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Greek Goddess Archetype


Symbolic Herald
Feb 2, 2010
Instinctual Variant
My highest score was Persephone - Underworld, Mystery
Persephone - possessing an introverted temperament (polar opposite to Hera) with issues of inner world control/ power--she represents the goddess of the underworld--concerned with the world of spirit, the occult, matters associated with death. She is mystical, visionary and often possesses spirit guides. Her awareness is diffuse. Persephone belongs to the relationship-oriented ‘vulnerable’ goddess category having a very close relationship with her mother, Demeter. Another aspect of her vulnerability, Persephone was abducted, taken to the Underworld and raped by Hades. Her mother, Demeter mourned, sorrowfully, in the face of her abduction. Persephone is said to have a younger counterpart to herself--Kore--another name for the young Persephone. Psychologically, this may be a representation of two or three levels of this archetype: Kore, the Maiden, Persephone (or Demeter), the mature Woman, and Hecate, the Wise Crone.

Persephone type woman is more attracted to the spiritual nature rather than the physicality of her partner. She may unconsciously attract destructive relationships or potentially controlling partners. As an unconscious protective measure, she may choose a safe alternative in a younger, non-threatening partner whom she can mother.

Persephone represents the feminine archetype of the mediumistic mystic, connected with the spirit-world. She is also the archetypal child--radiating optimism and good hope.

Mythological history: Kore, daughter of Demeter, was the maiden aspect of Persephone. Kore, the maiden, was abducted (at the suggestion of Zeus) and raped by Hades and forced to be his wife. In the myth of Persephone, young Kore was plucking flowers in a field when Hades, her uncle and god of the Underworld, abducted her to be his Queen in the dark world below. The goddess, Hecate, strongly associated with the dark side of the moon and with witchcraft - was the only one to witness Kore’s abduction. She hears Persephone’s cries but does nothing, herself, to help and, furthermore, does not seek help from others. Kore was extremely unhappy in the darkness of the Underworld. She also missed her mother, Demeter, terribly, as they had such a close mother-daughter bond. Kore was ultimately allowed to rejoin her mother, who had arranged Persephone’s release. However, Persephone was obligated to return each Fall to spend four months of each year in the underworld as consort to Hades because she had eaten four pomegranates. It is thought that Kore as ‘maiden’, Demeter as ‘mother’ and Hecate as ‘wise crone’ represent, in more ancient times, the three-fold nature of Persephone in the various life cycles of a woman.

