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[Traditional Enneagram] KitchenFly's laboratory for the exploration of number patterns


Active member
Feb 5, 2015
Not may people will have an interest in this but I am going to post and add to it kinda like a thought blog, modelling note page.

There will most likely be simple spelling errors so please be forgiving and if in drought think of the word phonetically and you most you will be able to follow along, and post spelling errors and I will fix then.

I will kinda be all over the place compiling and bring old and new number patterns to the table.

First I will start with the Dark Energy Number, then my Carbon Number, and my Absolute number pattern and then I will present some number pattern's that I have posted recently on the forum.

I will post pictures of tables and interesting stuff like that to help other see and follow along and think there own thoughts and do there own thing if that may choose.

For me it is an interest a curiosity some thing I like to do and something I be leave is important so I give my self the response ability to undertake the exploration.

I will be doing a very nine thing I will be endeavour to synthesise things together in a global way because I am very much a global thinker big picture thinker.

An example is my latest train of thought linking DNA & RNA from both genes and bacterium to the Dark Energy number giving an explanation as to a posable purpose for the first part of the number 122 zero's, and if it is correct then it helps to understand how to ex spore the dark matter number and its role within the fixed design of the Human condition.

Some would say this is type six terrain but I say it is everyone's terrain and all I will do is provide a simple over view and then leave it to smarter people them my self to do the work I am unable to do and that is to advance it and work out its complexity from a simple global view I hope to provide as a conceptual idea that seems to make sense within my mind.

Please don't post a reply for a bit because I have much to,cut and past and it will take maybe one or two full posting pages.

I will start this exercise tomorrow.

But just as a little teaser for those who have read my post on the dark energy number, if you look at the table of DNA and count the 64 twice and subtract three twice you get the number 122.

I will post a pic and you will intuitively work out witch three to subtract from the count and and one 64 is for DNA of genes and the other is for bacteria please note that I have not checked if there are also 64 for bacteria but I am thinking with out first checking that it is most likely so.


Well as you can see I am thinking it is the; STOP, STOP, STOP.

Just of the top of my head I would think of the six STOP's and the six instincts and the six pointed figure and at a solar system level, the six asteroid belts between Mars and Jupiter.

That's just something to consider as a possibility I still need to work my number pattern that has three Zeros a One and two Nines into the conceptual idea first. I am thinking that the three zeros may have a simple like with the three primary points of 3 6 9 and the T C A of the five letters within the DNA and RNA molecules. T & U for uracil maybe the clue , two sets of three a T or a U.

It kinda reminds me of zero at point nine and nine at point nine having four components at three points if you get my thinking it's like a simple but complex switch.

Any way the Dark Energy number is one hundred and twenty two zero's and some thing like a 138.

A very long number. I kinda think of it as being like one of Greater Natures Cosmic DNA-RNA code numbers for supporting galactic structure. Life as in organic life being a structure. So the importance of there being a link, and I am thinking it maybe an important thing to think about and explore as a posable model.


The body relies on bacteria single cell bacteria cells and it out numbers 20:1 the normal cells that we think of as running shop via genetic information. the reality maybe that single cell bacteria genes may affect our health and personality.

The point is two sets of genes maybe responsible for the evolution of our health and perhaps personality.

these two Ted Talks tuned me in and you may like to visit TED TALKS and watch them for an overall understanding.

How bacteria "talk" - Bonnie Bassler
How bacteria "talk" - Bonnie Bassler - YouTube

Rob Knight: How our microbes make us who we are
Rob Knight: How our microbes make us who we are - YouTube

atoms alive episode 4 DNA: Code and Expression
atoms alive episode 4 DNA: Code and Expression - YouTube

Catalyst - Custom Universe (2013)
Catalyst - Custom Universe (2013) - YouTube

Professor Leonard Susskind -Catalyst - Custom Universe (2013)
So, the dark energy is not exactly zero, but the first 122 decimal points are zero. That's crazy. That is really one of the craziest things we've ever discovered.

Professor Brian Greene - Catalyst - Custom Universe (2013)
The amount of it is bizarre. It's a number that has basically a decimal point, 122 zeros and something like a 138 at the end. It's hard for us to imagine starting with a theory, doing calculations, and, after some number of pages of scribbling, having .000... All these zeros and then a one pop out of our equations.
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Active member
Feb 5, 2015
Professor Leonard Susskind
So, the dark energy is not exactly zero, but the first 122 decimal points are zero. That's crazy. That is really one of the craziest things we've ever discovered.

Professor Brian Greene
The amount of it is bizarre. It's a number that has basically a decimal point, 122 zeros and something like a 138 at the end. It's hard for us to imagine starting with a theory, doing calculations, and, after some number of pages of scribbling, having .000... All these zeros and then a one pop out of our equations.

Part: 1 of 2

A decimal point, 122 zeros and something like a 138 at the end.

eight master genes
three law ten's and law three
one hundred and eight, 108 divided by 18 = 6 and divided by 9 = 16

The table chart for the higgs boson field has, six quarts and six leptons and four gauge bosons equaling sixteen components.

122 + 3 = 125 placings from the decimal point.

Decimal point as the Higgs Boson?

18 divided by 125 = 0.144

Mass spectrum for the carbon atom: 3+11+15+19+23+40+50+60+80+90 = 461


4+6+1+1+2+5 = 19 Boundaries of Creation


4+6+1+1+4+4 = 20 Law: 20

20 - 19 = 1

4 Boundaries 3 Segments

I give a number value of 18 to each line that makes the inner triangle and or a value of two nines one for each end of each of the three lines that make the inner triangle, equaling 54.

I also recognise that the number 54 can be read as 45 , < 54 > depending upon the direction of flow.

45+54+45 = 114


DO 2592 7/7
TI 2406 6/7
LA 2221 5/7
SO 2036 4/7
FA 1851 3/7
MI 1666 2/7
RE 1481 1/7
DO 1296 0/7

DO 2+5+9+2 = 18
TI 2+4+0+6 = 12
LA 2+2+2+1 = 7
SO 2+0+3+6 = 11
FA 1+8+5+1 = 15
MI 1+6+6+6 = 19
RE 1+4+8+1 = 14
DO 1+2+9+6 = 18

DO + DO=36
TI + RE = 26
LA + MI = 26
SO + FA = 26
............. 114

45+54+45 = 114

Part: 2 of 2


4 + 4 = 8 eight master genes
6 + 4 =10 law:10
1 + 1 = 2 cause and effect

Decimal point: reconciliation

Decimal point: value one.

1+1+1+4= 10

4+6+1 = 11

Implicate end: 1 ------- 0 Cercle of the enneagram

Absolute:centre.............. Universe: Intelligent Enneagram

Implicate end: 1 ------- 1 Centre of the enneagram

4 Boundaries 3 Segments

1 ------- 0

1 ------- 1

144 - 114 = 30

A decimal point, 122 zeros and something like a 138 at the end.

144 and 114 & 122 and 138 , 122 114 , 2+2 = 4

144 and 114 & 122 and 138 , 144 , 4+4 = 8

144 and 114 & 122 and 138 , 1+1+1 = 3

1__ and 1__


1 ------- 0 :The zero

1 ------- 1 :The one

At this point I start to think of Strings and the possibility that the Absolute is represented in all living cells and via the Atom within.

