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Star Wars


Apr 19, 2011
Instinctual Variant
I've gone to the celeb types page and looked under ENTJ. It says:
About ENTJs

  • The Natural Born Executive

    That fits Palp.

  • Strongly linked to the Compulsive personality


    "A personality pattern characterized by rigidity, perfectionistic standards, meticulous attention to order and detail, and excessive concern with conformity, duty, and adherence to standards of conscience."

    Yes, in the sense that Palp requires these characteristics of others. His goals were to bring order to the galaxy (Te), bring everything in conformity (Te) with his personal vision (Ni), and duty and adherence to that vision.

  • Somewhat linked to the Sadistic personality

    Palp is very sadistic in his means.

  • More common in men than in women
  • Repress their Introverted Feeling function, meaning they sometimes forget what is important to them

    I can't make heads or tales out of that anyway, since "important to them" is only obscurely related to Fi personal values. Palp isn't a moralizer, he is a visionary leader, and that vision is important to him.

    Inferior Fi means to me that Palp is indifferent to the suffering of others, not that he forgets what is important to him.


New member
Aug 23, 2011
I am inclined to agree with you about Palpatine being an ENTJ. I can't really decide whether he values being an emperor and values the idea of Sith dominion over the galaxy (Fi) or is merely interested in power and an empire structure granted him the most. It really depends whether you are including the EU into the mix. He conducts actual research into immortality via the creation of clone bodies which he can transfer his consciousness over into, IIRC he does extensive training in powerful force techniques (including mega force-lightning powers) and collects numerous Jedi holocrons and books. The latter to me suggests a well developed Ni through an interest in philosophy and mysticism and not so much as methods to increase his power. He possesses true power through his political position and charisma.

The EU also states that the public persona of his Sith Master Darth Plagueis was a corporate mogul (probably an ENTJ.) Palpatine could have been an INTJ but became heavily influenced by strong Te whilst under his master's tutelage.


Apr 19, 2011
Instinctual Variant
I am inclined to agree with you about Palpatine being an ENTJ. I can't really decide whether he values being an emperor and values the idea of Sith dominion over the galaxy (Fi) or is merely interested in power and an empire structure granted him the most. It really depends whether you are including the EU into the mix. He conducts actual research into immortality via the creation of clone bodies which he can transfer his consciousness over into, IIRC he does extensive training in powerful force techniques (including mega force-lightning powers) and collects numerous Jedi holocrons and books. The latter to me suggests a well developed Ni through an interest in philosophy and mysticism and not so much as methods to increase his power. He possesses true power through his political position and charisma.

The EU also states that the public persona of his Sith Master Darth Plagueis was a corporate mogul (probably an ENTJ.) Palpatine could have been an INTJ but became heavily influenced by strong Te whilst under his master's tutelage.

I don't get Fi out of the fact that someone values something. Are you talking about Fi tertiary?


New member
Aug 23, 2011
I don't get Fi out of the fact that someone values something. Are you talking about Fi tertiary?

Sort of. To elaborate I was considering the possibility that Sith rule, the dark side and the idea of being emperor mattered to him through a subjective importance as causes he wanted to protect and that these took on more importance than just facets of an impersonal measure of power (just having ultimate authority.) I was implying that if the former was true then he would be Fi-tert or above and thus INTJ (on the basis of the tertiary function often being easier to use than the auxilary) rather than ENTJ in the case of the latter.

The other interpretation I got from your response was the implied misunderstanding of what Fi is. Perhaps I have, if yes then discard the above.


