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Hogan Personality Inventory (online free test version)


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2017
I already done the search to know which kinds of job and how much this test predicts - note that the scoring of the official version is very likely different from the 'official' one that they sell (and yeah, it seems that the score calculations have issues as [MENTION=6443]Kephalos[/MENTION] pointed out) - but I will wait a little bit to post it after most people that wants to do this test on the first few weeks to do it first, so those who wants to know just keep accompanying the thread that I will post it soon about it.

I said earlier that I did expect that this test would weakly predict job performance - and I was accurate. In general, the correlations are 0.2-0.4, which is considered weak, with only very few facets getting a 0.4-0.6 correlation, which is medium. Different kinds of jobs does use different kinds of "dimensions".


I don't know if there's a free online version of the BFAS, but it IS in the public domain. In Colin DeYoung's academic page there's are links to the scales and a scoring key -- although I don't know how useful they can be without something to compare the scores to.

I saved the test for my use here:

Dropbox - Big Five Aspect Scales Test.pdf - Simplify your life

You're right to say that the BFAS is the Big Five with each factor divided into two facets each. There's also the Big Five Inventory that has three facets and the NEO-PI-R with six.


Basically, I feel like people with “good” scores in every subscale probably took the test multiple times and just posted the result that made them look good. That or they took it once and just lied.

I don't think that people have much reasons to do that in this context. What people would win lying on this specific test for this thread? I don't think anything significant at all. You could actually say what you said stronger on tests such as dark triads.
Actually, it is because of this possibility that I never ever posted cognitive abilities test, critical thinking test and IQ tests here, because I knew that either people could lie or use it against somebody on the politics section (and that could get violent), but I don't think that would be the case for this test. I had tried to find IQ threads and relate to types and enneagram here but the results were very inconsistent with what is found on literature and they were hyper-inflated. If anyone wants links for cognitive abilities and critical thinking tests on an UK percentile for free with no registration, send me a profile or a PM message and I will send the links.

Anyway, there is a correlation table with MBTI - so when I posted it, you can at least have a few idea of those who lied or badly self-reported - I didn't even checked myself if I did properly self-reported yet. Just in case you think people are lying because of higher values on Creativity & Quickness, that is already 'intuitive biased' (they have aspects of High Openness to Experience), so people being predominantly high on these here is actually unsurprising and doesn't mean people are lying, taking also into account that we are on a forum that discuss mainly typology theories - some sort of easy-loose version of discussing psychology - with people with internet access mostly coming from developed countries.

Maybe thats cynical but this test seems to be written in a way where if you are even midling in the “bad” direction thats where it scores you.

I actually agree with this.
People on these official paid versions (some people said that the official MBTI is like that - Reckful is one of them, not the only one) says that they generally are forced choice versions - you either agree or disagree, no middle term. There was even an article saying that the official MBTI did manipulated (they said it softly, but that was their point, and they almost proved they were doing that) scores to take people out of the middle - they were using functions designed for that, for example if you take something like +1 on a scale of -5 to +5 they applied a mathematical function which changes this +1 to +2, which practically switch a 60% to a 70% - this is an illustrative example, they use a more complicated function.

They do this to increase the test-retest rate and reliability, but I don't like it because I see it as an artificial way to increase reliability scores - basically, if you have a agree to disagree it takes a lot for you to change your answer after some time, yet if there are scales it is actually common to switch from the middle to mild agree or from mild agree to agree.