And that: 1 --- 1 and 1 --- 0 , are related to zero to nine and before and after the decimal point or each side of the decimal point and the decimal point I think of as a representation of the centre of the Intelligent enneagram and the implicate of the dynamic of the absolute and its functionality within the workings of the explicate.

And that is about as far as I have lateral think ed Professor Leonard Susskind and Professor Brian Greene curiosity about the very long number they spoke of.

One final thing that popped into mind, I said:


Take the 20 away and the number is 5.99999999999999 This number could be seen as


I just remembered that I did some interesting work not long back relating to carbon the element.

To make it easy hear is a link but watch part 2 of 4.

Race to Catch a Buckyball (Part 2 of 4) - YouTube

I mention this because the 20 that is left over may relate to carbon and we are carbon based life forms.

I have mentioned eight master genes but carbon is important to.

I provided the number .144 from: 18 divided by 125 = 0.144

Her is a link to the post I posted on The Enneagram Institute Discussion Board, Chat Lounge, Topic: extraordinary, Posted - 03 Apr 2013 : 10:42:08 AM
By me avatar, rockthrower.


The point this post is that is it suggested that there maybe a law:10 and a law:20 that sits about point Nine of the enneagram.

The sum I generated: 3+11+15+19+23+40+50+60+80+90 = 461




I provided the number .144 from: 18 divided by 125 = 0.144

And if you look at it going the other way it could be read as: 441

441 is 20 less that 461

So you can see why I have added it to the body of work I have sheared.

But just for fun I will right this number: 461.144, wouldn't it be interesting if that number as it is was of importance.

Any way you may find the Race to Catch a Buckyball (Part 2 of 4) interesting and my post on the enneagram institute web sit interesting as well.

mark anthony rockliff - 13 Sep 2013 3:10:36am

Professor Leonard Susskind
So, the dark energy is not exactly zero, but the first 122 decimal points are zero. That's crazy. That is really one of the craziest things we've ever discovered.

Professor Brian Greene
The amount of it is bizarre. It's a number that has basically a decimal point, 122 zeros and something like a 138 at the end. It's hard for us to imagine starting with a theory, doing calculations, and, after some number of pages of scribbling, having .000... All these zeros and then a one pop out of our equations.

Instead of trying to explain away the fine-tuning with a multiverse, Paul Davies says we could accept that the universe has been fine-tuned to produce intelligent minds. After all, there is reason to think our brains are special, he says.

These are interesting numbers, It has just darned on me the posable significance.

Fist I would like you to keep in mind Paul Davies says we could accept that the universe has been fine-tuned to produce intelligent minds. After all, there is reason to think our brains are special, he says.

The fist set of numbers we will think of is 8 in 138.

8 is significant because we have eight master genes and all living animals and insects, on planet earth are built from cells vie eight master genes model.

3 Next we will keep in mind enneagram author, Helen Palmer, and her insight into non dual conciseness and A.G.E. Blake ( cause effect reconciliation ) A to B to C and returning to A, and Gurdieff's the law of three.

1 THE ABSOLUTE, To gain insight best to read author Russell A. Smith: Gurdieff: Cosmic Secrets,
ISBN 0-9643031 -0-8

To move on to the next portion of the number decimal point 122 zeros.

This part is trickier so I will try to extent my lucid dreaming impression the best I can with components I have been working on for some time.

But fist the number:18 within the enneagram of personality is important because we are not only one of nine energies as type we are one of 18 subtypes.

122 zeros plus the three numbers 138 = 125 numbers , 125 divided by 18 = .144

144 divided by 18 equals 8

144 divided by 9 equals 16 , 16 is interesting because of the table chart for the higgs boson field, is has 16 ingredient so to say, 8 Quarts and 8 Leptons.

But I do not want to get of track.

144 and this is the part I realised while lucid dreaming 144 can be seen as 45 + 54 + 45.

Now I have been looking at the diagram page: 94 Russell A. Smith: Gurdieff: Cosmic Secrets, for quite some time thinking about it.

And you will note the triangle P 94,. I have placed three values for each line of the triangle 18 and 18 and 18. And you can think of the ends of the lines as having the value 9 at each end making six units of nine.

three times eighteen

Posted - 09 Sep 2013 : 03:00:34 AM

The interesting thing was that there is a minute difference between the six sets of numbers and when one set of numbers 72 divided by 21 = 3.42857142857143 is replace by
54 divided by 21 = 2.57142857142857 the sum equals:


Take the 20 away and the number is 5.99999999999999 This number could be seen as


Of the six there is one with a minute difference from the other five of the six values.

I could go deeper in to the symbology of the number 54 to the symbol of the absolute six times nine equals fifty four, or and three times eighteen equals fifty four.

I suspect there is something with in this patter that is meaningful.

And dividing the number by 21 is interesting because three Severn's equals twenty one and another interesting thing is try fix and try type one is a grouping of three unit values and the other is a grouping of three sets of two unit values.

The values of 2 and 1 may have a deeper meaning than realised with , both values separate with the models of tri-fix and tri-type and placed together within the system of nine co-working points and eighteen co-working points.

Soon I will for the fun of it, do some modelling with the value of 2 for the core point and 1 for the wing point and work towards a system that has seven values for each of the nine points. And then work towards integrating both wings and the core point with in a twenty one unit value system. Hopefully with the help of fractions I may be able to find a base model where in 18+3 = 21 and a fractal of fractions brings more than one model together in unisons.

The value of three, (18+3 = 21), naturally I will seek to have as a third implicate value, as if its station as a function generates its influence from the centre of the enneagram symbol and each point as if the enneagram where like an imposable object that has more that three and four diminutions.

mark anthony rockliff - 12 Sep 2013 1:28:53am

This maybe help full in helping to work towards solving the puzzle about

Rt here is a small contribution on the numbers 12, 36 and 72 which you are interested. Search: Gurdjieff diagram of the absolute.

world 12 is given in his diagram...the deutercosmos.
world 24 is also given in his diagram...the microcosmos.
world 36 is not given in his diagram....represents a shock.
world 48 is given in his diagram....the tritocosmos.
world 72 is not given in his diagram...represents a shock.
world 96 is given in his diagram....the microcosmos.

note that world 36 and world 72 are obtained from the sum total of the world above and world below divided by 2.

The idea of shocks may shed a different light into your diagrams.
Other than this I have nothing else to add.

Any way to cut a long story short it got my brain ticking and some old ground work resurfaced and I expanded on it and manifested this.

Honey Bee had sheared:
-note that world 36 and world 72 are obtained from the sum total of the world above and world below divided by 2.

And I this was the result..

.. 1 2
.. 2 4
.. 3 6
.. 4 8
.. 7 2
.. 9 6
.26+28 = 54

54 divided by 18 = 3

54 divided by 9 = 6

96 - 54 = 42

42 divided by 2 = 21

12 divided by 21 = 0.57142857142857

24 divided by 21 = 1.14285714285714

36 divided by 21 = 1.71428571428571

48 divided by 21 = 2.28571428571429

54 divided by 21 = 2.57142857142857

96 divided by 21 = 4.57142857142857

If you start to add the numbers from the last 7 on the bottom row 7+7+9+1+4= 28 and put the 8 as the first number and on the far right hand side and carry the 2 and continue adding the rows right to left and caring the tens number to the next row you get this interesting number.


