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[ENFP] ENFP versus ENFJ - difference?


New member
Nov 20, 2007
My experience:

ENFJ's tend to charm people.
ENFP's tend to be charmed by people (but not necessarily fooled by charming people ;)).

ENFJ's are well aware of their impact on people.
ENFP's are not.

ENFJ's are willing to do a lot for people, they are even ready not to be themselves if the group harmony requires so.
ENFP's are not willing to sacrifice against their strongest beliefs (Fi!).

ENFP's are more random but their (almost) every thought is connected (Ne!) even if other people don't see the connection (lack of Ne, LOL).
ENFJ's are great leaders and very gifted in people management.

Both types talk A LOT.
ENFJ's feel very warm.
I'm not so sure about ENFP's.
ENFP's can feel very strange. :smile:

Sounds about right except I DO think that she's got a way of charming people, and I don't think she's strange. The only thing that strikes me as a bit odd is her horrible taste in clothing. And some of her randomness. For example I paid over $100 to get blond streaks into her naturally dark blond hair, then a week later she bought a $7 box of home haircolor and dyed it medium brown. Stuff like that.

Yeah, I'd say that she's not the greatest with the follow-through, she gets the ball rolling and then hands off the details to others.

Siúil a Rúin

when the colors fade
Apr 23, 2007
Instinctual Variant
ENFPs are masters of non-linear thought. Even if the descriptions are similar, the ENFP is more closely related to the ENTP as both share the same dominant function. They are masters of seeing things in a unique light unfettered by the structure and expectations ingrained by society. The ENFJ isn't as whimsical, but more methodical. The ENFJ is considered the ideal mentor. They are both insightful about other people and are charismatic and inspiring. The ENFJ projects a stronger sense of stability and emotional understanding while the ENFP shares such insight, but is especially at home in the realm of ideas (Ne dominant).


New member
Nov 20, 2007
I'm pretty sure then that she's an ENFP. I guess her self-testing was correct.

Just to create a picture in your mind - if Juno and Elle Woods had a baby = my daughter. LOL


New member
Jun 24, 2008
I noticed on the career list on Similar Minds that the jobs for both of these types weren't exactly the professional or highly-educated ones. Is there a reason for this? (heck, even the jobs for my type are more studious sounding - engineers, mathematician, etc.).

performer, actor, entertainer, songwriter, musician, filmmaker, comedian, radio broadcaster/dj, some job related to theater/drama, poet, music journalist, work in fashion industry, singer, movie producer, playwright, bartender, comic book author, work in television, dancer, artist, record store owner, model, freelance artist, teacher (art, drama, music), writer, painter, massage therapist, costume designer, choreographer, make up artist

As an ENFP, i take offense to this! Ok, not really. But despite the fact that to be a costume designer or a songwriter or an actor may not require a Bachelor's or Doctor's degree, they are highly skilled professions. They may not seem like it to a biochemist or pharmacist, but they do require a lot of ability and PERSEVERANCE. Especially the performing jobs. Massage Therapists make big bucks though!

And most musicians do have high degree levels. you have to have a master's to play in most professional orchestras and such. and it's not just learning the notes to play, they have to learn stuff like the "circle of fifths" and "counterpoint composing" and that actually takes a lot of math! it's just math with a pretty sound at the end!


New member
Nov 20, 2007
If I were an ENFP I'd probably take offense too! LOL There seems to be an awful lot of possibly starving artist type jobs or at least jobs that don't have typically high salaries. IMO, it's all about education and degrees these day but that's the way it is (unfortunately). My three sisters and I (and several uncles,aunts, etc) all went into professions like the ones listed and we all had a really tough time making ends meet or were not well paid. It's often low pay, feast or famine, up and down, one month you can pay your rent - next month, not. Even as a P, I'm totally againt that for my kids. But I guess that's not going to be up to me in the long run.

But I'm not understanding WHY are these types of professions suggested for this type? Are they not interested in traditionally secure, high-paying, highly-educated professions?


New member
Dec 5, 2007
If I were an ENFP I'd probably take offense too! LOL There seems to be an awful lot of possibly starving artist type jobs or at least jobs that don't have typically high salaries. IMO, it's all about education and degrees these day but that's the way it is (unfortunately). My three sisters and I (and several uncles,aunts, etc) all went into professions like the ones listed and we all had a really tough time making ends meet or were not well paid. It's often low pay, feast or famine, up and down, one month you can pay your rent - next month, not. Even as a P, I'm totally againt that for my kids. But I guess that's not going to be up to me in the long run.

But I'm not understanding WHY are these types of professions suggested for this type? Are they not interested in traditionally secure, high-paying, highly-educated professions?

I think it's an issue of the ENFP's sense of personal ethics and Fi. From what I've read nearly everything an ENFP does must be in line with their internal sense of personal ethics.

Those are jobs that people are usually very passionate about, but don't make alot of money with. It just kind of works out that way.

I know for me, if I'm not super into something, then I'm not going to do it. It's kind of an all or nothing mentality, but only for things that ignite a fire within me.