Psychologically, Persephone is immersed in the collective unconscious--absorbed & molded by it. She acts out those “unacceptable” aspects in her environment, which others will not acknowledge--therefore, she activates that which others perceived as dangerous--and this becomes her personal problem. Persephone functions as seer, medicine woman. She belongs to the category of ‘vulnerable goddess’ - suffering pain in relationship--humiliation by abduction and rape. Her consciousness is diffuse, taking in all, rather than focused.
  • Typically, Persephone woman possesses a youthful face at any age.
  • She is a pleaser type whose tendency is not inclined toward assertive directness.
  • Her nature--sympathetic, highly tuned into people’s feelings and needs
  • She is responsiveness to the needs of others - has difficulty saying ‘no’ --difficulty recognizing and asserting her own boundaries.
  • Directionally unsure, lacking solidity of purpose possessed by her virgin goddess sisters
  • Musing and intuitive nature rather than intellectual mind - difficulty ‘explaining’ her reasoning as it is an intuitive perception.
  • Less at ease with/in her body & sexuality than other goddess types
  • Strong connection to spirit - deep ambivalence toward outer world & her sense of being misunderstood & alienated from conventional society
  • A primarily Persephone type, keenly sensitive, typically possesses a fragile ego structure, therefore, easily overwhelmed by feelings and impressions from her unconscious
  • Persephone type has difficulty discriminating and has difficulty putting her impressions into words.
  • Keen ability to cross over into other realms of psychic consciousness - very at home in the world beyond the physical senses
  • Attracted to metaphysics, healing, intuitive, service-oriented work
  • By nature she is reclusive/retreating, secretive, possessing a sensitive system requiring time away from external stimulation.
  • “Underworld” understood as ‘unconscious’--then, Persephone has been abducted to the ‘unconscious’--to deal with aspects of her own personal unconscious material and also the collective unconscious.
  • She experiences episodes of depression, and/or bouts of mysterious, difficult to diagnose illnesses.
  • A primarily Persephone type is not promiscuous. She may be unwittingly drawn to partners that attempt to dominate/control her. As a protection she may shift to much younger lovers with whom she can mother and feel safe.
Challenges facing Persephone
  • Persephone (Kore) was forced to live in the Underworld for part of the year. Persephone woman is, likewise, required to acknowledge and visit her own inner underworld--her Dark side - the consequence of this avoidance is exposure to considerable suffering:
  • prone to attracting people with severe problems or possibly abusive behaviors
  • prone to mysterious illnesses difficult to diagnose or treat
  • sense of deep alienation, isolation, depression
  • Indicators that Persephone woman has not sufficiently completed her ‘Hades’ decent:
  • ever-youthful ‘facial mask’ that defies her actual age by mid life
  • she may tend to wear her hair long and loose in young-girl fashion even into mid life
  • she tends toward flowery, or girlish clothing - having not yet matured her sense of self into the Mother/Crone aspects of this goddess
  • Persephone’s task is to return to the Mother--return to the mature goddess who now knows separation, sexuality and death. In fact, the two goddesses are one - in fact, they are three: the maiden, the Mother and the wise Crone. The cycle of life and death need to be embraced - dualities such as light and dark. When Persephone woman attempts to blot out/deny the awareness of her dark side: anger, rage--she remains the uncompleted maiden. The mature Persephone who has returned from her underworld journey has seen all; she unites birth and death within herself. She has become the wise woman, cheerful, however also having accessed her repressed rage, still retaining her youthfulness as an elder, mature woman.
Persephone’s dark side - the archetypal victim - whereby she feels powerless in the midst of her circumstances - or long-sufferer/martyr - “surviving” on sympathy of others -- and, the flip side -- Hecate - the witch & killer - the one who ignored Persephone’s cries -- unconscious, repressed rage which is projected onto others
Persephone’s wound - a woman overly identified with the Persephone archetype will find herself repeatedly attracted to situations, people or health issues that diminish her sense of personal power. These situations/events do not appear to be her own doing--they seem to happen to her, out of the blue. Yet, she seems strongly drawn to these happenings, again and again and cause her repeated grief.
Persephone’s task - uniting the dark and the light sides of the goddess within herself - by increasingly embracing the long-suffering victim/martyr into her conscious awareness. Addressing her issue regarding power. Willingness to look into the face of this suffering and understanding her relation to it--not from a place of blame, rather, empowerment. Recognizing that such a strong attachment to the Light castes a very dark shadow. Persephone must renounce her maiden self (the lovely, nice, gentle persona with it’s lofty ideals and attachment to ‘innocence’, and to renounce her helplessness)- allowing it’s death - as she descends to meet with Hades - and, eventually, emerging as the Woman-- in recognition of her power that she, now, accepts - no longer projecting this power onto others.
Persephone’s gifts - Her receptivity, intuition, empathy toward the suffering of others, her keen powers of imagination, inspiration, ability to read the hearts and minds of others. Persephone, once matured through her own inner work, is the guide to the Underworld

Persephone’s personality
As a child & adolescent:
  • Quiet, unassuming, compliant, eager to please - similar to a willow - will tend to bend along with the circumstances or in relation to stronger personalities around her.
  • Introverted, imaginative, often lives in her ‘own little world’ of make-believe, perhaps as a strategy to escape the unpleasantness she experiences in her family environment.
  • She often prefers playing alone, by herself.
  • She enjoys her solitude, a Persephone child may be found daydreaming, listening to music.
  • Unsure of her preferences, difficulty making decisions
  • Persephone child is often the family “problem” child or scape-goat because her sensitivities do not conform to family norms.
  • Persephone child often faces trauma in childhood, emotional and/or physical.
As a mature woman:
  • The mature Persephone has grappled with the maiden, Kore, aspect of her nature. She is learning to ‘tell her truth’ - rather than avoiding and/or lying to others in fear of displeasing them. She is learning to set healthy boundaries--saying ‘no’, rather than acting in manipulative, indirect or blaming ways to meet her needs--avoiding conflict.
  • The mature Persephone is learning to take care of herself, learning to meet her own needs, responsibly, as she understands, now, how she has blamed others in the past.
  • The mature Persephone is developing a conscious relationship with her ‘inner male’, in Jungian terms, her animus, which means, developing her assertive/action nature.
  • The mature Persephone finds value and meaning in spiritual ritual.
  • The mature Persephone who has undergone her transformative experience in Hades is, now, equipped to guide others in their descent into the underworld. She is most compassionate, intuitive and wisely guides others in connecting with their own depth and meaning.
  • The mature Persephone may be found working as a healer, therapist, herbalist, Tarot card reader, astrologer, writer, photographer, musician, medical intuitive, gardener.
  • Persephone requires sufficient ‘alone’ time to regenerate her energies because she so absorbs the vibrations/emotions of those around her. Music, nature and mystical experiences recharge her batteries.
  • As a mother, Persephone may be connected to her children in intuitive, psychic ways and less focused on their physicality.
Historic females embodying the Persephone archetype: Florence Nightingale, Mother Teresa, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross.
Persephone (29), Aphrodite (26), Athena (6), Hestia (1), Hera (-1), Artemis (-3), Demeter (-10)