What dose it mean? I do not know but there is that number sequence in the final sum but it is slightly different in the other values.


"But you will note that I stuffed it up" But I will leave it there. 12.28571428571428

The correction:

12 divided by 21 = 0.57142857142857

24 divided by 21 = 1.14285714285714

36 divided by 21 = 1.71428571428571

48 divided by 21 = 2.28571428571429

72 divided by 21 = 3.42857142857143

96 divided by 21 = 4.57142857142857

The sum, add the numbers from the last 7 on the bottom row 7+3+9+1+4= 31 and put the 1 as the first number and on the far right hand side, and carry the 3 and continue adding the rows right to left and caring the tens number to the next row you get this interesting number also.


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Active member
Feb 5, 2015
This next step is going to be difficult but when I first looked at the nine numbers of the enneagram it seemed impossible to see any more than nine numbers attached to a symbol. which in a short time of reading about the nine types a door seemed to open unto an inner recognition of awareness and i could see how this symbol and these nine numbers and the lines that interconnect the numbers around a circle had structure a structure that mirrored part of what was taking place within my own self expression.

But not all that I seek to understand has been addressed by authers and lectures relating understandings about this ancient symbol and and what it represents as a living structure of energy order.

I think the best place to start in this next step is in what may be said as being the middle. And for our purposes the middle will be suggested as being: making the law of three happen within. And I would like to mention that in standard science the middle has been said to be the Cell. The cell is seem as being the mid point between large and small of size scale. In the context of our explorations these two factors are good to perhaps keep in mind because the attempt is to make ground into furthering an understanding of mind, matter and how it is that it takes place, hosted within a physical form within a physical environment. I am thinking that Dark Mater may have a large role in the creation of life and I think that DNA and Dark Energy are linked closely.

Ok then lets start with, making the law of three happen within. We will start by looking at three set of numbers i believe are at work when we become three force aware.

Can i also say that regardless of if we are within The Three Force Aware Sate or not , i believe these three sets of numbers as a mechanism are operational and it is my suspicion that one of the levels that they serve at is at a genetic level of order and operation within the Human mechanism of mechanical man.

__________ 0 _ 1

____ 9 ______________ 2

_ 8 ___________________ 3

__ 7 _________________ 4

________ 6 _____ 5

5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4
6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5

Hear is a visual view of the three sets but all the points on the enneagram remain the same point one is still point one even though the numbers two and eight are at the location of point one, but something new involving point one for example is taking place and so forth for all the other point that seen now to have a number value that seems not to belong there. So what has taken its place? Is the type energy still there at each of the nine points?

The diagrams demonstrate three actions three steps that I believe take place in the ignition stage of activating the or the making of the law of three
happen within, and once engaged I be leave or four are active like a looking glass, (a.) is the neutral state of the of personality in its separated form, or what we may define as normal and ( b. c. d. ) are the synergetic ex celebrated state of the higher synergy that we are recognising hear as being three force active or having actively made the law of three happen within state of being.

I know from my experience that there are three distinctive parts and they are distinctive because they are like three different gear shifts that when experienced seem mildly disorientating momentarily and all three shift momentarily are of a different order and then they seem to blend in to a combined focus illuminating a rear refined outlook onto the would the self is situated with in.

It is difficult to prissily recall but is is as if state (a.) shifts and state (b.) becomes active, then when after (b.) has been active for the time needed to have placed enough-charge in to the proses a jolt takes place as state (c.) becomes active and once enough charge has been generated it is as if a Niro chemical action has taken place wherein it seems all three parts: (b. (c. (d. combine as a lens, but it seems that, at the same time that the three parts can be separate and are separate parts of a Triplet. And it seems as if also what is taking place is that the process started at (a.) and once the process of creating the synergy of the triplet has been archived the looking glass view maybe said to have been reversed in the way that it goes: d.) Looks though c.) looks though b.) out to on to understanding (a.).

And within a fraction of a blink of an eye the self can dissolve the synergy and with no side effects from having made the law of three happen within return to a normal (a.) state of being.

And may I add that if the self has attained an ability in the past to have successfully generated the synergy of the triplet-action the self can instantly manifest the state in to awareness at the same rake as the state can be dissolved from awareness.

Also an individual may travel from (a.) to step (b. In the process and in to step (c. And not trust the process and abort the process and return to (a.) having not experiencing have had made the law of three happen within in the way of successfully manifesting the triplet-action As a stable state an action of free-will.

That about as good as I can explain it, some maybe able to explain it better than I have but that's my best effort and it helps to understand the context of this material I am endeavouring to prevent and explain and explore.


____________ 9

____ 8 ______________ 1

_ 7 ___________________ 2

__ 6 _________________ 3

________ 5 _____ 4

__________ 9 _ 0

____ 8 ______________ 1

_ 7 ___________________ 2

__ 6 _________________ 3

________ 5 _____ 4

__________ 0 _ 1

____ 9 ______________ 2

_ 8 ___________________ 3

__ 7 _________________ 4

________ 6 _____ 5

__________ 0 _ 9

____ 1 _____________ 8

_ 2 __________________ 7

__ 3 ________________ 6

________ 4 _____ 5

I will return later to continue but I will leave you with this to look at it is post I posted recently and maybe helpful because what we are exploring is not separate from our personalities, minds eye.

For the 4w5 that indulge's their own 4w3 wing can have an air of I'm entitled within the hidden narrative of their own agenda.

I rent a room like another in a mutual friends house ,our home the three of us consider the environment to be our home. And the other tenant believes he is entitled to do no house work at all unless it is a communal have to do.

This person is a 4w5 So/Sx, and it is clear to see this calculated indulgence.

An example does not pay / contribute to the internet connection but has up to four devices running at once ,at times.
Down the track,...complained about the internet speed, then it was explained that if he put his hand in his pocket and co payed for a better upgrade higher speed , his reply well I can't afford that he replies in a mumble as he walks of un pleased with the problem having no correct resolution.

I am sure all six variants of this subtype ( 4w5 ) would have an expression of entitlement operating within their own direct cognition.

You define in clear articulation about what takes place ,and convey it with ease, I like that and I enjoyed reading your explanation, I would like to be able to articulate like that you have to better explain that which I see with my visceral eye ,so to say.

Perhaps I see each wing viscerally through two lenses, a lens for agenda and a lens for mood. Maybe the subtype lens serves the types mood in focus and the shadow wing (for the want of a better term) lens serves agenda in focus.

Anyway I'm happy you posted because reading it, kinda helped me to consider that perspective of what maybe taking place between both wing and core energy.

Now I am considering thinking in three's , conscious for the core point energy and as above mood for the leading wing of the subtype and agenda for the leading component of the tri type.

( Conscious / Agenda / Mood )

For my self I reflect on a number pattern that is a practical manifestation of one of my favourite Numbers the number nineteen.

And at this point in time I am wondering to my self if the three focuses of attention, conscious, agenda, mood, maybe the operations of these three components I have intuitively recorded as a three part number pattern mechanism that I think of as perpetually operating at the sub surface level of the enneagram/ levels of awareness.

5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4

Not only do ,all processes begin at zero at point nine and end at point nine,
I think there are two other processes.

