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[INTP] The Unhealthy INTP


Mar 19, 2008
I imagine, considering the nature of human beings, it's difficult for a type that is so significantly different from other types to find the same level of happiness considering happiness in the brain hinges so much upon human interaction, something that doesn't come as easily to an INTP because of the aforementioned reason among others. The group (society) simply doesn't have the INTP's best interests in mind leaving them with few avenues to fulfill their unique desires and aspirations. Now it is certainly up to every person how they want to act and interact in society. One could suggest that INTPs conform more to the rest of the bannana bunch and derive happiness that way, but we *should* all know it's not so easy as that. Above all else INTPs have a respect for individuality and their own freedom. Often times that means severing the bonds and constraints of society and its norms in order to be who they want to, and should, be.

Everything comes at a price though, and the freedom and might of individuality that an INTP may seek inevitably means they will promote the further separation from others. Being psychologically strong for an INTP is being able to be comfortable alone, to be able to entertain yourself, and to occupy yourself with things that give you a sense of fulfillment without dependence on others for this stimulus. It is a way to circumvent the fundamental gap that exists between what the INTP wants to be and the demands human nature puts upon us to conform to the group and depend on interactions with other people as if it were a form of sustenance in itself.


AKA Nunki
Apr 7, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Don't take it too much to heart. I could write something similar about my own type, using myself as the model. I would do so, too, just to make things even. The problem is that I don't feel like I'm a member of any type.

Riven said:
Everything comes at a price though, and the freedom and might of individuality that an INTP may seek inevitably means they will promote the further separation from others. Being psychologically strong for an INTP is being able to be comfortable alone, to be able to entertain yourself, and to occupy yourself with things that give you a sense of fulfillment without dependence on others for this stimulus. It is a way to circumvent the fundamental gap that exists between what the INTP wants to be and the demands human nature puts upon us to conform to the group and depend on interactions with other people as if it were a form of sustenance in itself.
This is interesting to me, because I have honestly never seen the individualistic side of INTPs. I had always saw their real troubles as a difficulty finding a niche in society, a place where they could fit in and feel like everyone else, and once they find that niche, establishing a healthy attachment to it. But apparently there's also an opposite pull toward independence. That explains why INTPs feel so conflicted about people: they desperately need them, and yet they fear losing their individuality. This fear is probably what sometimes leads them to lash out: they feel people closing in on them and smothering their autonomy, and so they must do something to push everyone back so that they can breathe again.


now! in shell form
Jun 6, 2008
Good thing there's Typologycentral to turn to when a bunch of hilarious unhealthy INTPCentral folks go troll hunting.

The Decline

Jun 3, 2009
I always wondered what would be the correct definition for us INTPs.
I could not find it out. You did.

I was a way too modest.

I've been called noble, and I definitely like that description. However, this doesn't negate the fact that INTPs can sometimes be very cold, commanding, and uncaring towards others who do not live up to their standards.


New member
Jun 19, 2009
Good thing there's Typologycentral to turn to when a bunch of hilarious unhealthy INTPCentral folks go troll hunting.

Oh good god INTPc, that place is a hellhole. For a bit of fun go there and question someones "INTP-ness". It will be like you just took a shit on their face hile they slept. I always liek to imagine that place came about when some really demented spirit gave these teenagers these power rings: asspergers, narccassism, pre-pubescentness, social akwardness, and asspergers.



Mar 19, 2008
Oh good god INTPc, that place is a hellhole. For a bit of fun go there and question someones "INTP-ness". It will be like you just took a shit on their face hile they slept. I always liek to imagine that place came about when some really demented spirit gave these teenagers these power rings: asspergers, narccassism, pre-pubescentness, social akwardness, and asspergers.


LMAO, +1,000,000! I hate that place just as much, and more.


New member
Apr 5, 2009
Those are interesting. If you want to get in an ISTP's head, don't interrupt
them when they get that far away look and eventually they will start talking
if they aren't pressed. But confront them and they will argue and change
the subject until you are both blue in the face.


Tenured roisterer
Apr 23, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Most behaviors associated with unhealthy types can be described in one list of characteristics. Such behavior traits will be exhibited by at least 70% of unhealthy persons belonging to the type in question.

However, the case is not such for the INTP.

Reason why: People of all other types are unhealthy primarily for the following reason, their first function is highly developed and their second is not. As a result, they over-rely on their first function and under-rely on their second, and even more so on the third and the fourth.

What is the difference between many unhealthy INTPs and malfunctioning persons of other types? Many unhealthy INTPs do not have their first function developed adequately, yet representatives of other types do.