Mar 19, 2012
Instinctual Variant
My latest and greatest opinions on the matter at hand:

Yoda - INTP 9w1
Sidious - INTJ 8w9
Tyranus - INFJ 4w5
Anakin - ISTP 8w7
Luke - ISFP 9w8
Leia - ESFJ 2w1
Padme - ENFJ 2w3
Jabba - ENTJ 8w7
Han - ISTP 7w8
C3P0 - ISFJ 1w2
R2D2 - ISTP 5w6
Boba - INTP 6w5
JarJar - ENFP 7w6
Obiwan - INFP 9w1
Mace - ISTJ 6w5
Grevious - ESTJ 8w7
Maul - ISTP 6w5
QuiGon - ENTP 6w7
Lando - ESTP 3w2
Chewie - ESFP 9w8

I'm sure at least half of those are wrong, but for the most part, it should at least be on the right track, I think.


This thread is hilarious. The Star Wars characters tend to be rather one-dimensional, and so kinda resist typing because of being so minimalist. Darth Vader has two dimensions to him, but both are pretty simplistic.

Five years or not - you will never be forgiven for this post.

[MENTION=15371]RaptorWizard[/MENTION], your typings seem spot on. Mace might be an ESTJ.


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
Five years or not - you will never be forgiven for this post.

RaptorWizard, your typings seem spot on. Mace might be an ESTJ.

Wow. How can you miss so badly? Fia's not wrong, and some of Raptor's typings are just off.
But this discussion has already been had numerous times on this forum.


New member
Jun 21, 2009
I think lists communicate better with people because they're easier to read;

Luke - INFP (4w3; he's defs a helper by enneagram)
Vader - ISTJ (ENFP under stress - which is kind of funny if he is)
ANAKIN - ENFP (I think his Enneagram type makes him more rebellious than the average ENFP)
Palpatine - ENTJ (Typical power hungry baddy though)

Obiwan Kenobi - INTP (remains detached; fairly independent/individualistic; thinker; aloof)
Qui Gon - ENFJ
Leia - ESFJ (INFP-ESFJ are an ideal match, but yes.. gross...)
Padme - INFJ (ENFP-INFJ are an ideal match; doesn't seem to gain energy from her surrounding environment either; energy gain seems more inward)
Yoda - INFJ


Mar 19, 2012
Instinctual Variant
I think lists communicate better with people because they're easier to read;

Luke - INFP (4w3; he's defs a helper by enneagram)
Vader - ISTJ (ENFP under stress - which is kind of funny if he is)
ANAKIN - ENFP (I think his Enneagram type makes him more rebellious than the average ENFP)
Palpatine - ENTJ (Typical power hungry baddy though)

Obiwan Kenobi - INTP (remains detached; fairly independent/individualistic; thinker; aloof)
Qui Gon - ENFJ
Leia - ESFJ (INFP-ESFJ are an ideal match, but yes.. gross...)
Padme - INFJ (ENFP-INFJ are an ideal match; doesn't seem to gain energy from her surrounding environment either; energy gain seems more inward)
Yoda - INFJ

Padme and Yoda the same type!? Ugh, Yoda is so solitary and analytical, and Padme is so engaging and expressive. If anything, I would go as far as to say that they are almost exact opposite types.

For one thing, Padme was a clear extravert, with a focus on people and the social heirarchy, as well as an in-charge attitude, a la ENFJ. Yoda also was clearly a thinker, with a focus on knowledge and the natural world, as well as a behind-the-scenes attitude, a la INTP. They were not both chart-the-course like INFJs are under Dario Nardi's classifications.

But the rest of your list could be at least pretty close. That's just my opinion though. Feel free to provide counter-arguments in your defence. Fights are fun!


New member
Jun 21, 2009
Padme and Yoda the same type!? Ugh, Yoda is so solitary and analytical, and Padme is so engaging and expressive. If anything, I would go as far as to say that they are almost exact opposite types.

For one thing, Padme was a clear extravert, with a focus on people and the social heirarchy, as well as an in-charge attitude, a la ENFJ. Yoda also was clearly a thinker, with a focus on knowledge and the natural world, as well as a behind-the-scenes attitude, a la INTP. They were not both chart-the-course like INFJs are under Dario Nardi's classifications.

But the rest of your list could be at least pretty close. That's just my opinion though. Feel free to provide counter-arguments in your defence. Fights are fun!