Red Herring

Jun 9, 2010
Instinctual Variant
I couldn't truely identify with any of them, though Athena clearly comes closest, and most answers refelected a world that was so far apart from mine I had to look twice to even see the differences between them.

20 for Athena
11 for Persephone
3 for Aphrodite and Artemis
-10 for Demeter
-15 for Hera


Aug 6, 2010
Couldn't get past the first question since none of the choices were accurate. :(

*retreats to human corner*


New member
Dec 21, 2010
Athena by a mile.

Athena [27]
Artemis [9]
Hestia [6]
Aphrodite [3]
Persephone [-2]
Hera [-4]
Demeter [-12]
Athena - extroverted and independent temperament--represents the goddess of wisdom and civilization--concerned with career, motivated by the desire for achievement, acquiring knowledge, she possesses a keen intellect, concerned with education, culture, social issues and politics. Athena is father’s daughter. She enters the male arena in the outer world. Athena is also known as one of the three Amazon women. (The myth of the Amazon women spoke of a society of fierce warrior women who lived entirely without men.) The story of her birth: she emerged, fully-grown, out of the Head of Zeus.

She is an androgynous ‘virgin’ goddess who develops a relationship with her own inner masculine part rather than partaking in marriage to an outer male. Her awareness is focused. She relates to men as intellectual companion with whom she shares ambitions, career goals, and ideals. If a primarily Athenian-type woman chooses partnership, she seeks one who possesses sufficient self-confidence and who will appreciate her ambition and autonomy.

On point: "Father's daughter"
off-base: "extroverted?"

The ancient Olympian Goddesses -a deeper look

Athena - represents the feminine archetype for logical thinking -- as a woman, not as a man. Her virgin goddess energy can be deeply transformed or sublimated in highly creative ways. By nature the virgin goddesses are more self-directed, self-motivated, focused rather than diffuse in their thinking. She is goal oriented. As a result, virgin goddess types tend toward independence and autonomy more so than their partnership-oriented vulnerable goddess sisters.

* To the Romans she was known as Minerva
* Athena’s father was the Greek god, Zeus, who gave birth to her from his head. She sprang forth with a forceful shout and brandishing her sharp spear.
* The Greek myth states Athena’s true mother was Metis, a Titan, belonging to the pre-Olympian race of deities of the matriarchal period suppressed by the later patriarchy. She was swallowed by Zeus--a metaphor for the matriarchal suppression.
* Greek image of Athena - maiden with a sword and armor - tall and imposing - associated with violence and action
* Athena’s true nature, however, demonstrated active concern for the well-being of the community/humanity. She was an activist against suffering and injustice.
* The goddess Athena rejects sexuality, marriage and motherhood.
* Athena punishes any man who spies on her naked body, yet with some compassion.
* Seated beside Zeus, only Athena knows where the lightning bolts are hidden and how to use them.
* Athena’s archetype is essentially youthful, idealistic committed to a higher purpose.

