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Tactile and Tact


Mar 20, 2008
On first blush this forum would seem to be visual, as we are reading electronic text.

But as we settle in we start to notice things.

We notice we hang on replies.

And we notice that we can't see replies coming. Replies seem to just happen. And each reply can be felt all over the world at once.

So as our blushes subside and we enter social foreplay we notice that each reply is like a touch. A reply is like a touch on our bare skin.

And of course this is why we are all so sensitive - we are touching one another with each post and reply.

So at first blush it seemed as though this forum was visual, but as we enter social intercourse, it become apparent that this forum, this electronic medium, is tactile.

And because our very medium is tactile, and we are sensitive to each touch, we speak to one another with tact.


Both tactile and tact come from the Latin tactus meaning touch or sense of touch.


Active member
Mar 24, 2008
Athlete's foot and beer both come from yeast.

One should try not to confuse things that come from the same place.


We are not sensitive. Some souls are calloused like rhino hide. Others are moderate. Still, others are sensitive.

The sensitive feel deeply because they lack experience. The calloused and civilized draw closer to the flashing lights. The sensitive savage shy away as their souls are captured by the camera.

We distinguish the two from each other by touching them with our textured souls.

If we are of a universal texture, then we cannot make distinctions between us. If we cannot make distinctions, we cannot perceive. If we cannot perceive, then touching is useless.


New member
Jan 28, 2009
On first blush this forum would seem to be visual, as we are reading electronic text.

But as we settle in we start to notice things.

We notice we hang on replies.

And we notice that we can't see replies coming. Replies seem to just happen. And each reply can be felt all over the world at once.

So as our blushes subside and we enter social foreplay we notice that each reply is like a touch. A reply is like a touch on our bare skin.

And of course this is why we are all so sensitive - we are touching one another with each post and reply.

So at first blush it seemed as though this forum was visual, but as we enter social intercourse, it become apparent that this forum, this electronic medium, is tactile.

And because our very medium is tactile, and we are sensitive to each touch, we speak to one another with tact.


Both tactile and tact come from the Latin tactus meaning touch or sense of touch.

What's up V? Hope all is well with you.

You are picking up on the highly kinesthetic nature of Fi. So, yes even though it is through an electronic forum, if I develop an Fi connection with another, it is a bit like dancing, touching, giving and taking and I can feel it in part of my soul, my skin, my lips, even my hands. But only with other Fi users. I may care deeply for my Ti comrades but the dialogue doesnt have the same tactile quality, thus does not generate the same Fi emotive kinesthetic response.

Tact? cant help you there....not really my area of expertise.


Mar 20, 2008
What's up V? Hope all is well with you.

You are picking up on the highly kinesthetic nature of Fi. So, yes even though it is through an electronic forum, if I develop an Fi connection with another, it is a bit like dancing, touching, giving and taking and I can feel it in part of my soul, my skin, my lips, even my hands. But only with other Fi users. I may care deeply for my Ti comrades but the dialogue doesnt have the same tactile quality, thus does not generate the same Fi emotive kinesthetic response.

Tact? cant help you there....not really my area of expertise.

How can I explain it? This is an idea from, "Understanding Media", by Marshall McLuhan, the patron saint of the internet.

Simply it is that media alter our sense ratios.

For instance, print privileges the eye, and the other senses like touch and hearing fade into the background.

But the electronic media no longer privilege the eye so touch and hearing come into more prominence.

Like every morning I wrap myself in the newspaper at the Bakery. 'Wrapping' myself is highly tactile, I can feel it on my skin.

And of course the newspaper is an electronic medium because all the news is collected electronically across the globe at the speed of light.

So the newspaper impinges on my skin with each story from all over the world. Just as you impinge on my skin when you reply.

And just as our skins are exquisitely sensitive, and can't see anything until we are touched, everything happens all at once without warning.

This can give us a shock so we appreciate it if we are touched with tact.

And it just so happens that 'tactile' and 'tact' both come from the same latin word 'tactus' meaning touch.

So dare I say we should be tactful when we are touching one another physically or when we are touching one another electronically.


Mar 20, 2008
We are not sensitive. Some souls are calloused like rhino hide. Others are moderate. Still, others are sensitive.

The sensitive feel deeply because they lack experience. The calloused and civilized draw closer to the flashing lights. The sensitive savage shy away as their souls are captured by the camera.

We distinguish the two from each other by touching them with our textured souls.

If we are of a universal texture, then we cannot make distinctions between us. If we cannot make distinctions, we cannot perceive. If we cannot perceive, then touching is useless.

My city, Canberra, was designed by the eye of Walter Burley Griffin.

But the design of Canberra only makes sense when seen from 10,000 feet. So Canberra only makes sense when seen through the eye of God.

However it is print that privileges the eye and enables us to see with the eye of God, and so design Canberra.

So Canberra is a city that arose out of print but ironically it is now becoming an electric city.

So rather than seeing our city now, we are starting to feel and hear it.

Blackmail wrote his thesis on landscape design from the aerial view, the God's eye view.

How I would like to follow in his footsteps and write my thesis on how the landscape is felt and heard in the new electronic world.


Dec 28, 2008
But as we settle in we start to notice things.

We notice we hang on replies.

And we notice that we can't see replies coming. Replies seem to just happen.

And each reply can be felt all over the world at once.

Profound stuff.

So as our blushes subside and we enter social foreplay we notice that each reply is like a touch. A reply is like a touch on our bare skin.

And of course this is why we are all so sensitive - we are touching one another with each post and reply.

This is a sexual fantasy to which I am not subscribed.

So at first blush it seemed as though this forum was visual, but as we enter social intercourse, it become apparent that this forum, this electronic medium, is tactile.

