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The Job Search Thread


New member
May 1, 2007
Well. . . I just got back from the final interview. I met with two separate groups of three people that are members of the same project staff. I don't think it went well at all. I didn't say anything wrong, but I was completely nervous. When I get nervous I have a problem answering questions clearly and concisely without stumbling all over my words. I did so much research and so much preparation, and I really wanted to impress everyone, but I know that I didn't.

The good news is that I have a 33.3333333333% chance to get the position because only 3 people were given a final interview. The other good news is that I was given a final interview before she had even met the other candidates.

Regardless, I feel like I have to come up with strategies to deal with the disappointment of not getting a position, or I am going to start getting depressed.

This also leaves me with the question: How the hell do people actually get jobs? I asked Haight how all of those donkeys on INTPc can actually be employed and get through job interviews when their social skills are terrible. His only answer was, "computers."

I think I chose the wrong line of work. *sigh*


Plumage and Moult
Apr 23, 2007
Computers is about right. :( Everyone in my IT department smells funny and looks at you too long.


New member
Aug 28, 2008
One of the things I recommend to my students is to understand that the intreview is a two-way street. I make sure they know they are there to find out if the company and its personnel are good enough for them. We had a class where I sent the to research the companies they wished to work for. So when the inevitible "Do you have any questions for us?" comes up, you can ask about what they've been doing (e.g., "I noticed in December of last year you implemented the XYZ middle management policy. Can you give me your impressions of how it has been working?"). It may or may not directly relate to the position you're applying for, but it shows them you are informed about them, and consider yourself an equal to them as well.

It is literally ridiculous the amount of information about companies is available in the public domain. Emerging companies/technologies may be more difficult to find out, there may stil be something out there.

Whether or not what I can offer helps, best of luck with the job search! :)


New member
May 1, 2007
It is literally ridiculous the amount of information about companies is available in the public domain. Emerging companies/technologies may be more difficult to find out, there may stil be something out there.

Whether or not what I can offer helps, best of luck with the job search! :)

I did research the company thoroughly and tried my best to relate their needs to my skills. I also formulated some thoughtful questions ahead of time. I almost think that I over-prepared and perhaps sounded a little too rehearsed. Currently, I am a little disappointed in myself, but I'm also still hopeful that I will get the position.

Do you do a lot of job interview coaching with your students? I'm always interested in suggestions from people who have a lot of experience with interviewing. . . especially if that person is an introvert.

Ugh. On a side note, I realized a terrible spelling error that I had on my resume today. Capitol Hill. . . not Capital Hill. ARGH!!! :doh: How many interviews has this cost me!?!


New member
Aug 28, 2008
I did research the company thoroughly and tried my best to relate their needs to my skills. I also formulated some thoughtful questions ahead of time. I almost think that I over-prepared and perhaps sounded a little too rehearsed. Currently, I am a little disappointed in myself, but I'm also still hopeful that I will get the position.

Do you do a lot of job interview coaching with your students? I'm always interested in suggestions from people who have a lot of experience with interviewing. . . especially if that person is an introvert.

Ugh. On a side note, I realized a terrible spelling error that I had on my resume today. Capitol Hill. . . not Capital Hill. ARGH!!! :doh: How many interviews has this cost me!?!

I work with about 50 students a year, give or take a few that my grey hair helps me forget :) ...

I've had some of them also tell me they felt over-prepared, or had a crisis when the interview never got around to what they prepared for. Almost everyone interviews with the hope they'll "be approved" - for either the job itself or the next interview, or whatever.

Each person will do what is comfortable for them when they interview, but (as I mentioned earlier) what I advocate is that my students approach the interview from a point of view that they are interviewing the company to see if the company meets their needs. I don't want them to worry about whether they have the "right answers" for the questions. I want them to have "their" answers. When people speak from inside themselves they don't sound rehersed. They sound relaxed. Most of the nervousness can be caused from trying to find the "right answer" to a question.

You know that "Where do you see yourself in five years" question? I want my students to tell me where does the company see itself in five years. Will they even still be in business? I want the students to be solid in their belief in themselves. I don't want them going to an interview seeking "approval."

One of the things I have them do to help build their confidence is to decline the first offer of an interview. If they are asked to meet the interviewer(s) at 3pm, I want them to say that they can't make it at 3pm, but they could do the interview at 2pm - even if there was no reason to reschedule to 2pm in the first place.

The point I keep driving home to them is they had better see themselves as a valuable commodity that companies will want. They need to project that image. And they project that image because it's true.