I may agree with you on that one. I just typed Yoda as an INFJ because of the wise aura he gave off. Yoda's line of thought seems more rational like an INTPs. I see Ti.

And I typed Padme as an INFJ also, because it fit with her being in an intense relationship with an Ne-dominant like Anakin. I was juggling between ENFJ and INFJ and chose INFJ cause of that reason actually.

Yeah, but that's really my opinion also. And fights are fun, getting beat up - not as much. :D


Certified Sausage Smoker
Nov 26, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Luke - INFP (4w3; he's defs a helper by enneagram)
- ISFP. he is Se, not Ne. Luke is impulsive, makes decisive in the moment reacting to tangible circumstances is much more comfortable pulling off complex maneuvers on the fly (INFPs are more mental, idea-centric and random)
- definitely not a 4. 4s are fixated on the grotesque, the macabre, self loathing, and feeling defective broken. they have a kind of bleeding emotional intensity to them that Luke does not sure at all. I'd say he is a 9w1, possibly a 6 or a 1w9.

Vader - ISTJ (ENFP under stress - which is kind of funny if he is)
ANAKIN - ENFP (I think his Enneagram type makes him more rebellious than the average ENFP)
- I think he was ESFP rather than ENFP, but there is more of a case for Anakin being Intuitive than for Luke. I think he was also Se>Ne however, so I think ESFP.
- most ENFPs are plenty rebellious. ENFPs insist on following their preferences, self expression even when inconvenient for most people to hear, thinking for themselves and being allowed to pursue their ideals. ENFPs have no loyalty to anyone/anything who gets in the way of this and, if you do, we will bust out the Tertiary Te and kill you :)
- 8w7 Sx/Sp for his Enneagram (though as Darth Vader he's more 8w9. he's a bit inconsistent in that regard)

Palpatine - ENTJ (Typical power hungry baddy though)
I could see this. probably 5w6, 6w5 or 8w7 Sp/So

Obiwan Kenobi - INTP (remains detached; fairly independent/individualistic; thinker; aloof)
- ISTJ. grounded, pragmatic, efficient, deductive, administrative. also, while he certainly could think for himself when needed, he wasn't particularly independent/individualistic preferring instead to rely on rules and protocol that had been reliable in the past when given the choice. INTPs are much more "out there" their logic is more complex and inductive and they lack the ease of fitting into a hierarchical structure that Obi-Wan had.
- 6w5 Sp/So

Qui Gon - ENFJ
- definitely not an Fe dom. INFJ or INTJ
- 8w9 Sx/Sp

Leia - ESFJ (INFP-ESFJ are an ideal match, but yes.. gross...)
- nooo, ESTJ or ENTJ. she is pure Te. only a Te dom would be that comfortable with that level of administrative duty, decisiveness under pressure and ability to command 30-40 year old men when one is a 17 year old girl.
- ESFJ+INFP sounds like it would be a match from hell most of the time. INFP would work better with an INTJ, ENFP or perhaps a more mellow, gentle ENTJ.
- 8w7 or 1w2, probably Sx/So

Padme - INFJ (ENFP-INFJ are an ideal match; doesn't seem to gain energy from her surrounding environment either; energy gain seems more inward)
- I think Padme was an ENFP or INTJ. I saw Fi, Te and some sort of N function.
- actually, ENFP and INFJ are often a horrible match. they might be attracted to each other because, being NFs, they will seem very similar to each other. however, when you go deeper, you will see that they share none of the same cognitive functions. also, the INFJ's Fe and the ENFP's Fi/Te would be at each other's throats.
- 1w2 Sx/Sp

Yoda - INFJ
- I could see this, though INTP is possible too.
- seems 9w1 So/Sp to me


New member
Jun 21, 2009
- ISFP. he is Se, not Ne. Luke is impulsive, makes decisive in the moment reacting to tangible circumstances is much more comfortable pulling off complex maneuvers on the fly (INFPs are more mental, idea-centric and random)
- definitely not a 4. 4s are fixated on the grotesque, the macabre, self loathing, and feeling defective broken. they have a kind of bleeding emotional intensity to them that Luke does not sure at all. I'd say he is a 9w1, possibly a 6 or a 1w9.