New member
Jun 24, 2008
well. i have an office job right now. and i HATE it. there's so much bureaucracy and mindless details. i feel like my soul dies a little more each day. i've worked here for three years and i make pretty good money, have a 401k, paid insurance, huge christmas bonus... (not bad for a 23 yr old) but i just can't stay here any longer. if it comes down to starving vs being happy, i'd totally pick starving.

so, i think, stereotypically, we ENFPs don't want traditional corporate careers. but i kinda think that comparing one career field to another is like comparing apples to oranges.

Little Linguist

Striving for balance
Jun 23, 2008
Instinctual Variant
well, if she keeps spilling out strange ideas like "when i grow up, i want to become the minister of health and rid it of corruption by employing an army of 10 million policemen to survey them", or is the more studious type(likes to know a great many things), gets bored very easily, acts all goofy and things like that, then she is an enfp

dunno how ENFJ's really behave frankly :blush:

Oh man, yeah...I used to have pretty strange ideas as a kid/teenager, too.

At twelve, I was saying things like:

"In the future, I am going to go to college, get my Ph.D., get into an international organization and become a diplomat and eventually become the Secretary of State."

Yeah, that'll pretty much flabbergast or shut most people up. Then I decided, "Hmm, that is probably not the BEST thing to say."


Sep 11, 2007
Oh man, yeah...I used to have pretty strange ideas as a kid/teenager, too.

At twelve, I was saying things like:

"In the future, I am going to go to college, get my Ph.D., get into an international organization and become a diplomat and eventually become the Secretary of State."

Yeah, that'll pretty much flabbergast or shut most people up. Then I decided, "Hmm, that is probably not the BEST thing to say."

Hahahaah, I used to tell people I was going to be a feminist psychologist (because boys smell!), a primatologist (because boys smell! HAHAHAAHAH) or else become the first female Asian governor of CA.

ENFPs definitely give off a 'different' vibe but it's not necessarily a bad thing. I think to adults pick up the vibe right away and it translates to potential and/or precociousness.

Also, ENFPs are rarely aware of the impression they are making on others, whereas ENFJs are in control of it.


Apr 19, 2007
Instinctual Variant
this is a rough synopsis, maybe I will revise later...

As far as surface level, ENFPs seem to me to be bouncing balls of flame, warm and glowy. The Ne bounces everywhere exuberantly and usually in a fun way, but that Fi underlying it tends to make them burn and flash. It's less about control than spontaneous life. They connect with people by their outer flex and exuding life.

ENFJs seem to be more controlled and stable. They've got a focused Fe demeanor. That's where they connect -- in their sense of the rights and boundaries of others, their own responsibilities, how everything should mesh together and meet in order to properly respect each person. And the underlying Ni lets them understand what it's like to be in other people's shoes, it fuels the understand and empathy aspect.

But the largest aspect seems to be the "lively bounce" versus the 'warm control.'


New member
May 27, 2008
Briefly, these are the differences in the type of feeling used by each: extraverted feeling (used by ENFJs) is concerned about maintaining social structure, is more conventional, while introverted feeling (used by ENFPs) is about depth and personal values outside of convention, more attuned to inner emotional states. Empathy for the outcast is more Fi than Fe, the latter being concerned about maintaining standards and social customs that hold the group together. Essentially, introverted feeling is type 4 on the Enneagram. Extraverted feeling is Mrs. Weasley in Harry Potter, who’s probably an ESFJ. Her main priority is always on upholding the structure of her family: the social unit.

Suzanne Brue

New member
Jun 29, 2008
I thought this might help out:
I thought I should mention that most ENFJs I know always seem gravitate towards leadership positions, and most ENFPs I know don't.

ENFJs seek and are comforted by order and routine--not so with ENFPs. All you need ot do is check out their spice cabinet to see the difference. ENFJs tend to organize, even alphabetize their spices and actually put theim back in the proper order over time. You won't find the cumiin with the parsley. ENFPs might think it's a good idea, but the system would fall apart soon.


Plumage and Moult
Apr 23, 2007
ENFJs seek and are comforted by order and routine--not so with ENFPs. All you need ot do is check out their spice cabinet to see the difference. ENFJs tend to organize, even alphabetize their spices and actually put theim back in the proper order over time. You won't find the cumiin with the parsley. ENFPs might think it's a good idea, but the system would fall apart soon.

LOL! My spices are organized according to frequency of use! :D


New member
Jun 30, 2008
ENFJs seek and are comforted by order and routine--not so with ENFPs. All you need ot do is check out their spice cabinet to see the difference. ENFJs tend to organize, even alphabetize their spices and actually put theim back in the proper order over time. You won't find the cumiin with the parsley. ENFPs might think it's a good idea, but the system would fall apart soon.

Although...I find lots of ENFJs who can organize events and people, and whose homes look nice, but open a cupboard or drawer and chaos reigns.

Several close ESFJ friends in contrast think that gift cards to The Container Store are the best present (although flowers are nice too...)