I know for a fact that my beliefs about interviewing are because of my introverted nature. But that nature doesn't prevent me from being successful in dealing with interviews. Far from it - it actually strengthens my chance at success. Rather than seeking approval from the company, I consider the interview a chance for the company to seek my approval ("I have a few questions I would to ask before I consider any offer you may decide to make").

I know it sounds "rah rah", but confidence and professionalism carries a great deal of weight from employers I speak with.


Apr 23, 2007
I'd totally do a Ph.D. but 1) I really don't want to teach (which is a requirement for internally financed positions at my university)

... There's nothing like desperation for relaxing one's requirements, is there? :whistling:

I am now applying for a PhD. The competition is fierce, and there are many reasons why I should not be given the grant:

  • My grades are subpar (just barely above the minimum requirement for PhD consideration at my university, meaning lower than the grades of most (successful) PhD candidates)
  • I haven't taken two out of three of the advanced courses they strongly prefer for you to have taken
  • I have no teaching experience and I'd really rather not acquire any, but let's not write that in the application
  • My master's thesis was jointly written with another student (so an outsider cannot be sure of my contribution)
  • It has taken me almost 8 years in total to complete my bachelor's and master's degrees (not exactly evidence of academic zeal)
  • My designated supervisor already has more than his share of PhD students (attached to his research, that is - as I would also be).

Why am I even bothering to apply, you ask? Well...:

  • My thesis buddy and I produced real research worthy of publication in a decent journal (and the idea was mine, although I can't prove that)
  • My designated supervisor, who is the most prestigious and powerful researcher at the department...
  • ... wants me on his research team and will write a letter of recommendation for the PhD committee...
  • ... two out of three members of which happen to be PhD students of his. :yes:
  • I can write a killer application.

Will this be enough? Stay tuned; I'll find out in mid-December.


Doesn't Read Your Posts
Apr 18, 2007
In the meantime, can you start a thread about economics and teach some of the members the basics?

They really do need your help.


Apr 23, 2007
In the meantime, can you start a thread about economics and teach some of the members the basics?

They really do need your help.

I was going to say we've had this conversation but I see I didn't reply to your last PM. :blush:

So, how do you propose to make it worth my while? :)

Off to the gym, BBL.


Reigning Bologna Princess
Apr 23, 2007
Ugh. On a side note, I realized a terrible spelling error that I had on my resume today. Capitol Hill. . . not Capital Hill. ARGH!!! :doh: How many interviews has this cost me!?!
For crying out loud, send it to people on here to review, woman!

FWIW, I imagine you interview very well and will get the job. :)


Doesn't Read Your Posts
Apr 18, 2007
So, how do you propose to make it worth my while? :)
You'll be doing it as a service to a community that you clearly value. So open your heart and give a little.

If not . . . then I'm sure it will be entertaining in the very least.


New member
May 1, 2007
So, how do you propose to make it worth my while? :)

Hey now! *taps foot*

Good luck with the Phd. At one point, Haight was telling me that I should go that route, but my statistics are similar to yours (average grades, not a lot of experience, etc.). However, if you get accepted, maybe I will reconsider that in the future (ya know, once I have some money).

For crying out loud, send it to people on here to review, woman!

FWIW, I imagine you interview very well and will get the job. :)

Well, you're WRONG! And I'm still pretty embarrassed about the spelling error. I wonder if that cost me any interviews, especially after I talked up my great writing skills. :doh:

I still have not heard back about the position that I interviewed for last Wednesday. I was told that the decision would be made by last Friday. However, when I called HR she mentioned something about a death in the VPs family. I'm hoping that isn't code for "You didn't get the job, so stop contacting us."

Regardless, I'm starting to lose hope with that job. I will contact them again on Friday to see what's up. I wish they would just reject me so I can move on.

I'm continuing to apply for jobs that I'm not exactly interested in obtaining. However, I have decided to start temping, so hopefully I can meet with some employment agencies next week and get started. Money is pretty tight, so I need to do something now without settling for a long-term job that I don't like.

*sigh* Have I mentioned how much this blows?


New member
Sep 26, 2008
I once wanted a job so much that I would go sit in the reception area at lunch time. Everytime the person I interviewed with would walk out to go to lunch and back in, I would be sitting there. When he asked me why I was sitting there, I told him I wanted him to know how interested I was in that particular opportunity. After a few days of that he offered me the job.


Once Was
Oct 14, 2008
Interviews are like first dates. Be interested. Be on time. Look good. Stay loose. Flirt. If you have made it to the interview, you're qualified. Now charm their fucking pants off.

