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[SJ] SJ Artists?


Boldly Gone
Mar 3, 2010
I have a few questions for the SJ artists on the forum:

1). Where do you draw your inspiration from? Are there recurring themes in your artwork?
2). Do you find it easy to complete a piece? Or do you have many 'unfinished projects' laying around?
3). What are your views about posting/sharing your artwork online? Art thievery?
4). What are your medium(s) of choice?


New member
Oct 6, 2009
Guess there aren't that many SJ artists here!

If it's of any interest, in the past I was really into drawing and then later music. Played a lot of music. But I was more of a performer rather than creative. It was always really difficult for me to create music of my own. I just don't feel a need to express myself in that way so it felt very unnatural. But channeling and interpreting another's composition I could do. I also dabbled a bit with writing but mostly because my teacher thought I would be good at it. But it was the same issue, I just didn't feel a need to express myself in that. I always thought, why would anyone be interested in what I write? I hardly know how things are for myself, let alone trying to tell other people what I think.


New member
Sep 12, 2010
I have a few questions for the SJ artists on the forum:

1). Where do you draw your inspiration from? Are there recurring themes in your artwork?
2). Do you find it easy to complete a piece? Or do you have many 'unfinished projects' laying around?
3). What are your views about posting/sharing your artwork online? Art thievery?
4). What are your medium(s) of choice?

I'm a musician and I started out wanting to imitate particular guitarists and singers I heard when I was a kid and in my teen years. These influences have changed throughout the years, but the constants are Johnny Cash and Hank Williams, and I'm a rocker! ;) Actually, my original music is somewhere between Americana and adult alternative as far as genres go. I have simple and straightforward roots type of songs with mostly three chords, but it's amazing how original and creative you can be within those constraints. I have hundreds of unfinished songs, lyrics, recordings, and also untapped ideas floating in my head. It once took me nine months to write down some lyrics I was considering because I wanted to perfect them before I committed them to paper. I have no qualms about posting online and much of my stuff is through creative commons. If someone is going to make a buck off my songs, I want a piece of the action. I am all digital, if that's a medium of choice. I make mp3s and send them out online and by e-mail. It's so easy to deal with.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
I used to be big into drawing when I was younger. Now I am into freestyle rap.


Jul 6, 2010
i can pose as an isfj if you want.

Homemade | Facebook

i haven't uploaded any photos of my drawings, and i tend to forget to save the things i work on.

give me an adobe program, and notepad++, and i'll put together something.


Klingon Warrior Princess
Aug 4, 2010
I have a few questions for the SJ artists on the forum:

1). Where do you draw your inspiration from? Are there recurring themes in your artwork?
2). Do you find it easy to complete a piece? Or do you have many 'unfinished projects' laying around?
3). What are your views about posting/sharing your artwork online? Art thievery?
4). What are your medium(s) of choice?

Calling myself an "artist" seems a little weird, given that I just sketch a bit in my spare time and it's not something I invest a lot of work/time into. But I'll offer what I can to this thread.

1) I don't really ever feel some kind of 'sudden inspiration' to do a piece like people often talk about. Theres really no emotional inspiration or anything. I feel like drawing, or I get bored... So I draw. When I was a teenager I drew a lot of dragons, fairies, mythical creatures like that. These days I mostly draw the female form. Sometimes I'll stick wings on them or something to stay true to my fantasy theme.

2) I have a hard time walking away from a piece until it is completed. I will obsess with it until it is completed.

3) I often share my art online. Granted, I don't have much at stake. Most of what I do these days are simple sketches. I am never going to make money off of my art, so why should I care if someone saves it to their computer? It's flattering, actually.

4) These days I only tend to do simple pencil sketches. Back when I was really into artwork as a teenager, my strongest medium was watercolor by FAR.

Some samples... Here's a watercolor.

Sketches: (Had to edit out the nudity. I accidentally broke some female-nudity rules once.)



Certified Sausage Smoker
Nov 26, 2008
Instinctual Variant
SJ artists tend to be SJs who are Enneagram 4, which is a bit of an apparent contradiction. they tend to do well in artistic fields where there is a need for sound technique and lots of practicing. I am studying opera in college and I have a lot of SJ colleagues who are doing well because they practice like 4 hours a day and are obsessed with perfect technique. on that note, I think my favorite singer, Dame Joan Sutherland may have been ISFJ (although I could also see INFJ or INFP)


Carerra Lu
Jul 19, 2009
I like to write, but it's something I have not done in a long time. I need some real inspiration if you know what I mean. I have done some poetry in the past.

Such Irony

Honor Thy Inferior
Jul 23, 2010
Instinctual Variant
Those drawings are great, Patches! Thanks for sharing.

Siúil a Rúin

when the colors fade
Apr 23, 2007
Instinctual Variant
I don't have proof of MBTI tests, but I suspect that a lot, if not the majority, of classical music instrumentalists are SJs. It's the field I work in and I see advantages in having Si for that particular skill set - for orchestral playing and soloist because you have to internalize the sensory details of a work to a significant degree and be able to recreate them. When that focused awareness of knowing when something perceived through the senses is right or not based on previous models is taken to an extreme level of detail, it is one of the bedrock skills required for classical music. I think that aspect is pure Si.