And I think that the three processes work in unison as a processor a mind activity action ,a geared working action not separate from Gurdjieff's (making the law of three happen within) action.

I'm also thinking that honouring simultaneously the free flow ,of these three directional, duel flowing directions, is an action that manifests an awakening, within an awakened Sate Of Awareness. The Law Of Three Action Of Awakened Awareness Unto Action.

The other two rows.

6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5


4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5

And placed together as a working unit in its simplistic configuration:

5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4
6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5

Now for a fourth perceptual view ,that reminds me of, Grater Natures,.role as Host.



9 + 9 + 1 = 19

All these numbers have a set place at Point:Nine within the model of: (all processes begin at zero at point nine and end at nine at point nine, of the selfs free will in action. Three parts three actions. A mechanism within the clock work of the living enneagram.

I hope I have adequately expressed the technical, that was hard work.

Looking at the the sets of numbers may provide clues toward revealing more structures. So now we will look down the columns and taly the sums.

6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4
4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5

6 + 5 + 4 = 15
7 + 6 + 3 = 16
8 + 7 + 2 = 17
9 + 8 + 1 = 18
0 + 9 + 0 = 9
1 + 0 + 9 = 10
2 + 1 + 8 = 11
3 + 2 + 7 = 12
4 + 3 + 6 = 13
5 + 4 + 5 = 14

One of the things I kind interesting relating to this set of sums is that all the numbers between nine and eighteen are present and what is absent is the number zero and the numbers one to eight.

This maybe a good clue because our topic range is includes Eight Master Genes And One Hundred and Twenty Two Zero's.

So perhaps one of the things we will explore is other sum values we can record by going on a 45 degree angle to the left and to the right remembering to expand the line of ten number values to obtain a full spectrum of sums that maybe calculated.

Then we can look at or new list of nine sums for number pattern clues to.
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New member
Mar 4, 2015
Instinctual Variant
There will most likely be simple spelling errors so please be forgiving and if in drought think of the word phonetically and you most you will be able to follow along, and post spelling errors and I will fix then.

Post dated 3/3/2015, 12:32 AM , Paragraph 12 (not counting exclusively numerical sections) beginning "Also an individual...", line 3, word 3:

You spelled "had" wrong.
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silentigata ano (profile)
Mar 19, 2009
Post dated 3/3/2015, 12:32 AM , Paragraph 12 (not counting exclusively numerical sections) beginning "Also an individual...", line 2, sixth word from last:

You spelled "had" wrong.

What a great introductory post.


Active member
Feb 5, 2015
Thanks anastaslaromanova for pointing out the spelling error and the math thing that was dyslexia but the sum equalled the correct sum that was wacky.

I am so embarrassed I have been using the word matter instead of energy I hate dyslexia it can be embarrassing.

Welcome, i may self an new to typology central and am enjoying posting within the forum. Nice picture anastaslaromanova.
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Active member
Feb 5, 2015
So perhaps one of the things we will explore is other sum values we can record by going on a 45 degree angle to the left and to the right remembering to expand the line of ten number values to obtain a full spectrum of sums that maybe calculated.

Then we can look at our new list of nine sums for number pattern clues to.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3

5 + 7 + 2 = 14
6 + 8 + 1 = 15
7 + 9 + 0 = 16
8 + 0 + 9 = 17
9 + 1 + 8 = 18
0 + 2 + 7 = 09
1 + 3 + 6 = 10
2 + 4 + 5 = 11
3 + 5 + 4 = 12
4 + 6 + 3 = 13

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3

4 + 4 + 7 = 15
3 + 3 + 8 = 14
2 + 2 + 9 = 13
1 + 1 + 0 = 02
0 + 0 + 1 = 01
9 + 9 + 2 = 20
8 + 8 + 3 = 19
7 + 7 + 4 = 18
6 + 6 + 5 = 17
5 + 5 + 6 = 16

45+45+45+135 = 270

The only interesting thing i can think of is 122 + 138 = 260 + ten units for the ten placings on the enneagram for the configuration, all processes begin at zero at point nine and end at nine at point nine.

122 + 138 + 10 = 270

We will keep that on the back burner of our stove top,because it may come in handy with other abstract ideas like:

A Fourth Dimensions perspective of the three dimensional perspective:

5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4
6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5

5 + 7 + 2 = 14
6 + 8 + 1 = 15
7 + 9 + 0 = 16
8 + 0 + 9 = 17
9 + 1 + 8 = 18
0 + 2 + 7 = 09
1 + 3 + 6 = 10
2 + 4 + 5 = 11
3 + 5 + 4 = 12
4 + 6 + 3 = 13

45+45+45+ 135 = 225

The number value 225 is of interest for us because The Dark Energy Number is:

One Hundred And Twenty Two Zeros and something like a One Three Eight. 122 , 123, 124, 125.

The Dark Energy Number ends 125 placings from the decimal point.

it is 125 not 225.

But it maybe of value because our experience of space is a three-dimensional space And the three-dimensional space is said to be incapsulated by a fourth-dimentional space.

Perhaps Dark Energy volume occupies the Fourth-Dimention Of Space so the fourth dimention may be invisible but not separate from the third diminution.

So we will consider that a volume of the number value may have a relations within the math of the posable fourth-dimentional space of dark energy domain within space.

I know it has gotten a little bit fuzzy as if something missing in the explanation not quite right in the explanation. There is the simple layer of one to nine on the enneagram symbol that maybe like a third implicate factor, then the numbers would balance. 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 = 45 The Nine Points: 1 - 9 So that would make the three dimensional of Creation the Third Implicate from an alternate perspective that of the fourth dimension,
Meaning as we can not see the fourth dimension the fourth dimension may not be able to see the three dimensional of space.

I suspect that the Law of Severn is dependent upon the two factors of three dimensional space and four dimensional space or space time. And in a simple way 3 + 4 = 7 ,.Seven relies upon both three plus four to exist as severn.


____________ 9

____ 8 ______________ 1

_7 ______________________ 2

__ 6 ___________________ 3

________ 5 _______ 4

Well I have just about exhausted this portion of number pattern for now but before we finish lets look at the shaded number values lightly and see what we can see.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3

58 +58 = 116

58 - 45 = 13

13 + 13 = 26

122 , 123, 124, 125

1 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 5 = 26

There is just a little more juice in the lemon..in my number patter the numbers 5 and 21 are important and the number 16 is important. If we have a final look at the number 122 even though it is describing zeros 1 + 2 + 2 = 5 it reminds me of my five dot model and the Hole Brain Model, as the 16 reminds me of the MBTI and Higgs Boson Periodic Table Chart. I mention 16 because the final number in the Dark Energy Number is 138 and if we subtract 122 the sum equals 16. 138 - 122 = 16 which kinda gets me thinking that all those zero maybe like related to the Higgs Boson and the abstract sixteen that we have generated is like related to the six Quarts six Leptons four Gauge Bosons. This all seems very far fetched and very abstract two sets of three numbers numbers having all these posable meanings as purpose for being so to say but it is lateral thinking for the purpose of understand the difference between the three dimensional and the four dimensional the Higgs Field and Dark Energy and dark matter and the Mind of the mechanical Human.