- I think he was ESFP rather than ENFP, but there is more of a case for Anakin being Intuitive than for Luke. I think he was also Se>Ne however, so I think ESFP.
- most ENFPs are plenty rebellious. ENFPs insist on following their preferences, self expression even when inconvenient for most people to hear, thinking for themselves and being allowed to pursue their ideals. ENFPs have no loyalty to anyone/anything who gets in the way of this and, if you do, we will bust out the Tertiary Te and kill you :)
- 8w7 Sx/Sp for his Enneagram (though as Darth Vader he's more 8w9. he's a bit inconsistent in that regard)

I could see this. probably 5w6, 6w5 or 8w7 Sp/So

- ISTJ. grounded, pragmatic, efficient, deductive, administrative. also, while he certainly could think for himself when needed, he wasn't particularly independent/individualistic preferring instead to rely on rules and protocol that had been reliable in the past when given the choice. INTPs are much more "out there" their logic is more complex and inductive and they lack the ease of fitting into a hierarchical structure that Obi-Wan had.
- 6w5 Sp/So

- definitely not an Fe dom. INFJ or INTJ
- 8w9 Sx/Sp

- nooo, ESTJ or ENTJ. she is pure Te. only a Te dom would be that comfortable with that level of administrative duty, decisiveness under pressure and ability to command 30-40 year old men when one is a 17 year old girl.
- ESFJ+INFP sounds like it would be a match from hell most of the time. INFP would work better with an INTJ, ENFP or perhaps a more mellow, gentle ENTJ.
- 8w7 or 1w2, probably Sx/So

- I think Padme was an ENFP or INTJ. I saw Fi, Te and some sort of N function.
- actually, ENFP and INFJ are often a horrible match. they might be attracted to each other because, being NFs, they will seem very similar to each other. however, when you go deeper, you will see that they share none of the same cognitive functions. also, the INFJ's Fe and the ENFP's Fi/Te would be at each other's throats.
- 1w2 Sx/Sp

- I could see this, though INTP is possible too.
- seems 9w1 So/Sp to me

That's interesting. I could see 4w3 INFP for Luke but I think Luke's defs 3 though (that's what I meant by helper).
Saying infps aren't impulsive is pretty far off, I always find myself making decisions on the fly because I'm sometimes just letting Fi get the best of me. So I don't think that Luke's Isfp due to that reasoning, but I can see what you mean.

I honestly think padme is an Fe type actually... Like how she reached out to a young Luke in Star Wars episode 1. I see a lot of Fe in how she expresses herself as well. Fi is much more closeted IMHO.

And I think you've got the mbti matching system wrong because opposite functions attract each other. And if they're complete opposites, their shadow functions are satisfied and the two types would consider each other ideal mates; like INFJ and enfp are considered 'ideal' for each other. INFPs and ESFJs are pretty similarly attracted to each other; which is also the same as how esfps and infjs are attracted to each other. Other than that, as an INFP I think I'm much more attracted to ESFJs than enfps, intjs, and entjs. I don't see how you think entjs would go good with infps especially when the thinking functions the entj lives by, are the same thinking functions that an INFP is oblivious to. :huh:

But as always I'm never sure of myself and you could be right on the ones I've commented. But I think the rest you've stated was pretty reasonable.

I can see how anakin and obiwan may be sensors but you would also have to consider the fact that Jedi's are forced into a Hands-on work environment. They're kind of forced into being "in the now".