New member
Jul 11, 2008
In my experience, ENFJ's are way more structured. My ENFP friend is very spontaneous, but then again she is extreme P. I think ENFJ's tend to be more "normal" on the surface. Inwardly, though, we are really whackos :D


New member
Jul 11, 2008
ENFJs seek and are comforted by order and routine--not so with ENFPs. All you need ot do is check out their spice cabinet to see the difference. ENFJs tend to organize, even alphabetize their spices and actually put theim back in the proper order over time. You won't find the cumiin with the parsley. ENFPs might think it's a good idea, but the system would fall apart soon.

So true! I love to alphabetize, while my ENFP friend thinks it's a waste of time, and I should spend more time "enjoying" my spices, not organizing them (theoretically speaking; we have discussed spice organization).

Algora J

New member
Jun 5, 2008
I think the main difference is that ENFJs like to initiate whereas ENFPs are better at going with the flow.

ENFJs take time to organize and come up with their own ideas, while ENFPs do really well when they are given a specific task, but generally they like to have fun and good at motivating and connecting with other people.

Despite their similarities, I think they each have a different thinking style. ENFPs might be closer to ENTPs whereas ENFJs might have more similarities to ENTJs.

That's all I have for now.


Sep 14, 2009
I think you guys might be reading a bit too much detail into your descriptions. I don't think one or the other necessarily makes a better leader, that is more up to the individual, anyone can be a good leader for example.

I think the key things to look at are: Straightforwardness of communication, and activity level.

I think ENFJs are more likely to act then think, ENFPs are more likely to think then act. On the converse, ENFJs will think before they speak frequently, and ENFPs just say what comes to their minds.

Also, on that note, ENFJs are not as straightforward, direct, or honest with their communication. They say what they think they need to say for effect, and are not above Bullshitting a little bit, if they think it will make other people feel better (in the short term at least) or prevent people from thinking poorly of themselves. ENFPs usually say what comes to mind, and although are aware of how it may effect people, say it directly, valuing open communication and honesty.

This is where I am going to interject my own opinion from experience: I think ENFJs are more likely to be ego driven for lack of a better word, they know how to manipulate people and are not always against it despite a strong sense of personal ethics. ENFPs are less likely to do this, but also struggle sometimes because of this. They are so direct it can hurt other people's opinions of them because other people are so used to (or prefer) getting BSed by less honest types.

I think in the end, if you have to make a leadership judgment,

I think ENFJs are more drawn to these positions, but actually make worse leaders. Normally people drawn to leadership positions are poor leaders because they are drawn there for selfish reasons. I think ENFJs that are drawn to leadership are more likely to do it out of arrogance, power, and ego, while ENFPs are more likely out of personal love for whatever they are leading, or because they don't want to be lead by someone else. I know personally, I think our (humans) current leadership hierarchy is far too vertical, and needs to be more horizontal. We need to be equals, not have 1 leader who tells us all what to do. That said, in the end, it matters on each individual reading this and their preferred leadership style. Some people prefer more selfish style leaders, and others more self sacrificing.

ENFJs are more convincing leaders, but ENFPs are better ones.

ENFJs are more traditional leaders, but ENFPs are more progressive in their leadership.

ENFJs are more organized leaders, but ENFPs are more thoughtful ones.

I talked earlier about the conscious differences that they display in their communication (ENFPs consciously try and be more honest, ENFJs more consciously try and consider other people feelings before speaking. However, on the unconscious realm it is a different story. The unconscious must be observed because clearly even the individual is not very aware of these impulses. I believe on the unconscious level:

ENFJs words are adapted for others but their actions are more selfish
ENFPs actions are adapted for others but their words are more selfish

This may seem counter intuitive to the introverted actions of an ENFP and the extraverted actions of the ENFJ, but I think that usually our extroverted sides are more selfish while appearing to consider others. This is why extroversion is more common, but also more shunned universally. The majority is usually survivable, and the minority correct. If the minority wasn't right, they would have little need to exist.

I also think ENFPs, tend to lead and think more long term, and ENFJs more short term, however both types are pretty long term oriented. An example is how the ENFJ is more likely to be less than honest to make someone feel better. If they can make someone feel better in the moment they feel better, but they don't always think of the long run and how this will affect the person if said individual knew their true intentions.

In the end though, I think the leadership style is more about the person than the Myers Briggs type, remember there are only 16 types, and there are way more people than that on the Earth.

Last note: I am an ENFP (4w5) myself and this may make it hard for me to judge an ENFJ (and vice versa), of course it could also make my judgments more bitingly accurate too. Don't you love the gray? Nothing closer mirrors reality than fence sitting, because our world is rarely boxed in so easily. Also, given the fact that we are so connected to our functions (you can't separate Extroverted Intuition from Introverted Feeling), and because we frequently display traits from out of type (an ENFJ will frequently experience Extroverted Intuition and Introverted Feeling despite their preference being the opposite) it makes it very difficult to properly pin types down with any sort of accurate certainty.