And we may as well stretch the envelop as far as we can with one final exercise; 122 , 123, 124, 125

1 + 2 + 2 = 5
1 + 2 + 3 = 6
1 + 2 + 4 = 7

1 + 2 + 5 = 8

So now we finally have our 5, 6, 7, and 8 but we still need our one two three four so how about:

1 = (122)

2 = (123)
3 = (124)
4 = (125)

It would be interesting if there were a possibility that one set of four related to the workings of dark energy and the other set of four related to the workings of dark matter and the decide between related to the hosting field of the Higgs Boson. And that A B C of the membrane theory was the unity of the Field and the two parts dark energy and dark matter were like a multiplicity and the creation the manifested universe.

This would imply that the Higgs Boson Field is a constant manifestation a working action of the Law Of Three, Three parts three timings three directions of time concentrated as a Unity with a manifestation a constant an underlying unity serving all parts a membrane matrix.

The theme of three may be seen to flow through in the structural of the sixteen parts as seen in this Higgs Boson Periodical Chart.

1) Higgs Boson

2) Quarks
3) Leptons
4) Gauge Bosons


Abstract Idea

4) Dark Energy
2) Leptons
1) Quarks

0) Gauge Bosons

- - Higgs Boson Field - -

1) Gauge Bosons

2) Leptons
3) Quarks
4) Dark Matter
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Active member
Feb 5, 2015
Public Notice, there is Chaos in the lab I have been thinking of the dark energy number with the concept of dark matter in mind and I am disappointed because now I have to rethink some of what I have written in the last few chapters.

The pain the pain..I have been thinking of dark matter as being like a shadow as like a fourth dimension energy cloud.

It time to see the psychiatrist, I may need medication. To advance forward at an accelerated pace, much work to be done.


Active member
Feb 5, 2015
Your the best anastasiaromanova I like the majority of my number pattern I think I am over reaching. I will reassess and continue.


Active member
Feb 5, 2015
Then I drafted the first number pattern i went to order it in a different order this order I believe is the set for the autistic mind set.

This I think is the base focus, it is easy not to be frightened by the would i the self holds the view of the would at a safe distance
slightly obscured. (A.) is replaced within the autistic individual with 1 beginning at Point nine and zero ending at Point nine as illustrated:


__________ 0 _ 1

____ 9 ______________ 2

_ 8 ___________________ 3

__ 7 _________________ 4

________ 6 _____ 5

6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4
4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5

This is the number pattern set for what is considered as the normal individual. Set:1

5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4
6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3

5 + 7 + 2 = 14
6 + 8 + 1 = 15
7 + 9 + 0 = 16
8 + 0 + 9 = 17
9 + 1 + 8 = 18
0 + 2 + 7 = 09
1 + 3 + 6 = 10
2 + 4 + 5 = 11
3 + 5 + 4 = 12
4 + 6 + 3 = 13

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3

4 + 4 + 7 = 15
3 + 3 + 8 = 14
2 + 2 + 9 = 13
1 + 1 + 0 = 02
0 + 0 + 1 = 01
9 + 9 + 2 = 20
8 + 8 + 3 = 19
7 + 7 + 4 = 18
6 + 6 + 5 = 17
5 + 5 + 6 = 16

45+45+45+135 = 270



____________ 9

____ 8 ______________ 1

_ 7 ___________________ 2

__ 6 _________________ 3

________ 5 _____ 4

__________ 9 _ 0

____ 8 ______________ 1

_ 7 ___________________ 2

__ 6 _________________ 3

________ 5 _____ 4

__________ 0 _ 1

____ 9 ______________ 2

_ 8 ___________________ 3

__ 7 _________________ 4

________ 6 _____ 5

__________ 0 _ 9

____ 1 _____________ 8

_ 2 __________________ 7

__ 3 ________________ 6

________ 4 _____ 5

And this i believe to be the full number pattern set for the individual with an autistic orientation. I title this set Set:2

6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4
4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5

4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3

6 + 6 + 2 = 14
7 + 7 + 1 = 15
8 + 8 + 0 = 16
9 + 9 + 9 = 27
0 + 0 + 8 = 08
1 + 1 + 7 = 09
2 + 2 + 6 = 10
3 + 3 + 5 = 11
4 + 4 + 4 = 12
5 + 5 + 3 = 13

45+45+45+135 = 270

4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3

"math still to be done"
5 + 3 + 7 = 15
4 + 2 + 8 = 14
3 + 1 + 9 = 13
2 + 0 + 0 = 02
1 + 9 + 1 = 11
0 + 8 + 2 = 10
9 + 7 + 3 = 19
8 + 6 + 4 = 18
7 + 5 + 5 = 17
6 + 4 + 6 = 16

45+45+45+135 = 270



__________ 0 _ 1

____ 9 ______________ 2

_ 8 ___________________ 3

__ 7 _________________ 4

________ 6 _____ 5

__________ 9 _ 0

____ 8 ______________ 1

_ 7 ___________________ 2

__ 6 _________________ 3

________ 5 _____ 4

__________ 0 _ 9

____ 1 _____________ 8

_ 2 __________________ 7

__ 3 ________________ 6

________ 4 _____ 5

You will note that I have left out (a.) and placed it below. Because this is the normal Id Ego & Supper Ego that in my opinion is being repressed and is there for needed
to be in-braced reawakened and developed consciously with therapeutic remedial assistance so to say.
The normal Id Ego & Supper Ego we find here in (a.) is very much the auto pilot of the mechanical man:


____________ 9

____ 8 ______________ 1

_ 7 ___________________ 2

__ 6 _________________ 3

________ 5 _____ 4

There is still more work to be done in explaining the actions of these three sets as a triplet,
it may take time to add more insight and it is important to recognise that the autistic spectrum is large.
It may also be correct to place all four in a row as like Set: (1) and consider the 1-9 as the fourth and consider
that the triplet may work in three differing orders and as one and in unison with the fourth said to be the First (a.) in set:1
and said to be the Fourth (a.) in set:2.

I am of the belief that both sets Set:1 and Set:2 reside in all persons, set:2 most likely resides dormant but maybe required in order to become Hole and Complete as a Spiritual Human Being.

This is only my opinion as a layman seeking understanding of the Human condition.
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Active member
Feb 5, 2015
Yesterday I was playing golf with three friends and at the end of the final hole I said lets hit a ball to the tea , and for the fun of it we all had a shot and landed our golf balls close. I decided to hit an other ball and as I did and in mid swing I felt a mechanical action taking over the observers direction of control as if an other action a mechanism had over rid the action of my swing in motion. I had my eyes focused behind the ball were I was to strike it and in my periphery view I noted or detected the mechanical action differing from my intentioned action of lag angle follow though.


As I the stuck ball moved though the air I looked up towards the tea and could not see the balls flight and herd the ball hitting a tree trunk to the right of the target and said out loud hmm that one did not work, and one of my friends said you hit the tree and look it landed right in front. And I said wow that was the sub conches and the un conches doing the work I wanted the ball to travel that that way , meaning strait.

One of the reasons I chose to learn golf was to try and do a sport were I could observe the mechanics of the conches sub conches and un conches working within mind body will Actions.

I think there are gearings and one of the gearings is an action like a multiplicity wherein the sub conches and un conches can over ride the will of the conches.