King Ping
Oct 3, 2016
Instinctual Variant
7 Higher-Level HPI Constructs
Stability (HPI: Adjustment). Your score 6 of 10. Reflects the degree to which a person is calm or moody and volatile. High scorers seem confident, resilient, and optimistic, calm, steady under pressure, resistant to feedback . Low scorers seem tense, irritable, and negative, open to feedback, candid and honest, moody and self-critical.
1. Empathy. Your score 3 of 6. Low scorers - Irritated by others flaws. High scorers - Seems empathic.
2. Not Anxious. Your score 6 of 6. Low scorers - Anxious or tense. High scorers - Seems relaxed.
3. No Guilt. Your score 2 of 6. Low scorers - Prone to worry about past mistakes. High scorers - Does not worry about past mistakes.
4. Calmness. Your score 4 of 6. Low scorers - Gets emotional at times. High scorers - Is calm.
5. Even-tempered. Your score 4 of 6. Low scorers - Is temperamental or moody. High scorers - Is even-tempered.
6. No Somatic Complaints. Your score 3 of 6. Low scorers - Complains about many issues. High scorers - Does not complain.
7. Trusting. Your score 6 of 6. Low scorers - Questions others intentions. High scorers - Trusts others.
8. Good Attachment. Your score 0 of 6. Low scorers - Hostile towards authority. High scorers - Has positive attitude toward authority.
Leadership (HPI: Ambition). Your score 2 of 10. Evaluated the degree to which a person seems leaderlike and values achievement. High scorers seem competitive and hard working, energetic, competitive, restless and forceful. Low scorers seem unassertive and less interested in advancement, good team players, willing go let others lead, complacent.
1. Competitive. Your score 2 of 6. Low scorers - Laid back. High scorers - Enjoys competition and works to get ahead.
2. Self-Confidence. Your score 3 of 6. Low scorers - Lacks confidence. High scorers - Confident.
3. Accomplishment. Your score 1 of 6. Low scorers - Unhappy with accomplishments. High scorers - Enjoys self and work.
4. Leadership. Your score 0 of 6. Low scorers - Reluctant to assume leadership roles. High scorers - Willing to assume authority positions.
5. Identity. Your score 2 of 6. Low scorers - Lacks career direction. High scorers - Focused career direction.
6. No Social Anxiety. Your score 2 of 6. Low scorers - Socially retiring. High scorers - Confident in social settings.
Sociability (HPI: Sociability). Your score 9 of 10. Assesses the degree to which a person appears socially self-confident. High scorers seem outgoing and colorful, outgoing, talkative, attention-seeking. Low scorers seem reserved and quiet, good at working alone, quiet, socially reactive.