Every time: the less I care, the better I do. Every time I go into an interview really not giving a shit, they want to hire me. Try it.


Apr 23, 2007
Good luck with the Phd. At one point, Haight was telling me that I should go that route, but my statistics are similar to yours (average grades, not a lot of experience, etc.). However, if you get accepted, maybe I will reconsider that in the future (ya know, once I have some money).

Thanks! :)

However, my motivation for writing a killer application just got shot! :doh:

I just got back from a meeting with my professor and designated supervisor who told me that if I don't get the internal department grant, he's going to hire me with the external funds that he is currently seeking and very likely will get. Such a position would entail working full time on his research (there's a lot of practical work involved, so it wouldn't be all research, but about half research and half practical work), which means I wouldn't have to teach! This would be perfect for me! :yay:

... Of course, the prospect is uncertain; he could fail to get funds, or he could change his mind about using them to hire me. And even if he does get funded and does want to hire me, it probably wouldn't be until the late spring or summer of 2009 that I could start. In the meantime he said he would hire me part-time to work on stuff though, so I could wait and see and earn money part-time elsewhere.

So, I still have to apply for the internal grant and do my best (both because of the uncertainty of the other prospect and as a demonstration of competence) - but now I find myself hoping I don't get it. :rolleyes:

And I'm still pretty embarrassed about the spelling error. I wonder if that cost me any interviews, especially after I talked up my great writing skills. :doh:

Personally I don't think the spelling error was that bad since it wasn't of the "I didn't bother to proofread" variety. We all have our blind spots with respect to grammar and spelling and an employer would have to be pretty anal, IMO, to hold that one against you. That said, I truly empathize with your distress over it. :yes:

I still have not heard back about the position that I interviewed for last Wednesday. I was told that the decision would be made by last Friday. However, when I called HR she mentioned something about a death in the VPs family. I'm hoping that isn't code for "You didn't get the job, so stop contacting us."

I also truly empathize with your paranoia here :yes: but an employer would have to be pretty unprofessional, IMO, to make up an excuse like that to keep from having to reject an applicant. Based on what you've written about the interviews I'd say you still have a good shot at being hired. I know it sucks not have to closure, but try to focus on the positive feedback you got and to keep your spirits up! :) (I'm telling myself the same things these days...)


New member
May 1, 2007
Alright. . . haven't updated this thing in awhile.

I didn't get the job that I wanted. I was totally let down and devestated for several days.

Knowing that I needed a job immediately, I contacted a few interesting temp agencies, and none of them got back to me. However, my dad works for a major corporation and he emailed one of the temp agencies that they use asking if they could help me out.

A couple days later, I had a job. I find it rather amusing. I can't get these temp agencies to even contact me, and because of one connection, an agency had me in Thursday morning and had a job for me Thursday afternoon. This was before I had taken any skills tests. I mean, I guess I knew it was a sure thing when the first question the interviewer asked after glancing at my resume for the first time was, "If <insert Alma Mater #1> and <insert Alma Mater #2> met in a football game, who would you root for?" Yay for networking!

Anyway, the position is as a degree auditor for a university, and I start on Monday. Certainly, it's not my dream job, but the salary is better than what I expected, so it will do for now. The key is that I need to keep applying for other jobs and not become complacent in this one.

But for now (you know, before I even start), I'm happy.


IRL is not real
Aug 21, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Anyone searching for jobs currently or recently? Is it getting difficult to find a job? We know what the news says, but what about your experiences? I'm going to graduate (probably) from college in the spring, so I'm just wondering how things look...


Hotel California
Nov 5, 2008
Instinctual Variant
*raises hand*

I have the same problem: I'm overqualified for most of the jobs I wanna do, and lack the experience for the rest of 'em. That and I like variety, so my CV has an interesting amount of different things on then, leaving most interviewers very puzzled.


Lallygag Moderator
Apr 24, 2007
I'm interviewing tomorrow. After losing my job after 12 years in work. The market looks tight (I'm in a financial sector, after all, and the world isnt likely to want more than it has :D ) but fortunately my particular skills are in short supply. I'll know more once I get in front of people...


New member
Nov 27, 2007
I have an interview tomorrow too :cheese:. It's just for a part-time job though. But I really hope I get it - flexible hours doing paper work in a law firm. It's supposed to be fairly casual (I heard about this opportunity through a friend), so I'm hoping it won't be the nerve-wracking affair that my first job interview was (in a restaurant).