Mar 19, 2012
Instinctual Variant
A while back I did a Star Wars KOTOR Character Typings Thread and I thought I would copy and past those typings I speculated on (probably largely incorrectly too) here in this thread (and I must admit that I may have changed my mind here and there on some of their types). Feel free to debunk and/or debate any of the below typings. Regardless here is the list I made there:
Revan - INTP 5w6
Malak - ENTJ 8w9
Carth - ESFJ 2w3
Saul - ENTJ 8w9
Bastila - ESTP 3w4
Mission - ESFP 7w6
Canderous - ISTJ 6w5
HK47 - ISTJ 8w7
T3M4 - ISTP 7w8
Juhani - ISFJ 2w1
Jolee - INTP 5w4
Zaalbar - ISFP 9w8
Exile - INFP 9w1
Atton - ISTP 7w8
Kreia - INTJ 5w4
Briana - ISFJ 9w1
Visas - INFJ 4w5
BaoDur - ISTP 5w6
Disciple - INFP 9w1
Mira - ESTP 7w8
Hanharr - ESTJ 8w7
G0T0 - ENTJ 8w9
Atris - ESFJ 1w2
Vrook - ESTJ 1w9
Sion - ISTJ 8w7
Nihilus - INTP 5w6


Certified Sausage Smoker
Nov 26, 2008
Instinctual Variant
That's interesting. I could see 4w3 INFP for Luke but I think Luke's defs 3 though (that's what I meant by helper).
Saying infps aren't impulsive is pretty far off, I always find myself making decisions on the fly because I'm sometimes just letting Fi get the best of me. So I don't think that Luke's Isfp due to that reasoning, but I can see what you mean.
impulsive decision making and impulsive action aren't totally synonymous and it's an important distinction in this case. INFPs can make decisions impulsive, but NPs in general are very cerebral and not the type to take impulsive action, especially not when physically demanding

I honestly think padme is an Fe type actually... Like how she reached out to a young Luke in Star Wars episode 1. I see a lot of Fe in how she expresses herself as well. Fi is much more closeted IMHO.
I think this is just more that she as an extrovert and Luke was an introvert

And I think you've got the mbti matching system wrong because opposite functions attract each other.
And if they're complete opposites, their shadow functions are satisfied and the two types would consider each other ideal mates; like INFJ and enfp are considered 'ideal' for each other. INFPs and ESFJs are pretty similarly attracted to each other; which is also the same as how esfps and infjs are attracted to each other. Other than that, as an INFP I think I'm much more attracted to ESFJs than enfps, intjs, and entjs. I don't see how you think entjs would go good with infps especially when the thinking functions the entj lives by, are the same thinking functions that an INFP is oblivious to.
no, I just think the MBTI matching system is BS

But as always I'm never sure of myself and you could be right on the ones I've commented. But I think the rest you've stated was pretty reasonable.

I can see how anakin and obiwan may be sensors but you would also have to consider the fact that Jedi's are forced into a Hands-on work environment. They're kind of forced into being "in the now".
yes, but the main thing is I think Obi-Wan is Si/Te and Anakin is Se/Fi

The Great One

New member
Apr 27, 2012
impulsive decision making and impulsive action aren't totally synonymous and it's an important distinction in this case. INFPs can make decisions impulsive, but NPs in general are very cerebral and not the type to take impulsive action, especially not when physically demanding

I think this is just more that she as an extrovert and Luke was an introvert

no, I just think the MBTI matching system is BS


yes, but the main thing is I think Obi-Wan is Si/Te and Anakin is Se/Fi

Your an absolute madman for thinking that Darth Vader is an ESFP. Please explain to me why you think that Darth Vader is an ESFP.


Certified Sausage Smoker
Nov 26, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Your an absolute madman for thinking that Darth Vader is an ESFP. Please explain to me why you think that Darth Vader is an ESFP.