* Challenges facing Athena
o Finding her relationship to authority--will she dutifully uphold and promote the authoritarian, hierarchical fatherworld as status quo OR emancipating herself, she will she slay the father (symbolically) to become fully herself--overthrowing the father principle--paternalism--corporations, colonialism, oppression, suppression of the feminine principle and carry the torch for the well-being of humanity.
o Athena has been split off from the mother function as a result of Zeus’s swallowing Athena’s mother (matrilineal society)-- Zeus is psychically at war with the mother principle; therefore, Athena is most out of touch with her need for warm, physical nurturing, attention to her instinctual and bodily needs, and unconditional love.
o Athena’s strong identification with the fatherworld renders her prone to inherit the patriarchal fear of Dark Mother powers--not recognizing these powers as aspects of her own psychic make-up.
* Athena’s dark side: Medusa - intimidating, critical, judgmental toward weakness in others, her air of authority and inapproachability keep others at an emotional distance.
* Athena’s wound: Her heart -- out of touch with the two goddesses of love: Demeter, the maternal love, and Aphrodite, sensual love - Her masculine image concealing her vulnerable, underdeveloped inner feminine self--She is emotionally hypersensitive.
* Athena’s gift: Today, is to empower women’s contribuion to the political, intellectual and creative life of our cities, therefore, elevating the integrity and quality of our civilization by bringing forth the qualities of the feminine which have long been suppressed.
* Athena’s personality
o As a child & adolescent:
+ Her nose is in a book.
+ Curious, seeking information, wants to know how things work
+ Daddy’s girl - he may cater to her astute intellect & her urge to achieve
+ She may enjoy educational toys like the microscope - science fairs.
+ She may sew her clothing or enjoy other crafts.
+ She tends to lack close female friends - may prefer platonic male companions.
o As an adult woman:
+ Motivated by her own priorities rather than the needs of others.
+ Tends to live in her head - not very connected with her body/sensuality.
+ Focused thinking, practical, pragmatic, linear thinker - does things in moderation.
+ Not at all the flirtatious type.
+ A devoted and dependable friend.
+ Achievement oriented, she feels comfortable in fields dominated by men.
+ Career-oriented, ambitious, supportive (goes along with) the male-dominated status quo - manages herself well in the midst of male action/power.
+ Impersonal, rational - well in control of her feelings/emotions - she is able to work closely with men without falling into emotional or erotic entanglements.
+ Her libido is directed into mental, extraverted activities, striving for intellectual fulfillment (achievement is gratifying), creative leadership & decision-making
+ A woman with Athena archetype strong in her nature would be most fulfilled in a meaningful career in which she felt she was making a societal contribution; otherwise, she will tend to feel a sense of emptiness, lack of direction, lack of meaning.
+ As a mother, if she chooses this path, Athena would be less keen on the baby/ child years. She will enjoy an older child’s ability to speak intelligently so that she could engage with her/him in an adult manner regarding learning, goals, projects, and accomplishments.

* Historic females embodying the Athena archetype: Joan of Arc, early 1400 C.E. (a French heroine who defeated the English in battle--later burned at the stake, accused of being a witch); Christine de Pizan, 1400’s C.E. (first woman in France to support herself as a writer); Mary Wollstonecraft (wrote the first great feminist document in 1792 C.E.)


New member
Oct 7, 2007
Instinctual Variant
I was Artemis by a long shot, but will post my results for kicks. I should also say though that, to keep it real, most of the answers didn't really apply (and several seemed so similar, none of which I really related to - hence my low scores for most) so I picked the closest.

Artemis 23
Athena 6
Aphrodite 1
Persephone 0
Demeter -11
Hera -11
Hestia -3


From the Undertow
Dec 18, 2009
Instinctual Variant
Athena: 19
Persephone: 18
Artemis: 16
Demeter: 15
Aphrodite: 14
Hera: 10
Hestia: 2

I feel like a mix of Persephone and Athena. Was expecting to get a higher number for Persephone though.

Donna Cecilia

L'anima non dimora
Mar 19, 2010
31 for Athena. The rest were less than 20.

Athena - extroverted and independent temperament--represents the goddess of wisdom and civilization--concerned with career, motivated by the desire for achievement, acquiring knowledge, she possesses a keen intellect, concerned with education, culture, social issues and politics. Athena is father’s daughter. She enters the male arena in the outer world. Athena is also known as one of the three Amazon women. (The myth of the Amazon women spoke of a society of fierce warrior women who lived entirely without men.) The story of her birth: she emerged, fully-grown, out of the Head of Zeus.

She is an androgynous ‘virgin’ goddess who develops a relationship with her own inner masculine part rather than partaking in marriage to an outer male. Her awareness is focused. She relates to men as intellectual companion with whom she shares ambitions, career goals, and ideals. If a primarily Athenian-type woman chooses partnership, she seeks one who possesses sufficient self-confidence and who will appreciate her ambition and autonomy.