What does it mean to have a function developed? It simply means to be comfortable using it. To be a dominant Thinking type means to be most comfortable using the Thinking function. Does it not seem absurd to say that one is a certain type (for example a dominant Thinking type) and is uncomfortable using Thinking? No, to be a certain type means to be more comfortable using one function than the other. Simply having greater comfort using one function than the other does not amount to being very comfortable using the faculties one is the most comfortable with. It is conceivable that one is at ill-ease with all of his or her faculties, but merely at less of an ill-ease using some functions than others.

Why is it the case that the INTP, unlike all other types is uncomfortable using his dominant function? Practice is required for one to become comfortable with any skill. Using one of our cognitive faculties is no exception. One receives ample opportunities to practice Intuition, Sensation and Feeling on daily basis, even in the most trivial of tasks. Sensing is necessary for handling all physical tasks, which almost all persons must perform frequently. Feeling is necessary for interacting with people and understanding one's own tastes. Activities that compel one to use the Feeling faculty are almost inevitable also. Intuition can be used to brainstorm a variety of ideas regarding almost any situation. All curious people will have a natural inclination to do so.

Thinking, on the other hand, is not as easily developed as other faculties. It is very unnatural. It requires us to detach from our inner being and subjugated our thought to a very rigid formula. This skill is almost impossible to develop without a high degree of intellectual inspiration. The case is such because very few everyday tasks exhort one to carefully analyze any problem with precision.

An Extroverted Thinker carries a slight advantage over the Introverted Thinker as his thought is more applicable to the external world. As a result of this, it is simply easier for him to discover opportunities to practice using the function that is the most natural to him. The ISTP, as a Sensing type, also retains an interest in the external world, hence unlike the INTP he is endowed with an opportunity to use Thinking.

The INTP on the other hand tends to be deeply interested in abstract matters. Very few communities outside of academia are interested in such matters. Hence, the INTP lacks the quantity of opportunities to practice using his dominant function that other types confidently take for granted.

What is the result of this? The INTP does not fit in anywhere as he truly is good at nothing. All of his functions are defunct, including his dominant Introverted Thinking. For this reason he can easily believe in absurdities and entertain a variety of superiority complexes described in this thread. Such persons are very similar to feelers who believe that the world misunderstands them. They can become bitter and hostile to the world believing that it is 'trying to screw them'.

The chaos of their external environment (their room) does indeed resemble the discombobulated state of their inner world.

Such INTPs are most common on these message boards. They are frequently young. I would estimate that 70% of INTPc members fall under this category.


However, there is another type of an unhealthy INTP that is much less frequent, however is common enough to be noticed. Many of the older persons of this type did have an opportunity to develop their Introverted Thinking. As a result their logical reasoning skills are formiddable. Their inner life is organized and the discipline of their thought prevents them from believing in absurdities. As a result they are not hostile to others as they understand that the reason why they are misunderstood and alienated has nothing to do with others attempting to undermine them. These people are unhealthy because they simply are unable to find a place in their community where they could feel comfortable. As a result, they merely withdraw and focus on activities they are most comfortable with. Their laziness is the reason why they are unable to find applications for their activities in the external world. Their natural dispositions make them much more comfortable introverting rather than interacting with the external world to the end of seeking out desirable activity. They simply are unconcerned to make their lives better as they feel it is too taxing on them. These people are frequently competent at activities of their interest and are comitted to them. That is so because their well developed Thinking function exhorts them to pursue competence and their skill with this faculty enables them to solve many problems that they need to in order to excel at what they do.



INTP 1- Inexperienced and immature
-Underdeveloped Thinking
-Irresponsible and haphazard
- Hostile to others
-Lack a sense of purpose in life

INTP 2-Mature, knowledgeable, but alienated.
-Clear thinkers.
-Dedicated to their goals and excel at what they do.
-Intensely internally focused and therefore are uninterested in making amends with the world.

How does one progress from INTP 1 to INTP 2? By having intellectual challenging experiences that lead one to develop Introverted Thinking. Highly functioning faculty of Introverted Thinking leads one to be introspective and to apply disciplined and clear thought to all walks of life.

Main difference between the two kinds-One regards the world with hostility and the other with indifference. One is in control of his life, the other lacks control.


New member
Sep 16, 2007
Solitary, great post but I think one needs to define clearly what INTP 2 is alienated from. I consider myself to be a fairly healthy person but I can without a doubt, identify with the alienated INTP 2 you have defined. There is quite a bit of junk out there that I feel many intelligent people are rightly self-sequestered from. Especially the INTP.


New member
Jul 24, 2009
When I am healthy and happy.....I move in the direction of an ISTP. There is a lot in that profile that fits me to a T. I have a bazillion tools, love working on things, buiding things, fixing things, going nuts in a 4x4, etc. When things are really clicking, I can identify with much of the ESTP and ENTP profile.

I feel kinda lazy and worthless when I spend too much time thinking/researching/analyzing and not actually doing much....but it is easy and comfortable to fall into, and I usually go there when stressed or overwhelmed....until it gets stressful enough that I snap out of it and start proactively attacking life again.