I see this action as a triangle with seven actions I as an independent will as one action at the apex opposing position to both parts of the sub conches un conches multiplicity , an other two actions I as will contacting each end of the multiplicity, each of the ends of the multiplicity having separate out put influences upon the I as will and a separate two way dual cooperative action within the multiplicity separated from the control of the separated I as will

An eighth maybe the rear occurrence where in all components are actively working in a unison that the I of will is a conches observer and participant within the synergy of Sate manifested. "making the Law Of Three happen within.

This eighth example reminds me of the Top Do in ( Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do ) I think of the top Do as being linked to the operations of the master gene that is respond able for the section of the body that houses the brain.

How it all works is a mystery to me and I do not as of yet have an over all view as to how the eight parts of my eight part or Two-Set: 1 & 2 number pattern model operates in it exact complexity.

I will leave it at that for now because I have learnt a new work bloviate and it maybe posable that some of the readers of these posts may be aware of this most foe full word to the layman who seeks.

While Looking for an image to show on this post I came across this wed page and decided to post it because it looked interesting. I have not read it but I think I might read it.THE_LITTLE_SCROLL/08_Part-Three_2.

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Active member
Feb 5, 2015
One of my science shows I have enjoyed watching for a long time is the abc tv show Catalyst.

I may have watched this episode back when it was first went to air but I stumbled upon it today and found it interesting because it talks about two divides at the immune system level and one of the things we have looked at is DNA in bacteria cells and DNA in general body cells.

The ratio was said to be 1:10 on one video and 1:20 on the other video.

In this video they speak of Neanderthal HLA - A's and Denisovans HLA - A's.

I find this interesting because I have Two Sets set:1 and set:2.

And I have hinted that they may relate to DNA of the two types Bacterium Cells & Body Cells.

In the video they speak of four divides so to say, I have spaced them to suit my model:

Homo sapiens
H. heidelbergensis
H. neanderthalensis


I am thinking also if the list of four could be drafted:

Homo sapiens

H. Heidelbergensis
H. Neanderthalensis

In the post above it has The four strands of 8-master regulatory genes. And has me thinking if my two groupings of one + three / two sets of four may be linked in a practical way at a mechanical mechanistic level of order.

Her is a link to the video I watched.

Catalyst: Denisovans - ABC TV Science


Active member
Feb 5, 2015
I like number patterns its like knitting for big kids.

DO + DO = 36

TI + RE = 26
LA + MI = 26
SO + FA = 26

36 divided by two = 18 , 26 divided by two = 13 , 26 divided by two = 13 , 26 divided by two = 13 the one tens unit is as if a:1 and the three as is a unit a unit unit. It could and can be seen in a visual diagram as:



So we have our pattern in sight.

DO + DO = 36

TI + RE = 26

LA + MI = 26

SO + FA = 26

________ 114

1 --------- 0

1 --------- 1

We have three units and a zero so we will chose to view this number as a sum equalling as a total: 30

114 + 30 = 144

for those who may have read this post following this idea make like to consider:

Abstract Idea

6 --------- 9

5 --------- 4

The differences between Four vs Six is interesting.

melancholy vs doubt*

melancholy is like known, "know the value" of subjective feeling sensed via and at the primary action of point three of the feeling triad. Having extended connections with its host primary energy point three's subsidiary wings point five and point one type four has an auxiliary connection with point five that affects both mood and agenda for the four and its connection at point one touches upon the relative relating dynamic component of primary point threes role as mass within the mass energy direct cognition tri-factor. within provides the fours sense of self, self has a concrete platform of bias; true or false the subjective is cleanly understood because the four is most out of touch with feeling and stands also within the Id grouping, a second bias is at work my identity my self detached from a complete, the sum is understood "i am Defective" fours deeper reason there is more that the one jigsaw puzzle i can see sense experience obstruct or comprehend,...there is some thing defective about me is the value believed. yet to be recognised is the full fixed design.*

and doubt is like power of an understanding I am the value exspirienced i can not separate myself from an awareness that I am feeling the thought of that i am the subjective "the known value" thought felt via and at the primary action of point six of the thinking triad. Having only connection within its own host energy primary energy point six's subsidiary wing's, point eight and point four, type six has an auxiliary connection with point five that affects both mood and agenda for the six and its connection at point nine touches upon the relative relating dynamic component of primary point six role as energy the mass energy direct cognition tri-factor. Within provides the six feeling of self, self has a concrete platform of bias; correct or incorrect the objective is cleanly understood because the six is most underdeveloped with thinking and stands also within the supper ego grouping, a second bias is at work my authority my self detached from a complete, the sum is understood "i am incomplete" six's deeper reasoning i am seperated i am alive. I can think feel experience connect or destroy,... there is divide and life is devoid of correct cohesion, i have reason to sought is a natural progression of thought. yet to be recognised is the full fixed design.*

the numbers four and six are interesting 6 + 4 = 10 and 6 - 4 = 2 Add 10 and two and the sum equals 12 a one and a two as like a hole and a multiplicity of two. its symbolic irony is interesting from an abstract metaphysical properties of numbers perspective. At the achetypal pie level.

As there is the idea:

DO + DO = 36 , 3 + 6 = 9

TI + RE = 26 , 2 + 6 = 8

LA + MI = 26 , 2 + 6 = 8

SO + FA = 26 , 2 + 6 = 8


10 , 9 , 9 , 9


So we have our pattern in sight.

DO + DO = 36

TI + RE = 26

LA + MI = 26

SO + FA = 26

________ 114

1 --------- 0

1 --------- 1

We have three units and a zero so we will chose to view this number as a sum equalling as a total: 30

114 + 30 = 144

3 --------- 0

1 --------- 1

3 --------- 0 , ( thirty )

_ --------- 4 , ( as in the four in 114 )

1 --------- 1 , ( as in the one & one in 114 )

And that is enough ideas for today , :bye:
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Active member
Feb 5, 2015
Two eighths is the difference one fourth ,time has many locations ,but what may connect us is, Host ,and three strands of time.

10 , 8 ,8 ,8

The eight's reminds me of both light and the scale-0 = DO RE MI Shock FA SO Shock LA TI DO

Two shock's two eights (2/8 : 6/8 ) over a eight second time spanned.

Three lots of two.

____1 ___________ 2

3 __________________ 4

______ 5 _____ 6

And as we know six multiplied three times equals eighteen.

The triangle of the enneagram reminds me of both 10 and a fourth part:

Think of three sets of time three sets of six pointed figure s it is an interesting idea complex but simple. I kinda have ideas like three strands of time may work something like this

______ 0

2 ___________ 1

_____ 0 1

3 ___________ 2

______1 0

2 __________ 3

______ 0

It's a bit quantum is it an open string or a closed string has it three parts or five parts or six parts are the zero's at each end there one moment and not there the next are they one location or other locations. Has it only three dimensions or has it four dimensions. And if it is something real why has it 12 unit values? With a posable 19:Actions.

I can tally Two ways it's configuration could have a sum of nineteen actions so there will be a third from the opposing direction. But I would stick with two and ignore the third because the symbols has only two Points at is centre and we exist in a realm of cause and effect. The reconciliation will be in the Union of all part this is one or two parts I have proposed and there will be much mechanism to combine within all parts as a mechanism complete. And because light travels in a one direction momentum. Two works. From here to their.