The ancient Olympian Goddesses -
a deeper look

Athena - represents the feminine archetype for logical thinking -- as a woman, not as a man. Her virgin goddess energy can be deeply transformed or sublimated in highly creative ways. By nature the virgin goddesses are more self-directed, self-motivated, focused rather than diffuse in their thinking. She is goal oriented. As a result, virgin goddess types tend toward independence and autonomy more so than their partnership-oriented vulnerable goddess sisters.

* To the Romans she was known as Minerva
* Athena’s father was the Greek god, Zeus, who gave birth to her from his head. She sprang forth with a forceful shout and brandishing her sharp spear.
* The Greek myth states Athena’s true mother was Metis, a Titan, belonging to the pre-Olympian race of deities of the matriarchal period suppressed by the later patriarchy. She was swallowed by Zeus--a metaphor for the matriarchal suppression.
* Greek image of Athena - maiden with a sword and armor - tall and imposing - associated with violence and action
* Athena’s true nature, however, demonstrated active concern for the well-being of the community/humanity. She was an activist against suffering and injustice.
* The goddess Athena rejects sexuality, marriage and motherhood.
* Athena punishes any man who spies on her naked body, yet with some compassion.
* Seated beside Zeus, only Athena knows where the lightning bolts are hidden and how to use them.
* Athena’s archetype is essentially youthful, idealistic committed to a higher purpose.

* Challenges facing Athena
o Finding her relationship to authority--will she dutifully uphold and promote the authoritarian, hierarchical fatherworld as status quo OR emancipating herself, she will she slay the father (symbolically) to become fully herself--overthrowing the father principle--paternalism--corporations, colonialism, oppression, suppression of the feminine principle and carry the torch for the well-being of humanity.
o Athena has been split off from the mother function as a result of Zeus’s swallowing Athena’s mother (matrilineal society)-- Zeus is psychically at war with the mother principle; therefore, Athena is most out of touch with her need for warm, physical nurturing, attention to her instinctual and bodily needs, and unconditional love.
o Athena’s strong identification with the fatherworld renders her prone to inherit the patriarchal fear of Dark Mother powers--not recognizing these powers as aspects of her own psychic make-up.

* Athena’s dark side: Medusa - intimidating, critical, judgmental toward weakness in others, her air of authority and inapproachability keep others at an emotional distance.

* Athena’s wound: Her heart -- out of touch with the two goddesses of love: Demeter, the maternal love, and Aphrodite, sensual love - Her masculine image concealing her vulnerable, underdeveloped inner feminine self--She is emotionally hypersensitive.

* Athena’s gift: Today, is to empower women’s contribute to the political, intellectual and creative life of our cities, therefore, elevating the integrity and quality of our civilization by bringing forth the qualities of the feminine which have long been suppressed

* Athena’s personality
o As a child & adolescent:
Her nose is in a book.
Curious, seeking information, wants to know how things work
Daddy’s girl - he may cater to her astute intellect & her urge to achieve
She may enjoy educational toys like the microscope - science fairs.
She may sew her clothing or enjoy other crafts.
She tends to lack close female friends - may prefer platonic male companions.

o As an adult woman:
Motivated by her own priorities rather than the needs of others.
Tends to live in her head - not very connected with her body/sensuality.
Focused thinking, practical, pragmatic, linear thinker - does things in moderation.
Not at all the flirtatious type.
A devoted and dependable friend.
Achievement oriented, she feels comfortable in fields dominated by men.
Career-oriented, ambitious, supportive (goes along with) the male-dominated status quo - manages herself well in the midst of male action/power.
Impersonal, rational - well in control of her feelings/emotions - she is able to work closely with men without falling into emotional or erotic entanglements.
Her libido is directed into mental, extraverted activities, striving for intellectual fulfillment (achievement is gratifying), creative leadership & decision-making
A woman with Athena archetype strong in her nature would be most fulfilled in a meaningful career in which she felt she was making a societal contribution; otherwise, she will tend to feel a sense of emptiness, lack of direction, lack of meaning.
As a mother, if she chooses this path, Athena would be less keen on the baby/ child years. She will enjoy an older child’s ability to speak intelligently so that she could engage with her/him in an adult manner regarding learning, goals, projects, and accomplishments.

Historic females embodying the Athena archetype: Joan of Arc, early 1400 C.E. (a French heroine who defeated the English in battle--later burned at the stake, accused of being a witch); Christine de Pizan, 1400’s C.E. (first woman in France to support herself as a writer); Mary Wollstonecraft (wrote the first great feminist document in 1792 C.E.)