New member
Jul 22, 2008
I don't have proof of MBTI tests, but I suspect that a lot, if not the majority, of classical music instrumentalists are SJs. It's the field I work in and I see advantages in having Si for that particular skill set - for orchestral playing and soloist because you have to internalize the sensory details of a work to a significant degree and be able to recreate them. When that focused awareness of knowing when something perceived through the senses is right or not based on previous models is taken to an extreme level of detail, it is one of the bedrock skills required for classical music. I think that aspect is pure Si.

My ISFJ girlfriend plays a viola in an orchestra as well as sings in a choir. She has also always wanted to be a singer in her own rock band (the next Hayley Williams. :D). She's been taking piano lessons for years and is now studying music as her secondary subject at local university.

So what you say makes a lot of sense at least on my experience.


New member
Feb 1, 2009
I played the violin in primary school and i now play the most awesome Guitar Hero .. Does that count?? :D


Klingon Warrior Princess
Aug 4, 2010
My parents made me play piano, violin, flute, clarinet and saxophone as early as 6 years of age. When I made it to highschool, my idea of rebellion was to get an electric guitar. I still play the guitar, piano, and violin.


New member
Nov 21, 2010
An SJ Artist

I have a few questions for the SJ artists on the forum:

1). Where do you draw your inspiration from? Are there recurring themes in your artwork?
2). Do you find it easy to complete a piece? Or do you have many 'unfinished projects' laying around?
3). What are your views about posting/sharing your artwork online? Art thievery?
4). What are your medium(s) of choice?

Art is one of my hobbies, so here are some answers to your questions.

1). I almost always draw horses. I don't often get an "inspiration" out of the blue--usually, I decide to draw. When I need to decide on what exactly to draw, I let my imagination run loose on the particular subject that I want to draw. With horses, I let them trot, prance, rear, gallop, and all those other things, in my head, until I find a pose that I like enough to draw. I rarely use photos, because to me, drawing from my imagination is more fun.

2). I generally finish each project that I start. Sometimes I take a break from drawing for a long while, but when I get back to it, I usually go back to the one I was working on earlier.
2) I have a hard time walking away from a piece until it is completed. I will obsess with it until it is completed.
I identify with that exactly...

3). I just show my artwork to my family and sometimes my friends, so I can't tell you much about what I think about sharing artwork online.

4). Pencil is my favorite medium; color pencil is my second favorite. I prefer both because they are easy to use, and less messy. I actually like the effect of arcrylic paint best...but I've only started learning to use it, and it's much more tedious for me to use than pencils. I think another reason I like pencils and color pencils is because I've been using them since I can remember, so I'm very familiar with them. (That must be another SJ thing...)

I don't think art is a natural thing for me--I think I am actually more natural at crafts. But I did a lot of horse drawing when I was little, and people told me my drawings were good, and at some point I got really hooked on it. In any case, it's fun to be able to draw horses well enough that I'm pleased with my drawings. This year I got three first prizes for my horse artwork at the local fair--that was really exciting!
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New member
Jul 20, 2010
Hey, Im new to this forum of isfj, mainly because i keep testing as infj but personally i feel more sensing than intuitive but whatevs, that sounded really wishy washy what ever: art:
I paint alot...
mediums are generally gouache and acrylic, sometimes pastels and painting with pastels( i have 3 of those) generally gouache and acrylic.
I usually finish my projects generally in one go haha i need to space it out, its always an eight hour painting session haha.
They are generally inspired by music im listening to like the same cd on replay for eight hours or sometimes one or a few songs on replay haha im ruin music.
They are all abstract paintings on whatever i dont talk about to people, i keep alot in and painting is the only way it makes sense, colours :)
the recent three alll have mysterious women shapes in them because i like the ladies and no one knows its my own miserable closeting expression haha yupp

on the topic of art thievery i hope not i just let my friends see them now and yeahh i hope not that would be awful.

but yeah thats generally what i do i just try to paint my feelings/ music into colours into some shape or something :) haha and keep everyone guessin..... they probably see it all whooo knows :)

The KoЯnMan

New member
Aug 12, 2011
I have a few questions for the SJ artists on the forum:

1). Where do you draw your inspiration from? Are there recurring themes in your artwork?
2). Do you find it easy to complete a piece? Or do you have many 'unfinished projects' laying around?
3). What are your views about posting/sharing your artwork online? Art thievery?
4). What are your medium(s) of choice?

As an actor I draw a lot of my inspiration from other actor's and acting mediums, such as theatre, film, and T.V. While I consistently act in all three mediums, I much prefer film and, because of that, tend to focus my inspiration and technique by studying film and mainly film actors. When it comes to completing pieces: no, I never leave any unfinished projects around. Of course, technically, when it comes to acting it's quite difficult to leave a piece unfinished without quitting entirely. Posting and sharing my artwork online? While I would love to I, sadly, cannot. I can't post the theatre, film, and T.V. that I act in and am currently acting in online because it's relatively impossible. And, as long as credit is given where credit is due, art thievery is completely fine with me. And, finally, as I stated earlier, while I consistently act in all three mediums: theatre, film, and T.V., I much prefer film. :)

Tiger Owl

Active member
Sep 10, 2011
Instinctual Variant
Poet here. I don't write much because I feel like I need to be inspired to write or else I am just going through the motions. The down side is the craving to buy every book on technique that I can find so that I can work on writing perfectly. I also taught myself music theory (basic), notation and then taught myself to play the mandolin. I eventually gave it up because I did not have time to practice.