- he uses Fi/Te
- he is an extrovert
- he is not planned, objective or disciplined enough to be a Te dom. in fact, almost all of his decisions are based off of impulse and feeling
- he is not an Ne dom

boom, there you go. ESFP is the only option left. he doesn't look ESFP because he is not your typical ESFP 7w6 So/Sx, but rather an 8w7 Sx/Sp

Speed Gavroche

Whisky Old & Women Young
Oct 20, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Darth Vader 8w9 Sx/Sp
Obi-Wan Kenobi 6w5 So/Sx
Grand Moff Tarkin 1w9 Sp/So

General Grievous 8w7 So/Sp
Wattoo 8w7 Sp/So
Jocasta Nu 1w9 So/Sp

C3-PO 6w7 Sp/So
Qui-Gon Jinn 7w8 So/Sx
Mace Windu 3w4 So/Sp
Owen Lars 6w7 So/Sp

Mon Mothma 1w2 So/Sp

Boba Fett 8w9 Sp/So
Jango Fett 8w9 Sp/Sx
Darth Maul 8w7 Sx/So
The Clones 8w9 Sp/So

R2-D2 7w6 So/Sp
Han Solo 8w7 Sp/Sx
Jabba The Hutt 7w8 Sp/So
Zam Wessel 6w7 So/Sx

Beru Lars 9w1 Sp/Sx
Wicket The Ewok 6w5 Sp/Sx

Chewbacca 9w8 So/Sx

Leia Organa 8w9 So/Sp
Padmé Amidala 1w2 Sx/Sp
Bail Organa 1w9 So/Sx
Shmi Skywalker 9w1 Sp/So
Count Dooku 8w7 So/Sx

Wedge Antilles 2w1 So/Sx

Luke Skywalker 9w1 Sx/Sp

Anakin Skywalker 8w7 Sx/Sp

Palpatine 6w5 Sp/So

Lando Calrissian 3w2 So/Sx

Yoda 9w1 So/Sx

Sebulba 7w8 Sx/So


Certified Sausage Smoker
Nov 26, 2008
Instinctual Variant
Darth Vader 8w9 Sx/Sp
Obi-Wan Kenobi 6w5 So/Sx
Grand Moff Tarkin 1w9 Sp/So
Obi-Wan is Sp/So

General Grievous 8w7 So/Sp
Wattoo 8w7 Sp/So
Jocasta Nu 1w9 So/Sp
works for me

C3-PO 6w7 Sp/So
Qui-Gon Jinn 7w8 So/Sx
Mace Windu 3w4 So/Sp
Owen Lars 6w7 So/Sp
- Qui-Gon is definitely not an SJ, he's INTJ or INFJ and 8w9 Sx/Sp
- Owen Lars is ISTJ

Mon Mothma 1w2 So/Sp
I agree with her E type, but I thought INFJ

Boba Fett 8w9 Sp/So
Jango Fett 8w9 Sp/Sx
Darth Maul 8w7 Sx/So
The Clones 8w9 Sp/So
- Boba and Jango are both 8w7 Sp/Sx
- I think Darth Maul is Sx/Sp

R2-D2 7w6 So/Sp
Han Solo 8w7 Sp/Sx
Jabba The Hutt 7w8 Sp/So
Zam Wessel 6w7 So/Sx
this works, though I could see Han Solo as 7w8 rather than 8w7

Beru Lars 9w1 Sp/Sx
Wicket The Ewok 6w5 Sp/Sx
this works

Chewbacca 9w8 So/Sx
works for me

Leia Organa 8w9 So/Sp
Padmé Amidala 1w2 Sx/Sp
Bail Organa 1w9 So/Sx
Shmi Skywalker 9w1 Sp/So
Count Dooku 8w7 So/Sx
- Dooku is 8w9 Sp/??
- Leia is a Te dom and either 8w7 or 1w2

Luke Skywalker 9w1 Sx/Sp

Anakin Skywalker 8w7 Sx/Sp
I think ESFP, but I could believe ENFP

Palpatine 6w5 Sp/So
yes (he's not an 8 like people think he is. far too head center)

Lando Calrissian 3w2 So/Sx
interesting, I saw him as ESFP

Yoda 9w1 So/Sx
So/Sp makes more sense to me

Sebulba 7w8 Sx/So