who is unable to crawl yet. If we survive this I wonder what our unseen enemy has in store for us next and who they might be. This much is certain-- someone attacked my family with great malice today. A curse on those who love laws better than human beings. They are the barbarians and their lockstep march into a senseless and bleak future will be rewarded with the collapse of civilization if we let them. Send us what blessings you may.​

He is a talented writer, and I feel sorry for his situation. I hope everything turned out alright.


Apr 19, 2011
Instinctual Variant
He is a talented writer, and I feel sorry for his situation. I hope everything turned out alright.

Nobody likes CPS coming to their home to check up on things. But as usual he over-reacted and everything turned out ok.