1. Likes Parties. Your score 3 of 5. Low scorers - Does not enjoy parties. High scorers - Enjoys social gatherings.
2. Likes Crowds. Your score 3 of 6. Low scorers - Prefers smaller groups. High scorers - Enjoys large groups.
3. Experience-seeking. Your score 4 of 6. Low scorers - Unadventurous and prefers little variety. High scorers - Adventurous, actively seeks out experiences.
4. Exhibitionistic. Your score 3 of 6. Low scorers - Avoids the limelight. High scorers - Enjoys attention and “showing off”.
5. Entertaining. Your score 5 of 5. Low scorers - Not particularly entertaining. High scorers - Charming, amusing, good sense of humor.
Friendliness (HPI: Interpersonal sensitivity). Your score 5 of 10. Reflects tact and perceptiveness. High scorers seem friendly, warm, and popular; conflict averse. Low scorers seem independent, frank, and direct; willing to confront others, cold and tough.
1. Easy To Live With. Your score 5 of 6. Low scorers - Not always tolerant and kind-hearted. High scorers - Perceived as easygoing by others.
2. Sensitive. Your score 5 of 6. Low scorers - Not very tactful or considerate. High scorers - Tactful, considerate and perceptive.
3. Caring. Your score 1 of 6. Low scorers - Does not appreciate others needs. High scorers - Perceptive and understanding.
4. Likes People. Your score 3 of 6. Low scorers - Socially withdrawn. High scorers - Enjoys others company.
5. No Hostility. Your score 6 of 6. Low scorers - Critical of others. High scorers - Generally accepting.
Dutifulness (HPI: Prudence). Your score 6 of 10. The Prudence scale concerns self control and conscientiousness. Persons with high scores tend to be orderly and dependable, but they may also be conservative and over controlled. Persons with low scores tend to be impulsive and unpredictable, but they may be flexible and innovative
1. Moralistic. Your score 0 of 5. Low scorers - Prefers to set hisher own rules. High scorers - Willing to follow rulesconventions.
2. Mastery. Your score 0 of 6. Low scorers - Relaxed attitude about hisher work. High scorers - Concerned with doing a good job.
3. Virtuous. Your score 5 of 6. Low scorers - Willing to admit minor faults. High scorers - Diligent and precise.
4. Not Autonomous. Your score 4 of 5. Low scorers - Independent and feedback resistant. High scorers - Concerned about how others view himher.
5. Not Spontaneous. Your score 2 of 6. Low scorers - Spontaneous. High scorers - Well-planned in hisher approach.
6. Impulse Control. Your score 3 of 6. Low scorers - Tends to act on impulse. High scorers - Likes to play it safe.
7. Avoids Trouble. Your score 3 of 6. Low scorers - Takes unnecessary and negative risks. High scorers - Considers actions and their consequences.
Creativity (HPI: Inquisitive). Your score 4 of 10. Reflects the degree to which a person seem curious, adventurous, and imiginative. High scorers tend to be quick-witted and visionary, but easy bored; poor implementers. Low scorers tend to be practical, focused, and able to concentrate; not easy bored, uninventive.
1. Science Ability. Your score 4 of 6. Low scorers - Shows little interest in why things happen. High scorers - Takes an interest in why things happen.
2. Curiosity. Your score 3 of 6. Low scorers - Low degree of curiosity. High scorers - High degree of curiosity.
3. Thrill-seeking. Your score 3 of 6. Low scorers - Not interested in stimulationexcitement. High scorers - Wants stimulation, and excitement.
4. Intellectual Games. Your score 3 of 6. Low scorers - Not interested in intellectual games. High scorers - Interested in riddles and puzzles.
5. Generates Ideas. Your score 6 of 6. Low scorers - Does not see self as an idea generator. High scorers - Good at generating new ideas.
6. Culture. Your score 2 of 6. Low scorers - Narrow interests. High scorers - Wide variety of activities.
Quickness (HPI: Learning approach). Your score 5 of 10. Reflects the degree to which a person values education as an end in itself. High scorers tend to enjoy reading and studying; interested in learning, insightfull, intolerant of the less informed. Low scorers are less interested in format education and more interested in hand-on learning on the job; focused on their interest, technology averse.
1. Education. Your score 3 of 7. Low scorers - Does not enjoy traditional education. High scorers - Positive attitude about traditional education.
2. Math Ability. Your score 4 of 6. Low scorers - Does not work well with numbers. High scorers - Works well with numbers.
3. Good Memory. Your score 2 of 5. Low scorers - Somewhat forgetful. High scorers - Can remember things easily.
4. Reading. Your score 0 of 6. Low scorers - Does not keep up-to-date. High scorers - Keeps up-to-date; well-informed.
Occupational scales
Calmness (HPI: Service Orientation). Your score 9 of 10. The Service Orientation scale identifies people who are courteous and helpful when dealing with customers
Happiness (HPI: Stress Tolerance). Your score 4 of 10. The Stress Tolerance scale identifies people who handle pressure well and are not tense or anxious.
Cooperation (HPI: Reliability). Your score 7 of 10. The Reliability scale concerns willingness to follow organizational rules and be a good organizational citizen.
Toughness (HPI: Clerical Potential). Your score 1 of 10. The Clerical Potential scale identifies people who are likely to make responsible, hard working employees.
Gregariousness (HPI: Sales Potential). Your score 1 of 10. The Sales Potential scale identifies people who are self-assured, flexible, ambitious, outgoing, and self-motivated.
Competence (HPI: Managerial Potential). Your score 3 of 10. The Managerial Potential scale identifies people who can direct others in a pleasant and effective fashion.