I am starting to watch this talk and the first thing I noted. Relates to Time.

Track this down and view at least the first fifteen minutes. You may follow my train of thought.

Livestream, would Science Festival,The Genius of Einstein 92Y would science festival.

Physicist Professor Brian Greene explains how light time and distance works according to Einsteins understanding and theory.

In the fist ten or so minutes of the talk he provides a demonstration and how a standing still object and a moving object accumulate a different time signature so to say and it reminds me of the idea that time has three parts in the mind of Human mechanical man and the enneagram maybe at work three times within the three part construct: time speed distance, three sets of shocks three sets of DO - DO to synergies the transaction of transforming Unification.

There maybe a Law:10 even if it relates only to the Ten Part Component:


The Origen of the Instincts maybe within the very construct of Light interacting with and within fixed design. So to say.

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Active member
Feb 5, 2015
4 Boundaries 3 Segments

I give a number value of 18 to each line that makes the inner triangle and or a value of two nines one for each end of each of the three lines that make the inner triangle, equaling 54.

I also recognise that the number 54 can be read as 45 , < 54 > depending upon the direction of flow.

45+54+45 = 114


DO 2592 7/7
TI 2406 6/7
LA 2221 5/7
SO 2036 4/7
FA 1851 3/7
MI 1666 2/7
RE 1481 1/7
DO 1296 0/7

DO 2+5+9+2 = 18
TI 2+4+0+6 = 12
LA 2+2+2+1 = 7
SO 2+0+3+6 = 11
FA 1+8+5+1 = 15
MI 1+6+6+6 = 19
RE 1+4+8+1 = 14
DO 1+2+9+6 = 18

DO + DO=36
TI + RE = 26
LA + MI = 26
SO + FA = 26
............. 114

45+54+45 = 114

I like number patterns its like knitting for big kids.

DO + DO = 36

TI + RE = 26
LA + MI = 26
SO + FA = 26

36 divided by two = 18 , 26 divided by two = 13 , 26 divided by two = 13 , 26 divided by two = 13 the one tens unit is as if a:1 and the three as is a unit a unit unit. It could and can be seen in a visual diagram as:



So we have our pattern in sight.

DO + DO = 36

TI + RE = 26

LA + MI = 26

SO + FA = 26

________ 114

1 --------- 0

1 --------- 1

We have three units and a zero so we will chose to view this number as a sum equalling as a total: 30

114 + 30 = 144

for those who may have read this post following this idea make like to consider:

Abstract Idea

6 --------- 9

5 --------- 4

The differences between Four vs Six is interesting.

melancholy vs doubt*

melancholy is like known, "know the value" of subjective feeling sensed via and at the primary action of point three of the feeling triad. Having extended connections with its host primary energy point three's subsidiary wings point five and point one type four has an auxiliary connection with point five that affects both mood and agenda for the four and its connection at point one touches upon the relative relating dynamic component of primary point threes role as mass within the mass energy direct cognition tri-factor. within provides the fours sense of self, self has a concrete platform of bias; true or false the subjective is cleanly understood because the four is most out of touch with feeling and stands also within the Id grouping, a second bias is at work my identity my self detached from a complete, the sum is understood "i am Defective" fours deeper reason there is more that the one jigsaw puzzle i can see sense experience obstruct or comprehend,...there is some thing defective about me is the value believed. yet to be recognised is the full fixed design.*

and doubt is like power of an understanding I am the value exspirienced i can not separate myself from an awareness that I am feeling the thought of that i am the subjective "the known value" thought felt via and at the primary action of point six of the thinking triad. Having only connection within its own host energy primary energy point six's subsidiary wing's, point eight and point four, type six has an auxiliary connection with point five that affects both mood and agenda for the six and its connection at point nine touches upon the relative relating dynamic component of primary point six role as energy the mass energy direct cognition tri-factor. Within provides the six feeling of self, self has a concrete platform of bias; correct or incorrect the objective is cleanly understood because the six is most underdeveloped with thinking and stands also within the supper ego grouping, a second bias is at work my authority my self detached from a complete, the sum is understood "i am incomplete" six's deeper reasoning i am seperated i am alive. I can think feel experience connect or destroy,... there is divide and life is devoid of correct cohesion, i have reason to sought is a natural progression of thought. yet to be recognised is the full fixed design.*

the numbers four and six are interesting 6 + 4 = 10 and 6 - 4 = 2 Add 10 and two and the sum equals 12 a one and a two as like a hole and a multiplicity of two. its symbolic irony is interesting from an abstract metaphysical properties of numbers perspective. At the achetypal pie level.

As there is the idea:

DO + DO = 36 , 3 + 6 = 9

TI + RE = 26 , 2 + 6 = 8

LA + MI = 26 , 2 + 6 = 8

SO + FA = 26 , 2 + 6 = 8


10 , 9 , 9 , 9


So we have our pattern in sight.

DO + DO = 36

TI + RE = 26

LA + MI = 26

SO + FA = 26

________ 114

1 --------- 0

1 --------- 1

We have three units and a zero so we will chose to view this number as a sum equalling as a total: 30

114 + 30 = 144

3 --------- 0

1 --------- 1

3 --------- 0 , ( thirty )

_ --------- 4 , ( as in the four in 114 )

1 --------- 1 , ( as in the one & one in 114 )

And that is enough ideas for today , :bye:

Two eighths is the difference one fourth ,time has many locations ,but what may connect us is, Host ,and three strands of time.

10 , 8 ,8 ,8

The eight's reminds me of both light and the scale-0 = DO RE MI Shock FA SO Shock LA TI DO

Two shock's two eights (2/8 : 6/8 ) over a eight second time spanned.

Three lots of two.

____1 ___________ 2

3 __________________ 4

______ 5 _____ 6

And as we know six multiplied three times equals eighteen.

The triangle of the enneagram reminds me of both 10 and a fourth part:

Think of three sets of time three sets of six pointed figure s it is an interesting idea complex but simple. I kinda have ideas like three strands of time may work something like this

______ 0

2 ___________ 1

_____ 0 1

3 ___________ 2

______1 0

2 __________ 3

______ 0

It's a bit quantum is it an open string or a closed string has it three parts or five parts or six parts are the zero's at each end there one moment and not there the next are they one location or other locations. Has it only three dimensions or has it four dimensions. And if it is something real why has it 12 unit values? With a posable 19:Actions.

I can tally Two ways it's configuration could have a sum of nineteen actions so there will be a third from the opposing direction. But I would stick with two and ignore the third because the symbols has only two Points at is centre and we exist in a realm of cause and effect. The reconciliation will be in the Union of all part this is one or two parts I have proposed and there will be much mechanism to combine within all parts as a mechanism complete. And because light travels in a one direction momentum. Two works. From here to their.

I am starting to watch this talk and the first thing I noted. Relates to Time.

Track this down and view at least the first fifteen minutes. You may follow my train of thought.

Livestream, would Science Festival,The Genius of Einstein 92Y would science festival.

Physicist Professor Brian Greene explains how light time and distance works according to Einsteins understanding and theory.