And because our very medium is tactile, and we are sensitive to each touch, we speak to one another with tact.

All very clear, precise and reasonable. I am impressed.


Mar 20, 2008
This is a sexual fantasy to which I am not subscribed.

Rather than a sexual fantasy, it is a sexual metaphor.

And metaphors are not meant to be taken literally. Unless you are literate and only seeing through the eyes of print, then you will see the metaphor as a literal fantasy.

But as you move into the electronic world, called the noosphere, you will find yourself thinking more and more in metaphor and less and less literally.

And this is entirely necessary for so far computers can't think in metaphor, only human beings such as your good self are metaphoric.


New member
Jul 17, 2009
I'm kind of curious as to why the thumbs down icon was chosen for the post;
Was it associative, simply for a bit of attention to the topic, or something else?


Dec 28, 2008
Rather than a sexual fantasy, it is a sexual metaphor.

I had no idea.

And metaphors are not meant to be taken literally. Unless you are literate and only seeing through the eyes of print, then you will see the metaphor as a literal fantasy.


But as you move into the electronic world, called the noosphere, you will find yourself thinking more and more in metaphor and less and less literally.


And this is entirely necessary for so far computers can't think in metaphor, only human beings such as your good self are metaphoric.

I am beginning to suspect that you are an NF partial to recreational drugs.


Mar 20, 2008
I am beginning to suspect that you are an NF partial to recreational drugs.

When I was a little boy, I would tune the radio so that all I could hear was static. This fascinated me 'cause I could imagine anything I wanted.

As I grew older I found a home in, "The Cloud of Unknowing". You might say that 'unknowing' is a way to tune the radio of your mind to static. Or that it is a way of turning off the voice in your head - your inner voice. And discover complete inner silence.

I discovered other ways to turn of the radio in my head, such as meditating in a warm bath for three hours. Falling in love turns off the radio. And listening to what trees and flowers have to say, plunges me into a delicious silence.

But most of I become silent, when I discover something new. I am like a Retriever pointing at a duck - my whole body becomes completely still and intent on the duck - on the new idea.

Recreational drugs don't help with this process at all, and I have a mild aversion to them.


Dec 28, 2008
When I was a little boy, I would tune the radio so that all I could hear was static. This fascinated me 'cause I could imagine anything I wanted.


As I grew older I found a home in, "The Cloud of Unknowing". You might say that 'unknowing' is a way to tune the radio of your mind to static. Or that it is a way of turning off the voice in your head - your inner voice. And discover complete inner silence..


I discovered other ways to turn of the radio in my head, such as meditating in a warm bath for three hours. Falling in love turns off the radio. And listening to what trees and flowers have to say, plunges me into a delicious silence.


But most of I become silent, when I discover something new. I am like a Retriever pointing at a duck - my whole body becomes completely still and intent on the duck - on the new idea.


Recreational drugs don't help with this process at all, and I have a mild aversion to them.

In that case, I revise my former suspicion: I suspect that you are simply a moron habituated to imprecision, mawkishness and pretentiousness. Of course, a cynic might suggest that I believed this prior to reading the post to which I am currently responding.


A Benign Tumor
Nov 7, 2009
On first blush this forum would seem to be visual, as we are reading electronic text.

But as we settle in we start to notice things.

We notice we hang on replies.

And we notice that we can't see replies coming. Replies seem to just happen. And each reply can be felt all over the world at once.

So as our blushes subside and we enter social foreplay we notice that each reply is like a touch. A reply is like a touch on our bare skin.

And of course this is why we are all so sensitive - we are touching one another with each post and reply.

So at first blush it seemed as though this forum was visual, but as we enter social intercourse, it become apparent that this forum, this electronic medium, is tactile.

And because our very medium is tactile, and we are sensitive to each touch, we speak to one another with tact.


Both tactile and tact come from the Latin tactus meaning touch or sense of touch.

...what the fuck...


Mar 20, 2008
I suspect that you are simply a moron habituated to imprecision, mawkishness and pretentiousness.

You will find you are not alone in thinking I am a moron, habituated to imprecision, mawkishness and pretentiousness.

However I do like pretending.

Stanton Moore

morose bourgeoisie
Mar 4, 2009
Isn't really that we are completely divorced from all of the subtle cues and signs that come from speaking face-to-face with someone? All of the delicate subtext of communication is cut off, so we parse replies for 'intent', when such a thing is nearly impossible without the visual element. So our calculations and perceptions devine a more hostile intent than is intended....hence the ever present emoticon::shock:

I like how you think Victor, but I think this is easy to explain without wasting a metaphor.:yes: (Gratuitous use of second emotocon!)

Stanton Moore

morose bourgeoisie
Mar 4, 2009
I predict that Victor will write a motherfucker of a novel one day, and all of you nay-sayers will be eating kangaroo shit.


Staff member
Dec 23, 2009
Instinctual Variant
On first blush this forum would seem to be visual, as we are reading electronic text.

But as we settle in we start to notice things.

We notice we hang on replies.

And we notice that we can't see replies coming. Replies seem to just happen. And each reply can be felt all over the world at once.

So as our blushes subside and we enter social foreplay we notice that each reply is like a touch. A reply is like a touch on our bare skin.

And of course this is why we are all so sensitive - we are touching one another with each post and reply.

So at first blush it seemed as though this forum was visual, but as we enter social intercourse, it become apparent that this forum, this electronic medium, is tactile.

And because our very medium is tactile, and we are sensitive to each touch, we speak to one another with tact.


Both tactile and tact come from the Latin tactus meaning touch or sense of touch.

This is good. I really like it. :)