I have noted before that the state of my life kinda mirrors the state of my environment. If my office has piles of crap everywhere....unopened mail, unpaid bills, etc., there are likely a lot of things in my life left unattended to also....which is most of the time unfortunately!

For me it is a balance of thinking vs. doing. Too much thinking and not enough doing is bad and unproductive....at least it feels that way for me.


New member
Jan 20, 2009
- [thinking] everyone is stupid, normal people(sensors) have no value at all, they are robots, a lesser species because they actually do stuff in the real world instead of observing life as it passes them by
I thought this thread was supposed to be about unhealthy INTPs? ;)

I have to say that dexedrine/adderall helps wonders with the extreme clutter and mess. IOW, now my apartment is just "normal" messy :)


✿ڿڰۣஇღ♥ wut ♥ღஇڿڰۣ✿
Apr 24, 2007
I have to say that dexedrine/adderall helps wonders with the extreme clutter and mess. IOW, now my apartment is just "normal" messy :)

every time i mention things like this to my doctor, they don't take me seriously, and it gets ignored, and one can't just ask for a prescription. it looks/sounds too fishy, and they decline.

what magical wording are you people using that i'm apparently not?


New member
Nov 9, 2008
Do any of you other INTPs during a 'low' go out and search the net to see if you had some mental health condition? I spent the longest time trying to convince myself I was schizophrenic. In hindsight I feel pretty dumb about it.


New member
Jan 20, 2009
every time i mention things like this to my doctor, they don't take me seriously, and it gets ignored, and one can't just ask for a prescription. it looks/sounds too fishy, and they decline.

what magical wording are you people using that i'm apparently not?

Go to a good specialist (forget general practitioners). Neuropsychological tests should tell whether you have ADHD or not.
Not having finished university in 10+ years and having a lifetime of experience of never starting tasks early enough to hit the deadline and never doing homework also help in getting the diagnosis.


Habitual Fi LineStepper
Nov 20, 2008
Do any of you other INTPs during a 'low' go out and search the net to see if you had some mental health condition? I spent the longest time trying to convince myself I was schizophrenic. In hindsight I feel pretty dumb about it.

I was pretty convinced I had Schizoid PD or whatever for about 3 days a couple weeks back.


✿ڿڰۣஇღ♥ wut ♥ღஇڿڰۣ✿
Apr 24, 2007
Go to a good specialist (forget general practitioners). Neuropsychological tests should tell whether you have ADHD or not.
Not having finished university in 10+ years and having a lifetime of experience of never starting tasks early enough to hit the deadline and never doing homework also help in getting the diagnosis.

thanks. i'll take your advice and see what happens. after all, what do i have to lose.


Habitual Fi LineStepper
Nov 20, 2008
Haha, me too. The criterion for SPD just sounds like an INTP/J with a headache.

Haha! Yes, it's a bit too close for comfort. But so what if I have it? I'd just get prescribed something I wouldn't take anyways so what's the difference.


New member
Jan 20, 2009
thanks. i'll take your advice and see what happens. after all, what do i have to lose.

Well, a bunch of money, but aside from that :). It's worth it though. Money is cheap compared to your mental health.
Probably best thing I ever did was to get off my ass and finally go to the doc.


Tenured roisterer
Apr 23, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Solitary, great post but I think one needs to define clearly what INTP 2 is alienated from. I consider myself to be a fairly healthy person but I can without a doubt, identify with the alienated INTP 2 you have defined. There is quite a bit of junk out there that I feel many intelligent people are rightly self-sequestered from. Especially the INTP.

The INTP2 that you seem to have in mind is merely a person with a good head on his shoulders who is uninterested in non-sense. Namely, Monday night football, Brittney Spears, Celebrity gossip and so on. This is not the behavior of the INTP2.

INTP 2 is an unhealthy kind of a person because he has a prejudice that most things that are not relevant to his interests can never serve him well. Hence, he shuts the world off.

The fundamental difference between the kind of a person that you have in mind and INTP 2 is that the latter assumes that most of the activities in the external world are ipso facto useless, the former does not. The former merely arrives at a sober realization that most activities are not worth his while.

One sentence summary: The unhealthy is characterized by a deep seated prejudice that most external world activities are not desirable, not by a mere prudent judgment that most things are not desirable.

Clarification: The former is willing to continue evaluating the circumstances of the external world to the end of seeing if he finds activities that he may benefit from. If he does, he would be willing to participate in them. The latter has given up on the world, and is content having almost no part in it. Despite the apparent clarity of thought and emotional stability of the INTP 2, this way of functioning inflicts severe consequences upon the mental health of the person in question. Unlike INTP 1 who may be falling apart, the INTP 2 suffers in a more implicit way. Such as for example, subtle ascerbity or a general low energy state of being.