In the fist ten or so minutes of the talk he provides a demonstration and how a standing still object and a moving object accumulate a different time signature so to say and it reminds me of the idea that time has three parts in the mind of Human mechanical man and the enneagram maybe at work three times within the three part construct: time speed distance, three sets of shocks three sets of DO - DO to synergies the transaction of transforming Unification.

There maybe a Law:10 even if it relates only to the Ten Part Component:


The Origen of the Instincts maybe within the very construct of Light interacting with and within fixed design. So to say.

View attachment 13406

Two shock's two eights (2/8 : 6/8 ) over a eight second time spanned. (may only be relevant to the example given in the explanation provided as an experiment example in the 92 Y lecture talk Professor Brian Greene partook in) but it led me to this thought and idea.

10 , 8 ,8 ,8

the: , 8 ,8 ,8 are DO RE MI FA SO LA TI DO ,of the idea DO RE MI SOCK FA SO SHOCK LA TI DO and the two Shock's within three sets is represented as:

Three lots of two were in each of the six points may have one of the six value numbers as one of six shocks.

____1 ___________ 2

3 __________________ 4

______ 5 _____ 6

This could be looked at in three ways:

____1 ___________ 2

6 __________________ 3

______ 5 _____ 4

____1 ___________ 2

3 __________________ 4

______ 5 _____ 6

____1 ___________ 2

3 __________________ 4

______ 5 _____ 6

The Ten I see in several ways but in the context of a String in String Theory i see it in two ways as an open String and as a closed String.

The open String Set:

-0-1-2- ( ether way < - > )

-2-1-1-0- ( ether way < - > )

-1-2-3-0- ( ether way < - > )

-2-0-1-3- ( ether way < - > )

-0-3-2-1- ( ether way < - > )

-0-2-3- ( ether way < - > )

Some may think the zero should be a one not a zero but I am thinking that as a closed string the zeros meet as a zero creating a closed String. so there are six combination as an open String within and the closed String is the Seventh like ( six plus one = Severn , Law:7 )

______ 0

2 ___________ 1

_____ 0 1

3 ___________ 2

______1 0

2 __________ 3

______ 0

the String could behave with three ways and look three different ways:

______ 0

2 ___________ 1

_____ 0 1

3 ___________ 2

______1 0

2 __________ 3

______ 1


______ 1

2 ___________ 1

_____ 0 1

3 ___________ 2

______1 0

2 __________ 3

______ 0

And so it would look like as a closed String to have four different gap ending enclosing configurations: 0 0 , 0 1 , 1 0 , 1 1

Her are some you tube video s of Edward Witten.

Edward Witten on modern physics I - https://youtu.be/fnzLpyDsn3M

Edward Witten on modern physics II - https://youtu.be/NsYRCLYH954

Edward Witten on modern physics III - https://youtu.be/sIT_e62SgdI

Edward Witten on modern physics IV - https://youtu.be/uhNnyii8x_g

Edward Witten on modern physics V - https://youtu.be/-MaT8QKEgjs

Newton Lecture 2010: String theory and the Universe (part 1) - https://youtu.be/XegXKOvhU9Y

Newton Lecture 2010: String theory and the Universe (part 2) - https://youtu.be/qXPeSh3tGcw

Edward Witten on consciousness - https://youtu.be/Y6b3DjOnv3I
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Active member
Feb 5, 2015
Originally Posted by Alea_iacta_est

The number 137 might be of intrigue, due to it being an approximate inverse of the fine structure constant, one of the dimensionless constants in Physics, and a number that Richard Feynman was extremely interested in (also Wolfgang Pauli and Carl Jung, who sought to understand its significance).

"There is a most profound and beautiful question associated with the observed coupling constant, e – the amplitude for a real electron to emit or absorb a real photon. It is a simple number that has been experimentally determined to be close to 0.08542455. (My physicist friends won't recognize this number, because they like to remember it as the inverse of its square: about 137.03597 with about an uncertainty of about 2 in the last decimal place. It has been a mystery ever since it was discovered more than fifty years ago, and all good theoretical physicists put this number up on their wall and worry about it.) Immediately you would like to know where this number for a coupling comes from: is it related to pi or perhaps to the base of natural logarithms? Nobody knows. It's one of the greatest damn mysteries of physics: a magic number that comes to us with no understanding by man. You might say the "hand of God" wrote that number, and "we don't know how He pushed his pencil." We know what kind of a dance to do experimentally to measure this number very accurately, but we don't know what kind of dance to do on the computer to make this number come out, without putting it in secretly!"

-- Richard Feynman

The numbers you posted turned out quite interesting lots of final number values that look promising and in a counterintuitive glance look to be posable as valid.

Am interesting anomaly was the manifestation of the number value 360 so that seems to be one win.

Debbie will post the number pattern when she feels to and I will share some structural thoughts and number patterning I have achieved.

I will share one on a direction Debbie did not venture towards manifesting. It's nice Because it involves the number 35 , seven lots of five equal thirty five and 3 + 5 = 8 and eight is a number we are seeking for to find.




1+3= 4

1+3+7= 11

1+3+7+ . = 11

1+3+7+ . 0 = 11

1+3+7+ . + 0 + 3 = 14

1+3+7+ . + 0 + 3 + 5 = 19

1+3+7+ . + 0 + 3 + 5 + 9 = 27

1+3+7+ . + 0 + 3 + 5 + 9 + 7 = "35"

3 + 5 = 8

So we have posable connect to with the six pointed symbol 's with its connect the seventh. And we have a number value. "8"

And severn lots of five has its interesting properties, I think of both directions:



And as a third implicate / part

-page 15 Chapter 2 Gurdjieff: COSMIC SECRTS
-author Russell A. Smith
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Active member
Feb 5, 2015

What I like about this image is that it has six corners and it reminds me of the six pointed figure of within the enneagram symbol.

I prefer the picture in the video because it has three ? ? ? Question marks at the centre like three symbols of the three point of the triangle of the enneagram.

All so it relates to eleven dimensions and in my small model of a posable open and closed String I mentioned four posable joining combination or four different gap ending enclosing configurations: 0 0 , 0 1 , 1 0 , 1 1 and in the part two of Newton Lecture 2010: String theory and the Universe (part 2) Edward Witten mentioned both Ten Dimensions and Eleven Dimensions, and so I think I a two dimensional part has two facing sides , 0 1 and 1 0 could be counterparts of a ten dimensions perspective so to say and the remaining 1 1 and 0 0 could be viewed in a similar way as being two side to a two dimensional face of a component of an eleven dimensions.

The two could be as one and work as like two three part gearings interconnecting as a four part component that has its place in the three dimension and four dimensions of space and time concerning us.

0 0 , 1 0 , 0 1

1 1 , 1 0 , 0 1

1 1 , 0 1 , 0 0

0 0 , 1 0 , 1 1

The thing I think of now as I look at these four sets is membranes A and B and that before that collided to co create membrane C I suggested that they were simply two sets of two types of microwaves and that they were like the DNA and RNA for each pregnant membrane that attracted to wards each other due to evolutionary co compatibility.

So perhaps the four sets of numbers has something to do with the microwaves of membrane A and B influencing Within C.

The fact that they being each set are grouped in a triplet I would suggest has to do with the unification of three three strands of Time in a natural process of Order.

But I am just working Ideas nothing is presented is more that lateral thinking in the hope to unravel a posable theory at maybe real and of value.
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